C - Getting segmentation fault with the fgets() in a loop - c

I'm new at C and I'm having some issues with my code. I'm trying to do a loop to read every input from a user, until he press ENTER and get out of the loop to execute other functions. Here's my code:
int main(char argc,char *argv[]){
char input[200];
char *epc;
int err = 0;
int idt = 0;
while (fgets(input,200,stdin) != NULL){
epc = strchr(input, ' ');
idt = epc[2] - '0';
if(idt == 1){
return 0;
So basically if someone enters 5 01, it should go through the loop, and then if the user
enters again nothing by pressing the ENTER key, it should break out of the loop and print Success.
Except it doesn't work and I'm getting a segmentation fault in the terminal every time.
If I do it with an artificial loop, example while(i<3) and i++ at the end of the loop to break, it does work.
Can you help me out please?

The flaw is that you expect fgets to return NULL if the user presses just ENTER, but that's not what happens. In that case, fgets returns just the newline, so input is the string "\n". Then strchr tries to find a space in the string "\n" but there is none, so it returns NULL and then espace[2] dereferences NULL causing the segfault.
If you want the loop to break upon user pressing just ENTER, then you'll need to test for getting the string "\n". You could do something like
while (fgets(input,100,stdin) != NULL){
if(input[0] == '\n'){
Also note that there are other inputs that would cause problem. Anything where the first space has less than 2 characters following it, (such as "0 1") will cause espace[2] to index to the string terminator or beyond.

you are facing segmentation when you just press enter instead of giving some input, in that case your strchr returns NULL to espace and you are trying to extract something out of it by using identification = espace[2] - '0';
use below way to guard against the NULL handling.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(char argc,char *argv[])
char input[200];
char *epc;
int err = 0;
int idt = 0;
printf("Enter some words\n");
while (fgets(input,100,stdin) != NULL){
printf("input is : %s\n", input);
epc = strchr(input, ' ');
idt = epc[2] - '0';
if(idt == 1){
return 0;


What is going wrong when using getchar for my C program?

Hello folks it's my first question here :)
I just started studying CS in Berlin and tried to write a prog on my own which prints every charakter of a string literally in the terminal. And it works fine when defining the word which has to be printed in the C-Code.
int main () {
printf("Type in a word:\n");
char wort[] = "raffiniert";
int i = 0;
if (wort[i] == i)
printf("No word typed in!\n");
return 0;
while (wort[i] != '\0')
printf("%c \n", wort[i]);
return 0;
But when trying to implement getchar, so u can type in the console, not in the code, it fails. Regardless of how much other things I tried.
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
int main ()
printf("Type in a word:\n");
int i = 0;
char wort;
wort = getchar();
if ((wort = getchar()) == i)
printf("No word typed in!\n");
return 0;
while ((wort = getchar()) != '\0')
printf("%c \n", wort);
return 0;
My problems are:
The program does not terminate automatically after printing out.
The first time typing in a word, it's printed uncompletely. It starts to print completely after the first time.
Could y'all at least give me advices what to correct?
Thanks and stay in good health.
"The program does not terminate automatically after printing out."
That's because your loop condition is incorrect. You want to check if getchar() returns EOF.
"The first time typing in a word, it's printed uncompletely. It starts to print completely after the first time."
That is because you are discarding the first two characters of input. You have 2 calls to getchar() where you basically discard the result. Just do:
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
int wort; /* Must be int to compare with EOF */
int i = 0;
while( (wort = getchar()) != EOF ){
i += 1;
if( i == 0 ){
fprintf(stderr, "No word typed in!\n");
return 1;
return 0;

