How to use an Azure AD SSO access token to sign in on another website on a new browser - azure-active-directory

I have set up an AAD SSO enabled website A that gets an access token once the user logs in. Now, the user has the option to navigate to website B, but on a new browser that doesn't have access to the session of the browser that website A was opened.
Is there a way for website B (.NET MVC Azure hosted Web App) to be setup to accept the access token (for example: through headers) to authenticate the user and establish a newly AAD SSO logged in user on the new browser? (Users can't re-enter their credentials)

In my opinion, access tokens enable clients to securely call protected APIs, so it should be stored in backend. More often we use refresh token and access token at the same time to prevent the access token expiring.
On the other hand, if I have entered the credentials in one browser, then the identity platform knew the request came from me because some information would stored in my cookie of the website, but if I used another browser to visit IDP, it was impossible to let IDP know the request came from me, because I can't share cookie infomation with different browsers.
I find 2 videos on introducing SSO, I think they will help, here is the link.
Hope it will do some help.


Refresh token flow in Azure Active Directory with a federated Google user

I have set up an Azure Active Directory tenant with direct federation to Google. Next to that I have a .NET core web application using the OIDC code flow for getting both id_tokens and access and refresh tokens. The access token is used to call my API which is working fine.
Now the problem is whenever I use my refresh_token to get a new access_token I receive a new access_token, but no refresh_token. So I can only refresh once.
I only have this issue when authenticating with my Google account using direct federation. When I authenticate using a tenant native account I can refresh unlimited.
We have two multitenant Azure AD app registrations as described here. One for our single page application and one for our API. In our single page application backend we use the OpenIdConnect middleware to authenticate against Azure AD. Note that we are not using the common endpoint, but the tenant specific endpoint because otherwise direct federation does not work. We can reproduce this issue by intercepting the refresh token in the OnTokenResponseReceived event of the OIDC middleware and initiating the refresh flow as stated here (by using Postman for instance). The response is successful, but does only contain an access token, no refresh token.
Is this behavior by design?

How to renew my AAD session using adal-angular5?

I'm using the adal-angular5 v1.0.36 client library to authenticate my web application to Azure Active Directory.
The thing is that my session lasts 1 hour (the default expiration time) and I'd like to "renew" it silently for the user once it has expired; i.e. without having to ask the user for the credentials again or logging out and then login again (which would cause work loss for the user).
Is this possible to achieve?
As long as the user have an active session with Azure AD, ADAL JS does it automatically for you. ADAL JS examines the projected expiration of the existing token (in the cache) and if the token is about to expire, it uses an invisible iFrame to send a new token (renewal) request to Azure AD.
Please choose MSAL over ADAL and here is the sample for angular using MSAL.
Please refer the link for migration of ADAL to MSAL

MSAL Token Replay

Does the msal library prevent token replay attacks?
How does it stop someone from taking the access token from the redirect URL and using it in another application?
I'm not sure if Azure AD handles the protection or Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) Microsoft
How does it stop someone from taking the access token from the redirect URL and using it in another application?
MSAL can't really do anything about something accessing the URL.
That's the browser's duty.
Same-origin policy requires that only script on a page with the same origin can access the URL of an iframe.
So even if I put an iframe on my website that did hidden login for one of your apps, I wouldn't be able to get the token if the redirect URL is on a different hostname from mine.
So let's say your app has one reply URL configured:
If I wanted to take the token, my site would need to be hosted on
There is no way for me to ask AAD to return the token to another URL.
Another choice would be to intercept it in flight to your app.
But that would require man-in-the-middling the TLS connection.
If someone can do that, you have bigger problems.
Replay attacks are prevented by using nonces, a new value is set in each authentication request:

