Unable to go to next page using the onChange function in MaterialTable - reactjs

I'm trying to change the page in MaterialTable but am unable to do so. Although, the page size functionality is working but the page change functionality isn't.
Here is my state:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
status: false,
message: "",
page: 0,
pageSize: 5,
And inside MaterialTable, I have this:
totalCount={this.props.operations.ids ? this.props.operations.ids.length : 0}
title: 'Sr No.', field: 'serialNumber', render: rowData => {
return _.findIndex(renderingData, { "id": rowData.id }) + 1
{ title: 'Time Stamp', field: 'date', render: rowData => { return moment(rowData.date).format("YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm a") } },
{ title: 'Details', field: 'name' },
title: 'View Details', field: 'viewDetails', render: rowData => {
return <Button
onClick={() => this.props.setTab(rowData)}
onChangePage={(page, pageSize) => {
this.setState({ ...this.state, page, pageSize})
Let me know if any modification is required for this. I still haven't been able to solve the problem.

clicking on next button , you also need to increase the page number
onChangePage={(event,page ) => { this.setState({ ...this.state, page}) }}
also change
function handleChangeRowsPerPage(event) { setRowsPerPage(+event.target.value); }

Ok, so the problem was that the data that goes into Material Table was the same even after clicking the Next page button. I went around it by adding this in the data. The rest of the code is the same.
data={renderingData.slice(this.state.page*this.state.pageSize, this.state.page*this.state.pageSize + this.state.pageSize)}
This code makes sure that new data is present when you click on next page.


How to trigger componentdidmount on click react

I have an application to display at a table. I am fetching api from django rest framework, the API is paginated. So when I load the react app it loads the first page( for example it callshttp://localhost:8000/cluster/37/tasks?page=1) by default. I have a next button.I am trying to go to the next page(for example it should call http://localhost:8000/cluster/37/tasks?page=2) on clicking next.
How do I attempt to trigger the fetch on clicking the next button? Thanks.
Here is sample of my code below :
class TasksApp extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
page: 1,
columnDefs: [
{ headerName: 'Temp RowNumber', valueGetter: 'node.rowIndex'},
{ headerName: 'Status', field: 'status' },
{ headerName: 'Params', field: 'joint_params' },
{ headerName: 'Total Pages', field: 'total_pages' },
{ headerName: 'Total Results', field: 'total_results' },
defaultColDef: { resizable: true },
rowData: null,
dataLength: 0,
id: this.props.location.state.id,
task: this.props.match.params.value,
headerHeight: 39,
rowHeight: 49,
paginationPageSize: 200,
totalPages: null,
currentPage: null,
pageSize: null,
pageNumberList: [],
pageSizeList: [],
startIndex: 0,
endIndex: 5,
onGridReady = params => {
this.gridApi = params.api;
fetch(`http://localhost:8000/cluster/${this.state.id}/tasks?page=${this.state.page}`, options)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => this.setState({
rowData: data['results'],
dataLength: data['totalDataOnPage'],
totalData: data['totalData'],
currentPage: data['currentPage'],
totalPages: data['totalPages'],
nextLink: data['nextPage'],
previousLink: data['previousPage']
.catch(err => console.log(err))
onPaginationChanged = () => {
let list_pages = []
if (this.gridApi) {
console.log('total pages', this.state.totalPages)
for (var i = 1; i <= this.state.totalPages; i++) {
this.setState({ pageNumberList: list_pages })
onBtNext = () => {
//how do I trigger the componentDidMount to load the next page number on click next
var url = new URL(this.state.nextLink);
var pagenumber = url.searchParams.get("page");
this.setState({ page: pagenumber })
render() {
const pagelist = this.state.pageNumberList.slice(this.state.startIndex, this.state.endIndex)
return (
//code truncated to show the `next`, the table and another part of pagination was here.
next button below..
{!pagelist.includes(this.state.totalPages) ?
<PageDirection onClick={() => this.onBtNext()} style={{marginLeft: '15px'}}>
<ChevronRight style={{ padding: '5px' }} />
: null
export default TasksApp;
You shouldn't try to trigger componentDidMount on click because componentDidMount is executed only once in the lifecycle of the component, immediately after a component is mounted.
You should change onBtNext() function to fetch the data.
Cant you just add an onClick event on the button to fetch again?
<button onClick={() => call your api method here}><button/>

