How can I add a value to Fields of Type Entity when using App.Data.Create() - dotnetnuke

When I am in external code and trying to add an entry to an existing Content Type, how can add one or more values to a field of type Entity? So lets use the FAQ v3 app as an example, here is the code with the add Categories line commented out:
int appId = 4; // FAQ3 for me
var appX = ToSic.Sxc.Dnn.Factory.App(appId);
var fields = new Dictionary<string, object>();
fields.Add("InternalTitle", askQ.Name + ", " + askQ.Email);
fields.Add("Question", askQ.Question);
// fields.Add("Categories", ""); // what is the syntax to set 1 category = Entityid 1111?
appX.Data.Create("Question", fields);
catch (Exception ex)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.Message);
I need the new Question to start life already in a Category named "Un-answered" which is EntityId 1111.

This is very simple. Just add a List<int> or List<Guid> as that field with the property. Something like
fields.Add("Category", new List<int> { 1111 });


Entity Framework : Create a model from Dictionary<TKey,TValue> to be mapped to a database table

Earlier I had a table named ApplicationConfiguration which simply had [Key],[Value] columns to store some config data. This was queried straight away using SQL queries.
Now I intend to make use of Entity Framework (EF) Code First approach to query this table. The specialty of this table is that the table will have only a fixed number of rows in its lifetime. Only the Value column can be updated.
So as per the code first approach, we have to first write our POCO classes with its properties that will be mapped to columns in the underlying table. However, I wish to have a Dictionary<> structure to represent these configuration KV pairs. My concern is, will EF be able to fire update queries against any updation to the the value of a particular pair.
Also since I am using Code First approach, I would want some seed data(i.e the fixed number of rows and its initial content) to the added after the table itself is created on the fly when the application is first executed.
If Dictionary<> cannot be used, please suggest some alternative. Thanks in advance.
Coded this way:
public class ApplicationConfiguration
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Key { get; set; }
public int Value { get; set; } // should be string, but I'm lazy
class Context : DbContext
internal class ContextInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<Context>
protected override void Seed(Context context)
var defaults = new List<ApplicationConfiguration>
new ApplicationConfiguration {Key = "Top", Value = 5},
new ApplicationConfiguration {Key = "Bottom", Value = 7},
new ApplicationConfiguration {Key = "Left", Value = 1},
new ApplicationConfiguration {Key = "Right", Value = 3}
// foreach (var c in defaults)
// context.ConfigurationMap.Add(c.Key, c); // by design, no IReadOnlyDictionary.Add
foreach (var c in defaults)
public Context()
Database.SetInitializer(new ContextInitializer());
private IDbSet<ApplicationConfiguration> ApplicationConfigurations
get { return Set<ApplicationConfiguration>(); }
public IReadOnlyDictionary<string, ApplicationConfiguration> ConfigurationMap
get { return ApplicationConfigurations.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp); }
Used this way:
using (var context = new Context())
using (var context = new Context())
static void ReadConfigurationOnly(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, ApplicationConfiguration> configuration)
foreach (var k in configuration.Keys)
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", k, configuration[k].Value);
static void ModifyConfiguration(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, ApplicationConfiguration> configuration)
foreach (var k in configuration.Keys)
configuration[k].Value++; // this is why I was lazy, using an int for a string
So, I wrote it up this way — using an int Value property rather than a string — just so I could run the "Used this way" code over and over, and see the database update each time, without having to come up with some other way to change Value in an interesting way.
It's not quite as nifty here to use a IReadOnlyDictionary<string, ApplicatonConfiguration> instead of a IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>, the way we'd really like, but that's more than made up for by the fact that we can easily modify our collection values without resorting to a clumsier Set method taking a dictionary as input. The drawback, of course, is that we have to settle for configuration[key].Value = "new value" rather than configuration[key] = "new value", but — as I say — I think it's worth it.
Dang! I wrote this code up specifically to answer this question, but I think I like it so much, I'm going to add it to my bag of tricks ... this would fit in really well when my company goes from local databases to Azure instances in the cloud, and the current app.config has to go into the database.
Now all I need is a ContextInitializer taking a System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager as a ctor parameter in order to seed a new database from an existing app.config ...
I don't think you can map a table directly to a Dictionary; you will probably have to write your own wrapper to fill a dictionary from the table and update it back to the DB. Entities are each a row of a given table... Something like this (untested):
public Dictionary<string, string> GetDictionary()
Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
using (var db = new Context())
var configs = db.ApplicationConfiguration.Select();
foreach (var entry in configs)
dic.Add(config.Key, config.Value);
return dic;
public void SaveConfig(Dictionary<string, string> dic)
using (var db = new Context())
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in dic)
if (!db.ApplicationConfiguration.First(a => a.Key == kvp.Key).Value == kvp.Value)
var ac = new ApplicationConfiguration();
ac.Key = kvp.Key;
ac.Value = kvp.Value;
db.Entry(ac).State = EntityState.Modified;
For your second question, you want to use the Seed() method to add initial values to the database. See here for an example implementation.

