Change text at every time interval - React - reactjs

I am trying to change a text (it begins automatically when the screen appears) at every time interval in react, but the problem is that, the time given isn't respected, and the text is changing at a random time interval.
This is a part of my code:
const names = [
'tony', 'elias', 'fadi'
const [newName, setnewName] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
for (const [index, value] of names.entries()) {
setTimeout(() => { shuffle(value) }, 5000);
const shuffle = (value) => {
And thank you!

Couple things here, but the main issue is the use of setTimeout in a useEffect call with no dependency array. So you're calling shuffle 5000ms after each render, which is why the updates seem to occur at random times. Additionally, the way shuffle is called looks like it will pose some issues.
You should modify your code so that the shuffle function selects a random element from the names array on its own and only call shuffle one time (you might also consider renaming shuffle to something like selectRandomName). Then change setTimeout to setInterval and only call that on mount (instead of on each render).
Here's a full example:
const names = [
'tony', 'elias', 'fadi'
function MyComponent() {
const [newName, setnewName] = useState("");
const shuffle = useCallback(() => {
const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * names.length);
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
const intervalID = setInterval(shuffle, 5000);
return () => clearInterval(intervalID);
}, [shuffle])
Note the use of useCallback here is to prevent useEffect from running on each render while also preventing linter warnings from showing up.


how to unmount a function in useEffect (react js)

test function dose not unmount and wen i click on correectAnswer the last function (test) is steal running and again test function will run and then when the last test function achieve to 0 we go to loser page.
const [state, setState] = useState({
haveTime: 10
const [states] = useState({
correct: "question",
step: "loser"
const test = (timer) => {
let haveTime = 10
let time = setInterval(() => {
haveTime -= 1;
setState({ haveTime })
// console.log(state.haveTime)
}, 1000);
setTimeout(() => {
}, timer);
const correectAnswer = () => {
if (index === 9) {
else {
type: "indexIncrease"
let { question, correct_answer } = details.question[index];
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
There are a few things wrong with your code.
First you are combining setInterval with setTimeout which is not a good idea just because of the amount of coordination that needs to happen.
Second to clear an interval or a timeout you need to do it from within the useEffect by returning a function.
Third you have no "dependencies" in your useEffect.
Look at this code that use in one my apps:
useEffect(() => {
const delayDebounceFn = setTimeout(() => {
SetSearchFilter(SearchLocal, State.Reversed);
}, 250)
// this is how you clear a timeout from within a use effect
// by returning a function that does the disposing
return () => clearTimeout(delayDebounceFn);
}, [SearchLocal]);//here you need to add the actual dependencies of your useEffect
Lastly you need to breakdown your useEffect to perform a "single effect". Combining "too much stuff" into a single use effect is not good because then it is very difficult to debug and to achieve what you want.
You need to break down your useEffect into smaller useEffects.
You need to tell the useEffect when you want it to run by adding the dependencies. This way you know that a particular useEffect will run for ecxample if the "nextStep" has changed or if the test has reached the end.

Debounce or throttle with react hook

I need to make an api request when a search query param from an input fields changes, but only if the field is not empty.
I am testing with several answers found on this site, but can't get them working
Firstly this one with a custom hook
export function useDebounce(value, delay) {
const [debouncedValue, setDebouncedValue] = useState(value);
useEffect(() => {
const handler = setTimeout(() => {
}, delay);
return () => clearTimeout(handler);
}, [value, delay]);
return debouncedValue;
now in my component I do this
const debouncedTest = useDebounce(() => {console.log("something")}, 1000);
but this seems to gets called every rerender regardless of any parameter, and I need to be able to call it inside a useEffect, like this
useEffect(() => {
if (query) {
useDebounce(() => {console.log("something")}, 1000);
} else {
}, [query]);
which of course does not work
Another approach using lodash
const throttledTest = useRef(throttle(() => {
}, 1000, {leading: false}))
But how would i trigger this from the useEffect above? I don't understand how to make this work
Thank you
Your hook's signature is not the same as when you call it.
Perhaps you should do something along these lines:
const [state, setState] = useState(''); // name it whatever makes sense
const debouncedState = useDebounce(state, 1000);
useEffect(() => {
if (debouncedState) functionCall(debouncedState);
}, [debouncedState])
I can quickly point out a thing or two here.
useEffect(() => {
if (query) {
useDebounce(() => {console.log("something")}, 1000);
} else {
}, [query]);
technically you can't do the above, useEffect can't be nested.
Normally debounce isn't having anything to do with a hook. Because it's a plain function. So you should first look for a solid debounce, create one or use lodash.debounce. And then structure your code to call debounce(fn). Fn is the original function that you want to defer with.
Also debounce is going to work with cases that changes often, that's why you want to apply debounce to reduce the frequency. Therefore it'll be relatively uncommon to see it inside a useEffect.
const debounced = debounce(fn, ...)
const App = () => {
const onClick = () => { debounced() }
return <button onClick={onClick} />
There's another common problem, people might take debounce function inside App. That's not correct either, since the App is triggered every time it renders.
I can provide a relatively more detailed solution later. It'll help if you can explain what you'd like to do as well.

