Can I use a recursive ParentalKey in Wagtail? - wagtail

Say I have the following model in a Wagtail app:
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.deletion import CASCADE
from wagtail.admin.edit_handlers import InlinePanel, FieldPanel
from modelcluster.models import ParentalKey, ClusterableModel
class Person(ClusterableModel):
name = models.CharField(max_length=300)
contact_for = ParentalKey(
'self', on_delete=CASCADE, null=True, related_name='contacts'
panels = [
And the following hooks:
from wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.options import ModelAdmin, modeladmin_register
from home.models import Person
class PersonAdmin(ModelAdmin):
model = Person
menu_label = 'People'
menu_icon = 'list-ul'
menu_order = 200
add_to_settings_menu = False
exclude_from_explorer = False
list_display = ('name',)
search_fields = ('name',)
list_filter = ('contact_for',)
When running the above and navigating to Admin > People > Add Person I will get a RecursionError exception (maximum recursion depth exceeded).
I'm guessing this is a Wagtail related issue, because I can use the class as intended in IPython:
./ shell -i ipython
In [1]: from home.models import Person
In [2]: mike = Person(name='Mike')
In [3]: mike.contacts = [Person(name='Sam'), Person(name='John')]
In [4]: mike.contacts
Out[4]: <modelcluster.fields.create_deferring_foreign_related_manager.<locals>.DeferringRelatedManager at 0x7f36e9548af0>
In [5]:
In [6]: [ for person in Person.objects.all()]
Out[6]: ['Mike', 'Sam', 'John']
In [7]: Person.objects.all()[1]
Out[7]: 'Mike'
So, is there a way I can make use of a recursive ParentalKey in Wagtail? What am I doing wrong/missing?
Edit: I just found this answer. So I'm wondering if I should even be trying to use ParentalKey (and ParentalManyToManyField) for non Page models.
Edit 2: For anyone interested, I ended up splitting my Model to avoid a recursive key. InlinePanels do work with ModelAdmin classes, it's just Wagtail doesn't seem to support recursive keys. I have also opted to use Snippets and SnippetChooserPanel where it felt appropriate.

A ParentalKey means that the child model is notionally treated as 'part of' the parent model and doesn't exist as an independent entity - for example, an image gallery being part of a page - for purposes such as versioning, and moderation workflow. (In Wagtail, non-page models handled through snippets or ModelAdmin don't have these features, but in order for them to share the same InlinePanel mechanism as pages, they also use ParentalKey.)
In this case, a Person is not part of another Person, and needs to be editable independently of the 'parent', so a ParentalKey isn't appropriate here. Instead, you should use a ForeignKey, which just indicates some relation between the models. This does mean that you can't use an InlinePanel to manage multiple Person records within the same view - you'll have to edit them separately, and use something like SnippetChooserPanel or a simple dropdown to set up the relations between them.


How do I access a model in wagtail which is linked by a central model as a many-to-many relationship?

