useRef reset textInput by Clicking button - reactjs

i am using material-ui for my project and i am doing function to reset text of input to empty when clicking an outer button, it seem like not worked out
this is my code
var inputRef = useRef(null)
assign inputRef to the input field to access DOM
<TextField label="Student Name" ref={inputRef} />
an outer button to reset text field to empty when click it:
<Button variant="contained" color="primary" onClick={() => {inputRef.current.value = ""}}>
and it unchanged, if it is possible, please modify the code in the codesandbox link here, thank you so much

You do incorrectly in step: assign inputRef to the input field to access DOM. It should be a ref of input element instead text field component (actual a div).
You should have state for value of Textfield Or using inputRef instead of ref to point to input element. Demo
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { TextField, Button } from "#material-ui/core";
import "./styles.css";
export default function App() {
var inputRef = useRef(null);
return (
<div className="App">
<TextField label="Student Name" inputRef={inputRef} />
onClick={() => {
inputRef.current.value = "";

useRef can be used on html DOM elements(<input/>). To pass ref to Material-UI input you should use inputRef property.
Please refer How can I use ref in TextField
var inputRef = useRef(null);
<TextField label="Student Name" inputRef={inputRef} />


React- how to enable a button when TextField has value

So I'm trying to enable a button as soon as I enter a value in the TextField. The only way it is enabled is if i click outside the TextField after I put a value inside the Textfield. I know i'm missing something small but I still haven't found the correct way. I would appreciate your advice .
The code for the TextField and LoadingButton
the Window
I have included only the relevant part.
import { useState } from "react";
export default function Home() {
const [name, setName] = useState("");
const hanldeUserInput = (e) => {
return (
<TextField onChange={hanldeUserInput} value={name} />
<LoadingButton disabled={name === ""}>Save</LoadingButton>
You could keep track of the current value inside your textfield and store it inside the state.
const [txtFieldValue, setTxtFieldValue] = useState<string>('')
and write a function which is triggered on the change event in your textfield:
function handleTxtFieldChange(event) {
if ( === 'myTextFieldId') {
And then you can adjust your textfield:
// ... all your other stuff
onChange={(event) => {
and you can then use the set txtFieldValue to render the button like:
{txtFieldValue != '' ? <Button /> : <></>}
or if you just want to disable it you can just use the
txtFieldValue != ''
as a boolean.

click event is not triggering on input element from ref

I am using react 17.0.2 and material ui 4.11.4
I want to customize the select element appearnce (like Chip component of material ui). For this purpose I am using Autocoomplete component which renders an input element. I have rendered Chip component below the input element.
I am also getting the ref in the renderInput callback function which I am ustlising to trigger input click from Chip component.
When I log the params.inputProps.ref.current I am indeed getting the input element but calling click function does not show the dropdown but just focus the input element. When I click the input directly then it shows the dropdown.
I have created a sandbox of this behaviour.
I would recommend using state as a controlled component.
export default function App() {
const classes = useStyles();
const statusDropdownInput = useRef(null);
let [val, setVal] = useState(false) // <- Store the open state
const handleStatusDropdownClick = (params,e) => {
setVal(!val) // <- Will toggle the dropdown
let inputElement = null
return (
open={val} // <- Control the input elements state here
options={["Option 1", "Option 2"]}
renderInput={(params) => (
<div ref={params.InputProps.ref}>
<input type="text" {...params.inputProps} />
avatar={<DoneOutlinedIcon />}
onDelete={() => {
onClick={(e) => handleStatusDropdownClick(params)}
deleteIcon={<ExpandMoreIcon />}

How to add TextArea while clicking on image using React JS?