State not update when using setter and setInterval in useEffect

I have the following code, which I expect it to print an extra 10 every 2 seconds on the screen. However, it only prints 10 once. console.log(digits) gave me the correct array of 10s. How can I add a 10 to the array every 2 seconds and print the updated array on the screen each time the 10 is added?
Code sandbox here:
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
let data = [];
export default function App() {
const [digits, setDigits] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
let timer = setInterval(() => {
}, 2000);
return () => clearInterval(timer);
}, [digits]);
return <div className="App">{digits}</div>;
The issue is with setDigits(data). With arrays, you should be executing setDigits([]).
Another way would be doing this:
let timer = setInterval(() => {
setDigits([...digits, 10]);
}, 2000);
Whenever dealing with objects, you should treat them as immutables. What happened here is you modifying an array and puhsing the SAME array into a state. While the value might be different, the array is actually the same hence it does not update the render. Whenever doing [] it creates a new array with the same values hence trigger the update.
useEffect picks up the new value change hence why it fires again(cant be observed by console.log()), but this does not trigger re-render of the component.
In your code, you are mutating the same array data by pushing 10 after each 2 seconds. As a result, the useEffect is not executing in the subsequent renders. So either you spread data array as in the following code snippet or simply get rid of the data variable and rely on digits array as Lith suggested.
export default function App() {
const [digits, setDigits] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
let timer = setInterval(() => {
data = [, 10];
}, 2000);
return () => clearInterval(timer);
}, [digits]);
return <div className="App">{digits}</div>;

useEffect re-renders too many times

I have this component, that needs to fetch data, set it to state and then pass it to the children.
Some of the data also needs to be set in context.
My problem is that using useEffect, once called the API, it will re-render for each setvalue() function I need to execute.
I have tried passing to useEffect an empty [] array, still getting the same number of re-renders, due to the fact that the state is changing.
At the moment the array is containg the set...functions to prevent eslint to throw warnings.
Is there a better way to avoid this many re-renders ?
const Home = (props) => {
console.log("TCL: Home -> props", props);
const classes = useStyles();
const [value, setValue] = React.useState(0);
const { listSavedJobs, setListSavedJobs, setIsFullView} = useContext(HomeContext);
const {
} = useContext(UserContext);
const [searchSettings, setSearchSettings] = useState([]);
const [oppData, setOppData] = useState([]);
const handleChange = (event, newValue) => {
const handleChangeIndex = index => {
useEffect(() => {
const triggerAPI = async () => {
const oppResponse = await API.getOpportunity();
const profileResponse = await API.getUserProfile();
const profileExtData = await API.getUserProfileExt();
}, [
Pass just an empty array to second parameter of useEffect.
React guarantees that setState function identity is stable and won’t
change on re-renders. This is why it’s safe to omit from the useEffect
or useCallback dependency list.
Edit: Try this to avoid rerenders. Use with caution
Only Run on Mount and Unmount
You can pass the special value of empty array [] as a way of saying “only run on mount and unmount”. So if we changed our component above to call useEffect like this:
useEffect(() => {
return () => console.log('unmounting...');
}, [])
Then it will print “mounted” after the initial render, remain silent throughout its life, and print “unmounting…” on its way out.
Prevent useEffect From Running Every Render
If you want your effects to run less often, you can provide a second argument – an array of values. Think of them as the dependencies for that effect. If one of the dependencies has changed since the last time, the effect will run again. (It will also still run after the initial render)
const [value, setValue] = useState('initial');
useEffect(() => {
// This effect uses the `value` variable,
// so it "depends on" `value`.
}, [value])
For more clarification useEffect
If you are using React 18, this won't be a problem anymore as the new auto batching feature:
If you are using an old version, can refer to this solution:

react hooks and setInterval

Is there any alternative to just keeping a "clock" in the background to implement auto-next (after a few seconds) in carousel using react hooks?
The custom react hook below implements a state for a carousel that supports manual (next, prev, reset) and automatic (start, stop) methods for changing the carousel's current (active) index.
const useCarousel = (items = []) => {
const [current, setCurrent] = useState(
items && items.length > 0 ? 0 : undefined
const [auto, setAuto] = useState(false);
const next = () => setCurrent((current + 1) % items.length);
const prev = () => setCurrent(current ? current - 1 : items.length - 1);
const reset = () => setCurrent(0);
const start = _ => setAuto(true);
const stop = _ => setAuto(false);
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(_ => {
if (auto) {
} else {
// do nothing
}, 3000);
return _ => clearInterval(interval);
return {
There are differences between setInterval and setTimeout that you may not want to lose by always restarting your timer when the component re-renders. This fiddle shows the difference in drift between the two when other code is also running. (On older browsers/machines—like from when I originally answered this question—you don't even need to simulate a large calculation to see a significant drift begin to occur after only a few seconds.)
Referring now to your answer, Marco, the use of setInterval is totally lost because effects without conditions dispose and re-run every time the component re-renders. So in your first example, the use of the current dependency causes that effect to dispose and re-run every time the current changes (every time the interval runs). The second one does the same thing, but actually every time any state changes (causing a re-render), which could lead to some unexpected behavior. The only reason that one works is because next() causes a state change.
Considering the fact that you are probably not concerned with exact timing, is is cleanest to use setTimeout in a simple fashion, using the current and auto vars as dependencies. So to re-state part of your answer, do this:
() => {
if (!auto) return;
const interval = setTimeout(_ => {
}, autoInterval);
return _ => clearTimeout(interval);
[auto, current]
Generically, for those just reading this answer and want a way to do a simple timer, here is a version that doesn't take into account the OP's original code, nor their need for a way to start and stop the timer independently:
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
() => {
const id= setTimeout(() => {
setCounter(counter + 1);
// You could also do `setCounter((count) => count + 1)` instead.
// If you did that, then you wouldn't need the dependency
// array argument to this `useEffect` call.
}, 1000);
return () => {
However, you may be wondering how to use a more exact interval, given the fact that setTimeout can drift more than setInterval. Here is one method, again, generic without using the OP's code:
// Using refs:
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(30);
const r = useRef(null);
r.current = { counter, setCounter };
() => {
const id = setInterval(() => {
r.current.setCounter(r.current.counter + 1);
}, 1000);
return () => {
[] // empty dependency array
// Using the function version of `setCounter` is cleaner:
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(30);
() => {
const id = setInterval(() => {
setCounter((count) => count + 1);
}, 1000);
return () => {
[] // empty dependency array
Here is what is going on above:
(first example, using refs): To get setInterval's callback to always refer to the currently acceptable version of setCounter we need some mutable state. React gives us this with useRef. The useRef function will return an object that has a current property. We can then set that property (which will happen every time the component re-renders) to the current versions of counter and setCounter.
(second example, using functional setCounter): Same idea as the first, except that when we use the function version of setCounter, we will have access to the current version of the count as the first argument to the function. No need to use a ref to keep things up to date.
(both examples, continued): Then, to keep the interval from being disposed of on each render, we add an empty dependency array as the second argument to useEffect. The interval will still be cleared when the component is unmounted.
Note: I used to like using ["once"] as my dependency array to indicate that I am forcing this effect to be set up only once. It was nice for readability at the time, but I no longer use it for two reasons. First, hooks are more widely understood these days and we have seen the empty array all over the place. Second, it clashes with the very popular "rule of hooks" linter which is quite strict about what goes in the dependency array.
So applying what we know to the OP's original question, you could use setInterval for a less-likely-to-drift slideshow like this:
// ... OP's implementation code including `autoInterval`,
// `auto`, and `next` goes above here ...
const r = useRef(null);
r.current = { next };
() => {
if (!auto) return;
const id = setInterval(() => {;
}, autoInterval);
return () => {
Because the current value is going to change on every "interval" as long as it should be running, then your code will start and stop a new timer on every render. You can see this in action here:
You can change setInterval to be setTimeout and you will get the exact same behaviour. setTimeout is not a persistent clock, but it doesn't matter since they both get cleaned up anyways.
If you do not want to start any timer at all, then put the condition before setInterval not inside of it.
() => {
let id;
if (run) {
id = setInterval(() => {
setValue(value + 1)
}, 1000);
return () => {
if (id) {
alert(id) // notice this runs on every render and is different every time
So far, it seems that both solutions below work as desired:
Conditionally creating timer — it requires that useEffect is dependent both on auto and current to work
() => {
if (!auto) return;
const interval = setInterval(_ => {
}, autoInterval);
return _ => clearInterval(interval);
[auto, current]
Conditionally executing update to state — it does not require useEffect dependencies
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(_ => {
if (auto) {
} else {
// do nothing
}, autoInterval);
return _ => clearInterval(interval);
Both solutions work if we replace setInterval by setTimeout
You could use useTimeout hook that returns true after specified number of milliseconds.
