Suggested way to initialize a struct in C - c

Is there a suggested way on how to initialize a struct in C? For example:
Book romeo = {"Romeo & Juliet", "Shakespeare", 1600};
Book inferno;
inferno.title = "Divine Comedy"; = "Dante";
inferno.year = 1400;
Is one way preferred over the other one? I would think for readability the second one is easier, but if there are a ton of fields it might become unwieldy. Additionally, is there any way to specify the variable name in the first method, something like:
Book romeo = {title="...", author="...", year="...");

Additionally, is there any way to specify the variable name in the
first method, something like:
hope below code helps
typedef struct Book {
char *title;
unsigned int year;
} Book;
int main()
Book B1 = { .year = 1999};
Book B2 = {.title= "Jason Bourne", .year = 1999};
printf("B1.year = %d\n", B1.year);
printf("B2.title = %s B2.year = %d\n", B2.title, B2.year);
return 0;

Is one way preferred over the other one?
Note: C defines the first as initialization, the 2nd as assignment.
Yes, global object can be initialized, but not assigned with global code.
// Possible
Book romeo = {"Romeo & Juliet", "Shakespeare", 1600};
Book inferno;
// Not possible outside a function.
inferno.title = "Divine Comedy"; = "Dante";
inferno.year = 1400;
is there any way to specify the variable name in the first method
Since C99, members can be specified in any order, complete or not.
Book romeo = {. title = "Romeo & Juliet", .author = "Shakespeare", .year = 1600};
Book romeo = {.year = 1600, . title = "Romeo & Juliet", .author = "Shakespeare" };
Book romeo = {. title = "Romeo & Juliet", .author = "Shakespeare" }; // .year takes on value 0

Yes, there's a way but not exactly as you said.
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct { int k; int l; int a[2]; } T;
typedef struct { int i; T t; } S;
T x = {.l = 43, .k = 42, .a[1] = 19, .a[0] = 18 }; // x initialized to {42, 43, {18, 19} }
int main(void)
S l = { 1, // initializes l.i to 1
.t = x, // initializes l.t to {42, 43, {18, 19} }
.t.l = 41, // changes l.t to {42, 41, {18, 19} }
.t.a[1] = 17 // changes l.t to {42, 41, {18, 17} }
printf("l.t.k is %d\n", l.t.k); // .t = x sets l.t.k to 42 explicitly
// .t.l = 41 would zero out l.t.k implicitly
Moreover, you should visit this once
and please check here before you ask a question.


how to associate enum with array of string

If  I have array string for courses name like
courseName = {"java","math","physics"}
and enum have constant variables with code for courses like
CSC = 320
How to associate them in C language ?
You need some way to map the enumeration to the array index.
A simple array of structures with a "from" and "to" member solve it:
int course; // Course enumeration value
unsigned name; // Name array index
} course_to_name_map[] = {
{ JAVA_101, 0 },
// etc...
To find the name loop over the mapping array to find the course, and then use the corresponding index to get the name:
char *get_course_name(int course)
static const size_t map_element_count = sizeof course_to_name_map / sizeof course_to_name_map[0];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < map_element_count; ++i)
if (course_to_name_map[i].course == course)
return course_names[course_to_name_map[i].name];
// Course was not found
return NULL;
Note that this is only one possible solution. It's simple but not very effective.
why not:
enum KEY {
KEY_JAVA = 320,
KEY_MATH = 123,
char *course_to_name[] = {
[KEY_JAVA] = "java",
[KEY_MATH] = "math",
{KEY_PHYSIC] = "physics",
// usage:
It works quite well as long as courses codes are relatively small.