###This is how the code looks like ###
const message = () => {
console.log("Hello World!")
<label htmlFor="myInput" ><ShoppingBagIcon style={{width:'26px'}} type="shoppingbag" /></label>
<input id="myInput" type="text" style={{display:'none'}} onClick={message} />)}
export default message
You could use a hook const [shown, setShown] = useState(false)
and render the TextArea based on the value of the hook.
An oversimplified example:
const [shown, setShown] = useState(false)
return (
<button on:click={() => setShown(!shown)}/>
{shown ? <TextArea/> : <WithoutTextArea/>}
You can use an extra state say, toggleView in your project. And when a user clicks the image you can set the value true or false. Based on that you can show the textField or not. What I meant is
import React,{useState} from 'react'
const message = () => {
const [showText,toggleShowText] = useState(false);
console.log("Hello World!")
const toggleTextField = () => toggleShowText(!showText)
<label htmlFor="myInput" ><ShoppingBagIcon style={{width:'26px'}} type="shoppingbag" onClick ={()=>toggleShowText(!showText)}/></label>
showText ? (
<input id="myInput" type="text" onClick={message} />
) : (<div/>)
export default message;
Also in your code, the curly braces are not formatted, I did that Above example.
Also, you can use the ternary operator inside the HTML tag.
<input id="myInput" type="text" style={showText ? {display:'none'}: {display:'inline'}} onClick={message} />
style={{display: showText ? 'block' : 'none'}}
I Think the best way of doing hiding or showing an HTML element is using ref
import useRef from react
import { useRef } from "react";
Create a ref
const inputRef = useRef();
Use it in the input or textarea
style={{ display: "none" }}
Now you can change it's any style like this = "block";
Why ref?
Because it do not re-render the component. If you use state it will cost a render but using ref it won't
here is the solve
If you want to hide any elements you can do that like this bellow = 'none'
So when and which element you want to hide just make the display none using the ref.
For example if you want to hide the textarea after input. Just do that.

How to set or clear value of material-ui Input in ReactJS

I am unable to clear the value of a material-ui Input using refs, not state.
I've tried both types of refs that I know about:
- and -
ref={el => (this.input = el)}
but neither seems to work w/ a material-ui Input
the following similar questions did not help:
How to get input value of TextField from Material UI?
Clear and reset form input fields
Clear an input field with Reactjs?
how to set Input value in formField ReactJs
Here's a snippet of my React JSX for the input & button:
ref={el => ( = el)}
And the event handler that I expect should clear the input value:
handleClear() { = "";
I can make the code work fine using a standard HTML5 input, but not with a material-ui input, which is a requirement of this project. Additionally, this element's value is NOT in react state and I am not looking for a solution that requires using state -- I need to keep this piece as an uncontrolled component.
What am I missing w/ regard to material-ui? I have combed their docs/api but haven't found anything that suggests it needs to be handled differently from a standard input. thanks
Here's an example on CodeSandbox showing the failure w/ a material-ui input and success w/ an HTML5 input:
I figured it out, you are using the wrong prop for the ref.
You should be using inputRef prop.
Here is the correct version,
inputRef={el => = el}
handleClear() { = "";
The reason is that the Material Input component creates an element with the following structure,
<div class="MuiInputBase-root MuiInput-root MuiInput-underline">
<input class="MuiInputBase-input MuiInput-input" id="name" type="text" value=""></input>
So, using ref would reference the root element which is <div>. So, they created a separate prop called inputRef to reference the child element <input>.
I updated your code and saved it. Check out the full working code here,
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { Button, Container, InputBase } from '#material-ui/core'
const ClearText = ()=> {
const [text , setText] = useState("")
const clearTextField = () => setText("")
return (
value={text ? text : ""}
<Button onClick={clearTextField} > Clear </Button>
export default ClearText;

Material-UI - TextField - select text programmatically

Material-UI V1 beta.
Could not find the answer in the Docs.
How do I select text of a TextField component?
Create a ref to it, then call the value of the ref. Something like this:
<TextField ref="myTextField" />
// Call this in the component that contains the text field so 'this' is set properly
function getTextFieldValue() {
return this.refs.myTextField.getValue();
This is known as an uncontrolled react component. An alternative would be to use a controlled component and save the value in your state. Here is some info on the difference between controlled and uncontrolled components:
if you are using a stateless functional component then you can use react hooks.
Also make sure you are using inputRef
import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
let MyFunctional = props => {
let textInput = useRef(null);
return (
onClick={() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
Focus TextField
placeholder="Enter Your First Name"
label="First Name"