Multi-dimension queryable HashMap Array

I have a CSV file that I'd like to store as a Java object. I would like the name of the columns to be the first dimension of the array, and key pair values the second dimension of the array. I've tried different solutions (mostly LinkedHashMaps) but none seem to work properly.
The CSV looks like this:
TimeStamp;Column 1;Column 2;Column3
I would like the array to look something like this:
["Column 1"]
["Column 2"]
["Column 3"]
This way, I would be able to query the object and retrieve all the key pair values from a given column, for instance, all the data from Column 1. Using HashMaps doesn't seem to work because they require two arguments, and doing this doesn't seem to be the proper way. This is the code I could come up with so far, which I don't think is the right track but it's all I could come up with. I'm using OpenJDK 1.7
public class CsvCollection {
public Map<String,Map<String,Integer>> Results = new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String,Integer>>();
public CsvCollection(){
public void parseCsvResultFile(File csvFile){
CSVReader reader = null;
List myEntries = null;
try {
reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(csvFile.getAbsolutePath()), ';');
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Error opening [], aborting parsing");
try {
myEntries = reader.readAll();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error reading content of CSV file (but file was opened)");
for(String header: (String[]) myEntries.get(0)){
Results.put(header, null);
// What now?
You can make 2 change as follows to implements the function you needed.
1) Change the following code
public Map<String,Map<String,Integer>> Results = new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String,Integer>>();
public Map<String, List<String[]>> Results = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String[]>>();
This change is made because for a specify column, like Column 1, it has 3 rows with Timestamp and corresponding Column value. You need to use a List to store them.
2) Change the following for-loop
for(String header: (String[]) myEntries.get(0)){
Results.put(header, null);
// What now?
String[] headerColumns = (String[]) myEntries.get(0);
// First column is TimeStamp, skip it
for (int i = 1; i < headerColumns.length; i++) {
List<String[]> list = new ArrayList<String[]>();
for (int rowIndex = 1; rowIndex < myEntries.size(); rowIndex++) {
String[] row = (String[]) myEntries.get(rowIndex);
list.add(new String[] { row[0], row[i] });
Results.put(headerColumns[i], list);
With the above 2 changes, if you print the Results (type of Map< String, List< String[] > >) in console using the following code,
for(Map.Entry<String, List<String[]>> entry : Results.entrySet())
for(String[] array : entry.getValue())
you will get the result you need:
[Column 1]
[1385733406, Value1]
[1385733409, Value21]
[1385733411, Value31]
[Column 2]
[1385733406, Value12]
[1385733409, Value22]
[1385733411, Value32]
[1385733406, Value13]
[1385733409, Value23]
[1385733411, Value33]
Note: the above example is executed using the content from a CSV file below:
TimeStamp;Column 1;Column 2;Column3

praogramatically fetch any particular object's related objects from its related list

I am pretty new to SFDC. I am trying to implement a clone functionality of a custom object by which when I am cloning an object, the object as well as all the object in its related list are to be cloned. I have implemented the part of cloning a object but stuck how to get the object list associated with a object's related list. pls let me know , how to implement this.
You can try this...
public class PurchaseOrderCloneWithItemsController {
//added an instance varaible for the standard controller
private ApexPages.StandardController controller {get; set;}
// add the instance for the variables being passed by id on the url
private Purchase_Order__c po {get;set;}
// set the id of the record that is created -- ONLY USED BY THE TEST CLASS
public ID newRecordId {get;set;}
// initialize the controller
public PurchaseOrderCloneWithItemsController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
//initialize the stanrdard controller
this.controller = controller;
// load the current record
po = (Purchase_Order__c)controller.getRecord();
// method called from the VF's action attribute to clone the po
public PageReference cloneWithItems() {
// setup the save point for rollback
Savepoint sp = Database.setSavepoint();
Purchase_Order__c newPO;
try {
//copy the purchase order - ONLY INCLUDE THE FIELDS YOU WANT TO CLONE
po = [select Id, Name, Ship_To__c, PO_Number__c, Supplier__c, Supplier_Contact__c, Date_Needed__c, Status__c, Type_of_Purchase__c, Terms__c, Shipping__c, Discount__c from Purchase_Order__c where id =];
newPO = po.clone(false);
insert newPO;
// set the id of the new po created for testing
newRecordId =;
// copy over the line items - ONLY INCLUDE THE FIELDS YOU WANT TO CLONE
List<Purchased_Item__c> items = new List<Purchased_Item__c>();
for (Purchased_Item__c pi : [Select p.Id, p.Unit_Price__c, p.Quantity__c, p.Memo__c, p.Description__c From Purchased_Item__c p where Purchase_Order__c =]) {
Purchased_Item__c newPI = pi.clone(false);
newPI.Purchase_Order__c =;
insert items;
} catch (Exception e){
// roll everything back in case of error
return null;
return new PageReference('/''/e?retURL=%2F';
Sounds like you need to "Deep Clone" - check out the links below for reference:

i am not able to create a collection in ravendb, if i do not have any document in it