Replacing `goto` with a different programming construct

I m trying to do this little programm with defensive programming but its more than difficult for me to handle this avoiding the Loop-Goto as i know that as BAD programming. I had try with while and do...while loop but in one case i dont have problem. Problem begins when i m going to make another do...while for the second case ("Not insert space or click enter button"). I tried and nested do...while but here the results was more complicated.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
int i;
int length;
char giventext [25];
printf("String must have 25 chars lenght:\n");
length = strlen(giventext);
if (length > 25) {
printf("\nString has over %d chars.\nMust give a shorter string\n", length);
goto Loop;
/* Here i trying to not give space or nothing*/
if (length < 1) {
printf("You dont give anything as a string.\n");
goto Loop;
} else {
printf("Your string has %d\n",length);
printf("Letter in lower case are: \n");
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (islower(giventext[i])) {
return 0;
Note that your code is not defensive at all. You have no way to avoid a buffer overflow because,
you check for the length of the string after it has been input to your program so after the buffer overflow has already occurred and
you used gets() which doesn't check input length and thus is very prone to buffer overflow.
Use fgets() instead and just discard extra characters.
I think you need to understand that strlen() doesn't count the number of characters of input but instead the number of characters in a string.
If you want to ensure that there are less than N characters inserted then
readinput(char *const buffer, int maxlen)
int count;
int next;
fputc('>', stdout);
fputc(' ', stdout);
count = 0;
while ((next = fgetc(stdin)) && (next != EOF) && (next != '\n')) {
// We need space for the terminating '\0';
if (count == maxlen - 1) {
// Discard extra characters before returning
// read until EOF or '\n' is found
while ((next = fgetc(stdin)) && (next != EOF) && (next != '\n'))
return -1;
buffer[count++] = next;
buffer[count] = '\0';
return count;
char string[8];
int result;
while ((result = readinput(string, (int) sizeof(string))) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "you cannot input more than `%d' characters\n",
(int) sizeof(string) - 1);
fprintf(stdout, "accepted `%s' (%d)\n", string, result);
Note that by using a function, the flow control of this program is clear and simple. That's precisely why goto is discouraged, not because it's an evil thing but instead because it can be misused like you did.
Try using functions that label logical steps that your program needs to execute:
char * user_input() - returns an input from the user as a pointer to a char (using something other than get()! For example, look at scanf)
bool validate_input(char * str_input) - takes the user input from the above function and performs checks, such as validate the length is between 1 and 25 characters.
str_to_lower(char * str_input) - if validate_input() returns true you can then call this function and pass it the user input. The body of this function can then print the user input back to console in lower case. You could use the standard library function tolower() here to lower case each character.
The body of your main function will then be much simpler and perform a logical series of steps that tackle your problem. This is the essence of defensive programming - modularising your problem into separate steps that are self contained and easily testable.
A possible structure for the main function could be:
char * user_input();
bool validate_input(char *);
void str_to_lower(char *);
int main()
char * str_input = user_input();
//continue to get input from the user until it satisfies the requirements of 'validate_input()'
while(!validate_input(str_input)) {
str_input = user_input();
//user input now satisfied 'validate_input' so lower case and print it
return 0;

How can I do to finish a program with a read of a String?

I need read a string and finish it. For example:
fxy yxf
abc bac
weq qew
abg bga
acd adc
abt bta
poeq eopq
qwte wtqe
I want to finish the program after the word "wtqe".
Here is my code:
int main(){
do {
scanf("%s %s", &str1, &str2);
}while(scanf("%c") != EOF);
return 0;
Use fgets to read a line and sscanf to parse the two strings. If a blank line is entered or a line with only one string, the while loop will exit.
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void) {
char line[999] = "";
char str1[100] = "";
char str2[100] = "";
int result = 0;
do {
if ( fgets ( line, sizeof line, stdin)) {
result = sscanf ( line, "%99s%99s", str1, str2);
else {//fgets failed
} while ( line[0] != '\n' && result == 2);
return 0;
The end of the loop is while(scanf("%c") != EOF)
This means that the loop quits when you reach end-of-file.
If you put all of those in a text file, and ran your program with that file as standard input (./prog < file), then it will quit after it finishes reading the file.
If you want to type all of those in, you need to indicate end-of-file to the terminal. On Linux, Mac, and similar systems, you do this with ctrl+d; on Windows I think it's ctrl-z.
Edit to add: This will give strange results if the very start of the input doesn't match. A better option might be
while (scanf("%s %s", &str1, &str2) == 2) {
// Do stuff
As shown by user3121023's answer, this can also cause buffer overflow issues, and you should give an explicit size to %s.

Am I using strncmp and fgets in the right way?