Cant turn on switch inside Material-Table

I am trying to create material-table with switches, that onclick changes the state of the component.
Here is component with table, which has state of the parent component as a props. I pass rows variable to the material table data prop. Switch is custom rendered field. Whenever I click on it, it triggers changeRow, which finds index of row in rows variable changes it and saves into new variable. ChangeRows is then called to change the state.
The problem is, the switch is not changing. It looks like nothing is happenning, even though I can clearly see new state in console.
const StuffTable = ({rows, changeRows}) => {
const changeRow = (oldRow, e) => {
const changeData = {[e.target.name]: e.target.checked};
const newRow = {...oldRow, ...changeData};
console.log(oldRow, e);
const index = rows.findIndex(dtaRow => dtaRow.id === oldRow.id);
const newData = rows;
newData[index] = newRow;
return (
<Container maxWidth="lg">
<Button onClick={() => { changeRow({id: 6}, { target: {name: 'borrowable', checked: true} }) }}>klikni</Button>
actionsColumnIndex: -1,
search: true,
exportButton: true,
exportDelimiter: ";"
icon: 'edit',
tooltip: 'Edit Study',
onClick: (event, rowData) => alert("Do you want to edit?")
{ title: "Název", field: "title" },
{ title: "Stav", field: "status", render: (data) => <Chip label={data.status} color="primary" avatar={<Avatar src="/static/images/avatar/1.jpg" />} /> },
{ title: "Půjčovat", field: "borrowable", render: (data, id) => (<FormControlLabel control={<Switch checked={data.borrowable} onChange={(e) => changeRow(data, e)} name="borrowable" color="primary"/>} label={data.borrowable ? 'půjčovat' : 'nepůjčovat'} />) },
{ title: "Vidí všichni", field: "active", render: (data, id) => (<FormControlLabel control={<Switch checked={data.borrowable} onChange={(e) => changeRow(data, e)} name="borrowable" color="primary"/>} label={data.borrowable ? 'půjčovat' : 'nepůjčovat'} />) },
{ title: "Uskladněno", field: "location" },
title="Moje věci"
export default StuffTable;
I tried to add button, which on click changes state to empty array, and table did show nothing. But when I triggered changeRow (mockup data) with this button, result was the same - no change on the switch.
import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import StuffTable from "../components/stuffTable";
let rows = [
{id:5, title: "prošívanice", borrowable: false, surname: "Baran", status: "zapůjčeno", location: "Praha" },
{id:6, title: "prošívanice 2", borrowable: false, surname: "Baran", status: "zapůjčeno", location: "Praha" },
{id:7, title: "prošívanice 3", borrowable: false, surname: "Baran", status: "zapůjčeno" , location: "Brno"}
Here is Parent component
const MyStuffPage = () => {
const [data, setData] = useState(rows);
return (
<StuffTable rows={data} changeRows={(data) => {setData(data); console.log("hou",data);}} />
export default MyStuffPage;
Here is Codesandbox with this problem:
You need to call onQueryChange whenever you want to render new data or state to the datatable, make these changes:
at the begining create a ref like so:
const tableRef = useRef(null);
then use it in the material table:
//add this
actionsColumnIndex: -1,
search: true,
exportButton: true,
exportDelimiter: ";"
then inside your changeRow function after updating the start and the necessary work add this:
this will tell the table to render the new data with the correct state of the switch