I'm working with wagtail and implemented a many-to-many relationship between page models by using a central model which handles this relationship. I did the same, as what is written in this issue: Wagtail many-to-many links between different Page models and it works so far in the wagtail admin.
Now I struggle with accessing the information of the related page model and displaying it on a template. So let's assume, that I use the code from the mentioned issue:
Example Code
from modelcluster.fields import ParentalKey
from wagtail.admin.edit_handlers import FieldPanel, InlinePanel, PageChooserPanel
class PersonPageSitePageRelation(models.Model):
person = ParentalKey('app.PersonPage', on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='sites')
site = ParentalKey('app.SitePage', on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='people')
# Optional: some additional fields (e.g. 'note') for this relation
# Important: NOT setting any `panels` here, will be set individually for each 'direction'
class Meta:
unique_together = ('person', 'site')
class PersonPage(Page):
# ... fields (note: `sites` does NOT need to be declared as a field)
# Now we add an `InlinePanel` that will connect to the parental connection to PersonPageSitePageRelation via the related name `sites`, but the panels available will be the PersonPageSitePageRelation's field `site`
content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
# ... other FieldPanel etc
InlinePanel('sites', label='Related Sites', [PageChooserPanel('site')]),
class SitePage(Page):
# ... fields (note: `people` does NOT need to be declared as a field)
# Now we add an `InlinePanel` that will connect to the parental connection to PersonPageSitePageRelation via the related name `people`, but the panels available will be the PersonPageSitePageRelation's field `person`
content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
# ... other FieldPanel etc
InlinePanel('people', label='Related People', panels=[PageChooserPanel('person')]),
I'm able to select related person-pages on a site page by a page-chooser-panel. How can I now display all persons of one site on a site_page.html template?
If I'm accessing one specific SidePage via site_page.html I tried the tag {{page.people}} but I just see PersonPageSitePageRelation.None. I'm so confused by the use of the central PersonPageSitePageRelation model and I don't find any similar case in other issues.
Thank you a lot in advance!

Wagtail many-to-many links between different Page models

Does anyone have or know of a recipe (sample code and/or instructions) on setting up many-to-many relationships between different Page models? If I have PersonPage and SitePage models, how do I connect the pages (a person can work at multiple sites and a site can have multiple people working there)?
Here's what I've found related to, but not directly on, this topic—
Wagtail docs: from a search for "many-to-many" the only hit is in the section on the taggit module (Recipes page).
Wagtail docs: the only reference to the ParentalManyToManyField is a demo of how it can be used to create M2Ms between pages and categories (Tutorial)
This 2015 post on M2M relationships in Wagtail (it's referenced in an SO 'answer' to basically the same question I'm asking here). Although it doesn't discuss page-page relationships the approach presented might be adapted to work. My modified imitation failed with various errors depending on how I tried to set up the InlinePanel call — but the sample code from the post fails in just the same ways, so either it wasn't tested or it's been made obsolete in 2.x.
class PersonPage(Page):
PersonPage.content_panels = [
InlinePanel('ps_links', label='PS Links'),
class PersonSitePageLink():
spage = models.ForeignKey('SitePage', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name='sites')
ppage = ParentalKey('PersonPage', related_name='ps_links', on_delete=models.SET_NULL,)
panels = [
class SitePage(Page):
This technique works fine for relating a Page model to itself, but expanding it to encompass two distinct models creates two parallel but unconnected sets of relationships (you can pick arbitrary Bug pages to link to any Plant page, or vice versa, but the Plants you picked don't show when you edit Bugs). I see why in the code, I think, but I don't see how to make a single M2M connection between the two pages.
class PlantPage(Page):
related_bugs = ParentalManyToManyField('BugPage', blank=True)
content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
class BugPage(Page):
related_plants = ParentalManyToManyField('PlantPage', blank=True)
content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
This one also only talks about intra-page model (rather than inter-page model) M2Ms. (It is pre-ParentalManyToManyField and in fact only available from the Wayback Machine.)
I hope this helps, I took inspiration from this article about moving from ParentalManyToManyField to a central model that 'links' each page from this AccordBox article.
It turns out that InlinePanel does not fully support ParentalManyToManyField, hence the issues you were running into.
I was able to implement a refined approach to your option one above and it should solve your problem.
A reminder that all Page models already extend ClusterableModel so there is no need to add that to any models you create.
Create a new 'relation' that extends models.Model which will be the relation between these two page models.
Each field within this new model will be the two page types via the model-cluster ParentalKey each with a logical related_name set that is the OTHER side of the relationship.
No need to set panels on this model as we will declare the panels individually via the panels kwarg to InlinePanel - see the InlinePanel docs.
Finally, each individual Page's content_panels has an InlinePanel added that refers to the central relation model indirectly via that model's related_name, adding the other side reference to PageChooserPanel.
Example Code
from modelcluster.fields import ParentalKey
from wagtail.admin.edit_handlers import FieldPanel, InlinePanel, PageChooserPanel
class PersonPageSitePageRelation(models.Model):
person = ParentalKey('app.PersonPage', on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='sites')
site = ParentalKey('app.SitePage', on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='people')
# Optional: some additional fields (e.g. 'note') for this relation
# Important: NOT setting any `panels` here, will be set individually for each 'direction'
class Meta:
unique_together = ('person', 'site')
class PersonPage(Page):
# ... fields (note: `sites` does NOT need to be declared as a field)
# Now we add an `InlinePanel` that will connect to the parental connection to PersonPageSitePageRelation via the related name `sites`, but the panels available will be the PersonPageSitePageRelation's field `site`
content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
# ... other FieldPanel etc
InlinePanel('sites', label='Related Sites', [PageChooserPanel('site')]),
class SitePage(Page):
# ... fields (note: `people` does NOT need to be declared as a field)
# Now we add an `InlinePanel` that will connect to the parental connection to PersonPageSitePageRelation via the related name `people`, but the panels available will be the PersonPageSitePageRelation's field `person`
content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
# ... other FieldPanel etc
InlinePanel('people', label='Related People', panels=[PageChooserPanel('person')]),
Further Reading
Read about Django Modelcluster - which is the library that ParentalKey comes from.

