AWS Chime - meeting has created - how to join to that meeting - reactjs

I've created meeting using Amazon chime SDK in React js. Through this I can able to start a meeting. How some one can join to that meeting or add attendees to that meeting.

If your intention is to create a meeting hosted on AWS Chime programmatically, the SDK isn't what you're looking for:
Amazon Chime SDK works independently of any Amazon Chime administrator accounts, and it does not affect meetings hosted on Amazon Chime. Instead, the Amazon Chime SDK provides builder tools for developers to use to build their own meeting applications. (the docs)
Otherwise, to build your own app, first, you need a back-end to:
Create a meeting
Get an attendee for everyone who is allowed to join the conference
Then create a client app:
receive meeting and attendee details in your client app and initialize a meeting session with these parameters
connect audio and video devices
add observer, event and output handlers, etc
Here's a good place to start and here you can find various demos. The most common answers can be found in the FAQ.

Related - How to integrate with Google Home / Alexa

I am working on an e-commerce website and would like to integrate with Google Voice assistant or Amazon alexa. I have gone through the dialogflow on how to build a voice assistant. But how It'll be available in amazon alexa or google home that shipped to every household ?
Both Alexa and Google Assistant let you develop things that work very much like websites - Alexa calls them Skills, Google calls them Actions. These are programs that run on your (or a) web server, get HTTPS calls from Amazon or Google with JSON information about what the user has said, and are expected to return JSON information that replies to what has been said.
Amazon requires you to use the Alexa Skills Kit to do the development of these sites, but Dialogflow can export its model to Alexa. Google is a little more open, but since they own Dialogflow, integrating a Dialogflow agent with Actions on Google is very straightforward.
You will need to register your Skill/Action with the appropriate company, but once you have done so, it is available to the users. Alexa users need to "install" the Skill from the Skills directory, although that really just means that they can activate it. The Assistant doesn't require users to activate it this way, but it will be listed in the directory. In both cases, users can then trigger it by saying something like "open Skill Name" or "talk to Action Name".

Unverified app screen in google Cloud

I am hosting some Web Applications in Google Cloud Platform using App Engine and those are for internal purpose only. One month ago I got a mail from Google Cloud Team, saying one of my apps needs verification. By based on their response I did some research and finally migrated all apps to the Organisation level as they mentioned in documentation (below link for reference).
But, yesterday also I got another notification regarding the same.
May I ignore this notification, or are there any further steps I need to complete?
As stated in this other documentation page:
If you're creating an internal web app for which [...] your project is
associated with a Cloud Organization that your users belong to, you
don't need to go through verification. Internal users of your
application won't see the unverified app screen.
If your application will only be used by internal users belonging to the same organization as where your project is located, you can ignore this message. It was probably triggered by the fact that your application is indeed not verified (although you do not need to do so).
So if that is the case, you will only need, as stated in the link you shared, to create an Organization and then migrate your existing project to that organization (then make sure that the users who will be accessing the app belong to the same organization).

How to create a Salesforce app like Mailchimp

I am looking to create a Salesforce app like mailChimp ( have. I want to create an interface under the salesforce to allow the user to do some field mapping, Just like Mailchimp app allow to map the Mainchimp field and Salesforce Contact fields. I have gone thought the Salesforce documentation but found it very vast not getting where to start and did not found which kind of scripting it require to create the app.
I have a developer and a partner account. If any one can put some light on it and give me some short answer for the below question will be really helpful.
Where to start for creating an slesforce app.
The app we create from the Salesform CRM account and app listing on AppExchange is different?
Is this apps are hosted on salesforce itself or hosted in our own server?
Which scripting language is required to code the Salesforce app?
Can we call the external API's inside the Salesforce app?
After asking question, I also work on this to get the answers for my question. I am sharing my RND below, So it may help someone and can save their time.
Here is the complete document link for the app creation and publishing on app Exchange, you can go thought it and find all the answers step by step.
So below are the very short answers of the question I asked.
Where to start for creating an slesforce app.
Step 1: Sign Up for the Partner Program
Step 2: Create a Development and Test Environment
Step 3: Get a Business Org
After doing the above 3 steps you can get a environment hub into Business Org, By which we can create different organization to create the app in one org (that is dev org) and install and test into the other org( that is test org).
The app we create from the Salesform CRM account and app listing on AppExchange is different?
Yes, From Your CRM account you can create the app, package the app in beta version. Once you done the testing with beta app by installing it into your Test Org you can deploy it for app exchange, After security review you app will be available into app exchange publicly. You can do it from your salesforce CRM account itself (See the above doc for more details)
Is this apps are hosted on salesforce itself or hosted in our own server?
There are two types of app:
1.VisualForce Pages app: This app is besically a collection of VisualForce Pages and reside or hosted into the saleforce itself.
2.Connected App: Connected app also includes the VisualForce pages as need but it also provide the client id and client secret key by which we can authenticate the user and call the Salesforce REST API from the outside of the CRM. So we can say this is something we can host the API access code into our own server.
Which scripting language is required to code the Salesforce app?
For Coding into the VisualForce pages we required Salesforce Apex Scripting and HTML.
Can we call the external API's inside the Salesforce app?
Yes, Using the Apex HTTP class we can call the external API's into the salesForce.
Hope this will help someone.

