SQL Server stored procedure passing date parameters - sql-server

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[AccountsData]
#Start_Date datetime,
#End_Date datetime
a.Customer_AC_No, a.Customer_Name, a.Product_Code,
a.Product_Description, a.Sales_Person, c.HSID
Customer_AC_No, Customer_Name, Product_Code,
Product_Description, Sales_Person
([Week Ending] >=' #Start_Date') AND ([Sales Value] > 0)
Customer_AC_No, Product_Code, Product_Description,
Customer_Name, Sales_Person) AS a
Customer_AC_No, Product_Code
([Week Ending] >= '#End_Date') AND ([Sales Value] > 0)
Customer_AC_No, Product_Code) AS b ON a.Customer_AC_No = b.Customer_AC_No
AND a.Product_Code = b.Product_Code
Hubspot.dbo.View_BPA_Cust_Data AS c ON a.Customer_AC_No = c.CustomerNo COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AS
b.Customer_AC_No IS NULL
a.Customer_AC_No, a.Product_Code ASC
I am trying to pass the above date parameters to the SQL Server stored procedure above, but I keep getting this error
Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Procedure AccountsData, Line 52
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
Can some one please help. WeekEnding date is also in datetime format. Thanks

There are many formats supported by SQL Server for specifying a date&time as a string literal - see the MSDN Books Online on CAST and CONVERT. Most of those formats are dependent on what settings you have - therefore, these settings might work some times - and sometimes not.
The way to solve this is to use the (slightly adapted) ISO-8601 date format that is supported by SQL Server - this format works always - regardless of your SQL Server language and dateformat settings.
The ISO-8601 format is supported by SQL Server comes in two flavors:
YYYYMMDD for just dates (no time portion); note here: no dashes!, that's very important! YYYY-MM-DD is NOT independent of the dateformat settings in your SQL Server and will NOT work in all situations!
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS for dates and times - note here: this format has dashes (but they can be omitted), and a fixed T as delimiter between the date and time portion of your DATETIME.
This is valid for SQL Server 2000 and newer.
If you use SQL Server 2008 or newer and the DATE datatype (only DATE - not DATETIME!), then you can indeed also use the YYYY-MM-DD format and that will work, too, with any settings in your SQL Server.
Don't ask me why this whole topic is so tricky and somewhat confusing - that's just the way it is. But with the YYYYMMDD format, you should be fine for any version of SQL Server and for any language and dateformat setting in your SQL Server.
The recommendation for SQL Server 2008 and newer is to use DATE if you only need the date portion, and DATETIME2(n) when you need both date and time. You should try to start phasing out the DATETIME datatype if ever possible.
So in your case, either switch to using DATE as your parameter datatype (since you obviously don't use the time portion):
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[AccountsData]
#Start_Date DATE,
#End_Date DATE
and then execute your stored procedure like this:
EXEC [dbo].[AccountsData] '2019-05-11', '2020-06-10'
or use this format to support DATETIME if you insist on keeping that:
EXEC [dbo].[AccountsData] '2019-05-11T00:00:00', '2020-06-10T00:00:00'

Your have an error in your select. You have change your query like this
DATEPART(wk, Ending)>=DATEPART(wk, #Start_Date) AND ([Sales Value] > 0)
DATEPART(wk, Ending)>=DATEPART(wk, #End_Date) AND ([Sales Value] > 0)


SQL Server stored procedure: datetime parameter is wrong format sometimes depending on dateformat of country

