I have a SP that runs at night and sometimes it does not finish. The tool I automate the runs with has an option about that can kill the job after some time if it does not finish, i.e. it kills the job e.g. after one hour.
Anyway I think the reason it sometimes does not finish in the maximum allotted time is because it is being blocked by another session ID. How can I query the DMV's for the text of the query and find out exactly what is in the blocking session.
I have this query and I know the blocking session ID and my session ID.
SELECT TOP 100 w.session_id, w.wait_duration_ms, w.blocking_session_id, w.wait_type, e.database_id, D.name
FROM sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks w
LEFT JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions e ON w.session_id = e.session_id
LEFT JOIN sys.databases d ON e.database_id = d.database_id
where w.session_id = x and w.blocking_session_id = y
order by w.wait_duration_ms desc
How can I get the content (e.g. name of the SP) of the blocking session ID?
You can download and create sp_whoisactive routine. It will give you a clear details of what's going on right now.
For example, create a table:
[Column] INT
In one session execute the code below:
-- commit tran
Then in second:
In third one, execute the routine:
EXEC sp_Whoisactive
It will give you something like the below:
You can clearly see the SELECT is blocked by the session with open transaction.
As the routine is returning the activity for particular moment, you may want to record the details in a table and analyze them later.
If you are doubting that the process is blocked or a deadlock victim, it will be more appropriate to create extended event session which is collecting only these events. There are many examples of how this is done and it's easy. It's good, because you can analyze the deadlock graph and fix the issue easier.
For testing, I am trying to simulate a condition in which a query from our web application to our SQL Server backend would timeout. The web application is configured so this happens if the query runs longer than 30 seconds. I felt the easiest way to do this would be to take and hold an exclusive lock on the the table that the web application wants to query. As I understand it, an exclusive lock should prevent any additional locks (even the shared locks taken by a SELECT statement).
I used the following methodology:
Open a first query window in SSMS and run
WAITFOR DELAY '00:02:00';
(see https://stackoverflow.com/a/25274225/2824445 )
I can EXEC sp_lock and see results with ObjId matching MyTable, Type of TAB, Mode of X
Open a second query window in SSMS and run SELECT * FROM MyTable
I would expect this to sit and wait, not returning any results until after the lock is released by the first query. Instead, the second query returns with full results immediately.
In the second query window, if I SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE, then the second query waits until the first completes as expected. However, the point is to simulate a timeout in our web application, and I do not have any easy way to alter the transaction isolation level of the web application's connections away from the default of READ COMMITTED.
In the first window, I tried modifying the table's values inside the transaction. In this case, when the second query returns immediately, the values it shows are the unmodified values.
Figured it out. We had READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT turned on, which is how the second query was able to return the previous, unmodified values in part 2 of "Stuff I tried". I was able to determine this with SELECT is_read_committed_snapshot_on FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'MyDatabase'. Once it was turned off with ALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT OFF, I began to see the expected behavior in which the second query would wait for the first to complete.
I have a process (tableProcess) UI where multiple people will analyze then.
The user workflow :
1 - User access the process UI that execute a SP to return how many process are available and opening the more recent one
I´m using
FROM tableProcess AS process WITH (UPDLOCK, READPAST)
In the same SP I´m updating the selected row with current Date.
2 - User confirm the action validating/invalidating the process.
Using a SP to select and update the process
The problem Im getting lock on entire tableProcess sometimes. Any workaround on that?
sp snippet
SELECT TOP (1) #Column1,#Column2,#Column3
FROM tableProcess AS process WITH (UPDLOCK, READPAST)
WHERE (process.Date IS NULL)
ORDER BY process.AnalyseDate
UPDATE process
SET process.Date = GETDATE()
FROM tblProcess AS process
WHERE process.Column2 = #Column2;
I have two indexes on that table:
-Colunm1(pk) (Unique, Clustered)
-Column2 (Non-unique, Non Clustered)
EDITED: I have a table with composite key which is being used by multiple windows services deployed on multiple servers.
