Patch request in SCIM with Azure AD - azure-active-directory

How should I handle the following PATCH request, for a user that when initially added didn't have any address (not even an empty addresses array)?
"schemas": [
"Operations": [
"op": "Add",
"path": "addresses[type eq \"work\"].formatted",
"value": "Columbus"
Should I "proactively" create an addresses array, with a single value as following (what seems a very bad solutions)?
{"type": "work", formatted: "Columbus"}
I would expect a patch request that looks like:
"schemas": [

If no array exists yet, then you should create the array and then add the value to the array. You can set it ahead of time to be an empty array, or can leave the value as null until such a point where a value needs to be added to the array, and then at that time create the array and then add the value to it. Kindly check this link


Loop through JSON data with unspecific index key

I have this json file below and I want to be able to loop through and print the corresponding value. e.g If I send a params "en", I should be able to print Unjha.
Any help?
iterate over outer-list
iterate over item-map
print map.key = map.value

Replace array values if they exist with jq

While I use jq a lot, I do so mostly for simpler tasks. This one has tied my brain into a knot.
I have some JSON output from unit tests which I need to modify. Specifically, I need to remove (or replace) an error value because the test framework generates output that is hundreds of lines long.
The JSON looks like this:
"numFailedTestSuites": 1,
"numFailedTests": 1,
"numPassedTestSuites": 1,
"numPassedTests": 1,
"testResults": [
"assertionResults": [
"failureMessages": [
"Error: error message here"
"status": "failed",
"title": "matches snapshot"
"failureMessages": [
"Error: another error message here",
"Error: yet another error message here"
"status": "failed",
"title": "matches another snapshot"
"endTime": 1617720396223,
"startTime": 1617720393320,
"status": "failed",
"summary": ""
"assertionResults": [
"failureMessages": [],
"status": "passed",
"failureMessages": [],
"status": "passed",
I want to replace each element in failureMessages with either a generic failed message or with a truncated version (let's say 100 characters) of itself.
The tricky part (for me) is that failureMessages is an array and can have 0-n values and I would need to modify all of them.
I know I can find non-empty arrays with select(.. | .failureMessages | length > 0) but that's as far as I got, because I don't need to actually select items, I need to replace them and get the full JSON back.
The simplest solution is:
.testResults[].assertionResults[].failureMessages[] |= .[0:100]
Check it online!
The online example keeps only the first 10 characters of the failure messages to show the effect on the sample JSON you posted in the question (it contains short error messages).
Read about array/string slice (.[a:b]) and update assignment (|=) in the JQ documentation.

How do I set the allowed values without repeating myself?

I want my JSON schema to accept a list but the values in the list are from a set list and can apparear in any order!
I.e. ["GOV","CRD", "CON"] is acceptable, but so is ["CRD", "GOV", "COM"].
My current thinking is something along these lines:
"sources":{"type": "array",
"uniqueItems": true,
"emum": ["CRD", "GOV", "COM", "CON", "OTH", "UTL", "PRO", "TEL", "POS", "INS", "CCJ", "POP", "VOT", "MVR", "PPS", "DRV", "PMC"]},
But I'm not entirely sure that's going to do what I want. I've read up on items where you can define the values in the list, but it looks like that would set the order and also the number of items in the list. Although both can be worked around using oneOf combined with definitions.
E.g. (shortened for space saving reasons) Please feel free to correct this if I'm wrong:
"definitions": {
"source":{"emum": ["CRD", "GOV", "COM", "CON", "OTH", "UTL", "PRO", "TEL", "POS", "INS", "CCJ", "POP", "VOT", "MVR", "PPS", "DRV", "PMC", ""]},
"sources":{"type": "array",
"uniqueItems": true,
"items": {
"source": {"$ref": "#/definitions/source"},
"source": {"$ref": "#/definitions/source"},
"source": {"$ref": "#/definitions/source"},
My question is: Is there a nicer way to do this?
You don't have to specify every possible order. When the array is made limited by enum, the items can come in any order. However, you have to specify the type of the enumerated values.
"type": "array",
"uniqueItems": true,
"items": {
"type": "string",
"emum": ["CRD", "GOV", "COM"]

Construct unique arrays from nested array values with common parents

Likely a close question to JQ: Nested JSON transformation but I wasn't able to get my head around it.
Sample JSON:
"value": [
"FeatureStatus": [
"FeatureName": "Sway1",
"FeatureServiceStatus": "ServiceOperational"
"FeatureName": "Sway2",
"FeatureServiceStatus": "ServiceDegraded"
"Id": "SwayEnterprise",
"FeatureStatus": [
"FeatureName": "yammerfeatures",
"FeatureServiceStatus": "ServiceOperational"
"Id": "yammer"
What I want to do is create an output with jq which results in the following;
My various attempts either end up with thousands of non-unique (i.e Yammer with Sway status), or only one Id with x number of FeatureServiceStatus.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. I've gone through the tutorial and the cookbook. I am perhaps 2.5 days into using jq.
Assuming that the enclosing braces have been added to make the input valid JSON, the filter:
| [.Id] + (.FeatureStatus[] | [ .FeatureName, .FeatureServiceStatus ])
You can then easily reformat this as desired.

Query nested arrays in ArangoDB

I'm looking for a way to query nested arrays in ArangoDB.
The JSON structure I have is:
"uid": "bykwwla4prqi",
"category": "party",
"notBefore": "2016-04-19T08:43:35.388+01:00",
"notAfter": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999+01:00",
"version": 1.0,
"aspects": [
"description": [
{ "value": "User Homer Simpson, main actor in 'The Simpsons'", "lang": "en"}
"properties": [
"property": [
"values": [
"property": [
"values": [
I tried to use a query like the following to find all parties having a given name 'Jay':
FOR r IN resource
FILTER "urn:project:domain:attribute:givennames" IN[*].targets[*]
AND "Jay" IN[*].values[*]
but unfortunately it does not work - it returns an empty array. If I use a '1' instead of '*' for the properties array it works. But the array of the properties has no fixed structure.
Does anybody have an idea how to solve this?
Thanks a lot!
You can inspect what the filter does using a simple trick: you RETURN the actual filter condition:
db._query(`FOR r IN resource RETURN[*].property[*]`).toArray()
which makes it pretty clear whats going on. The IN operator can only work on one dimensional arrays. You could work around this by using FLATTEN() to remove the sub layers:
db._query(`FOR r IN resource RETURN FLATTEN([*].property[*])`).toArray()
However, while your documents are valid json (I guess its converted from xml?) you should alter the structure as one would do it in json:
"properties" : {
"urn:project:domain:attribute:givennames": [
Since the FILTER combination you specify would also find any other Jay (not only those found in givennames) and the usage of FLATTEN() will prohibit using indices in your filter statement. You don't want to use queries that can't use indices on reasonably sized collections for performance reasons.
In Contrast you can use an array index on givennames with the above document layout:
db.resource.ensureIndex({type: "hash",
Now doublecheck the explain for the query:
db._explain("FOR r IN resource FILTER 'Jay' IN " +
"`urn:project:domain:attribute:givennames` RETURN r")
6 IndexNode 1 - FOR r IN resource /* hash index scan */
Indexes used:
By Type Collection Unique Sparse Selectivity Fields Ranges
6 hash resource false false 100.00 % \
[ `properties.urn:project:domain:attribute:givennames[*]` ] \
("Jay" in r.`properties`.`urn:project:domain:attribute:givennames`)
that its using the index.
