Privileged access groups - azure-active-directory

Anyone have any clues how to manage eligible assignments in privileged access enabled groups with PowerShell?
Get-AzureADMSGroup shows the group IsAssignableToRole is True and Get-AzureADGroupMember shows no members as they're not directly assigned.
The AzureAdPreview module has a number of commands to manage PIM roles.
But with privileged access groups, I can't work out the commands to assign eligible user assignments to a group rather than to a role.

Hi Can you please try the below Command to add the user to your required group --
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity Groupname -Members user1,user2
Groupname - Please mention the name of group.
User1 - 1st user ;
User2 - 2nd User
Please have a look this Document if it helps you.
Thank You.


Azure Resource/Resource Groups using AD Groups

We are trying to find a way to fetch the list of resources to which the AD Groups are mapped to. We have a huge list of AD groups (17k+ AD groups) and we have to update the tags of the resources to which the AD Groups belong to. We have a script to bulk update tags of the resources but we don't have the resource list for these specific resources.
• As you are confirming that each resource that you have created in Azure has been assigned a tag of the Azure AD group that it is mapped to, then it is quite aptly possible to get the list of resources for which a particular group is mentioned as a tag in it. For that purpose, kindly execute the below powershell command with atleast ‘Contributor’ role Azure assignment to the ID through which this command will be executed.
To get the list of Azure resources tagged with the exact value as ‘Reason’ as ‘Repro’, use the command below: -
(Get-AzResource -Tag #{ “Reason"="Repro"}).Name
Output: -
Similarly, if you want the list of resource groups that have a tag value of 'Reason : Repro' with the exact name and value, kindly use the below powershell command: -
(Get-AzResourceGroup -Tag #{ "Reason"="Repro" }).ResourceGroupName
Output: -
To know more about the commands relating to the above, kindly refer to the below documentation link: -

Get-AzADUser no longer return Department and AccountEnabled

I'm pretty sure that last week I was able to use Get-AzADUser to return both Department and AccountEnabled.
Get-AzADUser | where {$_.Mail -eq ""} | Select-Object Mail, Department, AccountEnabled
Mail Department AccountEnabled
---- ---------- --------------
When I call up all parameters for a single user I can see that I'm missing content on many fields, I basically only see Name, JobTitle, Mail, and MobileNumber
I'm using an account assigned the roles "Global reader" and "Directory readers".
(Other parts of my script also stopped working since last week where Get-AzADUsers no longer has a field called "ObjectId" but instead the field is simply called "Id")
You need to use "-Select" and " -AppendSelected" parameters to get the info.
Try the following (working for me)...
Get-AzADUser -Select 'Department,AccountEnabled' -AppendSelected -UserPrincipalName "" | Select-Object Mail, Department, AccountEnabled
Mail Department AccountEnabled
---- ---------- -------------- IT Support True
More info:
I tested in My Environment and found Get-AzADUser not much suitable command as it doesn't appear to return any information about the user (like department, usage location, office info, or basically any properties on the user).
There continues to be a lack of properties returned when comparing Get-AzureADUser vs. Get-AzADUser:
AzureAD Module which is a designed for tasks within AzureAD
Where second one Az which is designed to handle most, if not all of Azure's resources.
you can use the az module easliy if you just want to look up the users existance, but if you need to actually administer azure ad i would suggest you go for azuread. To connect to a specified tenant with azuread use connect-azuread -tenantId 'XXXXXX'.
Output Using Get-AzureADUser
I am able to get the departmentName
Reference :

Add a value to all users in AD

I am trying to set up dynamic distribution lists at the company I work for.
I want to use the company value in AD for a distribution list that everyone in the company needs to be part of.
Most of our users have the name of the company as the value, but after checking some users it appears that this value is not set for all users.
Is there a way to set this value for all AD users (by using powershell f.e), or get a list of users where the company value is not set to the company name?
You can use the PowerShell ActiveDirectory module, which is included in the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT). Details on how to install it are here.
Then you can use Get-ADUser and pipe the results into Set-ADUser. Something like this:
$badusers = Get-ADUser -Filter "company -ne 'Your Company Name'"
$badusers | Set-ADUser -Company "Your Company Name"
You could do this in one line, but I split it into two so you can inspect the $badusers collection to actually see the users that you changed (just type $badusers into the PowerShell prompt and hit enter).
It may be wise to limit it to, say, 5 or 10 users just to make sure it works the way you want before attempting to change every user. You can do this by adding -ResultSetSize 5 to the Get-ADUsers line.
This also assumes you want to change all user objects to have your company name, even administrative accounts. Keep in mind that this will stop processing users if it hits one that you don't have permission to modify. If you want to limit it to a single OU, you can use the -SearchBase parameter of Get-ADUsers, like this:
$badusers = Get-ADUser -Filter "company -ne 'Your Company Name'" -SearchBase "OU=Users,DC=example,DC=com"

Drupal 7: Using Rules to add user to OG then assign OG role

The idea is to accomplish the following when a new user is added:
Create a new group (OG)
Save it
Add user to saved group (OG)
Assign group role (OG)
I am using Rules with Organic Groups. All is fine apart from assigning the group role. I know you can add general system roles but does anyone know how to assign a group (OG) role programmaticaly so it happens automagically?
Any help much appreciated
I use the following custom php action on a rule, to add user to group and assign OG role.
OG role numbers appear to be in order of OG roles, as viewed through admin/config OG entries.
global $user;
// Load the user we want to add to the group
$account = user_load($user->uid);
// Add the user to the group - hard code group 18 which is my group as cant
// get PID from Ubercart order, to pull gid from nid. User, current user, active,
// etc., all default in 2nd array() param to og_group.
// Changes the users role in the group (1 = non-member, 2 = member, 3 = administrator member, 4 = Forum Administrator)
og_role_grant(18, $account->uid, 2);
Note, OG role 4 (forum administrator) is a custom OG role I created. Also, 'member' (2) is the default, I believe, but I put this in so I'd remember how to allocate other OG roles if I needed to in future.
I'm not a php guru unfortunately, and I still havent worked out how to pull the pid from the node of the Ubercart product ordered so I can get its gid and hence not hard code the gid of 18.
Hope the above code snipped (og_role_grant mainly) works for you as a rule action custom php code snippet (remember not to include the php tags at top and bottom as rules does this for you).
If you have any thoughts on my problem of getting the gid of the ordered ubercart product, as above, please feel free to share. :)
Best wishes
There is a proposed Organic Group patch that add this functionality to the Organic Group Rules integration.
You can find the patch here:
It adds Grant and Revoke role actions.
You can use og_role_grant($group_type, $gid, $uid, $rid) to assign a role to a user into an organic group programmatically.
To use this with rules, you can define a custom action using hook_rules_action_info() .

dsget all domain users

I try to get all the members of my domain - using
dsget group "CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=cms,DC=local" -members -expand
But it returns an empty result. How can this be? If I look up the Domain Users in the AD GUI and view its members, I get the full list without problems.
Why is the command not working?
It's just explained by the fact that the member attribute of Domain Users does not contain any user. This group looks like a dynamic group based on a query.
