Custom Admin component with custom dataprovider - reactjs

I need custom Admin component to update the list of Resource components dynamically.
The documentation provides an example:
import * as React from 'react';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { AdminContext, AdminUI, Resource, ListGuesser, useDataProvider } from 'react-admin';
function App() {
return (
<AdminContext dataProvider={myDataProvider}>
<AsyncResources />
function AsyncResources() {
const [resources, setResources] = useState([]);
const dataProvider = useDataProvider();
useEffect(() => {
// Note that the `getResources` is not provided by react-admin. You have to implement your own custom verb.
dataProvider.getResources().then(r => setResources(r));
}, []);
return (
{ => (
<Resource name={} key={resource.key} list={ListGuesser} />
It is supposed to work with custom dataprovider that has getResources() function.
Ok. But how this function is supposed to look like? Or rather what it should return? Because tried many things and none is flying.
And also. There is a warning about React Hook useEffect missing a dependency: 'dataProvider'. Solutions online aren't usable so far. I don't think my example doesn't work because of that, but it's possible. How to fix that in that case?
So yeah, in short - how to make this provided in documentation example to work?
Edit: In case anyone wondering here is how I apply my dataprovider:
import dataProvider from './dataprovider';
function App() {
return (
<AdminContext dataProvider={dataProvider}>
<AsyncResources />
And here is my get_resources function:
getResources: () => {
const url = `${apiUrl}/get_resources`;
return httpClient(url).then(
({ headers, json }) => ({
data: json["data"],
total: json["total"]
Edit 2:
Problem maybe lies within dataprovider, since it fails with error message "TypeError: can't convert undefined to object" while trying to call "isDataProviderOptions" function from here: node_modules/ra-core/esm/dataProvider/getDataProviderCallArguments.js:19.
Or it's calling the wrong dataprovider. Not the custom one I've supplied to the AdminContext component.
Should I add the code of my custom dataprovider?


Problem with wrapping whole React App (all pages) in certain functionality

I have React App consisting of few pages. LandingPage (to be clear, it is really the first page in app flow)is like this:
export const LocalLandingPage = () => {
const { Favorites } = useFavorites();
React.useEffect(() => {
Favorites.manageSupport() && Favorites.showSize();
}, []);
return ( goes actual content...);
const LandingPage = withRouter(wrappedInLinkToSearchHOC(WithSnackBarHOC(LocalLandingPage)));
Here I call hook useFavorites which gathers some methods dealing with a specific subset of local Storage content(and dispatches actions to Redux store as well). The code above return call is checks support for local Storage and tells if some specific items are stored and in what quantity.
The story is that I have realized that if someone enters not the LandingPage but any other page of the app, the code will not be executed and support for localStorage not checked.
Besides, it is really not LandingPage business to deal with storage, so it should be removed anywhere.
My idea was to write HOC and wrap the application. So, here is this HOC (to keep things simple it is initially JS not TS) To make useFavorites work, it had to be a hook, too.
import useFavorites from '../hooks/useFavorites';
const useCheckSupportForLocalStorage = Component => {
const { Favorites } = useFavorites();
// React.useEffect(() => {
Favorites.manageSupport() && Favorites.showSize();
// }, []);
return props => <Component {...props} />;
export default useCheckSupportForLocalStorage;
Having it done, I have tried to use it on App like this
function App() {
return (
... here are routes...
export default useCheckSupportForLocalStorage(App);
It throws an error:
React Hook "useCheckSupportForLocalStorage" cannot be called at the top level.
That is truth, no doubt. So, the next idea was to create a temporary component from all routes.
function Routes() {
const Routes = useCheckSupportForLocalStorage(
<Route exact path={Paths.landing} component={Awaiting(StarWars)} /> is the rest or outes...
return <Routes />;
export default Routes;
And use it in rewritten App like this
function App() {
return (
<Routes />
but it throws error
Routes' cannot be used as a JSX component.
Its return type '(props: any) => Element' is not a valid JSX element.
Type '(props: any) => Element' is missing the following properties from type 'ReactElement<any, any>': type, props, key
Forcing useCheckSupportForLocalStorage th have return type of ReactElement doesn't help, just leads to other error. I have checked few others options as well. What is wrong, how should it be written?
Basically I could stop using useFavorites in this hook, then it would be just a function - but it would be extreme headache.
You say
To make useFavorites work, it had to be a hook, too.
That is not true, since you have it in a component it will work just fine. And my understanding is that you want to wrap your whole app with it, so no need for the HOC. Just use it at the top of your app hierarchy.
something like
import useFavorites from '../hooks/useFavorites';
const CheckSupportForLocalStorage = ({ children }) => {
const { Favorites } = useFavorites();
React.useEffect(() => {
Favorites.manageSupport() && Favorites.showSize();
}, []);
return children;
export default CheckSupportForLocalStorage;
function App() {
return (
... here are routes...
export default App;

