When routing , component is not rendering in Side page - reactjs

This the js file where I have added my router and it contains all the route of my application
router. Below is the code of My App.js
export default class App extends Component {
static displayName = App.name;
render() {
return (
<Layout />
<Route path='/employee' exact component={Employee} />
<Route path='/employer' component={Employer} />
<Route path='/addEmployer' component={AddEmployer} />
<Route path='/user' component={UserManagement} />
<Route path='/addUser' component={AddUser} />
I have created the Layout page which contains my navbar component, sidebar component, main content and footer too.
Below is the code of Layout.js. I want my layout to be static across the application
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Container } from 'reactstrap';
import '../../css/main.css';
import { Navbar } from './Navbar';
import { Footer } from './Footer';
import { SideNavbar } from './SideNavbar';
export class Layout extends Component {
static displayName = Layout.name;
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
<Navbar />
<div id="layoutSidenav">
<SideNavbar />
<div id="layoutSidenav_content">
<main className="flex">
<Footer />
When I am routing the employer from url, the employer component is not rendering under main folder.
currently it is been rendering under the footer of the page. This causing an issue in makin my application as SPA.
Awaiting the response

Your Layout component looks to be designed to render the content as children, but in your App component you don't pass it any children. The Switch is rendered under/after Layout component.
class Layout extends Component {
static displayName = Layout.name;
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
<Navbar />
<div id="layoutSidenav">
<SideNavbar />
<div id="layoutSidenav_content">
<main className="flex">
{this.props.children} // <-- content
<Footer />
class App extends Component {
static displayName = App.name;
render() {
return (
<Layout /> // <-- no children
<Route path='/employee' exact component={Employee} />
<Route path='/employer' component={Employer} />
<Route path='/addEmployer' component={AddEmployer} />
<Route path='/user' component={UserManagement} />
<Route path='/addUser' component={AddUser} />
Wrap the Switch.
class App extends Component {
static displayName = App.name;
render() {
return (
<Route path='/employee' exact component={Employee} />
<Route path='/employer' component={Employer} />
<Route path='/addEmployer' component={AddEmployer} />
<Route path='/user' component={UserManagement} />
<Route path='/addUser' component={AddUser} />

Router needs to define where we wanted to render our component. Like In my case it should be under Layout component itself rather the defining at App.js part


why Route is not working with my react app?

I am trying to develop react application. The problem is when I use the Route and Switch, it is not working. Actually, nothing is happening. Could anyone please give me a clue about the possible problem here?
Here is my code:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Home from './HomeComponent';
import Menu from './MenuComponent';
import { DISHES } from '../shared/dishes';
import DishDetailComponent from './DishdetailComponent';
import Header from './HeaderComponent';
import Footer from './FooterComponent';
import { Switch, Route, Redirect, BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom';
class Main extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
dishes: DISHES
render() {
const HomePage = () => {
<Home />
return (
<Header />
<Route path="/home" Component={HomePage} />
<Route path="/menu" Component={() => <Menu dishes={this.state.dishes} />} />
<Redirect to="home" />
</ Switch>
<Footer />
The obvious mistake is that you have capitalized the "C" in the component prop, so you should call it like component={HomePage}
Here are some other things you could improve upon though:
If you are gonna use an inline function, it is preferable to use the render prop, and if you are gonna use a component directly, preferable to just use Component prop. Moreover:
const HomePage = () => {
<Home />
is unnecessary as you can just use the Home component directly.
Try this for your render() function:
render() {
return (
<Header />
<Route path="/home" component={Home} />
<Route path="/menu" render={() => <Menu dishes={this.state.dishes} />} />
<Redirect to="home" />
</ Switch>
<Footer />

route is not loading component inside nested route component

I'm loading my adminDashboard component in app.js with Route. now in adminDashboard based on URL, I want to render some component. but, it's not loading any component. also, there is no activity on the network tab in chrome console.
if I render them without Route, they are rendering properly.
class App extends Component {
render() {
let { error, success } = this.props;
const Admin = Authorization(['admin'])
return (
<div className='app'>
<AdminNavbar logout={this.props.logout}/>
<Route exact path='/admin/signin' render={(props) => {
return <AuthForm />
<Route exact path='/admin' component={Admin(AdminDashboard)} />
<Footer />
MyComponent component
const MyDashboard = (props)=> ` this is dashboard`
class AdminDashboard extends Component{
render() {
return (
<div className='row'>
<div className='col-md-2'>
<NavBar />
<div className='col-md-10'>
< Commisions /> //working properly if i load it without route
<Route exact path='/admin/dashboard' component={MyDashboard} /> // not work
//some other route

React routing - Routes independent of parent routing files

I am defining the routes in react
Global ones in the app-routes.js file and other in their respective components.
render() {
return (
<div className="App-wrap">
); }
export class AppRoutes extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Route path="/" component={LayoutComponent} />
I have placed my header here for navigation
export class LayoutComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<HeaderComponent> </HeaderComponent>
<LayoutRoutes />
export class LayoutRoutes extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Route path="/" exact >
<Redirect to="/users"/>
<Route path="/users" name="Users" component={UserComponent} />
<Route path="/permissions" name="Permissions" component={PermissionComponent} />
Now the issue is, when i am defining my child routes, my child routes are dependent on parent
i.e. i have to write parent's previous url in child.
If i change my app-routes.js path from "" to layout my routing will not work.
<Route path="/layout" component={LayoutComponent} />
How to solve the issue?
When you are defining your child Routes, you need to prefix the parent route path before it for these to work. For this you can make use of match.path from props like
export class LayoutRoutes extends React.Component {
render() {
const { match } = this.props;
return (
<Route path={match.path} exact render ={(props) => <Redirect to="/users"/>} />
<Route path=`${match.path}/users` name="Users" component={UserComponent} />
<Route path=`${match.path}/permissions` name="Permissions" component={PermissionComponent} />

