Unable to read from a file in Turbo C [duplicate] - c

I need to serialize a C struct to a file in a portable way, so that I can read the file on other machines and can be guaranteed that I will get the same thing that I put in.
The file format doesn't matter as long as it is reasonably compact (writing out the in-memory representation of a struct would be ideal if it wasn't for the portability issues.)
Is there a clean way to easily achieve this?

You are essentially designing a binary network protocol, so you may want to use an existing library (like Google's protocol buffers). If you still want to design your own, you can achieve reasonable portability of writing raw structs by doing this:
Pack your structs (GCC's __attribute__((packed)), MSVC's #pragma pack). This is compiler-specific.
Make sure your integer endianness is correct (htons, htonl). This is architecture-specific.
Do not use pointers for strings (use character buffers).
Use C99 exact integer sizes (uint32_t etc).
Ensure that the code only compiles where CHAR_BIT is 8, which is the most common, or otherwise handles transformation of character strings to a stream of 8-bit octets. There are some environments where CHAR_BIT != 8, but they tend to be special-purpose hardware.
With this you can be reasonably sure you will get the same result on the other end as long as you are using the same struct definition. I am not sure about floating point numbers representation, however, but I usually avoid sending those.
Another thing unrelated to portability you may want to address is backwards compatibility by introducing length as a first field, and/or using version tag.

You could try using a library such as protocol buffers; rolling your own is probably not worth the effort.

Write one function for output.
Use sprintf to print an ascii representation of each field to the file,
one field per line.
Write one function for input.
Use fgets to load each line from the file.
Use scanf to convert to binary, directly into the field in your structure.
If you plan on doing this with a lot of different structures,
consider adding a header to each file, which identifies what kind of structure
it represents.


c - sockets, why do ip are sent in integer format?

I am wondering why do we connect to sockets by using functions like hton to take care of endianness when we could have sent the ip in plain char array.
Say we want to connect to
There is an explanation to this but I cannot figure out why we use integers instead of char, and so involving ourself in endianness hell.
I think char out_ip[] = "" could have theoretically made it.
Please explain me the subtleties i don't get here.
The basic networking APIs are low level functions. These are very thin wrappers around kernel system calls. Removing these low level functions, forcing everything to use strings, would be rather bad for a low-level API like that, especially considering how tedious string handling is in C. As a concrete hurdle, even IP strings would not be fixed length, so handling them is a lot more complex than just plain 32 bit integers. And moving string handling to kernel is really quite against what kernel is supposed to be, handling arbitrary user strings is really user space problem.
So, you want to create higher-level functions which would accept strings and do the conversion in the library. But, adding such higher level "convenience" functions all over the place in the core libraries would bloat them, because certainly passing IP numbers is not the only place for such convenience. These functions would need to be maintained forever and included everywhere, after they became part of standard (official like POSIX, or de-facto) libraries.
So, removing the low-level functions is not really an option, and adding more functions for higher-level API in the same library is not a good option either.
So solution is to use another library to provide higher level networking API, which could for example handle address strings directly. Not sure what's out ther for C, but it's almost a given for other languages, which also have "real" strings built in so using them is not a hassle.
Because that's how an IP is transmitted in a packet. The "www.xxx.yyy.zzz" string form is really just a human readable form of a 4 byte integer that allows us to see the hierarchical nature a little easier. Sending a whole string would take up a lot more space as well.
Say number 127536 that requires 7 bytes not four. In addition you need to parse it.
I.e. more efficient and do not have to deal with invalid values.

Is it possible to fwrite() raw data to standard output?

Assume I have a struct called "Book", after constructing several "Books" I want to print the raw data of them to standard output. I can't think of any ways to do it using printf so I wonder can I use fwrite to read a "Book" and write it to standard output?
I tried something like the following but didn't work:
You can write it to stdout, but it will not be formatted in a human-readable manner - it will just be the binary values that happened to be in the structure fields (and padding bytes). If you want something human readable, use printf on the fields of the struct.
It's rarely a good idea to fwrite structs, even when you do want binary data. For one, there's no portable way of reading them back, as structure layout may depend on the platform, and you may also leak sensitive information, as the padding bytes and parts of arrays that you haven't written etc. may contain leftover information from other parts of your program. Either write the fields explicitly by yourself, or use one of the many serialization libraries available instead.

Can I get the sizeof (byte-length in C) with Perl?

Can I get the sizeof (byte-length in C) with Perl?
my $byte_length_in_C_of_int = ...;
After the first read I thought "sizeof(...)" and "$Config{...size}" may differ, but after rereading the place I suppose $Config{intsize} gives my the C_int-byte-length.
Yes, but it would be good to know what you need it for.
If you're building up a data structure to communicate with some other app in binary, your best bet is to go with pack -- the right combination of formats will let you work with nearly any type in either native or specifically-defined sizes, and it handles things like struct alignment, length-prefixed strings and TLV as well.
For other uses, you might be better looking in Config. There are variables in there for the sizes of various types, including intsize, longsize, ptrsize, doublesize, longlongsize (if d_longlong is set), longdblsize (if d_longdbl is set), ivtype/ivsize, nvtype/nvsize (for Perl's internal numeric types), and byteorder (so you can figure out endianness).