Custom filter the children of antd table dataSource

I'm using antd's table component. I want to be able to filter the nodes down to any descendant.
I'm following the example of antd's custom filter.
The example is not a tree structure, so here's a codesandbox with the right setup.
onFilter seems to only loop over the root nodes. I don't know how to display Tesla > Model 3 it I type '3' in the search input. I know I have to return true for Tesla, but I still don't understand how to then also return true for Model 3
const data = [
key: "13",
name: "Tesla",
data: {
description: "Car manufacturer",
type: "Organization"
children: [
key: "4444",
name: "Model S",
data: {
description: "The fastest",
type: "Project"
key: "1444323",
name: "Model 3",
data: {
description: "The cheapest",
type: "Project"
key: "1",
name: "Microsoft",
data: {
description: "#1 software company",
type: "Organization"
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
searchText: '',
getColumnSearchProps = (dataIndex) => ({
filterDropdown: ({
setSelectedKeys, selectedKeys, confirm, clearFilters,
}) => (
<div style={{ padding: 8 }}>
placeholder={`Search ${dataIndex}`}
onChange={e => setSelectedKeys(e.target.value ? [e.target.value] : [])}
onPressEnter={() => this.handleSearch(selectedKeys, confirm)}
onClick={() => this.handleSearch(selectedKeys, confirm)}
// onFilter seems to only loop over root nodes
onFilter: (value, record) => record[dataIndex].toString().toLowerCase().includes(value.toLowerCase()),
render: (text) => (
render() {
const columns = [{
title: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'name',
key: 'name',
return <Table columns={columns} dataSource={data} />;
You can write a function to get a node's descendant values (based on dataIndex) and filter for any of those having the search text too.
This would go inside of getColumnSearchProps before the return value:
const getDescendantValues = (record) => {
const values = [];
(function recurse(record) {
return values;
...and this would be the updated onFilter:
onFilter: (value, record) => {
const recordName = record[dataIndex] || record.data[dataIndex];
const searchLower = value.toLowerCase();
return recordName
getDescendantValues(record).some(descValue => descValue.includes(searchLower));
I've forked your sandbox here: https://codesandbox.io/s/10jp9wql1j
...it includes all the root nodes with any descendant that satisfies your search condition. However it does not filter out the other descendant nodes that do not satisfy your search condition, unfortunately.
After some searching, it seems like there isn't a great way to do this.
I'm using mobx and React, but the basic principles can be applied elsewhere. The idea is to give the rows you want to filter out a CSS class name to hide them.
I used mobx to create an observable of the checked filter values. You could also use React.useState. Using your example, let's say the observable is called ModelFilters. Then, on the table component, add rowClassName:
rowClassName={(record, index) => {
if (ModelFilters.includes(record.model) ) {
return ''
return 'some-css-class-with-display-none'
Any record that doesn't have a model that matches the selected filters will be hidden. Of course, if you are using the table to manipulate/submit data, you will have to handle that elsewhere. This is just for displaying purposes.