I have created a document in ravendb. Using session.advanced.getmetadata(see in code) , i gave a name to Raven-Entity-Name in metadata, after that i deleted that document in same function.Then i saw collection is also removed.If i delete the document manually from raven studio then the collection remains in the database.How a collection persist even if there is no document from code part? thanks in advance !!
My c# code is :
public CreateCollectionResult CreateCollection(string databaseName, string collectionName)
CreateCollectionResult createCollectionResult = new CreateCollectionResult();
Collection collection1234 = new Collection();
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession(databaseName))
Guid guid = new Guid("12345678-1111-1111-2222-000000000000");
session.Store(collection1234, guid, "april-Days/10");
session.Advanced.GetMetadataFor<Collection>(collection1234)[Constants.RavenEntityName] = collectionName;
createCollectionResult.IsOperationSuccessfull = true;
//exception if database not found
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
createCollectionResult.IsOperationSuccessfull = false;
createCollectionResult.Error = ex;
return createCollectionResult;
In RavenDB, collections are virtual, they are only there as long as you have at least one doc in that document.

salesforce SOQL : query to fetch all the fields on the entity

I was going through the SOQL documentation , but couldn't find query to fetch all the field data of an entity say , Account , like
select * from Account [ SQL syntax ]
Is there a syntax like the above in SOQL to fetch all the data of account , or the only way is to list all the fields ( though there are lot of fields to be queried )
Create a map like this:
Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> fldObjMap = schema.SObjectType.Account.fields.getMap();
List<Schema.SObjectField> fldObjMapValues = fldObjMap.values();
Then you can iterate through fldObjMapValues to create a SOQL query string:
String theQuery = 'SELECT ';
for(Schema.SObjectField s : fldObjMapValues)
String theLabel = s.getDescribe().getLabel(); // Perhaps store this in another map
String theName = s.getDescribe().getName();
String theType = s.getDescribe().getType(); // Perhaps store this in another map
// Continue building your dynamic query string
theQuery += theName + ',';
// Trim last comma
theQuery = theQuery.subString(0, theQuery.length() - 1);
// Finalize query string
theQuery += ' FROM Account WHERE ... AND ... LIMIT ...';
// Make your dynamic call
Account[] accounts = Database.query(theQuery);
superfell is correct, there is no way to directly do a SELECT *. However, this little code recipe will work (well, I haven't tested it but I think it looks ok). Understandably wants a multi-tenant architecture where resources are only provisioned as explicitly needed - not easily by doing SELECT * when usually only a subset of fields are actually needed.
You have to specify the fields, if you want to build something dynamic the describeSObject call returns the metadata about all the fields for an object, so you can build the query from that.
I use the Explorer and within the schema filter you can click the checkbox next to the TableName and it will select all the fields and insert into your query window - I use this as a shortcut to typeing it all out - just copy and paste from the query window. Hope this helps.
In case anyone was looking for a C# approach, I was able to use reflection and come up with the following:
public IEnumerable<String> GetColumnsFor<T>()
return typeof(T).GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance)
.Where(x => !Attribute.IsDefined(x, typeof(System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute))) // Exclude the ignored properties
.Where(x => x.DeclaringType != typeof(sObject)) // & Exclude inherited sObject propert(y/ies)
.Where(x => x.PropertyType.Namespace != typeof(Account).Namespace) // & Exclude properties storing references to other objects
.Select(x => x.Name);
It appears to work for the objects I've tested (and matches the columns generated by the API test). From there, it's about creating the query:
/* assume: this.server = new sForceService(); */
public IEnumerable<T> QueryAll<T>(params String[] columns)
where T : sObject
String soql = String.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1}",
String.Join(", ", GetColumnsFor<T>()),
this.service.QueryOptionsValue = new QueryOptions
batchsize = 250,
batchSizeSpecified = true
ICollection<T> results = new HashSet<T>();
Boolean done = false;
QueryResult queryResult = this.service.queryAll(soql);
while (!finished)
sObject[] records = queryResult.records;
foreach (sObject record in records)
T entity = entity as T;
if (entity != null)
done &= queryResult.done;
if (!done)
queryResult = this.service.queryMode(queryResult.queryLocator);
catch (Exception ex)
throw; // your exception handling
return results;
For me it was the first time with Salesforce today and I came up with this in Java:
* #param o any class that extends {#link SObject}, f.ex. Opportunity.class
* #return a list of all the objects of this type
public <O extends SObject> List<O> getAll(Class<O> o) throws Exception {
// get the objectName; for example "Opportunity"
String objectName= o.getSimpleName();
// this will give us all the possible fields of this type of object
DescribeSObjectResult describeSObject = connection.describeSObject(objectName);
// making the query
String query = "SELECT ";
for (Field field : describeSObject.getFields()) { // add all the fields in the SELECT
query += field.getName() + ',';
// trim last comma
query = query.substring(0, query.length() - 1);
query += " FROM " + objectName;
SObject[] records = connection.query(query).getRecords();
List<O> result = new ArrayList<O>();
for (SObject record : records) {
result.add((O) record);
return result;
I used following to get complete records-
query_all("Select Id, Name From User_Profile__c")
To get complete fields of record, we have to mention those fields as mentioned here-
Hope will help you !!!