Why is react skeleton not rendering?

I have a component Recommended that makes a service call to firebase and renders the returned data. During the loading delay at the database call, I want to render a react skeleton, as follows:
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import Skeleton from "react-loading-skeleton";
import { getVenues } from "../services/firebase";
import VenueCard from "./VenueCard";
const Reccomended = () => {
const [venues, setVenues] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
async function getAllVenues() {
const response = await getVenues();
await setVenues(response);
}, []);
venues[0] ? console.log(true) : console.log(false)
return (
{!venues[0] ? (
<Skeleton />
) : (
<p className="recommended">Recommended for Josh</p>
<VenueCard venues={venues} />
export default Reccomended;
However, the skeleton is not rending during loading. The returning data is saved to the state variable venues, and I'm using the 'truthiness' as a conditional for the render. I tested this by logging the following:
venues[0] ? console.log(true) : console.log(false)
In the browser it initially logged false, followed quickly by true
So given this, I don't understand why the skeleton isn't loading - any suggestions?
I've also passed parameters into <Skeleton/> which didn't change anything.
You must include the CSS styles, or you won't see anything. Just add
import "react-loading-skeleton/dist/skeleton.css";
with the rest of the imports.
This is documented in the package readme in the react-loading-skeleton basic Usage section

Using React Context in a custom hook always returns undefined

I'm trying to create a custom hook which will eventually be packaged up on NPM and used internally on projects in the company I work for. The basic idea is that we want the package to expose a provider, which when mounted will make a request to the server that returns an array of permission strings that are then provided to the children components through context. We also want a function can which can be called within the provider which will take a string argument and return a boolean based on whether or not that string is present in the permissions array provided by context.
I was following along with this article but any time I call can from inside the provider, the context always comes back as undefined. Below is an extremely simplified version without functionality that I've been playing with to try to figure out what's going on:
import React, { createContext, useContext, useEffect } from 'react';
type CanProviderProps = {children: React.ReactNode}
type Permissions = string[]
// Dummy data for fake API call
const mockPermissions: string[] = ["create", "click", "delete"]
const CanContext = createContext<Permissions | undefined>(undefined)
export const CanProvider = ({children}: CanProviderProps) => {
let permissions: Permissions | undefined
useEffect(() => {
permissions = mockPermissions
// This log displays the expected values
console.log("Mounted. Permissions: ", permissions)
}, [])
return <CanContext.Provider value={permissions}>{children}</CanContext.Provider>
export const can = (slug: string): boolean => {
const context = useContext(CanContext)
// This log always shows context as undefined
// No functionality built to this yet. Just logging to see what's going on.
return true
And then the simple React app where I'm testing it out:
import React from 'react'
import { CanProvider, can } from 'use-can'
const App = () => {
return (
<h1>useCan Test</h1>
{/* Again, this log always shows undefined */}
export default App
Where am I going wrong here? This is my first time really using React context so I'm not sure where to pinpoint where the problem is. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
There are two problems with your implementation:
In your CanProvider you're reassigning the value in permissions with =. This will not trigger an update in the Provider component. I suggest using useState instead of let and =.
const [permissions, setPermissions] = React.useState<Permissions | undefined>();
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
This will make the Provider properly update when permissions change.
You are calling a hook from a regular function (the can function calls useContext). This violates one of the main rules of Hooks. You can learn more about it here:
I suggest creating a custom hook function that gives you the can function you need.
Something like this, for example
const useCan = () => {
const context = useContext(CanContext)
return () => {
return true
Then you should use your brand new hook in the root level (as per the rules of hooks) of some component that's inside your provider. For example, extracting a component for the content like so:
const Content = (): React.ReactElement => {
const can = useCan();
if(can("post")) {
return <>Yes, you can</>
return null;
export default function App() {
return (
<h1>useCan Test</h1>
<Content />
You should use state to manage permissions.
Look at the example below:
export const Provider: FC = ({ children }) => {
const [permissions, setPermissions] = useState<string[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
// You can fetch remotely
// or do your async stuff here
}, []);
return (
<CanContext.Provider value={permissions}>{children}</CanContext.Provider>
export const useCan = () => {
const permissions = useContext(CanContext);
const can = useCallback(
(slug: string) => {
return permissions.some((p) => p === slug);
return { can };
Using useState you force the component to update the values.
You may want to read more here