Getting error while showing hiding React Table columns - React JS

I am working on React Table. I am basically a beginner in React. I have a dashboard page where I display a React Table of 8 columns. I have a customize button which will open a popup page, this popup page has 8 check boxes allows me to show/hide those React columns. Initially all the check boxes in this popup page is set to true. When I uncheck a column that particular column get disabled.
There are images in the end to see what I am trying to do.
I will be using this logic for show hide columns (this question was asked by me two days back) -
How to show and hide some columns on React Table?
The React Table data is like this
const columns = [
Header: 'Column 1',
accessor: 'firstName',
Header: 'Column 2',
accessor: 'firstName',
Header: 'Column 3',
accessor: 'firstName',
Header: 'Column 4',
accessor: 'firstName',
Header: 'Column 5',
accessor: 'firstName',
Header: 'Column 6',
accessor: 'firstName',
Header: 'Column 7',
accessor: 'firstName'
Header: 'Column 8',
accessor: 'firstName',
The start of the dashboard page
class Dashboard extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
filterState: {},
searchText: '',
isFilterOpen: false,
isCustomizedOpen: false,
isFiltered: false,
isSearched: false,
searchedTableData: [],
filteredTableData: [],
this.handleCustClickinv = this.handleCustClickinv.bind(this);
This is my code in the render function of my dashboard page for showing the customize button (this is written in parent dashboard page)
{this.state.isCustomizedOpen && <CustomizedView
applyFilter={(values, clear) => { this.applyFilters(values, clear); }}
This is the code for the customize button (this is written in parent dashboard page)
<div className="custom-div-dashboard" onClick={() => { this.handleCustClickinv(); }}>
<div className='customize-view-dashboard'>Customized View </div>
This is function to handle the click on customize button (this is written in parent dashboard page)
handleFilterClickinv() {
if(this.state.isCustomizedOpen) {
this.setState({ isCustomizedOpen: false });
const currentState = this.state.isFilterOpen;
this.setState({ isFilterOpen: !currentState });
This is my entire popup page which will have 8 check boxes
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { ActionCreators } from '../../../actions';
import './enqCustomizedView.scss';
import ButtonComponent from '../../shared/button/ButtonComponent';
import { CheckBox } from '../../shared/chkbox/CheckBox';
class CustomizedView extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
items: [
{ id: 1, value: 'Column 1', isChecked: true },
{ id: 2, value: 'Column 2', isChecked: true },
{ id: 3, value: 'Column 3', isChecked: true },
{ id: 4, value: 'Column 4', isChecked: true },
{ id: 5, value: 'Column 5', isChecked: true },
{ id: 6, value: 'Column 6', isChecked: true },
{ id: 7, value: 'Column 7', isChecked: true },
{ id: 8, value: 'Column 8', isChecked: true },
this.handleCheckChildElement = this.handleCheckChildElement.bind(this);
handleClick() {
this.setState({ isChecked: !this.state.isChecked });
handleCheckChildElement(event) {
//let items = this.state.items;
let { items } = this.state;
items.forEach(items = () => {
if(items.value === event.target.value) {
items.isChecked = event.target.checked;
this.setState({ items });
const column1checked = items[0].isChecked;
console.log('column1checked ' + column1checked);
const column2checked = items[1].isChecked;
console.log('column2checked ' + column2checked);
const column3checked = items[2].isChecked;
console.log('column3checked ' + column3checked);
const column4checked = items[3].isChecked;
console.log('column4checked ' + column4checked);
const column5checked = items[4].isChecked;
console.log('column5checked ' + column5checked);
const column6checked = items[5].isChecked;
console.log('column6checked ' + column6checked);
const column7checked = items[6].isChecked;
console.log('column7checked ' + column7checked);
const column8checked = items[7].isChecked;
console.log('column8checked ' + column8checked);
render() {
return (
<div className='popup-page-custom' >
<div className='bottomBar'>
className='activeButton filterMargin'
onClick={() => { this.props.applyFilter(this.state, false); }}
text='Clear Filter'
className='greyedButton clear-filter'
onClick={() => { this.props.applyFilter(this.state, true); }}
<div className='data-points-text'>
<span> Columns </span>
<div className="App">
this.state.items.map((item, i) => {
return (<div key={i} ><CheckBox handleCheckChildElement={this.handleCheckChildElement} {...item} /></div>);
CustomizedView.propTypes = {
applyFilter: PropTypes.func.isRequired
CustomizedView.defaultProps = {
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
auth: state.auth
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return bindActionCreators(ActionCreators, dispatch);
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(CustomizedView);
And ultimately this is my checkbox page
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
export const CheckBox = (props) => {
// super(props);
return (
<input key={props.id} onClick={props.handleCheckChildElement} type="checkbox" checked={props.isChecked} value={props.value} /> {props.value}
CheckBox.propTypes = {
id: PropTypes.string,
handleCheckChildElement: PropTypes.func,
isChecked: PropTypes.bool,
value: PropTypes.string,
CheckBox.defaultProps = {
id: '',
handleCheckChildElement: null,
isChecked: null,
value: '',
export default CheckBox;
This is a very basic (ugly) style of my dashboard page and popup page
This is the error I am getting on Chrome when unchecking the checkboxes
Edit 1 - As per Alireza Yadegari's suggestion, I made a 1 line change. But I am still getting 2 errors.
Edit 2 - As per Alireza Yadegari's suggestion, I applied console.
you have to use this piece of code in your constructor
this.handleCheckChildElement = this.handleCheckChildElement.bind(this)
let { items } = { ...this.state };
this is wrong ....
firstly you destructuring array to object then saying give me items prop from given object... of course this is wrong
const { items} = this.state;
takes items prop from the state
and finally.... implement your task with foreach is bad idea...
CheckBox.defaultProps = {
id: '',
handleCheckChildElement: null,
isChecked: null, value: '',
i don't understand what it does. you know?
I think your project is a sample and no need for further examples.
I just say about your mistakes.
first, when you are using methods it is good to use 'bind(this)' to show react where is the method belongs.
secondly, when you are using state, react just allows you to change it in the constructor and wherever you want to change it you have to use 'setState' method (you can read the reason for this in react documentation).
finally, if you have an array in your state you have to get an array in some temp object change the temp object and then apply changes with 'setState' method. if you have more question please feel free to ask.