React Router Inserting Content into the BaseLayout

I have a single page React app. I have a BaseLayout component which serves as the container for the app. BaseLayout displays the header and footer and also the content as shown below:
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
export default class BaseLayout extends Component {
render() {
return (
<NavBar />
<Footer />
<Route path="/page_one" component={PageOne} />
<Route path="/page_two" component={PageTwo} />
<Route path="/" component={App} />
All the navigation is inside the navBar.js component.
export default class NavBar extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="nav-bar">
<button><Link to="/">Home</Link></button>
<button><Link to="/page_one">Page One</Link></button>
<button><Link to="/page_two">Page Two</Link></button>
pageOne.js and pageTwo.js
export default class PageOne extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
<h1>Page One </h1>
The problem is that when I go to page_one or page_two URL it only shows the content of the component and not the navigation bar.
How can I make the navigation bar and footer visible on all the pages using react router and react framework?
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
export default App;
I changed my index.js to the following:
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<Route path="/page_one" component={PageOne} />
<Route path="/page_two" component={PageTwo} />
Now, I get the following:
And the page does not go anywhere if I use the above code:
I think you should "lift" the App as the root Route.
By the way, Is App the same as BaseLayout? hard to tell from your example.
const Index = () => {
return (
<Route component={App} />
<Route path="/page_one" component={PageOne} />
<Route path="/page_two" component={PageTwo} />
A running code example, i'm not using a stack snippet as i can't use react-route with push state here.
I'm posting the entire code in case the url will be broken in the future:
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { BrowserRouter, Route, Link, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
const Footer = () => <div>Footer...</div>;
class BaseLayout extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<NavBar />
<Footer />
class NavBar extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="nav-bar">
<Link to="/">Home</Link>
<Link to="/page_one">Page One</Link>
<Link to="/page_two">Page Two</Link>
const PageOne = () => <h1>Page One</h1>;
const PageTwo = () => <h1>Page Two</h1>;
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
const Index = () => {
return (
<Route component={App} />
<Route path="/page_one" component={PageOne} />
<Route path="/page_two" component={PageTwo} />
render(<Index />, document.getElementById("root"));

Multiple Layouts with React Router v4

I'm pulling my hair out trying to render multiple layouts with React Router v4.
For instance, I'd like pages with the following paths to have layout 1:
exact path="/"
and the following paths to have layout 2:
Effectively what's being answered here but for v4: Using multiple layouts for react-router components
None of the other answers worked so I came up with the following solution. I used the render prop instead of the traditional component prop at the highest level.
It uses the layoutPicker function to determine the layout based on the path. If that path isn't assigned to a layout then it returns a "bad route" message.
import SimpleLayout from './layouts/simple-layout';
import FullLayout from './layouts/full-layout';
var layoutAssignments = {
'/': FullLayout,
'/pricing': FullLayout,
'/signup': SimpleLayout,
'/login': SimpleLayout
var layoutPicker = function(props){
var Layout = layoutAssignments[props.location.pathname];
return Layout ? <Layout/> : <pre>bad route</pre>;
class Main extends React.Component {
return (
<Route path="*" render={layoutPicker}/>
simple-layout.js and full-layout.js follow this format:
class SimpleLayout extends React.Component {
return (
<Route path="/signup" component={SignupPage}/>
<Route path="/login" component={LoginPage}/>
So, for this you should use render function (https://reacttraining.com/react-router/core/api/Route/render-func)
A really good article that helped me: https://simonsmith.io/reusing-layouts-in-react-router-4/
In the end you will be use something like this:
<DefaultLayout path="/" component={SomeComponent} />
<PostLayout path="/posts/:post" component={PostComponent} />
I solved this problem utilizing a bit of both of your solutions:
My Routes.js file
import BaseWithNav from './layouts/base_with_nav';
import BaseNoNav from './layouts/base_no_nav';
function renderWithLayout(Component, Layout) {
return <Layout><Component /></Layout>
export default () => (
{/* Routes with Sidebar Navigation */}
<Route exact path="/" render={() => renderWithLayout(Home, BaseWithNav)} />
{/* Routes without Sidebar Navigation */}
<Route path="/error" render={() => renderWithLayout(AppErrorMsg, BaseNoNav)} />
<Route path="/*" render={() => renderWithLayout(PageNotFound, BaseNoNav)} />
Base.js (where routes get imported)
export default class Base extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<Routes />
class BaseWithNav extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return <div id="base-no-nav">
<MainNavigation />
export default BaseWithNav;
class BaseNoNav extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
let {classes} = this.props;
return <div id="base-no-nav">
export default BaseNoNav;
I hope this helps!
I know i am replying late but it's easy to do that, i hope it will helps to newbie.
i am using React 4
export default props => (
<NavMenu />
export default props => (
Now finally we have our App
function renderWithLoginLayout(Component, Layout) {
return <LoginLayout><Component /></LoginLayout>
function renderWithLayout(Path, Component, Layout) {
return <Layout><Route path={Path} component={Component} /></Layout>
export default () => (
<Route exact path='/' render={() => renderWithLayout(this.path, Home, Layout)} />
<Route path='/counter' render={() => renderWithLayout(this.path, Counter, Layout)} />
<Route path='/fetch-data/:startDateIndex?' render={() => renderWithLayout(this.path, FetchData, Layout)} />
<Route path='/login' render={() => renderWithLoginLayout(Login, LoginLayout)} />
