Expo Scan QR To Open App Without Signing In - reactjs

If I go to my project on expo.io https://expo.io/my-username/projects/my-project-name and scan the QR code I get a 403. If I sign into the expo app, it works fine. However, I want to provide a link to people that only have the app and no account. Is this possible? It seems like it is if I can access other people's project. e.g. https://snack.expo.io/ works for me without signing in.
My project is made public to everyone, why is this happening?

On iOS you can't access other people's Expo apps by scanning QR code due to Apple app store requirements.
It doesn't apply to Snack because Snack isn't used for building production apps and the source code is always public to everyone.


NextJS Crashing on phones

I’m working on a NextJS project, whenever I use it on my computer it works flawlessly. But when trying to access pages on my phone, I get the following error.
It’s weird because my app doesn’t use anything remotely related to ethereum.
Thanks in advance for any help.
You have to make sure that ethereum provider is in place. I'm sure if you opened your app in Metamask mobile browser it would work just fine.
Since you haven't included your code snippet I can't help further in this moment

How to control access to react native app in local environment

is it possible to put a password requirement when someone tries to run a react native app using expo developer tools in local environment.
The steps someone would take is:
expo start
Scan qr code
--- I want to put a password requirement step here---
Open app in expo go app.
I don't think there's ready solution for this. I believe you will have to control access inside your app by yourself.
But the thing that is quite similar is publishing your app in expo environment by expo publish with privacy policy set to hidden https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/config/app/#privacy . Then you could get your QR code by accessing expo link (e.g. https://expo.dev/#community/native-component-list), which would be accessible only for users with right access to your project. More info here https://docs.expo.dev/workflow/publishing/

How do I create a QR code scanner that goes to a particular screen in my app

Im trying to build a Qr Code scanner into my app, But the way i want it to operate is... When a user scan a generated qr code it should go to a particular post on the app. of course, the generated qr code is for the post, but i dont want it to just show me the url, or data of the qr code, I want it to navigate to the page.
Something like how Expo opens your app when you use it to scan the qr code through expo.
Use Deeplinking
this link :
instagram:// in iOS this will open instagram app

After i create a APK to PWA i see toolbar of browser

I have a problem with my first PWA.
I have created one with reactjs and configured good manifest.
I follow step by step google guide.
PWA, works perfectly, and i see "add to home button".
After QA i wanted to publish it in store.
I used https://appmaker.xyz/pwa-to-apk.
Now i have app publish in the store but when i open it, i see a browser toolbar and i can't use it as a native app.
Someone can help me?
How about using TWA (Trusted Web Activity)?
Using Trusted Web Activities
This can be achieved by proving that the app and the web trust each other.
If you can prove it, you can prevent the browser toolbar from being displayed.
I'm sorry if you don't get the answer you want.

Google App Engine App added to google site used to work but now giving an error

I created an app in Java in Eclipse on Google App Engine. For about a year now, I've had that app embedded in a google site iframe as a gadget. I added it using the "add gadget by URL" option and put in the URL of the app: https://mycompany-helpdesk.appspot.com (where mycompany is my company's actual name).
This has been working flawlessly for about a year. Recently I made a small change to the Java code, and it seemed like about a week after that change, the app will not display in Google sites anymore.
The app works just fine if I navigate straight to its URL https://mycompany-helpdesk.appspot.com.
I removed the gadget iframe on my google site and then tried to add it back, but the error I'm getting now is:
The gadget you added is not valid
Unsupported feature: org.apache.shindig.common.xml.XmlException: The markup in the document preceding the root element must be well-formed. At: (1,3)
I have a couple of these apps and I tried using the other one, but I get the same error. I've tried to add them on other google sites and even created a fresh one and still get the same error. I've spent days googling this but I don't think I've found anything that applies to my situation.
Did something change where suddenly it is not possible to do this anymore? If I can't embed the app this way any more, does anyone know of another way that I might be able to do this?
UPDATE: When I am editing the site, under Insert > More gadgets, if, instead of using the "Add Gadget by URL" link (which is what I've been using to insert this gadget) I use the "Include gadget (iframe)" gadget developed by Scott Johnston, then my apps will appear in Firefox and Safari, but not Chrome. This is not useful to me as our employees primarily use Chrome.
I think I'm just going to abandon Google Sites and redo the page in GAE. Hope this helps someone else who has been banging their head against their desk as I have been.
Update: I noticed that suddenly all the embedded apps on my test pages were working, so I reverted to an old version of the google site where the app was still embedded. Voila, it works again. Now if I can just figure out how to add in another embedded app I'll be good to go. It had been working in Safari and Firefox but that doesn't seem to be working now...
