MSAL and MultiThreaded Python Flask Web Application compatibility - azure-active-directory

I am trying to ascertain if the latest version of MSAL for Python library is compatible with Asyncio library. I've got users who are unable to login with AD authentication and suspect this is a session/threading compatibility issue.

We checked it from our end and there is no compatibility issue documented. Kindly check this link


How can we integrate ory kratos with django+react website

I am having a project to integrate ory kratos for auth. I don't find much of documentation on the implementation of ory with django+react website.
I have worked with jwt previously.
Does anyone know the complete working process of integrating ory with django+react application.
See this community example:
There are also a bunch of examples for react here:

Glassfish 4.1 with Salesforce SSO over SAML

I hope you’re doing well.
I'm facing some issues migrating applications from Weblogic to Glassfish 4.1 and, I'm quite new with the Glassfish server.
I will try to explain what I'm doing and what I've found so far on googling.
There are some applications in Weblogic server that are set up to use SSO (SAML with Salesforce as Identity Provider), and Weblogic provides an easy out-of-the-box configuration to do that and I need to do the same but in Glassfish.
By my researches I found out that Glassfish provides SSO for the applications deployed on the same Virtual Server and doesn't have any configuration related to Third Parties for using SSO over SAML and, I should use tools like OpenAM, Shibboleth or similar as Service Provider and they must be deployed on Apache Tomcat.
I found the following discussion in the stackoverflow but is quite old (9 years ago): OpenSSO/OpenAM alternatives
Also, I found another link related to Glassfish + Salesforce but is quite old as well (from 2012):
SSO using SAML2 updated document
So, my questions are:
1 - My applications are deployed in Glassfish, and I'd like to know what's the best approach or alternatives to set up SSO with Salesforce as Identity Provider over SAML (could be free and paid)?
2 - Is there any external tool that I can install/deploy in Glassfish instead of Apache Tomcat to configure the SSO over SAML?
I really appreciate any help.
Thank you.
You could use a Java library that acts as a SAML SP, no need for a full-blown SP implemetation as OpenAM for Shibboleth. Most of those libraries are acting as JEE servlet filter, so it should not be a big deal to extend your application.

How to deploy gRPC on App engine standard?

I'm wondering if a gRPC server can be deployed on AppEngine Standard? There are a few old threads mentioned it only works on AppEngine Flexible. Does anyone know if this is still the case?
The app is in NodeJS if that makes a difference...
As mentioned in the official documentation, the way you use gRPC, will depend in your environment. The official ones, supported in gRPC are listed in this documentation here, in which, unfortunately, App Engine Standard is not mentioned, confirming that it's not supported and doesn't work
I have found that they have a Feature Request opened for this to be checked, that you can access here - confirming the expectations of not being supported: Features for gRPC Support.
I would recommend you to leave a comment there and click to star the issue, so you receive updates on it.
Besides that, the framework available for Cloud Endpoints control of API in App Engine can be accessed here (in case you want to check it): Cloud Endpoints Frameworks
Let me know if the information helped you!

Does AppEngine support OAuth 2.0?

Does Google AppEngine support OAuth 2.0? And, if so, can you suggest a good tutorial?
The short answer is yes, and they are moving access to their APIs to use 2.0. I have not come across any great tutorials out there but Google is building on their documentation for this. They do have code samples for non App Engine stuff out there.
For Google APIs there are libraries in:
that you can use on App Engine to access Google APIs using OAuth 2.0. The Python and Java libraries are built on top of a generic library that enables OAuth 2.0 functionality, so if you're accessing non-Google APIs that may be helpful. There may be libraries for other API platforms as well, but your mileage may vary.

Salesforce's and Google App Engine via JPA

Currently i try to connect (via JPA/Datanucleus) with an application, hosted by Google App Engine, to the database service of (Salesforce)
After many hours of reading and trying, i could not find any solution.
So, is it even possible??
Some Information.... provides JPA:, but i could not found any sdk on this side, but i found a jar-file hosted by grepcode - Possibly there is currently no official release ...
The problem is that this SDK from Salesforce needs datanucleus 2.0, but Google App Engine includes only datanucleus 1.1.5. So i try to update theses libaries and found this.... . I tried a few hours to replace the old libaries and to use the newer, but unsuccessfully. The error was that eclipse could not find some libaries, because the newer libaries, provided by the side above, have different package structure -
I am thankful for any help...
The official release of the JPA provider is available on Maven Central:
The external connection restriction won't be a limiting factor because the JPA adapter connects to over https using a SOAP API.
I can't speak to the challenges around getting DN 2.0 running on GAE. Perhaps GAE support can help with that?
As stated here in the App Engine docs, you cannot make direct connections to external servers from GAE (except over http or https using the app engine specific url APIs). You will need to find some other way to get data out of your remote database.
This link describes how to solve your problem:
How to use Database SDK on Google APP Engine
(He has updated the Saleforce SDK source code to allow it to work without problem on GAE.)