enum variable is showing error even after declaring in C

I tried to learn enumeration in c and my doubt is the enum variable is showing error even after i have declared it but the same code works fine when i use it via a function?
The code which is showing error:
the variable per1 and per2 are showing error, what is the reason for it?
enum mar_status
single = 100, married = 200, divorced = 300, widowed = 400
enum mar_status per1, per2;
per1 = single;
per2 = married
The code which is working fine:
void global();
int main(){
return 0;
void global(){
enum mar_status
single = 100, married = 200, divorced = 300, widowed = 400
enum mar_status per1, per2;
per1 = single;
per2 = married;
printf("The person 1 is %d and person 2 is %d\n",per1,per2);
Thanks for the people who helps to solve my query!
C does not allow executable statements outside functions.
The first five lines are declarations and are correct.
The last two lines are executable statements:
per1 = single;
per2 = married;
and must be placed inside a function, e.g. main as in your second piece of code.
You can also do the declaration with an initial value if you want to keep it outside a function:
enum mar_status {
single = 100, married = 200, divorced = 300, widowed = 400 };
enum mar_status per1 = single;
enum mar_status per2 = married;
int main(){
printf("The person 1 is %d and person 2 is %d\n",per1,per2);
return 0;

How to print out the members of a struct, weird errors?

I've been trying to print of the members of a struct I have created, however there are a few declarations errors that are showing saying my structs are undeclared. I have a separate function for printing the members of the struct. I have no idea on how to debug it... please help
I have errors such as game1- undeclared (first use in this function) and expected = , ; asm or attribute before { token
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct video_game
char *name, *genre, *developer, *platformer, *app_purchase;
int release_year, age_limit;
float price;
void print_video_game_details(struct video_game* s)
printf("\nTitle: %s\n", s->name);
printf("Genre: %s\n", s->genre);
printf("Developer: %s\n", s->developer);
printf("Year of Release: %d\n", s->release_year);
printf("Lower Age Limit: %d\n", s->age_limit);
printf("Price: $%f\n", s->price);
printf("In-app Purchase: %s\n", s->app_purchase);
int main(int agrc, char* agrv[])
struct video_game game1
{ = "Candy Crush Saga";
game1.genre = "Match-Three Puzzle";
game1.developer = "King";
game1.release_year = 2012;
game1.platform = "Android, iOS, Windows Phone";
game1.age_limit = 7;
game1.price = 0.00;
game1.app_purchase = "Yes";
struct video_game game2
{ = "Halo 4";
game2.genre = "First Person Shooter";
game2.developer = "343 Industries";
game2.release_year = 2014;
game2.platform = "Xbox 360, Xbox One";
game2.age_limit = 16;
game2.price = 69.95;
game2.app_purchase = "No";
struct video_game game1
{ = "Uncharted 2: Among Thieves";
game3.genre = "Action adventure RPG";
game3.developer = "Naughty Dog";
game3.release_year = 2012;
game3.platform = "PS3";
game3.age_limit = 16;
game3.price = 30.00;
game3.app_purchase = "No";
return 0;
Your instance creations (game1, game2 and game3) are not C, they are using some made-up syntax.
They should be something like
struct video_game game1 = {
.name = "Candy Crush Saga",
/* ... */
You need to define three variables of type struct video_game, and <type> <name> [= <initializer>] is (roughly) how variables are defined in C.
If you don't have C99, it must be:
struct video_game game1 = {
"Candy Crush Saga",
"Match-Three Puzzle",
"Android, iOS, Windows Phone",
Things to notice, that you seem to be ignoring:
No names of fields inside the initializer, just values.
The order must be exactly the same as when the struct was declared; first five strings, then two integers, then a float.
Values are separated with commas, not semicolons.

