Swap first and last 5 bits in a 16-bit number - c

I have some C/C++ code where I have a 16-bit number (uint16_t), and I need to swap the first 5 bits with the last 5 bits, keeping their left-to-right order within each block of 5 bits. The middle 6 bits need to remain intact. I am not great at bitwise maths/operations so help would be appreciated!
Conceptually speaking, the switching of positions would look like:
or more literally...
10101000000001010 becomes 0101000000010101.
Any help would be much appreciated!

First, you should check if whatever library you use doesn't have a RGB-BGR swap for R5G6B5 pixels already.
Here is a literal translation of what you wrote in your question. It is probably too slow for real-time video:
uint16_t rgbswap(uint16_t in) {
uint16_t r = (in >> 11) & 0b011111;
uint16_t g = (in >> 5) & 0b111111;
uint16_t b = (in >> 0) & 0b011111;
return b << 11 | g << 5 | r << 0;

Instead of breaking the input into 3 separate R, G and B components you can work on R and B in parallel by shifting to the higher bits
uint16_t rgb2bgr(uint16_t in)
uint16_t r0b = in & 0b1111100000011111;
uint16_t b0r = ((r0b << 22) | r0b) >> 11;
return b0r | (in & 0b11111100000);
Another alternative to use multiplication to swap R and B
uint16_t rgb2bgr_2(uint16_t in)
uint16_t r0b = in & 0b1111100000011111;
uint16_t b0r = r0b * 0b1000000000000000000000100000 >> 16;
return b0r | (in & 0b11111100000);
It's basically this technique which is useful for extracting bits or moving bits around
You can check the compiled result on Godbolt to see the multiplication method produces shorter output, but it's only useful if you have a fast multiplier


C set 3 bits for a particular number

I am trying to understand masking concept and want to set bits 24,25,26 of a uint32_t number in C.
example i have
uint32_t data =0;
I am taking an input from user of uint_8 which can be only be value 3 and 4 (011,100)
I want to set the value 011 or 110 in bits 24,25,26 of the data variable without disturbing other bits.
To set bits 24, 25, and 26 of an integer without modifying the other bits, you can use this pattern:
data = (data & ~((uint32_t)7 << 24)) | ((uint32_t)(newBitValues & 7) << 24);
The first & operation clears those three bits. Then we use another & operation to ensure we have a number between 0 and 7. Then we shift it to the left by 24 bits and use | to put those bits into the final result.
I have some uint32_t casts just to ensure that this code works properly on systems where int has fewer than 32 bits, but you probably won't need those unless you are programming embedded systems.
More general approach macro and function. Both are the same efficient as optimizing compilers do a really good job. Macro sets n bits of the d at position s to nd. Function has the same parameters order.
#define MASK(n) ((1ULL << n) - 1)
#define SMASK(n,s) (~(MASK(n) << s))
#define NEWDATA(d,n,s) (((d) & MASK(n)) << s)
#define SETBITS(d,nd,n,s) (((d) & SMASK(n,s)) | NEWDATA(nd,n,s))
uint32_t setBits(uint32_t data, uint32_t newBitValues, unsigned nbits, unsigned startbit)
uint32_t mask = (1UL << nbits) - 1;
uint32_t smask = ~(mask << startbit);
data = (data & smask) | ((newBitValues & mask) << startbit);
return data;

Bit mask operation: what does the following code mean in C?

I am trying to debugging a piece of code at the moment and I could not figure it out what the following piece of code really does. Could anyone help me explain or give me ideas on the functionality of the following code?
uint8_t get_pca9955a_slave_loaded(uint8_t _slave)
uint8_t x = (uint8_t)(_slave / 16);
uint8_t y = (uint8_t)(_slave % 16);
uint16_t mask = 1U << y;
if (check_pca9955a_slave_valid(_slave)) {
return (uint8_t)((pca9955a_slaves_loaded[x] & mask) ? 1U : 0U);
} else {
return 0U;
Kind Regards,
It unpacks a byte into its high nibble x and its low nibble y. Taking mod 16 is the same as taking the four lowest bits, and dividing by 16 is the same as taking the remaining bits.
It then uses y to calculate a bitmask and x as an offset into some kind of table of global variables that you didn’t share, checks that bit y is set in entry x or not, and returns either 1 or 0 in an unsigned byte.