I'm a beginner programmer trying to learn C. Currently I'm taking a class and had a project assigned which I managed to finish pretty quickly, at least the main part of it. I had some trouble coding around the main() if functions though, because I started using some new functions (that is, fgets and strncmp). Now, my code works in my compiler, but not in any of the online compilers. So I'm wondering if I did something wrong with it, or if there is any way I can improve it.
Any help or contribution is appreciated, thanks!
Below is the code, the encrypt and decrypt functions are the first two functions before the main, where I believe most of the messy shortcut-code might be.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char * Encrypt(char sentence[])
int primes[12] = {1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31};
int x = 0;
int counter = 0;
int ispositive = 1;
while(sentence[x] != 0)
if (counter == 0)
ispositive = 1;
else if(counter == 11)
ispositive = 0;
if (ispositive == 1)
sentence[x] = sentence[x] + primes[counter];
else if (ispositive == 0)
sentence[x] = sentence[x] + primes[counter];
return sentence;
char * Decrypt(char sentence[])
int primes[12] = {1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31};
int x = 0;
int counter = 0;
int ispositive = 1;
while(sentence[x] != 0)
if (counter == 0)
ispositive = 1;
else if(counter == 11)
ispositive = 0;
if (ispositive == 1)
sentence[x] = sentence[x] - primes[counter];
else if (ispositive == 0)
sentence[x] = sentence[x] - primes[counter];
return sentence;
int main()
char message[100];
char input[7];
char *p;
int c;
int condition = 1;
while(condition == 1)
printf("Would you like to Encrypt or Decrypt a message? (Type TurnOff to end the program) \n \n");
fgets(input,7, stdin);
if (!strncmp(input,"Encrypt",strlen(input)))
printf("\n \n Enter the message you want to Encrypt below: \n \n");
fgets(message, 100, stdin);
printf("\n Your encrypted message is: ");
printf("%s", message);
printf("\n \n");
else if (!strncmp(input,"Decrypt",strlen(input)))
printf("\n \n Enter the message you want to Decrypt below: \n \n");
fgets(message, 100, stdin);
printf("\n Your Decrypted message is: ");
printf("%s", message);
printf("\n \n");
else if (!strncmp(input,"TurnOff",strlen(input)))
printf("\n \n Thank you for using the program! \n \n");
condition = 0;
printf("That's not a valid input \n \n");
After the printf you doing fflush(stdin) instead of you have to do fflush(stdout). Because you are printing the output. The output is printed in stdout. So, you have to flush the stdout buffer not stdin buffer.
You can use the strcmp instead of strncmp. Because in here you are comparing the hole character in the input array. So, the strcmp is enough.
strcmp(input, "Encrypt").
The strcmp or strncmp function get the input in array upto a null or the size of the string you are declared.
The size for the input array is too few.
lets take the input is like below.
In here you first fgets in main function reads the upto "Encrypt" it does not skip the '\n'.
The '\n' is readed form another fgets. So, it does not get the encrypt message "sureshkumar".
So, you have to modify you code. You will increase the size for the input array.
And check the condition like below.
if(strcmp(input, "Encrypt\n") == 0)
You will do what you want
You can use the above way or you can read the input and overwrite the '\n' to '\0' in the input array and compare as it is you before done. But you have to use the strcmp. Because the array size is incremented.
This is the right way for using the fgets. Use of fgets is to read upto new line.
You have to use the null character for the character array. Because this is necessary for the character arrays.
Your initiative towards using strcmp() and fgets() is good, though, it requires following understanding:
1. fgets() writes atmost size-1 characters into buffer and then terminates with '\0'. In your case,
fgets(input,7, stdin);
You gave input "Encrypt"/"Decrypt"/"TurnOff"
'input' buffer got data as "Encryp"/"Decryp"/"TurnOf"
because of size=7 (only (7-1)=6 characters being read, last position reserved for '\0' character by fgets()).
Your strncmp() calls will work correctly with your current code, since for strncmp(), length to compare
n = strlen(input) = 6;
6 characters are matching fine in all three cases of "Encrypt"/"Decrypt"/"TurnOff".
Summary is that your current code will work fine, But your actual intention is violated. You actually wanted to read and compare full length of option string.
EDIT DONE : Modifications suggested:
#define SIZE 9 <-- EDIT : Change done here, instead of 7, size = 9 is used
to allow reading '\n' so that it does not affect
fgets() read in successive iteration
char input[SIZE];
fgets(input, SIZE, stdin); // read str is e.g. "Encrypt\n"
input[SIZE-2] = '\0'; // To replace '\n' with '\0'
Similarly, you need to be careful when reading into 'message' array using fgets().

C - Malloc issue (maybe something else)