Filtering on PageQuerySet (which is retuned by specific()) is returning FieldError in Wagtail

I am using subclassed model of Wagtail Page.
In below code you can see that PhoenixPage is base page which subclasses Wagtail Page model.
PhoenixArticlePage & PhoenixMealPrepPage subclasses PhoenixPage
PhoenixArticleIndexPage subclasses PhoenixBaseIndexPage which in turn subclasses PhoenixPage
Idea is to use PhoenixArticleIndexPage for all other article pages.
Problem is even after using the specific() method on queryset i am unable to use filter or any other operation on the queryset.
i tried using order_by() as well as filter()
Can someone share some insights here ? what might be wrong ?
Here is a model example:
class PhoenixPage(Page):
General use page with caching, templating, and SEO functionality.
All pages should inherit from this.
class Meta:
verbose_name = _("Phoenix Page")
# Do not allow this page type to be created in wagtail admin
is_creatable = False
tags = ClusterTaggableManager(
class PhoenixBaseIndexPage(PaginatedListPageMixin, PhoenixPage):
class meta:
verbose_name = "Phoenix Base Index Page"
app_label = "v1"
index_show_subpages_default = True
is_creatable = False
class PhoenixArticleIndexPage(PhoenixBaseIndexPage):
class Meta:
verbose_name = "Phoenix Article Index Page"
app_label = "v1"
class PhoenixArticlePage(PhoenixPage):
class Meta:
verbose_name = "Phoenix Article Page"
app_label = "v1"
subpage_types = []
parent_page_types = ["v1.PhoenixArticleIndexPage"]
class PhoenixMealPrepPage(PhoenixPage):
class Meta:
verbose_name = "Phoenix Meal Prep Page"
app_label = "v1"
subpage_types = []
parent_page_types = ["v1.PhoenixArticleIndexPage"]
Here are shell queries i tried.
Index page
In [4]: a = PhoenixArticleIndexPage.objects.all()[0]
In [5]: a
Out[5]: <PhoenixArticleIndexPage: articles>
As expected, get_children returning all instances of Wagtail Page.
In [6]: a.get_children()
Out[6]: <PageQuerySet [<Page: article title>, <Page: article title2>, <Page: Our 30-Day Reset Recipes Are So Easy AND Delicious>]>
Getting specific children from the Index page.
In [7]: a.get_children().specific()
Out[7]: <PageQuerySet [<PhoenixArticlePage: article title>, <PhoenixArticlePage: article title2>, <PhoenixMealPrepPage: Our 30-Day Reset Recipes Are So Easy AND Delicious>]>
Get Tag and try to filter the queryset
In [8]: q = a.get_children().specific()
In [12]: m = PhoenixTag.objects.get(slug='meal')
In [16]: k={"tags":m}
In [19]: q.filter(**k)
***FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 'tags' into field. Choices are ...***
But if i go to particular entry in queryset then i can see tags field on it.
In [15]: q[2]
Out[15]: <PhoenixMealPrepPage: Our 30-Day Reset Recipes Are So Easy AND Delicious>
In [16]: q[2].tags
Out[16]: <modelcluster.contrib.taggit._ClusterTaggableManager at 0x1060832b0>
Could be different question all together but for reference adding it here.
Found the corner case of using difference() and specific() method on a queryset.
In [87]: q = PhoenixPage.objects.child_of(a).live()
In [89]: f = q.filter(featured=True)[:3]
In [91]: l = q.difference(f)
In [93]: l.order_by(a.index_order_by).specific() . <-- does not work
DatabaseError: ORDER BY term does not match any column in the result set.
The specific() method on PageQuerySet works by running the initial query on the basic Page model as normal, then running additional queries - one for each distinct page type found in the results - to retrieve the information from the specific page models. This means it's not possible to use fields from the specific model in filter or order_by clauses, because those have to be part of the initial query, and at that point Django has no way to know which page models are involved.
However, if you know that your query should only ever return pages of one particular type (PhoenixPage in this case) containing the field you want to filter/order on, you can reorganise your query expression so that the query happens on that model instead:

