I\ve builded a game in React.js.Its a memory game where you have to remember divs with same background.You click on the div and if all three divs have same color you pass the level, but my code guess only one instead of three divs and passes the level.Here is the code:
let all=document.querySelectorAll(".wall");
let o1=[0,25,29];
let red="crimson";
for(let f=0; f < o1.length; f++) {
if(this.state.asd==="MEMORIZE 3 RED COLORS"
&& all[o1[f]].style.background===red) {
//how to correct upper loop and condition
You says: "but my code guess only one instead"
Then, it's supposing giving a true result for the first compare.
On this all[o1[f]].style.background===red), you should try: all[o1[f]].style.background=='red'),
Another option, is use the hex code colors. See here an example.
This is my first year of vex. I am taking on the role of programmer.
I have had this idea for rapid autonomous creation, recording the driver. Instead of the usual array/debugger dump of raw streams of power levels, I had the idea of extracting functions from driver movement.
I wont go into the details, and I can code it myself, but I need some help.
There is one thing I am unable to do simply because of my lack of coding experience.
I want to create a for loop that checks every joystick button one by one.
For example:
struct button
bool pressed;
for(int i = 0; i>12; i++) //12 is number of buttons on the joystick
struct button button<cycle through buttons>;
I want there to then be:
struct button button6U;
struct button button6D;
struct button button6R;
Then, I want this:
for(int i = 0; i>12; i++) // 12 is number of buttons on the joystick
button<currentButton>.pressed = true;
I have no idea how to do this, with a wildcard modifing the actual variable name I am writing to.
A couple thoughts:
A for statement would have no idea how to advance the order of joystick buttons. So something I think I might need is:
// etc.
I just cant seem to figure out how to have a variable defining what VexRT[]button I am reading from.
Any help would be appreciated!
Sounds like you want an array:
struct button VexRT[NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS];
If you want to use symbolic constants to refer to specific buttons in the array, you can use an enumeration:
enum btn_id { BTN_6U, // maps to 0
BTN_6D, // maps to 1
BTN_6R, // maps to 2
Enumeration constants are represented as integers, and by default they start at 0 and increment by 1. You can initialize them to different values if you want, and multiple enumeration constants can map to the same value. I take advantage of this when I want to identify a "first" and "last" enumeration for looping, like so:
enum btn_id {
BTN_FIRST = BTN_6U, // both BTN_FIRST and BTN_6U will map to 0
Thus, VexRT[BTN_6U] maps to VexRT[0], VexRT[BTN_6D] maps to VexRT[1], etc.
Note that this way, you don't have to loop through all the buttons just to set one:
enum btn_id currentButton = BTN_6D;
VexRT[currentButton].pressed = true;
If you do want to loop through the whole set, you can use
for ( enum btn_id i = BTN_FIRST; i < BTN_LAST; i++ )
VexRT[i].pressed = false;
So, what you want is to sample the user input (at some specified rate), then record it into an array, then play that back at a later time? If you have functions that drive the VEX (I'm not familiar with that), each of which are associated with an input, you can use an array of function pointers to create your output.
#define MAX_ACTION 12
#define MAX_RECORDED 200
// Declare your array of function pointers
int (*action[MAX_ACTION])(void);
// Declare your stored array of recorded actions
int recorded[MAX_RECORDED];
// Assign function pointers to associated functions
action[0] = go_forward;
action[1] = turn_right;
// Record your actions into some array
while (...)
// Record the action
recorded[i++] = get_action();
// Sample delay
// Playback the actions
for (i=0;i<RECORDED;i++)
// delay here
P.S. Your for loop is backward (i<12 not i>12).
I think you are trying to access the events coming from the joystick. You can just loop through the array of values and record them. I think the channels on the joystick are simply accessed like: vexRT[x] where x is 1-12. If you just want to store the latest value from each channel you could do this:
int value[12];
for(i=0; i<12; i++)
value[i] = vexRT[i];
If you want to store all of the values so that you can map them or play them back or something then you will need a more complex data structure to store them, like a list of the value arrays.
I also have found documentation that says the values are accessed by like vexRT[Chx] where x is 1-12, so you could alternatively create a string and use it to access the joystick channels inside your loop:
string *s = (char *)malloc(5*sizeof(char)); //5 is the max length of the null terminated string
for() . . . {
sprintf(s,"Ch%d", i);
value[i] = vertRT[s];
I'm using SpriteKit and Swift 3 to create a simple game.
I have an array of Rings/Circles:
mRings = [mRingOne, mRingTwo, mRingThree, mRingFour, mRingFive]
each object in the array has a different color, In some point in the game I want to change the color of each ring, but I have 2 condition for this to happen:
1. a ring should not have the color it had one iteration before.
2. each ring should be in a different color from the others.
for the first condition I did this:
func changeRingsColor(){
var previousColor: UIColor?
for ring in mRings {
previousColor = ring.fillColor
ring.fillColor = hexStringToUIColor(hex: mColors[Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(5)))])
and it is working, however, I couldn't figure out a way to answer the second condition.
In Java I would probably do something like this:
for (int i=0; i<mRings.length; i++){
for( int j=1; j<mRings.length; j++){
if (ring[i].fillColor == ring[j].fillColor){
generate another color for 'j' ring.
but nothing I tried worked.
Hope you guys can help me, Thanks in advance!
btw, mColors is an array of 5 different colors, from there I pick the colors.
I'm going to ignore some of the implementation details and focus on the core of the question, which is:
Loop through an array
Within each loop, start a new loop at the current index to the end of the array.