UserId (int) [CompositeKey],
CheckinTimestamp (bigint) [CompositeKey],
Status (tinyint)
There will be continuous insertion in this table. I want my windows service to select top 10000 rows and do some processing while locking those 10000 rows only. I am using ROWLOCK for this using below stored procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE LockMonitoringSession
SELECT TOP 10000 * INTO #TempMonitoringSession FROM dbo.MonitoringSession WITH (ROWLOCK) WHERE [Status] = 0 ORDER BY UserId
DECLARE #CheckinTimestamp BIGINT
DECLARE SessionCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT UserId, CheckinTimestamp FROM #TempMonitoringSession
OPEN SessionCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM SessionCursor INTO #UserId, #CheckinTimestamp
UPDATE dbo.MonitoringSession SET [Status] = 1 WHERE UserId = #UserId AND CheckinTimestamp = #CheckinTimestamp
FETCH NEXT FROM SessionCursor INTO #UserId, #CheckinTimestamp
CLOSE SessionCursor
DEALLOCATE SessionCursor
SELECT * FROM #TempMonitoringSession
DROP TABLE #TempMonitoringSession
But by doing so, dbo.MonitoringSession is being locked permanently until the stored procedure ends. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here.
The only purpose of this stored procedure is to select and update 10000 recent rows without any primary key and ensuring that whole table is not locked because multiple windows services are accessing this table.
Thanks in advance for any help.
(not an answer but too long for comment)
The purpose description should be about why/what for are you updating whole table. Your SP is for updating all rows with Status=0 to set Status=1. So when one of your services decides to run this SP - all rows become non-relevant. I mean, logically event which causes status change already occurred, you just need some time to physically change it in the database. So why do you want other services to read non-relevant rows? Ok, probably you need to read rows available to read (not changed) - but it's not clear again because you are updating whole table.
You may use READPAST hint to skip locked rows and you need rowlocks for that.
Ok, but even with processing of top N rows update of those N rows with one statement would be much faster then looping through this number of rows. You are doing same job but manually.
Check out example of combining UPDLOCK + READPAST to process same queue with parallel processes: https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/1257/processing-data-queues-in-sql-server-with-readpast-and-updlock/
Small hint - CURSOR STATIC, READONLY, FORWARD_ONLY would do same thing as storing to temp table. Review STATIC option:
Another thing is a suggestion to think of RCSI. This will avoid other services locking for sure but this is a db-level option so you'll have to test all your functionality. Most of it will work same as before but some scenarios need testing (concurrent transactions won't be locked in situations where they were locked before).
Not clear to me:
what is the percentage of 10000 out of the total number of rows?
is there a clustered index or this is a heap?
what is actual execution plan for select and update?
what are concurrent transactions: inserts or selects?
by the way discovered similar question:
why the entire table is locked while "with (rowlock)" is used in an update statement
Pardon me if this is a duplicate. The closest I could find was Random timeout running a stored proc - drop recreate fixes but I'm not certain the answers there about recompiling the stored procedure apply.
I have an Azure SQL database, latest version, that has a lot of traffic from an Azure web app front end. I have a nightly remote job that runs a batch to rebuild indexes on the Azure SQL database as that seems to help greatly with controlling database size and performance.
Normally, the rebuilding of indexes takes about 20 minutes. Last night it timed out after 2 hours. The error handler in that batch did not log any errors.
Soon after rebuilding indexes was started, one particular stored procedure starting timing out for every client calling it. Other stored procedures using the same tables were not having any issues. When I discovered the problem, I could alleviate all the timeouts and suspended processes by altering the stored procedure to immediately return. When I altered the stored procedure again to behave normally, the issues reappeared immediately. My understanding is that altering the stored procedure forced it to recompile but that didn't fix it.
Ultimately, I completely dropped and recreated the procedure with the original code and the issue was resolved.