This SQL Server stored procedure takes several parameters, and one of them is a datetime data type.
We've just began to localize the application in Europe, and the problem is that they're receiving this:
Error converting data type nvarchar to datetime.
I've done my reading on datetime, so I believe what is happening is the application is posting the date as dd/mm/yyyy to SQL Server, but since the database has a default language of English and expects mm/dd/yyyy, there is an error.
Sample input that produces error:
#LastUpdatedDate = N'21.01.2016 03:54:08'
My coworker in Europe said that when he set the default language of the database to German, the error quit occurring.
This error has not shown up in the USA/Canada, and I'm assuming that if the application AND SQL Server are running the same default datetime format, then no issues. However, we (here in USA), need to work with their application and database in Europe, so now we get the error.
Here's the stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[addUser]
#UserID NVARCHAR ( 50 ),
#AccountID NVARCHAR( 50 ) = '00000000000000000000000000000000',
#Password NVARCHAR( 50 ),
#FirstName nvarchar(50),
#LastName nvarchar(50),
#Telephone nvarchar(25),
#Mobile nvarchar(25),
#FAX nvarchar(25),
#EmailAddress nvarchar(50),
#CurrentUserID nvarchar(50),
#LastUpdatedBy nvarchar(50),
#LastUpdatedDate datetime
INSERT INTO tbUsers (UserID, AccountID, Password, Status, VPID, EvalStatusID, FirstName, LastName, Telephone, Mobile, FAX, EmailAddress, LastUpdatedBy, LastUpdatedDate)
VALUES (#UserID, #AccountID, #Password, 'A', 'PM', 'ACTIVE', #FirstName, #LastName, #Telephone, #Mobile, #FAX, #EmailAddress, #LastUpdatedBy, #LastUpdatedDate)
I don't have access to the application code yet, but question is:
Is there a way to catch the error and fix the datetime input value depending on how database is configured?
I tried using SET DATEFORMAT dmy before the BEGIN TRANSACTION, but it errors out before that.
Yes, we could probably alter the application code to use a language-neutral datetime format, but that may not be feasible.
There are many formats supported by SQL Server - see the MSDN Books Online on CAST and CONVERT. Most of those formats are dependent on what settings you have - therefore, these settings might work some times - and sometimes not.
The way to solve this is to use the (slightly adapted) ISO-8601 date format that is supported by SQL Server - this format works always - regardless of your SQL Server language and dateformat settings.
The ISO-8601 format is supported by SQL Server comes in two flavors:
YYYYMMDD for just dates (no time portion); note here: no dashes!, that's very important! YYYY-MM-DD is NOT independent of the dateformat settings in your SQL Server and will NOT work in all situations!
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS for dates and times - note here: this format has dashes (but they can be omitted), and a fixed T as delimiter between the date and time portion of your DATETIME.
This is valid for SQL Server 2000 and newer.
If you use SQL Server 2008 or newer and the DATE datatype (only DATE - not DATETIME!), then you can indeed also use the YYYY-MM-DD format and that will work, too, with any settings in your SQL Server.
Don't ask me why this whole topic is so tricky and somewhat confusing - that's just the way it is. But with the YYYYMMDD format, you should be fine for any version of SQL Server and for any language and dateformat setting in your SQL Server.
The recommendation for SQL Server 2008 and newer is to use DATE if you only need the date portion, and DATETIME2(n) when you need both date and time. You should try to start phasing out the DATETIME datatype if ever possible
Update: if you're on SQL Server 2012 or newer, you could use the new TRY_PARSE function in T-SQL which allows you to parse strings representing dates safely. You can specify a locale to use, and if the parse doesn't work, you get back a NULL instead of an exception.
Try this:
DECLARE #input NVARCHAR(100) = N'21.01.2016 03:54:08'
TRY_PARSE(#input AS DATE USING 'en-gb')
Should return a valid DATE value of Jan-21, 2016 - no matter what language/locale your SQL Server is set to

Why can't I use a datetime parameter in ssrs?

I have an SSRS Date/Time parameter generated from a shared dataset query against a SQL Server datetime field. The parameter displays correctly in a report textbox but it will not work in an embedded dataset query, even against the same table that the datetime value was generated from.
In order to use the parameter for a dataset query I have to parse both sides of a where clause to get it to work in Preview in SSDT:
(convert(varchar,invoice.snapshot_datetime,120)) = (convert(varchar,#snapshotdatetime,120))
This is tremendously inefficient.
How can I get my where clause to work without parsing the invoice.snapshot_datetime column?
Server Details
The SQL Server Language is English (United States).
SQL Server dateformat is mdy (from dbcc useroptions).
Getdate() returns '2015-05-20 10:27:56.687' in SSMS
Assuming your date range is between 1900-01-01 and 2079-06-06 you can cast to SmallDateTime to truncate the seconds out of your datetime variable:
DECLARE #DateTime datetime
SET #DateTime = CAST(CAST(#snapshotdatetime as SmallDateTime) as DateTime)
(thanks to t-clausen.dk for his answer here)
Now, since your actual column is of type DateTime, it does keep seconds (and milliseconds), and you will need to eliminate them as well.
However, using functions on your column will prevent the SQL Server from using any indexes you might have on this column, so a better approach would be to use a DateTime range:
DECLARE #FromDateTime datetime, #ToDateTime datetime
SET #FromDateTime = CAST(CAST(#snapshotdatetime as SmallDateTime) as DateTime)
Since the cast will round the minutes of the small date time up if it's over 29.998 seconds, and down if it's below 29.999 seconds. You always want to round down since it's From datetime, you need to cheke if you need to decrease a minute:
IF datepart(second, #snapshotdatetime) > 29
OR (datepart(second, #snapshotdatetime) = 29
AND datepart(millisecond, #snapshotdatetime) > 998)
SET #FromDateTime = DATEADD(minute, -1, #FromDateTime)
SET #ToDateTime = DATEADD(minute, 1, #FromDateTime)
and then, in your where clause, use this:
invoice.snapshot_datetime <= #FromDateTime
AND invoice.snapshot_datetime >= #ToDateTime
If you haven't found solution yet, try this:
select (convert(varchar,GETDATE(),112))
it will return 20180206 (yyymmdd)

