Rcedit doesn't works after selecting embed pck file in godot - export

I installed Rcedit for changing my file icon after exporting my game with Godot 3.2.2 stable.
But it only works when I uncheck embed pck. Else, it says that it can't find pck.
I want to embed the pck file with exe.
I also to change the file icon from default.
What can I do?
Edit: I also noticed now that, Rcedit is not working. It shows the custom icon when I check it in the folder. But when I bring it to desktop, it shows the default icon and it doesn't depends on presence recedit!
I am confused. Can someone solve it.

This is now a document known issue: Export with embedded pck is broken when changing PE metadata with rcedit. It has not been solved at the moment of writing. However, it should be solved for the next release (if there is another tool, similar to rcedit, which actually works in this scenario, that would be the solution. For you, and for Godot. I'm unaware of any).
Godot is not coming today, but will come tomorrow
-- Waiting For Godot.
Meanwhile, you will have to build your own export templates for Windows. To do that, begin with downloading Godot source.
Go to the Godot repository, select the branch you want (e.g 3.2) or the tag you want (e.g. 3.2.3-stable), and download to zip.
You will need Python. You will need pip, make sure it is up to date (python -m pip install --upgrade pip) and install Scons using pip (python -m pip install scons). You will also need the C++ build tools. I recommend using the Visual Studio Community installer and select "Desktop development with C++" (you don't really need Visual Studio, however in my experience using the Visual Studio installer to get them is more reliable than the standalone installer). Finally you can run scons platform=windows from the Godot source folder to build Godot.
The build system and the build process is explained in more detail in Introduction to the buildsystem. And, of course, Compiling for Windows.
Yet, the goal is not to build Godot. The goal is to build the Windows export templates. For that you are going to run these:
C:\godot> scons platform=windows tools=no target=release_debug bits=32
C:\godot> scons platform=windows tools=no target=release bits=32
C:\godot> scons platform=windows tools=no target=release_debug bits=64
C:\godot> scons platform=windows tools=no target=release bits=64
Oh, but, wait, before you do that… You need to find platform/windows/godot.ico in the source and replace it with the icon you want. Then build the Windows export templates.
Once you have your custom built export templates, you need to put them in %APPDATA%\Godot\templates\<version>\, where version matches what about says in Godot, (e.g "3.2.3.stable.mono"). And then you can build your game.
As you know, your game will appear with the default icon. What I describe here changes the default icon.


How to install cinterop tool in Windows/Ubuntu

I am following this tutoriel to use C library in Kotlin (Android Studio) https://jonnyzzz.com/blog/2018/05/28/minimalistic-kn/ But I can’t find the how to install/download the cinterop tool both in Windows and Ubuntu I have the error “cinterop: command not found” ! Does anybody please knows how to install cinterop ? Thank you in advance
This tool is a part of the kotlin-native distribution, and it does not make any sense to use it without the Kotlin/Native compiler. So, in fact, you would like to get all the distribution here, and install it correctly.There are three main approaches to the Kotlin/Native installation. All of them are described in the documentation.
Installing it with the IntelliJ IDEA. You should just get an IDE and let it install everything on its own. It will download all tools and put them to the following location: ~/.konan/kotlin-native-prebuilt-<osName>-<kotlinVersion>/bin/. Then you will be able to add this folder to your PATH and call the tool from CLI.
Installing using the Gradle build system. Quite similar, but this one will require manual installation of the Gradle. The first run will also download all tools and pack them to the same location as in the IDE case.
Installing the CLI tool. This looks like the most appropriate way to follow the tutorial, but won't help a lot when you start working on more sophisticated projects. In general, you should just download the latest version of the Kotlin/Native, unpack it to some folder and add this folder to your PATH.

Library conflict when running AppEngine using PyCharm

I am trying to run AppEngine Standard Environment inside PyCharm.
The problem is when I include Google App Engine SDK as part of External Libraries, but it contains multiple version of old libraries that somehow has higher priority than the library I have in my env folder.
Specifically, it is loading jinja2-2.6 which doesn't work for Python 3, even though I have jinja2-2.11.3 in my env/lib.
Pycharm does have a bit of issues with its library system as many users have reported before. To Adjust the version of your libraries in PyCharm you must access the interpreter options relating your python interpreter for your current project, you can access this option by searching in the menu Settings/Preferences or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+S
In this dialog you can view the packages available and their current running versions. You can update the version by clicking on the ▲ symbol next to the version. if you have trouble upgrading to a specific version you may need then you can alway remove a package by clicking on the "-" on the right hand side after clicking on the package you wish to remove. After removing the package you can add a new one by clicking on the "+" button right on top of the "-" button. Here you can search for the package you need and before installing a package, you can check the specific version checkbox to search for the version you require in the dropdown menu next to it.
This link contains images for what i'm explaining here.
Remember that these packages are taken directly from the pip so if you have errors using the interface you can always try to manually edit the packages (also described in the link).
To upgrade a specific package using pip for python3 you can use the following command:
pip3 install --upgrade PackageName

How do I make my Setup project produce an executable?