Ant Design - Collapse expanded rows on click of pagination buttons

I am implementing the expandable row feature on an ant design table (Expandable Row), and it works perfectly fine as stated on the ant design site. But I would like to expand the functionality of the table to include collapsing of the rows when the user clicks on the buttons to the lower right of the table that allow pagination. This is a fairly straightforward question so I won't clutter it by posting code. Any help or links would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT Code snippet
import * as React from 'react';
import { Tooltip, Table } from 'antd';
import * as IAssignmentsResponse from '../../interfaces/QC/IAssignmentResponse';
import * as moment from 'moment';
const expandedRowRender = (rowData) => {
const columns = [
{ title: 'Row1', dataIndex: 'Row1DataIndex', key: '1'},
{ title: 'Row2', dataIndex: 'Row2DataIndex', key: '2'},
{ title: 'Row3', dataIndex: 'Row3DataIndex', key: '3'},
return <Table
const bindRows = (row) => {
return row.Workitem.WorkflowRefID;
const columns = [
title: 'MasterRow1',
dataIndex: 'MasterRow1DataIndex',
key: '1',
render(value) { return value.WorkflowRefID; },
onFilter: (value, record) => record.Workitem.data1.indexOf(value) === 0,
sorter: (a, b) => a.Workitem.data1 - b.Workitem.data1
title: 'MasterRow2',
dataIndex: 'MasterRow1DataIndex',
key: '2',
render(value, record) { return <Tooltip title={record.data2} mouseEnterDelay={.5}>{value}</Tooltip> },
onFilter: (value, record) => record.data2.indexOf(value) === 0,
sorter: (a, b) => a.data2- b.data2
title: 'MasterRow3',
dataIndex: 'MasterRow1DataIndex',
key: '3',
render(value, record) { return <Tooltip title={record.data3} mouseEnterDelay={.5}>{value}</Tooltip> },
onFilter: (value, record) => record.data3.indexOf(value) === 0,
sorter: (a, b) => a.data3- b.data3
return <Table rowKey={record => bindRows(record)}
expandedRowRender={record => expandedRowRender(record)}
You can achieve this using the expandedRowKeys method of the Ant Design's Table component's API, which is the list of keys of already expanded rows. An empty list means all rows are collapsed.
You can capture pagination button clicks using the onChange method, which can be used to call a function that sets the state of your component:
class MyTable extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { currentPage: 1, expandedRows: [] };
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
handleChange(pagination) {
// changes the page, collapses all rows
this.setState({ currentPage: pagination.current, expandedRows: [] });
handleRowExpand(record) {
// if a row is expanded, collapses it, otherwise expands it
this.setState(prevState =>
? {
expandedRows: prevState.expandedRows.filter(
key => key !== record.key
: { expandedRows: [...prevState.expandedRows, record.key] }
render() {
return (
pagination={{ current: this.state.currentPage }}
// pagination buttons clicked
// expand + icon clicked
onExpand={(expanded, record) => this.handleRowExpand(record)}
// tell the 'Table' component which rows are expanded