Combining uint8_t, uint16_t and uint8_t

I have three values, uint8_t, uint16_t and uint8_t in that order. I am trying to combine them to one uint_32 without losing the order. I found this question from here, but I got stuck with the uint_16 value in the middle.
For example:
uint8_t v1=0x01;
uint16_t v2=0x1001;
uint8_t v3=0x11;
uint32_t comb = 0x01100111;
I was thinking about spitting v2 into two separate uint8_t:s but realized there might be some easier way to solve it.
My try:
v2 = 0x1001;
a = v2 & 0xFF;
b = v1 >> 8;
first = ((uint16_t)v1 << 8) | a;
end = ((uint16_t)b << 8) | v3;
comb = ((uint32_t)first << 16) | end;
This should be your nestedly implied and as one-liner written transformation:
uint32_t comb = ((uint32_t)v1 << 24) | (((uint32_t)v2 << 8) | v3);
Basically, you have the 8 | 16 | 8 building the 32bit-sized type. To shift the first one and put at the head, you would need to cast to 32bit and use 24 (32-8). Then OR the next ones whilst shifting, i.e. placing at the right offset and the rest filling with zeros and casting respectively.
You use OR for the obvious reasons of not losing any information.

How do I perform a circular rotation of a byte?

I'm trying to implement a function that performs a circular rotation of a byte to the left and to the right.
I wrote the same code for both operations. For example, if you are rotating left 1010 becomes 0101. Is this right?
unsigned char rotl(unsigned char c) {
int w;
unsigned char s = c;
for (w = 7; w >= 0; w--) {
int b = (int)getBit(c, w);//
if (b == 0) {
s = clearBit(s, 7 - w);
} else if (b == 1) {
s = setBit(s, 7 - w);
return s;
unsigned char getBit(unsigned char c, int n) {
return c = (c & (1 << n)) >> n;
unsigned char setBit(unsigned char c, int n) {
return c = c | (1 << n);
unsigned char clearBit(unsigned char c, int n) {
return c = c &(~(1 << n));
There is no rotation operator in C, but if you write:
unsigned char rotl(unsigned char c)
return (c << 1) | (c >> 7);
then, according to this: http://www.linux-kongress.org/2009/slides/compiler_survey_felix_von_leitner.pdf (page 56), compilers will figure out what you want to do and perform the rotation it in only one (very fast) instruction.
Reading the answers and comments so far, there seems to be some confusion about what you are trying to accomplish - this may be because of the words you use. In bit manipulation, there are several "standard" things you can do. I will summarize some of these to help clarify different concepts. In all that follows, I will use abcdefgh to denote 8 bits (could be ones or zeros) - and as they move around, the same letter will refer to the same bit (maybe in a different position); if a bit becomes "definitely 0 or 1, I will denote it as such).
1) Bit shifting: This is essentially a "fast multiply or divide by a power of 2". The symbol used is << for "left shift" (multiply) or >> for right shift (divide). Thus
abcdefgh >> 2 = 00abcdef
(equivalent to "divide by four") and
abcdefgh << 3 = abcdefgh000
(equivalent to "multiply by eight" - and assuming there was "space" to shift the abc into; otherwise this might result in an overflow)
2) Bit masking: sometimes you want to set certain bits to zero. You do this by doing an AND operation with a number that has ones where you want to preserve a bit, and zeros where you want to clear a bit.
abcdefgh & 01011010 = 0b0de0g0
Or if you want to make sure certain bits are one, you use the OR operation:
abcdefgh | 01011010 = a1c11f1h
3) Circular shift: this is a bit trickier - there are instances where you want to "move bits around", with the ones that "fall off at one end" re-appearing at the other end. There is no symbol for this in C, and no "quick instruction" (although most processors have a built-in instruction which assembler code can take advantage of for FFT calculations and such). If you want to do a "left circular shift" by three positions:
circshift(abcdefgh, 3) = defghabc
(note: there is no circshift function in the standard C libraries, although it exists in other languages - e.g. Matlab). By the same token a "right shift" would be