I've built a small desktop application with which I am trying to use a Setup project to allow other users to install it. But whenever I run this installer, it does not produce an executable file. This is my first time making a setup project.
My solution contains two projects. One is the setup project which installs the primary output from the other project. The other project is a WPF App that consists of two xaml files, a xaml.cs file for each, an App.config file, and an icon. It also has a few dependencies including one Assembly, two Frameworks, and a handful of Packages. The app works exactly as intended whenever I start a Visual Studio debugging instance on either Debug or Release configurations.
I followed these instructions to build my Setup and deploy my app.
Whenever I ran the resulting Setup, it installed an XML configuration file, a JSON file, a main application dll file, and a bunch of dll files for my assemblies. I looked into some resources on how to run the main dll file properly, only (A) I'm completely stumped by everything I find on that topic, and (B) I would rather just produce an executable file anyway, since I intend for this Setup project to be used by other people and it would be inconvenient to ask said others to jump through the same hoops just to run it.
Why does my Setup project not produce a .exe file? I see that a .exe file is produced in my bin folder whenever I build my project (and this .exe works), so I would think the setup project should also produce one of those, but it doesn't. What am I doing wrong with my Setup project or anything else?
The setup.exe is a bootstrapper over the setup.msi. We can install the content using .msi or by running .exe which inturn runs /gets the data from the msi. To enable setup.exe building, go to solution explorer -> project -> properties -> prerequisites. check the check box on the top "Create setup program to install prerequisite components". apply and rebuld the project. A setup.exe bootstrapper will be created allong with msi.
Switch to Release mode, then rebuild your setup project. If everything went well (check the output console), you'll find an MSI file inside {setup project folder}/bin/Release
In "system file" from your proyect installer, you shoud to add in "Application Folder" the next source = PublishItemsOutpuGroup. In my case functions well.

Is it possible to build a binary package with poky?

As given in mega-manual, Creating the Project
You can create two types of projects: Autotools-based, or
Makefile-based. This section describes how to create Autotools-based
projects from within the Eclipse IDE. For information on creating
Makefile-based projects in a terminal window, see the section "Using
the Command Line" in the Yocto Project Application Developer's Guide.
I want to deploy a separate binary package, I don't want to create an image including my package. Isn't it possible to build a binary package like .ipk .deb .rpm using poky?
Yes, packages are always created. Autotools and Makefiles are for configuring/building software, so not really related to the question.
Use the PACKAGE_CLASSES variable in your configuration to select the package types you want to build with Yocto/OpenEmbedded. When you "bitbake recipe-name" the packages are built in the deploy directories under recipe WORKDIR.
Please don't expect the packages to be compatible with some other operating system though: they will be tailored for your specific configuration. If you already have an image running exactly that configuration, then it should be fine.

cmake vs gmake for qtcreator project

I am attempting to use QtCreator as an IDE for a straight C project. The reason is that I am comfortable with QtCreator and I want a visual IDE for stepping through this new project I am working on. My development box and my deployment box are different, but both of those have gmake on them. QtCreator requires cmake, which I dont mind putting on my development box, but my deployment box is not going to have cmake.
Am I OK to build my software on the Qt box, and be sure it will deploy on the deployment box?
Edit: to be clear, the existing code base already has a makefile structure going, and I'd rather not interrupt that. If I can set my project up to use those existing targets and such it would be great.
If your project is using CMake as build system, then you should have it installed on the machine you are building. You can't pregenerate Makefile's and then just run make on the other box.
Well, you actually can, but then you will probably need same compiler versions, libs/headers located in same paths and etc. So generally it's not good idea.
As for deploying already compiled binaries - it have no relation to CMake. The general rule there is that you should have same shared libraries on both machines. Linking your project statically allows deploying single fat executable/library, without any additional dependencies.