Get logged in user information in SAML Single Sign On google app engine

I am trying to get the user who is logged in via. SAML Single Sign On.
I have already implemented SAML Single Sign On and it works.
The code I use for programmatic login is :
apps = gdata.apps.service.AppsService(email=username, domain=domain, password=password)
apps.ProgrammaticLogin()"current user %s", users.get_current_user())
//Redirect to a Google mail page.
But users.get_current_user() returns None always even though correct username and password is provided. I have crosschecked it by redirecting the page to Google Mail page and it successfully redirects.
I have googled this issue for hours now nothing goes the right way.
Can anyone please guide me what I am doing wrong ?
There are three different things going on here, I just want to make sure are clear for my suggested answer to make sense:
Google App Engine users service: You, as the developer, delegate authentication and authorization responsibility to Google Accounts (or the selected OpenID provider). Google will act as the Identity Provider and you'll act as the Service Provider.
SAML single sign on: Google delegates to you the authentication and authorization responsibility, you'll act as the Identity Provider and Google will act as the Service Provider. You'll be using SAML SSO every time you try to login any Google service using you Google Apps account, that includes Google App Engine applications using the users service.
ClientLogin: It is one of the methods for authenticating to use a Google API by giving username and password. It's deprecated, it's hard to maintain and insecure since you are hard coding the credentials and the app could have access to everything. I'd recommend switching to OAuth instead. In the first two lines of code You are initializing the Google Apps provisioning API with gdata.apps.service.AppsService, if you are not going to retrieve or create users/groups/alias is useless to do that. If you are I'd also recommend switching to the Directory API part of the new AdminSDK
For your particular case I'd suggest checking if there is a current user logged in, if not redirect to the login URL using the GAE users service.
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:"current user %s",
return redirect(users.create_login_url(request.url))
In case you always require that the user is logged in you better set the handler as login: required
The user will be redirected to the SAML SSO page to log in to his Google Account in order to access the GAE app.

How does IdP identify if the user has a security context

I have a basic question regarding SAML2. Typical flow is that user requests a resource from SP that is protected. SP checks if the user has a security context (say cookie ?), if it does not find a security context, it constructs the AuthRequest and then redirects the browser to the IdP. Now IdP likewise first checks if the user has an existing security context. How does the IdP do this? Does the IdP also use a cookie for this purpose?
Yes. For SAML Web SSO Profile the session is almost always kept as a cookie in the browser at the IDP and SP. However, there are no rules on how to manage this. The IDP could choose to not keep an active session and prompt the user to login for each SSO transaction.
#Ian - Great Answer. However if the IDP does not maintain a session cookie [B/W Browser and Identity Provider (IDP)] than you miss out on a significant benefit of single sign on (SSO). The SSO User Experience (UX) feature that would be lost is described in the following scenario:
0) Assume IDP is registered with Google Apps and Salesforce.
1) Open Browser. NOTE: SAML is browser based. You need a browser for SAML to work.
2) Try to go to Google Apps; (you have no existing session cookie [B/W Browser and Google Apps]) who then Re-directs you to the IDP.
3) You sign on with your valid IDP credentials.
4) the IDP then stores a session cookie [B/W Browser and IDP] in your browser. (This is the step that #Ian mentioned can be skipped by the IDP)
5) The IDP then redirects you back to Google Apps (via HTTP POST) with SAML token embedded in the POST. You are now in Google Apps. (Now you have a session cookie [B/W Browser and Google Apps] stored on your browser)
5) Try to go to Salesforce.
6) Salesforce sees you have no active session cookie[B/W Browser and Salesforce], so they redirect you to the IDP.
* here is my point of added User Experience (UX) *
7) The IDP will look for a session cookie [B/W Browser and IDP], if the IDP is configured to not store maintain one you have to enter your Single Sign On (SSO) aka IDP Credentials AGAIN.
Discussion on Step7: Entering the SSO credentials for each separate service an extra-step times the number of services you are using. I think the main draw of the implementation is to enter credentials only once and get access to everything (the topic of security aside). However if the IDP does not store a session cookie [B/W Browser and IDP] you are still only using one set of credentials (instead of separate credentials for each service), so life is still easier.
#Ajava - You seem to be confused as to how cookies are used. I hope you can follow my steps above and get better idea of how cookies are used with SAML.
Here is also a good link i found that explains cookies:
