React Package for Zoom and Pan Canvas - reactjs

I am new to React. I want to find a package that handles zooming and panning on a canvas. For those that have used Figma, just like that. Does this make sense? If you know of any, please let me know!

Try react-touch-canvas
This is a set of two React higher order components, for hooking mouse and touch events panning/zooming functionality into your application.


Implementing Mobile Controls into React Three Fiber

I'm currently trying to create a desktop AND mobile experience using React Three Fiber, using this example as a boilerplate: For mobile I've managed to create some buttons which simulate pointerControls interactions for panning the camera.
The problem now, is simulating key presses (such as spacebar); I can't seem to add a ref to Keyboard Controls, and I've tried doing something like this:
How to trigger keypress event in React.js and using ref.dispatchEvent connected to the <App> container itself, but to no avail.
Any suggestions for how to simulate keypresses which get picked up by the Player component (such as Space for causing the player to jump)? Alternatively, anyone know of any great 'dual' joystick control examples for mobile, with one for moving and one for panning?

Built in types of marker icons in react leaflet

I wanted to know if there is any other type of marker that comes with react leaflet apart from the default blue one. Also without uploading any icon image, how can I customize the existing marker icon? I have already tried to refer many online sources but everywhere it consists of uploading your own marker icon which I would not like to do in my project. Any help would be highly appreciated, thanks!
There is also the CircleMarker and... that is it.
The Circle Marker offers some style customization though.
Then you have plenty plugins, not sure how to use them with React Leaflet. But it might be not too difficult given that you just need to specify an icon prop on the Marker.

React WebApp <canvas> touch events

Just a general question,
I know the most common approach to <canvas> tags in JavaScript is with the onMouseDown, onMouseUp and onMouseMove events when it comes to drawing. However I was wondering what is the corrent way to add touch events for mobile devices such as onTouchStart, onTouchEnd and onTouchMove without using traditional jQ such as document.getElementById()?
Thank you.

Make View render while swiping up with PanResponder

I am able to change the position (swipe up) of my View accordingly with PanResPonder. The problem is during the swipe motion, the content of the View being dragged for the swipe do not render.
I tried using flexGrow:1 and flex:1 so as the View enlarge with the swipe, the View would be getting filled by content.
I know there a few libraries out there for swipes but I think this is fairly doable without library.
Thanks in advance cheers.
It really depends on your approach there. First things first.
You have to understand about JS Bridge and Native on react-native. The JSBridge is single-treaded and all the fired renders go through there. It means you can easily get dropped on FPS if you do not take it into account. The Native, well, is native code running, thats all.
To have performant app, you have to keep the passes over the bridge to a minimun.
The PanResponder touches happen on the native side, while the component renders use the bridge. You should put some code there, but i would bet that the problem is with too many renders happening and the JS Bridge gets overloaded.
Also try to use Direct Manipulation ( to avoit rendering one entire tree and perform it on the native side.

Place Image above another image dynamically in ReactNative App

I have an iOS app in which, we take user pics, and then allowed them to put some random custom images above the pics.
While placing these custom pics above real image, they can rotate, scale these custom image. ( See this StickerViewIOS )
Now I am looking for exact same solution while making ReactNative.
Tried lot of Googling but no results found.
Just want to ask community if any of the ReactNative component available for the same.
There's no rotation support, but I did something similar for an app I made for Chain React.
Here's the image component that supports gestures:
To overlay them on top, just use the ImageBackground Component