circshift(abcdefgh, -2) = ghabcdef
4) Bit reversal: Sometimes you need to reverse the bits in a number. When reversing the bits, there is no "left" or "right" - reversed is reversed:
reverse(abcdefgh) = hgfedcba
Again, there isn't actually a "reverse" function in standard C libraries.
Now, let's take a look at some tricks for implementing these last two functions (circshift and reverse) in C. There are entire websites devoted to "clever ways to manipulate bits" - see for example this excellent one. for a wonderful collection of "bit hacks", although some of these may be a little advanced...
unsigned char circshift(unsigned char x, int n) {
return (x << n) | (x >> (8 - n));
This uses two tricks from the above: shifting bits, and using the OR operation to set bits to specific values. Let's look at how it works, for n = 3 (note - I am ignoring bits above the 8th bit since the return type of the function is unsigned char):
(abcdefgh << 3) = defgh000
(abcdefgh >> (8 - 3)) = 00000abc
Taking the bitwise OR of these two gives
defgh000 | 00000abc = defghabc
Which is exactly the result we wanted. Note also that a << n is the same as a >> (-n); in other words, right shifting by a negative number is the same as left shifting by a positive number, and vice versa.
Now let's look at the reverse function. There are "fast ways" and "slow ways" to do this. Your code above gave a "very slow" way - let me show you a "very fast" way, assuming that your compiler allows the use of 64 bit (long long) integers.
unsigned char reverse(unsigned char b) {
return (b * 0x0202020202ULL & 0x010884422010ULL) % 1023;
You may ask yourself "what just happened"??? Let me show you:
b = abcdefgh
* 0x0000000202020202 = 00000000 00000000 0000000a bcdefgha bcdefgha bcdefgha bcdefgha bcdefgh0
& 0x0000010884422010 = 00000000 00000000 00000001 00001000 10000100 01000010 00100000 00010000
= 00000000 00000000 0000000a 0000f000 b0000g00 0c0000h0 00d00000 000e0000
Note that we now have all the bits exactly once - they are just in a rather strange pattern. The modulo 1023 division "collapses" the bits of interest on top of each other - it's like magic, and I can't explain it. The result is indeed
A slightly less obscure way to achieve the same thing (less efficient, but works for larger numbers quite efficiently) recognizes that if you swap adjacent bits , then adjacent bit pairs, then adjacent nibbles (4 bit groups), etc - you end up with a complete bit reversal. In that case, a byte reversal becomes
unsigned char bytereverse(unsigned char b) {
b = (b & 0x55) << 1 | (b & 0xAA) >> 1; // swap adjacent bits
b = (b & 0x33) << 2 | (b & 0xCC) >> 2; // swap adjacent pairs
b = (b & 0x0F) << 4 | (b & 0xF0) >> 4; // swap nibbles
return b;
In this case the following happens to byte b = abcdefgh:
b & 0x55 = abcdefgh & 01010101 = 0b0d0f0h << 1 = b0d0f0h0
b & 0xAA = abcdefgh & 10101010 = a0c0e0g0 >> 1 = 0a0c0e0g
OR these two to get badcfehg
Next line:
b & 0x33 = badcfehg & 00110011 = 00dc00hg << 2 = dc00hg00
b & 0xCC = badcfehg & 11001100 = ba00fe00 >> 2 = 00ba00fe
OR these to get dcbahgfe
last line:
b & 0x0F = dcbahgfe & 00001111 = 0000hgfe << 4 = hgfe0000
b & 0xF0 = dcbahgfe & 11110000 = dcba0000 >> 4 = 0000dcba
OR these to get hgfedcba
Which is the reversed byte you were after. It should be easy to see how just a couple more lines (similar to the above) get you to a reversed integer (32 bits). As the size of the number increases, this trick becomes more and more efficient, comparatively.
I trust that the answer you were looking for is "somewhere" in the above. If nothing else I hope you have a clearer understanding of the possibilities of bit manipulation in C.
If, as according to your comments, you want to shift one bit exactly, then one easy way to accomplish that would be this:
unsigned char rotl(unsigned char c)
return((c << 1) | (c >> 7));
What your code does is reversing the bits; not rotating them. For instance, it would make 10111001 into 10011101, not 01110011.