Update edition:
So, I'm trying to get this code to work without using scanf/fgets. Gets chars from the user, puts it into a pointer array using a while loop nested in a for loop.
#define WORDLENGTH 15
#define MAXLINE 1000
int main()
char *line[MAXLINE];
int i = 0;
int j;
int n;
char c;
for (n=0; c!=EOF; n){
char *tmp = (char *) malloc(256);
while ((c=getchar())!=' '){
tmp[i]=c; // This is no longer updating for some reason.
line[n++]=tmp; //
printf("\n%s\n",line[n]); //Seg fault here
for(j = 0; j (lessthan) n; j++){
printf("\n%s\n", line[j]);
free (line[j]);
return 0;
So, now I'm getting a seg fault. Not sure why tmp[i] is not updating properly. Still working on it.
I've never learned this much about programming during the entire semester so far. Please keep helping me learn. I'm loving it.
You print line[i] and just before that, you set i to 0. Print line[n] instead.
Also, you forgot the terminating 0 character. And your code will become easier if you make tmp a char array and then strdup before assigning to line[n].
sizeof(WORLDLENGTH), for one, is wrong. malloc takes an integer, and WORLDLENGTH is an integer. sizeof(WORLDLENGTH) will give you the size of an integer, which is 4 if you compile for a 32-bit system, so you're allocating 4 bytes.
Btw - while ((c=getchar())!=' '||c!=EOF) - what's your intent here? A condition like (a!=b || a!=c) will always return true if b!=c because there is no way a can be both b and c.
And, as others pointed out, you're printing out line[i], where i is always 0. You probably meant line[n]. And you don't terminate the tmp string.
And there's no overflow checking, so you'll run into evil bugs if a word is longer than WORDLENGTH.
Others have already told you some specific problems with your code but one thing they seem to have missed is that c should be an int, not a char. Otherwise the comparison to EOF wil not work as expected.
In addition, the segfault you're getting is because of this sequence:
You have already incremented n to the next array element then you try to print it. That second line should be:
If you just want some code that works (with a free "do what you darn well want to" licence), here's a useful snippet from my code library.
I'm not sure why you think fgets is to be avoided, it's actually very handy and very safe. I'm assuming you meant gets which is less handy and totally unsafe. Your code is also prone to buffer overruns as well, since it will happily write beyond the end of your allocated area if it gets a lot of characters that are neither space nor end of file.
By all means, write your own code if you're educating yourself but part of that should be examining production-tested bullet-proof code to see how it can be done. And, if you're not educating yourself, you're doing yourself a disservice by not using freely available code.
The snippet follows:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define OK 0
#define NO_INPUT 1
#define TOO_LONG 2
static int getLine (char *prmpt, char *buff, size_t sz) {
int ch, extra;
// Get line with buffer overrun protection.
if (prmpt != NULL) {
printf ("%s", prmpt);
fflush (stdout);
if (fgets (buff, sz, stdin) == NULL)
return NO_INPUT;
// If it was too long, there'll be no newline. In that case, we flush
// to end of line so that excess doesn't affect the next call.
if (buff[strlen(buff)-1] != '\n') {
extra = 0;
while (((ch = getchar()) != '\n') && (ch != EOF))
extra = 1;
return (extra == 1) ? TOO_LONG : OK;
// Otherwise remove newline and give string back to caller.
buff[strlen(buff)-1] = '\0';
return OK;
// Test program for getLine().
int main (void) {
int rc;
char buff[10];
rc = getLine ("Enter string> ", buff, sizeof(buff));
if (rc == NO_INPUT) {
printf ("No input\n");
return 1;
if (rc == TOO_LONG) {
printf ("Input too long\n");
return 1;
printf ("OK [%s]\n", buff);
return 0;
It's a useful line input function that has the same buffer overflow protection as fgets and can also detect lines entered by the user that are too long. It also throws away the rest of the too-long line so that it doesn't affect the next input operation.
Sample runs with 'hello', CTRLD, and a string that's too big:
pax> ./qq
Enter string> hello
OK [hello]
pax> ./qq
Enter string>
No input
pax> ./qq
Enter string> dfgdfgjdjgdfhggh
Input too long
pax> _
For what it's worth (and don't hand this in as your own work since you'll almost certainly be caught out for plagiarism - any half-decent educator will search for your code on the net as the first thing they do), this is how I'd approach it.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define WORDLENGTH 15
#define MAXWORDS 1000
int main (void) {
char *line[MAXWORDS];
int numwords = 0; // Use decent variable names.
int chr, i;
// Code to run until end of file.
for (chr = getchar(); chr != EOF;) { // First char.
// This bit gets a word.
char *tmp = malloc(WORDLENGTH + 1); // Allocate space for word/NUL
i = 0;
while ((chr != ' ') && (chr != EOF)) { // Read until space/EOF
if (i < WORDLENGTH) { // If space left in word,
tmp[i++] = chr; // add it
tmp[i] = '\0'; // and null-terminate.
chr = getchar(); // Get next character.
line[numwords++] = tmp; // Store.
// This bit skips space at end of word.
while ((chr == ' ') && (chr != EOF)) {
chr = getchar();
// Now we have all our words, print them.
for (i = 0; i < numwords; i++){
printf ("%s\n", line[i]);
free (line[i]);
return 0;
I suggest you read that and studdy the comments so that you know how it's working. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments section and I'll answer or clarify.
Here's a sample run:
pax$ echo 'hello my name is pax andthisisaverylongword here' | ./testprog
Change your printf line - you need to print line[n] rather than line[i].
first your malloc formula is wrong
you need to allocate the sizeof a char enought times for the lenght of your word (also 15 seems a bit small, your not counting the longest word in the dictionnary or the "iforgettoputspacesinmyphrasestoscrewtheprogrammer" cases lol
don't be shy char is small you can hit 256 or 512 easily ^^
needs to be changed to
int j = 0;
your i never changes so you always print the same line