Why if I set "default language" in spanish the GETDATE() still formating the date in english?

why if I do this on my SQL-Server 2008:
EXEC sp_configure 'default language', 5
Where the date format is dd/mm/yyyy:
select * from sys.syslanguages where langid = 5
So if I do
select GETDATE()
I'm waiting for something like:
(no column name)
31/08/2013 13:20:44.590
but I get:
(no column name)
2013-08-31 13:20:44.590
I'm using SQL-Server 2008 Express compatibility mode 100
My real problem is that I need to pass to Stored Procedures dates in dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm to DATETIME variables, but the parser is still waiting for yyyy-mm-dd although I change the default language.
Thank you
The following is going to be rendered by Management Studio, irrespective of server settings:
This is returning a datetime value to the client application, NOT A STRING. If you want a string, you can explicitly convert to a specific style:
As for the input to your stored procedures, please, please, please pass proper datetime parameters and not strings. There is no reason to allow users to enter freetext like 6/9/2013 when you really don't know if they meant September 6th or June 9th. The safe formats to pass to SQL Server are:
Anything else can be misinterpreted. Which is why you shouldn't handle these as strings anywhere except at the final step of presentation / display.
you can use like this
Select CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(),103)+' '
+CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(),108) as now
the result is

Correct way of specifying a given date in T-SQL

I am writing some T-SQL which needs to enforce a minimum date value onto some null fields:
set #epoch='1900-01-01';
select min = ISNULL(ValidFromDate,#epoch)
Is the string '1900-01-01' always going to return a datetime of Jan 1 1900 in any environment or will SQL server try to parse the string according to local culture rules?
If that's not good enough, what is the recommended way of specifying a particular date/time in T-SQL?
The best format for string-based dates is the ISO-8601 standard format.
For DATETIME variables and columns, this is either YYYYMMDD (for dates without time; without any dashes!) or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (date + time).
Contrary to popular belief, YYYY-MM-DD for DATETIME variables is NOT language-/dateformat-independent! If you try this, the second CAST will result in an error:
SET LANGUAGE us_english
but this will work:
This is the best format since it's indepdendent of your language and dateformat settings in SQL Server.
For SQL Server 2008 and columns of type DATE (just date - no time), the format can also be YYYY-MM-DD (with the dashes) and that works for all settings, too.
Why there is such a difference between DATE and DATETIME is beyond me - that's just the way it is for now!
See Tibor Karaszi's excellent The Ultimate Guide to the DateTime data types for even more details and examples.

SQL Server 2008 script - how to to acquire current date from system and store it into a date column

Hey fellas, I'm having difficulty obtaining only the date from the system and inserting it into a column, is there a built-in function that can acquire it?
On top of that, how do I add years to the current date?
I know I'm pushing it right now, but I'm also wondering what's the format for the date datatype?
Because sometimes I'd like to manually insert values into a column with that type in mind.
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
To get date only (SQL Server 2008 only) CAST to date type
To add years, use DATEADD
Formats: use yyyymmdd or ISO yyyy-mm-dd (for newer datetime types) for safety.
Read this for everything about date+time in SQL Server
To add a year to the current date, look at the dateadd() function.
To just get the date from sql w/o the time, you can do this:
Sql will implicity convert the VARCHAR back to DATETIME. Look up the CONVERT function in BOL and it will give you all kinds of different styles for the 3rd parameter.