Using App Engine with a custom domain, without paying for Google Apps?

Can you use Google App Engine with your own custom domain, without paying for the whole Google Apps business package?
The setup instructions suggests this is not possible. Has anyone found a work around?
You no longer need google apps for using custom domain with GAE. you can use custom domains without signing up for Google Apps for Business.
go to and click on your
project and select appengine then click on settings
there you can add and verify your domain using Google Webmaster central
Once you're done verifying you're all set to go !
IF one has had a free Google Apps account prior to the December 2012 deadline, there does seem to be an easy solution to mapping a new GAE app to a newly registered domain. I happen to still have such prior account for which I do not have to pay (yet?), I believe. I suspect other long-term GAE developers are in a similar situations. So, I am adding quick instructions I found and translated from here. (There are many related threads on the topic on stackoverflow. This question seems the most relevant for adding these notes.)
Login to your existing Google Apps account
Go to "Domains" and hit "add a domain or a domain alias"
Keep "Add a domain alias of ..." selected and enter the new domain name in the field
Go through the required domain verification process
Now back on the main admin screen, hit "Google Apps" and click "add Services" (a box icon on the top right)
Under "Other Services" enter your GAE app ID
On the "Settings for " page coming up, hit "Add new URL"
Select the domain name added in Step 1+, adding a prefix such as "www" in front
Confirm and be done with it
Just done and verified. Works for me and I suspect the same procedure would work for any further domains the same way.
DISCLAIMER: Again, this is for people with a prior Google Apps account. However, it should also be relevant for people that paid for a single such account. This single account should then be sufficient to map multiple GAE apps to multiple domains, if you don't need an independent copy of the other Google apps goodies every time.
Starting June 15 and for a limited time, Google will offer a USD $50.00 App Engine credit for Google App Engine developers who have recently purchased a new Google Apps for Business domain account for their App Engine application.
To review the terms and conditions for this site and request a credit for an eligible application, please visit this site.
Here is the google groups discussion :!topic/google-appengine/jC_K-YlmXhM
Quoting from the link above:
We are working on a solution that will make this process simpler for
developers and not require a paid subscription for Google Apps for
In the meantime, starting from June 15, we will offer a $50 App Engine
credit for developers who need to purchase a new Google Apps for
Business domain in order to associate a domain with an App Engine
Actually there is one free solution, for people that don't have Google Apps account yet.
Go to AppEngine -> Application Settings -> Add domain -> Sign up for Google Apps
Start a free 30 day trial - Do not add the billing options
Setup your domain
Add the domain to your app engine project
When the 30 day trial expire the domain will still work.

Who owns domain purchased via GoogleApps?

My original plan was to use google appengine for an application. For this I purchased a domain via GoogleApps at Godaddy. Since Google Appengine fails to impress me, I would love to move my website to another server. But who is the owner of the domain now? GoogleApp "purchased" the domain for me - how can I regain control over the domain I paid for?
You paid $10 for the domain didn't you? That makes the domain yours. Google Apps is merely the portal through which you manage it. If you login to GoDaddy, through Google Apps, you can configure the domain to point to another webserver by changing your A record and MX records.
Of course, why would you want to do that? What makes App Engine so unimpressive in your eyes? Do you like having to spend 20 hours managing your Tomcat upgrades like this guy Nightmare: Upgrading Tomcat 5.5 to 6.0 or would you prefer to let Google handle those mundane details so you can concentrate on what you do best, building software!
Platform as a Service is, after all, the future. By the time you figure out how to get your app to production, Google App Engine will most likely no longer be in BETA and could be the new standard.
I encourage you to build your application with the future in mind, as in the world of web development, what's considered mainstream today will be obsolete tomorrow, and what's in beta/unstable today will take it's place. Technology moves incredibly fast; don't be left behind.