This procedure and the schema it uses have been completely stable for many months. The procedure itself is quite simple:
CREATE Procedure [dbo].[uspActivityGet] (#databaseid uniqueidentifier) AS
--There may be writing activities to the table asynchronously, do not use nolock on tblActivity - the ActivityBlob might be null in a dirty read.
select top 100 a.Id, h.HandsetNumber, a.ActivityBlob, a.ActivityReceived
from dbo.tblDatabases d with(nolock) join dbo.tblHandsets h with(nolock) on d.DatabaseId = h.DatabaseId join dbo.tblActivity a on h.Id = a.HandsetId
where d.DatabaseId = #databaseid and a.ActivitySent is null
order by a.ActivityReceived
While the procedure would hang and time out with something like this:
exec dbo.uspActivityGet 'AF3EA01B-DB22-4A39-9E1C-D096D2DF1215'
Running the identical select in a query window would return promptly and successfully:
declare #databaseid uniqueidentifier; set #databaseid = 'AF3EA01B-DB22-4A39-9E1C-D096D2DF1215'
select top 100 a.Id, h.HandsetNumber, a.ActivityBlob, a.ActivityReceived
from dbo.tblDatabases d with(nolock) join dbo.tblHandsets h with(nolock) on d.DatabaseId = h.DatabaseId join dbo.tblActivity a on h.Id = a.HandsetId
where d.DatabaseId = #databaseid and a.ActivitySent is null
order by a.ActivityReceived
Any ideas how I can prevent this from happening in the future? Thank you.
Edit - Adding execution plan screenshot
Edit - Adding query used to view running processes. There were many, guessing aproximately 150, in the suspended state and they were all for the same stored procedure - uspActivityGet. Also, Data IO Percentage was maxed out the whole time when it normally runs 20 - 40% in peak demand times. I don't recall what the wait type was. Here is the query used to view that.
select * from sys.dm_Exec_requests r with(nolock) CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) order by r.total_elapsed_time desc
Edit - It happened again tonight. Here is the execution plan of the same procedure during the issue. After dropping and creating the procedure again, the execution plan returned to normal and the issue was resolved.
During the issue, sp_executesql with the identical query took about 5 minutes to execute and I believe that is representative of what was happening. There were about 50 instances of uspActivityGet suspended with wait type SLEEP_TASK or IO_QUEUE_LIMIT.
Perhaps the next question is why is index rebuilding or other nightly maintenance doing this to the execution plan?
The clues are in the query and the troublesome execution plan. See Poor Performance with Parallelism and Top
The normal execution plan seems quite efficient and shouldn't need recompiled as long as the relevant schema doesn't change. I also want to avoid parallelism in this query. I added the following two options to the query for assurance on both points and all is happy again.
I am maintaining a sproc where the developer has implemented his own locking mechanism but to me it seemed flawed:
Update X
set flag = lockedforprocessing
where flag = unprocessed
-- Some processing occurs here with enough time to
-- 1. table X gets inserted new rows with a flag of unprocessed
-- 2. start another instance of this Sproc 1 that executes the above update
Select from X
where flag = lockedforprocessing
-- Now the above statement reads rows that it hadn't put a lock on to start with.
I know that I can just wrap it sproc inside a transaction with isolation level of SERIALIZABLE but I want to avoid this.
The goal is
that multiple instances of this sproc can run at the same time and process their own "share" of the records to achieve maximum concurrency.
An execution of the sproc should not wait on a previous run that is still executing
I don't think REPEATABLE READ can help here since it won't prevent the new records with a value of "unprocessed" being read (correct me if I'm wrong please).
I just discovered the sp_getlock sproc and it would resolve the bug but serialize exaction which is not my goal.
A solution that I see is to have each run of the proc generate its own unique GUID and assign that to the flag but somehow I am thinking I am simulating something that SQL Server already can solve out of the box.
Is the only way that let each run of a sproc process it's "share" of the rows to have it in SERIALIZABLE?
Regards, Tom
Assuming there is an ID field in X, a temporary table of updated Xs can help:
-- Temporary table listing all accessed Xs
declare #flagged table (ID int primary key)
-- Lock and retrieve locked records
Update X
set flag = lockedforprocessing
output Inserted.ID into #flagged
where flag = unprocessed
-- Processing
Select from X inner join #flagged f on x.ID = f.ID
-- Clean-up
update X
set flag = processed
from x inner join #flagged f on x.ID = f.ID