How to use CheckBoxes filter in Google DataStudio? - checkbox

In a Report in Google DataStudio, I have a CSV connector (for the moment).
I would like to use a check box to sort only lines who are under a value on a specific page.
The Facts: I have a field who are listed the time in seconds. I've make a simple filter
Include |MyFieldinSeconds|<=|86400
This way work.
But I whould like to add a checkbox for apply this field or not. For the viewer, this is the hard part. The checkboxes options are "Source of Data" and "Control Field", only booleen.
I've try to solve this by the group selection, by the Filter group option with the filter without success.
Thank You


How to track searches in piwik?

The site I'm building has a jquery based search input that hides or shows elements that match whatever you type in:
There's no submit button - results are displayed in real time.
Is there any way to track what users are typing into this box? Something to do with custom variables maybe?
This is what we do on Piwik's developer site to track searches:
_paq.push(['trackSiteSearch', 'here is the search query', false, false]);
This is pretty straightforward, have a look at the "Internal search tracking" documentation too.

drupal views display needs multiple sort order for exposed filter

I have a 4 quicktabbed views blocks on a page and rightnow. All blocks show lists that can be sorted by "Title" with an exposed filter and a sort order dropdown button for options "A-Z" and "Z-A". So the user can view the list either way. I need to add another exposed filter option for posted date. I see how to do that and it's now an option in the pulldown button that shows "Title" but I can't see how to add option for "most recent" and "oldest" either in the sort order dropdown button or anywhere. Can this be done in the views UI or is this going to involve some php coding? If php, where do I start, given I'm a php newbie?
I don't know if you've figured it out yet, I had to do something similar recently.
this answer helped me [Drupal 7: Exposed filter on a post date just to set up a created date filter.
As for the newest/oldest sort, you add Content: Post date to your Sort criteria, the you could maybe check the Advanced sort options in BEF Settings for your view. There you can combine 'sort order with sort by' like the following current_value|replacement_value pair:
Publication date Asc|Oldest
Publication date Desc|Newest
Let me know if that was helpful in any way or if you need a more detailed answer

Show Opportunity Stage Name Picklist read only based on user role

I am new to Salesforce and need an idea how is possible that suppose I have one user named "ABC".I don't want to show the Opportunity StageName picklist when "ABC" user login in editable form or just want to show the StageName value in textfield or anything other.
I tried to set the permission under setup but not achieved what I want. I just came to know that formula field or formula will used for that, as I am new to Salesforce so I unable to create a formula field.
To achieve this You should try field level security settings:
You can select per field /profile combination which fields are visible and which are editable.
You cannot apply FLS on system required fields neither can you make them read only on the page layouts. You also cannot remove such fields from page layout. In short you are stuck with this field for ever!
I wish Stage was not a required field.

Dynamically disabling menu based on database query?

So I'm not a programmer, but my friend is. He's trying to help me develop a web/phone app but we are stuck because I'm having trouble communicating to him an idea and he is having trouble understanding. One or both of us is a moron ;) Part of the problem is that I don't even know where to search for the answer cuz I don't know the specific search terms...believe me I've tried...and I've searched stack overflow as well. Here is the problem:
Short Question:
Websites (like hotel search) allow you to search for rooms by selecting checkboxes in certain categories (i.e. smoking/nonsmoking, stars, size of bed, near downtown, etc.). Certainly these sites are referencing a large database of hotels in a city.
How can you create a site so that as you check boxes (narrow your search), other options which are no longer available are dynamically "grayed out" or disabled on the fly so you cannot check those boxes. So if I were to check 4 stars and that excluded all smoking rooms based on the database, then the option to check "smoking" would be disabled.
The key to this is that the site is querying a database as you click boxes, then based on the results of that query (which is presumably many rows of data (a subset)), it is analysing that subset of data to determine whether checkbox options should be on/off, then dynamically "graying out" specific options that are no longer available. Once you got to only a single possible result, then the site would pop up the website for that hotel (or some other action).
What is this called? Where can I get more information on this. Any pointing toward the right direction would be tremendously appreciated.
Thanks so much in advance!
So here is my sample database. Each Column (i.e. AA, AB, AC) represents a checkbox. '1'= True, '0'= False, and '2'= Either. Therefore, if you click checkbox AA, then only the top three rows would meet the criteria of AA=True. So query would return the top three rows. The '2's could be either True/False so since they don't affect outcome, those checkboxes should be disabled and only the checkboxes CA,CB, & CC should remain choosable. If you then click checkbox CB, then result ZYX would be output.
Conceptually, How do you go from the initial click to the point where the database is queried and the results are used to dynamically change the menu. People have suggested javascript but i am not looking for a language. I am more looking for the concept. I was thinking that the query would return a new "temp" array with just the top three rows. Then each column of this "temp" array would be queried to see if it contained a '1' in any of the rows. If it did, then that button would be turned "ON". If it didn't then that button would be turned "OFF". Is this confusing? Am I asking for too much ;)
This sounds like javascript could help. For example, using jQuery, you can dynamically send queries to databases based on whatever you click on checkboxes, and then reload a particular section of the webpage. Javascript can also dynamically disable checkboxes.

Report Builder 2.0 Create a dataset with Parameters

I cannot get my dataset to recognise a parameter supplied to it.
I have created a report parameter "ProjectID".
(In Report Parameter Properties, Name="ProjectID", Prompt="ProjectID").
In Dataset Properties|Parameters, Parameter Name="ID", Parameter Value="[#ProjectID]".
When I click on the Filter button in Query Designer, the "Projects with" panel says:
"? ID equals (unspecified)".
But when I run the query I'm not prompted to enter a parameter value, and multiple rows are returned.
I should stress that I'm simply trying to replicate the functionality of a pre-existing report where all this works exactly as expected.
When I diff the rdl files of the two reports there are obvious differences, and I can hack the xml (of the semantic query) so that it works, but I don't really have the understanding of why it's working, or how to replicate the necessary changes via the GUI.
Can someone please give me some pointers - preferably without referring me to the documentation as I've been through this numerous times as well!!
Thanks in advance,
p.s. I can post some of the rdl differences if that will help, but wanted to keep my initial post clear and to the point.
OK, so what you need to do is when in the Filter screen of the Query designer, assuming you've already specified a filter in the main pane, such as:
"ID equals (unspecified)"
You need to click on "ID" and a context menu appears with "Edit as Formula", "Prompt" and "Remove Condition".
Select "Prompt", and there you go.