Syntax for assigning to a struct in a struct

I have a struct Entity that is made up of Limbs and an enum, Limbs is also a struct with two items e.g.
typedef enum{ALIVE, DEAD} state;
typedef struct Limb{
int is_connected;
int is_wounded;
} Limb;
typedef struct Entity{
Limb limb_1;
Limb limb_2;
state is_alive;
} Entity;
Now lets say I have a function that's designed to assign entity particular values, what is the proper syntax to use here? My current guess is this:
void assign_entity(Entity *entity){
*entity = {
.limb_1 = { 1, 0 },
.limb_2 = { 1, 0 },
.is_alive = ALIVE
But I get an error (expected expression) when I use this syntax, what am I doing wrong here? What is the proper syntax for assigning to a struct inside a struct.
You're trying to use a compound literal but omitting the proper syntax.
It should be:
void assign_entity(Entity *entity){
*entity = ((Entity) {
.limb_1 = { 1, 0 },
.limb_2 = { 1, 0 },
.is_alive = ALIVE
Note that this requires C99 (or a suitably extended compiler, of course).
Probably too verbose for someone the code below:
void assign_entity(Entity *entity)
entity->limp_1.is_connected = 1;
entity->limp_1.is_wounded= 0;
entity->limp_2.is_connected = 1;
entity->limp_2.is_wounded= 0;
entity->is_alive = ALIVE;
If you have already allocated memory at the address pointed to by entity and all you're trying to do is "assign particular values", then you would do it as follows:
void assign_entity(Entity *entity)
entity->limb_1 = ( 1, 0 );
entity->limb_2 = ( 1, 0 );
entity->is_alive = ALIVE;
Or, if you want to roll it all up into one line:
void assign_entity(Entity *entity)
*entity = ((1, 0), (1, 0), ALIVE);
Designated initializer syntax can only be used in an initialization.
One way to do what you want would be:
Entity const new = {
.limb_1 = { 1, 0 },
.limb_2 = { 1, 0 },
.is_alive = ALIVE
*entity = new;

How do you convert values to enumeration constants in c?

Earlier I was fixing a lexer for my parser; now I have to create a validater for it. My idea was to convert the enumeration constants to strings by using the following preprocessor macro: #define MACRO_STRINGIFY(x) #x.
Then I made a function to compare various token values lactually, I made three, but they are all the same with a few minor changes):
unsigned int compare_keyword( enum script_keywords keyword, char *token ) {
char *temporary = MACRO_STRINGIFY( keyword );
unsigned int i = 0;
for (; i < (strlen( "KEYWORD_" ) + 1); i++) {
// 0 on match, 1 on no match
return strcmp( temporary, token ) ? 1 : 0;
Now, this function works absolutely fine... when keyword is the enumeration constant:
void test() {
printf( "\nIF is " );
// Finish the sentence based on the return value
compare_keyword( KEYWORD_IF, "IF" ) ? printf( "not a keyword.\n" ) : printf( "a keyword.\n" );
test(); //--> Outputs 'IF is a keyword' like expected.
On the other hand, the function does not work as intended if I pass a value like 1 (the value which the symbolic enumeration constant KEYWORD_IF resolves to.):
// Same as last time with one edit:
void test() {
/* See above code with following change on line 4 */
compare_keyword( 1, "IF" ) /* etc... */
/* Rest of code from previous test */
test(); //--> Outputs 'IF is not a keyword' even if KEYWORD_IF resolves to the value 1.
The point I'm getting across here is that the preproccessor is very literal, and I would much prefer using a for loop to loop through the constants efficiently without bloating the code size (which is what would happen if I end up using enumeration constants). Therefore, the question is how can I convert plain integer values to their symbolic names without using switch…case… or if…else…?
Edit: Enumeration Details:
enum script_keywords {
The Macro "MACRO_STRINGIFY" is evaluated at compile time by the preprocessor. It will return the actual name of the argument, so
MACRO_STRINGIFY(keyword) -> "keyword"
Apparently this will not lead to any solution.
Instead one could use a compile-time generated key-value mapping to implement such functionality:
struct map
int key;
const char* value;
struct map mappings[] =
and then simply iterate those mapping entries at runtime to find out what you need:
static int is_keyword(const char* str)
int i;
const int count = sizeof(mappings) / sizeof(mappings[0]);
for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
struct map* m = &mappings[i];
if(strcmp(str, m->value) == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
void test()
const char* str = "IF";
const char* what;
what = "a keyword";
what = "not a keyword";
printf("%s is %s.\n", str, what);
This is about as minimal as it may get. The executable binary does not normally include names of enumeration values as known from e.g. Java.
To extend this even further, you could do some preprocessor voodoo to generate the mapping array (semi-) automatically. But as I am not a big friend of preprocessor voodoo I will skip that ;)
