Cognitive search documentation suggests that in order to reduce index size, we need to set facetable as false on fields that we won't be faceting on. We are working on a generic application where the fields are created dynamically, and all of them could/should be facetable.
For example, we have a generic field called genericField1 in the index, and service A could be storing price in that field and service B could be storing an id. This design forces all the fields to be strings(which is ok according to our architecture), and all of them to be facetable. I am trying to understand the size implications for such a solution, where fields like id are facetable.
Faceting in Azure Cognitive Search requires a separate data structure apart from the inverted index that supports searching. This data structure is stored on the disk and allows aggregation based on values. It's optimized for accessing field values quickly over efficient storage.
The size of the data structure increases with the number of facetable fields and cardinality in their values. ACS recommends that you do preliminary testing on your service setup to get concrete numbers on storage utilization and choose a topology that will serve your use-case.
Note: Another feature that can result in high storage utilization is complex collections. Make sure you measure the impact if you plan to use both faceting and complex collections.
I am using Azure search which is using default indexing on the data which is importing unstructured data (pdf, doc, text, image files etc.)
I didn't make any scoring profile on the default available fields.
Almost every setting in the portal is the default. If I search any text through the search explorer then I get the JSON result which has very low search score.
I read about score boosting using the scoring profile. however, the terms which I want to find out can be in any document at any place. so how can I decide on which field I can weight more?
how can I generate more custom fields on these input files? Do I need to write document parser?
I am using SDK 4.0 and c# in my bot.
please suggest.
To use scoring profile, the fields you are trying to boost need to be part of the index definition, otherwise the scoring mechanism won't know about them.
You mentioned using unstructured data as your source, I assume this means your data does not have any stable or predictable structure. If that's the case, then you probably won't be able to update your index definition to match exactly the structure of every document, since different documents will likely have a different and unpredictable structure. If you know what fields you want to boost, and you know how to retrieve those fields from your document, then you could update your index definition with only the fields you care about, and then use the "merge" document API to populate that field for each document.
This would require you to retrieve all documents from the index, parse the data to extract the field you want to boost, and then use the merge API to update the index data with the data you extracted. Once you have this, you will be able to use that field as part of a scoring profile.
Trying to use carrot2 for doing to resultset clustering. I have couple of questions with respect to this.
a) Can we cluster the documents in Solr/Lucene based on the specific fields in solr? like cluster them based name, person name and geo-distance location (lat, long) with specific field weights?
b) My use case for clustering is not really online, it is more of a batch use case, given that, do we still have this restriction of 1K max no. of results?
Carrot2 performs clustering based only on the natural text of your documents. Person names would probably be too short for meaningful clustering; Carrot2 is not suitable for geo-distance and other numerical data.
The 1k restriction / recommendation is based on the design goal of Carrot2: to cluster small collections of texts (such as search results) fast enough so that the process can be done on-line. Carrot2 does well for collections around 1k documents, but will not scale very well beyond several thousands of documents.
I am pretty new to Lucene, so would like to get some help from you guys :)
BACKGROUND: Currently I have documents stored in SQL Server and want to use Lucene for full-text/tag searches on those documents in SQL Server.
Q1) In this case, in order to do the keyword search on the documents, should I insert all of those documents to the Lucene index? Does this mean there will be data duplication (one in SQL Server and the other one in the Lucene index?) It could be a matter since we have a massive amount of documents (about 100GB). Is it inevitable?
Q2) Also, each documents has a set of tags (up to 3). Lucene is also good choice for the tag search? If so, how to do it?
Yes, providing full-text search through Lucene and data storage through a traditional database is a well-supported architecture. Take a look here, for a brief introduction. A typical implementation would be to index anything you wish to be able to support searching on, and store only a unique identifier in the Lucene index, and pull any records founds by a search from the database, based on the ID. If you want to reduce DB load, you can store some information in Lucene to display a list of search results, and only query the database in order to fetch the full document.
As for saving on space, there will be some measure of duplication. This is true even if you only Lucene, though. Lucene stores the inverted index used for searching entirely separately from stored data. For saving on space, I'd recommend being very deliberate about what data you choose to index, and what you need to store and be able to retrieve later. What you store is particularly important for saving space in Lucene, since indexed-only values tend to be very space-efficient, in most cases.
Lucene can certainly implement a tag search. The simple way to implement it would be to add each tag to a field of your choosing (I'll call is "tags", which seems to make sense), while building the document, such as:
document.add(new Field("tags", "widget", Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED));
document.add(new Field("tags", "forkids", Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED));
and I could simply add a required term to any query to search only within a particular tag. For instance, if I was to search for "some stuff", but only with the tag "forkids", I could write a query like:
some stuff +tags:forkids
Documents can also be stored in Lucene, you can retrieve and reference them using the document ID.
I would suggest using Solr on top of Lucene, is more user friendly and has multiValued fields (for the tags) available by default.
Is it better to use
a lot of indexes (eg. for every user as your application allows that)
in Lucene
or just one, having every document in int
... if you think about:
disk space
I am using elasticsearch, therefore I am using Lucene.
In Elastic Search, I think based off your information I would use 1 index. My understanding is users are only searching there own documents, and the documents seems to be relatively similar.
Performance - When searching you can use a Filtered Query to filter to only the documents matching the user. The user id filter is cache-able, and fast.
Scalable - In Elasticsearch, you control sharding and replication at index level. Elasticsearch can handle large numbers of indexes, I just think configuring appropriate shards and replications could be valuable for the entire index.
In a single index, you can still easy wipe away data (see delete by query) , and there should be little concern of seeing others data unless you write your queries wrong. A filtered query with that filters results to only those associated with a user id is very simple. Similar in complexity to searching a different index per user.
Your exact needs might fit a different approach better. Based what I have so far, I would do choose one index though.
We have many years of weather data that we need to build a reporting app on. Weather data has many fields of different types e.g. city, state, country, zipcode, latitude, longitude, temperature (hi/lo), temperature (avg), preciptation, wind speed, date etc. etc.
Our reports require that we choose combinations of these fields then sort, search and filter on them e.g.
WeatherData.all().filter('avg_temp =',20).filter('city','palo alto').filter('hi_temp',30).order('date').fetch(100)
WeatherData.all().filter('lo_temp =',20).filter('city','palo alto').filter('hi_temp',30).order('date').fetch(100)
May be easy to see that these queries require different indexes. May also be obvious that the 200 index limit can be crossed very very easily with any such data model where a combination of fields will be used to filter, sort and search entities. Finally, the number of entities in such a data model can obviously run into millions considering that there are many cities and we could do hourly data instead of daily.
Can anyone recommend a way to model this data which allows for all the queries to still be run, at the same time staying well under the 200 index limit? The write-cost in this model is not as big a deal but we need super fast reads.
Your best option is to rely on the built-in support for merge join queries, which can satisfy these queries without an index per combination. All you need to do is define one index per field you want to filter on and sort order (if that's always date, then you're down to one index per field). See this part of the docs for details.
I know it seems counter-intuitive but you can use a full-text search system that supports categories (properties/whatever) to do something like this as long as you are primarily using equality filters. There are ways to get inequality filters to work but they are often limited. The faceting features can be useful too.
The upcoming Google Search API
IndexTank is the service I currently use
Yup, this is totally a hackish solution. The documents I am using it for are already in my search index and I am almost always also filtering on search terms.