mirror bits of a 32 bit word

How would you do that in C? (Example: 10110001 becomes 10001101 if we had to mirror 8 bits). Are there any instructions on certain processors that would simplify this task?
It's actually called "bit reversal", and is commonly done in FFT scrambling. The O(log N) way is (for up to 32 bits):
uint32_t reverse(uint32_t x, int bits)
x = ((x & 0x55555555) << 1) | ((x & 0xAAAAAAAA) >> 1); // Swap _<>_
x = ((x & 0x33333333) << 2) | ((x & 0xCCCCCCCC) >> 2); // Swap __<>__
x = ((x & 0x0F0F0F0F) << 4) | ((x & 0xF0F0F0F0) >> 4); // Swap ____<>____
x = ((x & 0x00FF00FF) << 8) | ((x & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8); // Swap ...
x = ((x & 0x0000FFFF) << 16) | ((x & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16); // Swap ...
return x >> (32 - bits);
Maybe this small "visualization" helps:
An example of the first 3 assignment, with a uint8_t example:
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
-> <- -> <- -> <- -> <-
----> <---- ----> <----
----------> <----------
Well, if we're doing ASCII art, here's mine:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 7 4 5 2 3 0 1
\ X / \ X /
/ X \ / X \
4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3
\ \ \ X / / /
\ \ X X / /
\ X X X /
/ X X X \
/ / X X \ \
/ / / X \ \ \
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
It kind of looks like FFT butterflies. Which is why it pops up with FFTs.
Per Rich Schroeppel in this MIT memo (if you can read past the assembler), the following will reverse the bits in an 8bit byte providing that you have 64bit arithmetic available:
byte = (byte * 0x0202020202ULL & 0x010884422010ULL) % 1023;
Which sort of fans the bits out (the multiply), selects them (the and) and then shrinks them back down (the modulus).
Is it actually an 8bit quantity that you have?
Nearly a duplicate of Most Efficient Algorithm for Bit Reversal ( from MSB->LSB to LSB->MSB) in C (which has a lot of answers, including one AVX2 answer for reversing every 8-bit char in an array).
On x86 with SSSE3 (Core2 and later, Bulldozer and later), pshufb (_mm_shuffle_epi8) can be used as a nibble LUT to do 16 lookups in parallel. You only need 8 lookups for the 8 nibbles in a single 32-bit integer, but the real problem is splitting the input bytes into separate nibbles (with their upper half zeroed). It's basically the same problem as for pshufb-based popcount.
avx2 register bits reverse shows how to do this for a packed vector of 32-bit elements. The same code ported to 128-bit vectors would compile just fine with AVX.
It's still good for a single 32-bit int because x86 has very efficient round-trip between integer and vector regs: int bitrev = _mm_cvtsi128_si32 ( rbit32( _mm_cvtsi32_si128(input) ) );. That only costs 2 extra movd instructions to get an integer from an integer register into XMM and back. (Round trip latency = 3 cycles on an Intel CPU like Haswell.)
rbit has single-cycle latency, and does a whole 32-bit integer in one instruction.
Fastest approach is almost sure to be a lookup table:
Or if you can afford 128k of table data (by afford, I mean cpu cache utilization, not main memory or virtual memory utilization), use 16-bit units:
The naive / slow / simple way is to extract the low bit of the input and shift it into another variable that accumulates a return value.
#include <stdint.h>
uint32_t mirror_u32(uint32_t input) {
uint32_t returnval = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
int bit = input & 0x01;
returnval <<= 1;
returnval += bit; // Shift the isolated bit into returnval
input >>= 1;
return returnval;
For other types, the number of bits of storage is sizeof(input) * CHAR_BIT, but that includes potential padding bits that aren't part of the value. The fixed-width types are a good idea here.
The += instead of |= makes gcc compile it more efficiently for x86 (using x86's shift-and-add instruction, LEA). Of course, there are much faster ways to bit-reverse; see the other answers. This loop is good for small code size (no large masks), but otherwise pretty much no advantage.
Compilers unfortunately don't recognize this loop as a bit-reverse and optimize it to ARM rbit or whatever. (See it on the Godbolt compiler explorer)
If you are interested in a more embedded approach, when I worked with an armv7a system, I found the RBIT command.
So within a C function using GNU extended asm I could use:
uint32_t bit_reverse32(uint32_t inp32)
uint32_t out = 0;
asm("RBIT %0, %1" : "=r" (out) : "r" (inp32));
return out;
There are compilers which expose intrinsic C wrappers like this. (armcc __rbit) and gcc also has some intrinsic via ACLE but with gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf I could not find __rbit C so I came up with the upper code.
I didn't look, but I suppose on other platforms you could create similar solutions.
I've also just figured out a minimal solution for mirroring 4 bits (a nibble) in only 16 bits temporary space.
mirr = ( (orig * 0x222) & 0x1284 ) % 63
I think I would make a lookup table of bitpatterns 0-255. Read each byte and with the lookup table reverse that byte and afterwards arrange the resulting bytes appropriately.
quint64 mirror(quint64 a,quint8 l=64) {
quint64 b=0;
for(quint8 i=0;i<l;i++) {
return b;
This function mirroring less then 64 bits. For instance it can mirroring 12 bits.
quint64 and quint8 are defined in Qt. But it possible redefine it in anyway.
If you have been staring at Mike DeSimone's great answer (like me), here is a "visualization" on the first 3 assignment, with a uint8_t example:
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
-> <- -> <- <- -> <- ->
----> <---- ----> <----
----------> <----------
So first, bitwise swap, then "two-bit-group" swap and so on.
For sure most people won't consider my approach neither as elegant nor efficient: it's aimed at being portable and somehow "straightforward".
#include <limits.h> // CHAR_BIT
unsigned bit_reverse( unsigned s ) {
unsigned d;
int i;
for( i=CHAR_BIT*sizeof( unsigned ),d=0; i; s>>=1,i-- ) {
d <<= 1;
d |= s&1;
return d;
This function pulls the least significant bit from the source bistring s and pushes it as the most significant bit in the destination bitstring d.
You can replace unsigned data type with whatever suits your case, from unsigned char (CHAR_BIT bits, usually 8) to unsigned long long (128 bits in modern 64-bit CPUs).
Of course, there can be CPU-specific instructions (or instruction sets) that could be used instead of my plain C code.
But than that wouldn't be "C language" but rather assembly instruction(s) in a C wrapper.
int mirror (int input)
{// return bit mirror of 8 digit number
int tmp2;
int out=0;
for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
out = out << 1;
tmp2 = input & 0x01;
out = out | tmp2;
input = input >> 1;
return out;