Alternatives to fread and fwrite for use with structured data

The book Beginning Linux Programming (3rd ed) says
"Note that fread and fwrite are not recommended for use with structured data. Part of the problem is that files written with fwrite are potentially nonportable between different machines."
What does that mean exactly? What calls should I use if I want to write a portable structured data reader or writer? Direct system calls?
The book is wisely cautioning against reading an block of bytes from a file directly into a data structure.
The problem with this is that there can be unnamed padding bytes between individual elements of a data structure, and the number and position of these bytes is entirely implementation dependent.
You can still use the fread and fwrite calls to read and write data from and to a file, but you should read and write each element of the data structure individually, rather than reading or writing the whole struct at once.
There are other portability concerns you'll want to keep in mind as well. For example, the various numeric types have implementation-dependent sizes. For portability, you can use the types defined in the stdint.h header.
There may also be differences in floating point and unsigned integer representation, but most systems and file formats now use IEEE 754 and two's-complement, respectively, so compatibility issues are far less frequent with those types. Just make sure you know what your specifications say.
Data serialization is topic of your interest.
It's about sizes of variables, it's about coding (strings might be utf-8, utf16... etc), it's about endianess (BigEndian, LowEndian).
For portable solution I would recommend you to take a look at Google ProtocolBuffers and Thrift.
If portability of the data is a concern for you, you should look into Serialization techniques and libraries, in particular s11n JSON YAML XDR ASN1 Jansson XML etc.
Ask yourself about your data and your application in a couple of years?...
Textual representations are generally less "brittle" than binary ones.

Parsing Binary Data in C?