Let me know if I'm misunderstanding the above. But I would do it like this:
for (index, ring) in mRings.enumerated() {
let remainingRings = mRings[index+1..<mRings.count]
for otherRing in remainingRings {
print("Now comparing \(ring) to \(otherRing)")
First, enumerated() gives you both the current ring, and the index, on each iteration of the first for loop. Then, we slice the array from the current index to the end (remainingRings), and loop through those.
It is possible to rewrite Java code in this way :
let mRings = ["mRingOne", "mRingTwo", "mRingThree", "mRingFour", "mRingFive"]
for (index, item) in mRings.enumerated() {
for item in index + 1..<mRings.count {
Something like this will work:
func changeRingsColor(){
// extract the previous colors
let colors = rings.map { $0.fillColor }
// the order in which the rings will pass color to each other
let passOrder = mRings.indices.shuffled()
for i in mRings.indices {
let previous = i == 0 ? mRings.count - 1 : i - 1
mRings[passOrder[i]].fillColor = colors[passOrder[previous]]
Using this implementation of shuffled
How does it work?
Instead of randomly choosing a color for each individual ring, I am randomly generating an order in which the rings will swap the colors (passOrder). Since every ring will pass its color to a different ring in that order, you can be sure no color will stay the same.
Having a bit of trouble setting label colors in a for loop
This works as expected:
label1.styleName = "myStyle";
However this does not:
for (var j:int = 0; j < labels.length; j++) {
labels[j].styleName = "myStyle";
When I trace the style I get the style name, but nothing changes visually, as it does in the first example.
I've tried other things such as:
(labels[j] as Label).setStyle('color', 0xFFFFFF); // Null object reference
And all the variants I could think of on that....setStyle(), as LabelItemRenderer...
Any thoughts?
Ah, for anyone else who happens to have this unusual problem, I had added the elements to the array wrong....
I had added them all in a loop without referencing with the 'this' keyword.... Nothing wrong with the code above, just the array. Derp!
I have a few different question and i have decided to put them in one. So the first question : If i have one and the same code(for example):
buttonsA.buton1a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton1a_function);
buttonsA.buton2a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton2a_function);
buttonsA.buton3a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton3a_function);
buttonsA.buton4a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton4a_function);
buttonsA.buton5a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton5a_function);
buttonsA.buton6a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton6a_function);
buttonsA.buton7a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton7a_function);
buttonsA.buton8a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton8a_function);
buttonsA.buton9a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton9a_function);
buttonsA.buton10a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton10a_function);
and i want to put it in several places(in different conditions) can i put them in a function a call a function instead a copying a large amout of text (I thought about 'include' from a different file but i want to keep all the information in one file).
The second question is about arrays : In my situation i have an array and i .push() a different numbers in it.But it could be "1,51,11,2,13' or "1,2,3,4,5" so every time place of numbers (and numbers themselves) are different. How can i say to AS3 in function to remove(.splice) exactly the number 5 or 6 (in spite of their place in the array).
The third question is again about the "code" that is upper in the question. Can i maybe with the loop for to make all these 10 addEventListen with a fewer code (i think it should be something like that:)
for(var i:int = 1; i <= 100; i++){
//buttonsA.buton'i'a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , buton'i'a_function);
Long story short maybe i didn't have to put so much question and maybe my thoughts are not correct, but i think that my questions are easy but i can't solve them. Any decisions and replies are welcomed :) Thanks.
First Question:
Not sure I understand your first question. I'll take a stab at it and say you're wanting the functionality of the button mouse down to be enabled during different contexts of your application state, but you don't want to repeat all the event listeners all the time?
if so, you should make a subclass for all your button to inherit from. It could look something like this:
public class ButtonSubClass extends Sprite { //or simple button, or whatever
public function ButtonSubClass():void {
private function downHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
//do something common to all your buttons here
Then, have all your buttons inherit from this class.
Second Question:
function removeFromArray(elementVal:*):void {
var index:int = array.indexOf(elementVal); //get the index of the first element whose value is the passed parameter;
if(index >= 0){
array.splice(index,1); //remove that element/index from the array.
Third Question:
If ButtonA is a sprite whose only children are all the buttons you want the listener for, then you can do this:
var i:int = buttonA.numChildren;
buttonsA.getChildAt(i).addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN , button_function);
function button_function(e:Event):void {
case button1a:
//do something with button 1a
case button2a
//do something with button 2a
OR, more sloppily and less efficient and not recommended, this:
for(var i:int=1;i<=10;i++){
this["buton" + i.toString() + "a"].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, this["buton" + i.toString() + "a_function"]);
This is probably an easy one but I want to hide variably named UI elements in a loop:
int i = intFigures + 1;
while (i <= 16) {
imagei.hidden = TRUE;
Essentially I need to display a number of images between 1 and 16 depending on the record. If that particular record only has 12 images, I want to hide UIImage 13 through 16. How do I set the UIImage that I am trying to hide based on the increment of the loop?
You cannot just append the variable i to the name of the image variable. You probably already have your ImageViews in an array, why not just iterate over that.
for(UIImageView *image in myArrayOfImageViews) {
image.hidden = YES;
Alternatively, if your imageViews are added directly to your current view, you could just iterate over its subviews. When you add the images, you could give certain imageViews a specific tag so that you can later identify them. Such as:
for(UIView *view in [self.view subviews]) {
if (view.tag == SOME_MAGIC_NUMBER) view.hidden = YES;