I've currently tried to dm a certain user with a id of, e.g., 693301017365839952.
My code so far is
if (message.content === '.dm') {
const user = client.cache.get('693301017365839952');
user.send("This is a test");
What I get back is TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined...
Anyone have a solution to this? (Any help is appreciated.)
There's no such thing as client.cache. What you're looking for is client.users.cache.get().
const user = client.users.cache.get("693301017365839952");
user.send("This is a test").catch(console.error);
if (message.content === "!test"){
console.log("message sent")
This method doesn't work and I wasn't able to find any other methods that worked
Is there a spelling mistake or this method is outdated?
I've actually encountered this error myself once. There are two problems you might be facing here:
The user isn't cached by discord.js yet
There isn't a DMChannel open for that user yet
To solve the first one, you have to fetch the user before doing anything with it. Remember this is a Promise, so you'll have to either await for it to complete or use .then(...).
const user = await client.users.fetch('id')
Once you've fetched your user by their ID, you can then create a DMChannel which, again, returns a promise.
const dmChannel = await user.createDM()
You can then use your channel like you normally would
Try to create a variable like this:
var user = client.users.cache.find(user => user.id === 'USER-ID')
And then do this:
user.send('your message')
Im trying to dm a user but I only have there id. This is the code im using:
const member = bot.users.cache.find(ID)
it isn't working. Does anyone know why?
If the user is not cached you can do this.
const member = bot.users.fetch('user-id',false,true)
That helps to fetch member data directly from API. more at here
Like somebody else has stated, the user probably isn't cached. There isn't anything you can do about this as far as I can tell.
If you want to avoid the undefined error your having, and to catch any errors that may occur when sending the message:
const member = bot.users.cache.find(ID);
if (member) member.send('TEXT').catch(console.error);
I'm trying to create a bot that kicks someone after they say a specific word, but I don't want to have to mention the user after I say the word. This is my code so far:
case 'ok':
const user = message.member
if (user) {
const member = message.guild.member(user);
if (member){
member.kick('Banned').then(() =>{
}})const PREFIX = '';
Is there some way to make the bot automatically kick the user after they say the case word "ok"?
You could simply use String.prototype.includes(), then kick them using GuildMember.kick() as you are now.
// in your existing message event
client.on('message', (message) => {
if (message.content.includes('ok')) // if the content includes 'ok'
message.member.kick().catch(console.error); // kick the member
I would recommend reading the full discord.js guide, as it can help you find a greater understanding of the discord.js library, and how to use it with javascript.
My Goal
My goal is to figure out why Collection#find returns undefined when I try to find a user in my server, but they're offline and have no roles.
Usually the console logs an array of all the properties of the user
Actual Result
The console logs Collection#find, as undefined if the user in my server is offline and has no roles
What I've Tried
I've tried using Collection#get, but it turns out that it returns the same response. I've tried searching this up on Google, but no one has asked this question before.
Reproduction Steps
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const {prefix, token} = require('./config.json');
client.once('ready', () => {
console.log('Client is online');
const user = client.users.cache.find(user => user.tag === 'Someone#1234');
Make sure that whoever is helping you, whether it's an alt account or your friend, that they have no roles, and they're completely offline in your server
Client is online undefined
I had the same problem. I don't know why this happens, but I used this line to fix that:
((await m.guild.members.fetch()).filter(mb => mb.id === "The ID")).first()`
Basically, this collect all the members, then filters them with the property you want, and the first() at the end is to make it a single object instead of a collection.
Instead of the user.tag property, try using the user.username and the user.discriminator properties. This worked for me
const user = client.users.cache.find(user => user.username === 'Someone' && user.discriminator === '1234');
Also check spelling, capitalization, ect.
A simple solution to my problem is just create an async function and use await guild.members.fetch() to cache the users and then use Collection#find to get the user.
Read the title and will be glad if anyone can help me guys
For an example messages.mentions.first(). Like that, is there anything for mentioned user's username?
The best way would be to use the message.mentions.users.first(), as this will actually give you the first user mentioned in a message. (message.mentions is not a collection). If there are no users mentioned, the first will result in undefined, so you will probably want to check for that. Once you have a user, you will want to access the username property.
// Assuming we just need a message event
client.on('message', (message) => {
const user = message.mentions.users.first();
if (user === undefined) {
return; // Do not proceed, there is no user.
const name = user.username;
// Do stuff with the username
This would give you the username of the first mention.
You could also do message.mentions.users.first().username;