Are there any libraries or guides for how to read and parse binary data in C?
I am looking at some functionality that will receive TCP packets on a network socket and then parse that binary data according to a specification, turning the information into a more useable form by the code.
Are there any libraries out there that do this, or even a primer on performing this type of thing?
I have to disagree with many of the responses here. I strongly suggest you avoid the temptation to cast a struct onto the incoming data. It seems compelling and might even work on your current target, but if the code is ever ported to another target/environment/compiler, you'll run into trouble. A few reasons:
Endianness: The architecture you're using right now might be big-endian, but your next target might be little-endian. Or vice-versa. You can overcome this with macros (ntoh and hton, for example), but it's extra work and you have make sure you call those macros every time you reference the field.
Alignment: The architecture you're using might be capable of loading a mutli-byte word at an odd-addressed offset, but many architectures cannot. If a 4-byte word straddles a 4-byte alignment boundary, the load may pull garbage. Even if the protocol itself doesn't have misaligned words, sometimes the byte stream itself is misaligned. (For example, although the IP header definition puts all 4-byte words on 4-byte boundaries, often the ethernet header pushes the IP header itself onto a 2-byte boundary.)
Padding: Your compiler might choose to pack your struct tightly with no padding, or it might insert padding to deal with the target's alignment constraints. I've seen this change between two versions of the same compiler. You could use #pragmas to force the issue, but #pragmas are, of course, compiler-specific.
Bit Ordering: The ordering of bits inside C bitfields is compiler-specific. Plus, the bits are hard to "get at" for your runtime code. Every time you reference a bitfield inside a struct, the compiler has to use a set of mask/shift operations. Of course, you're going to have to do that masking/shifting at some point, but best not to do it at every reference if speed is a concern. (If space is the overriding concern, then use bitfields, but tread carefully.)
All this is not to say "don't use structs." My favorite approach is to declare a friendly native-endian struct of all the relevant protocol data without any bitfields and without concern for the issues, then write a set of symmetric pack/parse routines that use the struct as a go-between.
typedef struct _MyProtocolData
Bool myBitA; // Using a "Bool" type wastes a lot of space, but it's fast.
Bool myBitB;
Word32 myWord; // You have a list of base types like Word32, right?
} MyProtocolData;
Void myProtocolParse(const Byte *pProtocol, MyProtocolData *pData)
// Somewhere, your code has to pick out the bits. Best to just do it one place.
pData->myBitA = *(pProtocol + MY_BITS_OFFSET) & MY_BIT_A_MASK >> MY_BIT_A_SHIFT;
pData->myBitB = *(pProtocol + MY_BITS_OFFSET) & MY_BIT_B_MASK >> MY_BIT_B_SHIFT;
// Endianness and Alignment issues go away when you fetch byte-at-a-time.
// Here, I'm assuming the protocol is big-endian.
// You could also write a library of "word fetchers" for different sizes and endiannesses.
pData->myWord = *(pProtocol + MY_WORD_OFFSET + 0) << 24;
pData->myWord += *(pProtocol + MY_WORD_OFFSET + 1) << 16;
pData->myWord += *(pProtocol + MY_WORD_OFFSET + 2) << 8;
pData->myWord += *(pProtocol + MY_WORD_OFFSET + 3);
// You could return something useful, like the end of the protocol or an error code.
Void myProtocolPack(const MyProtocolData *pData, Byte *pProtocol)
// Exercise for the reader! :)
Now, the rest of your code just manipulates data inside the friendly, fast struct objects and only calls the pack/parse when you have to interface with a byte stream. There's no need for ntoh or hton, and no bitfields to slow down your code.
The standard way to do this in C/C++ is really casting to structs as 'gwaredd' suggested
It is not as unsafe as one would think. You first cast to the struct that you expected, as in his/her example, then you test that struct for validity. You have to test for max/min values, termination sequences, etc.
What ever platform you are on you must read Unix Network Programming, Volume 1: The Sockets Networking API. Buy it, borrow it, steal it ( the victim will understand, it's like stealing food or something... ), but do read it.
After reading the Stevens, most of this will make a lot more sense.
Let me restate your question to see if I understood properly. You are
looking for software that will take a formal description of a packet
and then will produce a "decoder" to parse such packets?
If so, the reference in that field is PADS. A good article
introducing it is PADS: A Domain-Specific Language for Processing Ad
Hoc Data. PADS is very complete but unfortunately under a non-free licence.
There are possible alternatives (I did not mention non-C
solutions). Apparently, none can be regarded as completely production-ready:
If you read French, I summarized these issues in Génération de
décodeurs de formats binaires.
In my experience, the best way is to first write a set of primitives, to read/write a single value of some type from a binary buffer. This gives you high visibility, and a very simple way to handle any endianness-issues: just make the functions do it right.
Then, you can for instance define structs for each of your protocol messages, and write pack/unpack (some people call them serialize/deserialize) functions for each.
As a base case, a primitive to extract a single 8-bit integer could look like this (assuming an 8-bit char on the host machine, you could add a layer of custom types to ensure that too, if needed):
const void * read_uint8(const void *buffer, unsigned char *value)
const unsigned char *vptr = buffer;
*value = *buffer++;
return buffer;
Here, I chose to return the value by reference, and return an updated pointer. This is a matter of taste, you could of course return the value and update the pointer by reference. It is a crucial part of the design that the read-function updates the pointer, to make these chainable.
Now, we can write a similar function to read a 16-bit unsigned quantity:
const void * read_uint16(const void *buffer, unsigned short *value)
unsigned char lo, hi;
buffer = read_uint8(buffer, &hi);
buffer = read_uint8(buffer, &lo);
*value = (hi << 8) | lo;
return buffer;
Here I assumed incoming data is big-endian, this is common in networking protocols (mainly for historical reasons). You could of course get clever and do some pointer arithmetic and remove the need for a temporary, but I find this way makes it clearer and easier to understand. Having maximal transparency in this kind of primitive can be a good thing when debugging.
The next step would be to start defining your protocol-specific messages, and write read/write primitives to match. At that level, think about code generation; if your protocol is described in some general, machine-readable format, you can generate the read/write functions from that, which saves a lot of grief. This is harder if the protocol format is clever enough, but often doable and highly recommended.
You might be interested in Google Protocol Buffers, which is basically a serialization framework. It's primarily for C++/Java/Python (those are the languages supported by Google) but there are ongoing efforts to port it to other languages, including C. (I haven't used the C port at all, but I'm responsible for one of the C# ports.)
You don't really need to parse binary data in C, just cast some pointer to whatever you think it should be.
struct SomeDataFormat
SomeDataFormat* pParsedData = (SomeDataFormat*) pBuffer;
Just be wary of endian issues, type sizes, reading off the end of buffers, etc etc
Parsing/formatting binary structures is one of the very few things that is easier to do in C than in higher-level/managed languages. You simply define a struct that corresponds to the format you want to handle and the struct is the parser/formatter. This works because a struct in C represents a precise memory layout (which is, of course, already binary). See also kervin's and gwaredd's replies.
I'm not really understand what kind of library you are looking for ? Generic library that will take any binary input and will parse it to unknown format?
I'm not sure there is such library can ever exist in any language.
I think you need elaborate your question a little bit.
Ok, so after reading Jon's answer seems there is a library, well kind of library it's more like code generation tool. But as many stated just casting the data to the appropriate data structure, with appropriate carefulness i.e using packed structures and taking care of endian issues you are good. Using such tool with C it's just an overkill.
Basically suggestions about casting to struct work but please be aware that numbers can be represented differently on different architectures.
To deal with endian issues network byte order was introduced - common practice is to convert numbers from host byte order to network byte order before sending the data and to convert back to host order on receipt. See functions htonl, htons, ntohl and ntohs.
And really consider kervin's advice - read UNP. You won't regret it!