How to show all fields of model in admin page?

here is the models page
In this picture, only the title shows up on here, I used:
def __unicode__(self):
return self.title;
here is the each individual objects
How do I show all these fields?
How do I show all the fields in each Model page?
If you want to include all fields without typing all fieldnames, you can use
list_display = BookAdmin._meta.get_all_field_names()
The drawback is, the fields are in sorted order.
This method has been deprecated in Django 1.10 See Migrating from old API for reference. Following should work instead for Django >= 1.9 for most cases -
list_display = [ for field in Book._meta.get_fields()]
By default, the admin layout only shows what is returned from the object's unicode function. To display something else you need to create a custom admin form in app_dir/
See here:
You need to add an admin form, and setting the list_display field.
In your specific example (
class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('title', 'author', 'price'), BookAdmin)
If you want to include all but the ManyToManyField field names, and have them in the same order as in the file, you can use:
list_display = [ for field in Book._meta.fields if != "id"]
As you can see, I also excluded the id.
If you find yourself doing this a lot, you could create a subclass of ModelAdmin:
class CustomModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def __init__(self, model, admin_site):
self.list_display = [ for field in model._meta.fields if != "id"]
super(CustomModelAdmin, self).__init__(model, admin_site)
and then just inherit from that:
class BookAdmin(CustomModelAdmin):
or you can do it as a mixin:
class CustomModelAdminMixin(object):
def __init__(self, model, admin_site):
self.list_display = [ for field in model._meta.fields if != "id"]
super(CustomModelAdminMixin, self).__init__(model, admin_site)
class TradeAdmin(CustomModelAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
The mixin is useful if you want to inherit from something other than admin.ModelAdmin.
I found OBu's answer here to be very useful for me. He mentions:
The drawback is, the fields are in sorted order.
A small adjustment to his method solves this problem as well:
list_display = [ for f in Book._meta.fields]
Worked for me.
The problem with most of these answers is that they will break if your model contains ManyToManyField or ForeignKey fields.
For the truly lazy, you can do this in your
from django.contrib import admin
from my_app.models import Model1, Model2, Model3
#admin.register(Model1, Model2, Model3)
class UniversalAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def get_list_display(self, request):
return [ for field in self.model._meta.concrete_fields]
Many of the answers are broken by Django 1.10. For version 1.10 or above, this should be
list_display = [ for f in Book._meta.get_fields()]
Here is my approach, will work with any model class:
MySpecialAdmin = lambda model: type('SubClass'+model.__name__, (admin.ModelAdmin,), {
'list_display': [ for x in model._meta.fields],
'list_select_related': [ for x in model._meta.fields if isinstance(x, (ManyToOneRel, ForeignKey, OneToOneField,))]
This will do two things:
Add all fields to model admin
Makes sure that there is only a single database call for each related object (instead of one per instance)
Then to register you model:, MySpecialAdmin(MyModel))
Note: if you are using a different default model admin, replace 'admin.ModelAdmin' with your admin base class
Show all fields:
list_display = [field.attname for field in BookModel._meta.fields]
Every solution found here raises an error like this
The value of 'list_display[n]' must not be a ManyToManyField.
If the model contains a Many to Many field.
A possible solution that worked for me is:
list_display = [ for field in MyModel._meta.get_fields() if not x.many_to_many]
I like this answer and thought I'd post the complete code (in this case, I wanted all the User model fields to appear in admin)
from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db.models import ManyToOneRel, ForeignKey, OneToOneField
MySpecialAdmin = lambda model: type('SubClass'+model.__name__, (admin.ModelAdmin,), {
'list_display': [ for x in model._meta.fields],
'list_select_related': [ for x in model._meta.fields if isinstance(x, (ManyToOneRel, ForeignKey, OneToOneField,))]
}), MySpecialAdmin(User))
I'm using Django 3.1.4 and here is my solution.
I have a model Qualification
from django.db import models
(1, 'Yes'),
(0, 'No')
class Qualification(models.Model):
qual_key = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=20)
qual_desc = models.CharField(max_length=255)
is_active = models.IntegerField(choices=TRUE_FALSE_CHOICES)
created_at = models.DateTimeField()
created_by = models.CharField(max_length=255)
updated_at = models.DateTimeField()
updated_by = models.CharField(max_length=255)
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'qualification'
from django.contrib import admin
from models import Qualification
class QualificationAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = [ for field in Qualification._meta.fields if not in ('id', 'qual_key', 'qual_desc')]
list_display.insert(0, '__str__')
here i am showing all fields in list_display excluding 'id', 'qual_key', 'qual_desc' and inserting '__str__' at the beginning.
This answer is helpful when you have large number of modal fields, though i suggest write all fields one by one for better functionality.
list_display = [ for field in Book._meta.get_fields()]
This should work even with python 3.9
happy coding
I needed to show all fields for multiple models, I did using the following style:
class CommonAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
search_fields = ()
def get_list_display(self, request):
return [
for field in self.model._meta.concrete_fields
if != "id" and not field.many_to_many
But you can also do this by creating a mixin, if your models have different fields.

Case insensitive Charfield in django models

I am trying to achieve a category model where name has unique=True,
but practically I can still add same category name with different cases.
i.e. I have a category called Food
I am still able to add food, FOOD, fOod, FOOd
Is their any philosophy behind this? or it is a work in progress.
Cause in real world if I think of Category Food, it will always be food, no matter what case it has used to mention itself.
Thank you in advance to look at this.
To answer my own question:
I have found I can have clean method on my model. So I added
class Category(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True)
def clean(self): =
It is capitalising the first letter, which is then handled by the save method, which calls the validate_unique method to raise error.
You can use Postgre specific model field called Citext fields (case insensitive fields).
There are three option at the moment:
class CICharField(**options), class CIEmailField(**options) and class CITextField(**options)
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.postgres.fields import CICharField
class Category(models.Model):
name = CICharField(verbose_name="Name", max_length=255)
But don't forget to create an extension for the citext fields.
See here.
Basically, you have to add the extension class in the migration file, inside the operations array, before the first CreateModel operation.
# migration file
operations = [
CITextExtension(), # <------ here
Setting the column to case-insensitive collation should fix this. You may need to do it at the SQL level.