Is context value shared between Provider instances derived from the same context in React?

I am having a Provider component whose values I export by means of a hook.
The simple implementation of what I am describing is this:
// SomeProvider.jsx
const SomeContext = React.createContext(null);
function SomeProvider(props) {
const [state, setState] = useState(null)
useEffect(() => {
//some logic
}, [props.someValue])
return <SomeContext.Provider value={state} {...props} />;
const useSome = () => React.useContext(SomeContext);
export { SomeProvider, useSome };
Now, what if i want to use this context provider in more than one place? for example
// App.jsx
<SomeProvider someValue={valueOne}>
<SomeComponent />
<SomeProvider someValue={valueTwo}>
<SomeOtherComponent />
where valueOne and valueTwo are subject to change
// SomeComponent.jsx
import { useSome } from 'SomeProvider';
function SomeComponent() {
const someValue = useSome();
return ....
// SomeOtherComponent.jsx
import { useSome } from 'SomeProvider';
function SomeOtherComponent () {
const someValue = useSome();
return ....
Will this approach lead to the two SomeProvider instances sharing a common value, thus messing up things?
If that's the case what would be the correct approach to end up with each SomeProvider having its own "private" value?
If that's not the case, how does this work, since all Providers are derived from the same React.useContext() invocation?
Even though createContext is only called once, React creates instances of those contexts per rendering of a context Provider. When something calls useContext, React will go up the render tree to find the nearest Provider of the given type and get that values from the instance of that context.

How do I combine ramda with recompose?

I have this component;
const ReposGrid = R.pipe(
// branch(R.isEmpty, renderComponent(Loader)),,
export default ReposGrid
This works fine but I want to render loader component if repos is empty. My branch from recompose just doesn't do anything. It doesn't show Loader neither displays repos when it's loaded. Can I apply R.ifElse here?
You might be mixing up ramda's pipe/compose and recompose's, and the arguments they take. Your chain is made up of a mix of higher order components and functions operating on props. It's best to keep the data handling in mapProps/withProps etc.
You might be able to achieve something similar to what you're after like this:
import { map, evolve, propSatisfies, isEmpty } from 'ramda'
import { compose, branch, renderComponent, mapProps, renameProp } from 'recompose'
const Repo = (repo) => <div>Repo {repo}</div>
const Loader = () => <div>Loader</div>
const RepoGridBase = props => <div>{props.children}</div>
const ReposGrid = compose(
propSatisfies(isEmpty, 'repos'),
repos: map(Repo)
renameProp('repos', 'children')
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<ReposGrid repos={[]} />
<ReposGrid repos={['one', 'two']} />
(this will throw key warnings, you'd probably be better of doing the map inside of a component explicitly)
codesandbox link
