Spark avoid execution of the entire query each time - database

I have query that does a moving average over the beginning of time on data found in mysql db. Then I need to execute that query
every day to use the previous day's value.
Instead of querying my database everytime I am using checkpoint to store the latest date computed so far.
Then I am restoring the checkpoint to get the dataframe but I am getting all the data I used before including the latest date stored in a dataframe.
I just need a method to not have to re-execute my query on the whole mysql db and instead use the latest date's input or is that doable and recommended in spark.
I do not know if that is a good method since checkpoint is used for fault tolerance. Is there another way to achieve this?
Spark Checkpointing Non-Streaming - Checkpoint files can be used in subsequent job run or driver program

You may like this as you will discover that for iterative algorithms this is also a necessary aspect. Some odd things to get to grips with.
In all honesty I would re-query as you refer to my original question and I would do things simple still. Good answer but no way would I implement that. You see the issue you are getting yourself.


idiomatic way to do many dynamic filtered views of a Flink table?

I would like to create a per-user view of data tables stored in Flink, which is constantly updated as changes happen to the source data, so that I can have a constantly updating UI based on a toChangelogStream() of the user's view of the data. To do that, I was thinking that I could create an ad-hoc SQL query like SELECT * FROM foo WHERE userid=X and convert it to a changelog stream, which would have a bunch of inserts at the beginning of the stream to give me the initial state, followed by live updates after that point. I would leave that query running as long as the user is using the UI, and then delete the table when the user's session ends. I think this is effectively how the Flink SQL client must work, so it seem like this is possible.
However, I anticipate that there may be some large overheads associated with each ad hoc query if I do it this way. When I write a SQL query, based on the answer in Apache Flink Table 1.4: External SQL execution on Table possible?, it sounds like internally this is going to compile a new JAR file and create new pipeline stages, I assume using more JVM metaspace for each user. I can have tens of thousands of users using the UI at once, so I'm not sure that's really feasible.
What's the idiomatic way to do this? The other ways I'm looking at are:
I could maybe use queryable state since I could group the current rows behind the userid as the key, but as far as I can tell it does not provide a way to get a changelog stream, so I would have to constantly re-query the state on a periodic basis, which is not ideal for my use case (the per-user state can be large sometimes but doesn't change quickly).
Another alternative is to output the table to both a changelog stream sink and an external RDBMS sink, but if I do that, what's the best pattern for how to join those together in the client?

SQLite record update speed improvements

I currently have trouble updating SQLite database records at scale within a healthy amount of time.
I have a small database of about 70,000 records and I have some office personal using Navicat to filter the records and make some bulk edits to commit. When trying to perform an UPDATE on a large amount of records in one field everything comes to a crawl, when I look at the raw SQL query I can see that the program is using an UPDATE ..SET.. WHERE to perform the operations.
My question is what can I do to help this query run faster? I have a SQLite auto index on the column used for matching the record to update, but I have read and searched all over and have yet to see any kind of resolve other then what I already have in place. Updating one field in 20,000 records is literally taking close to 3 hours...regardless of using Navicat or not. The whole database is only 30mb so I have to be doing something wrong.
All other database operations run nice and speedy, not sure whats wrong and looking for some guidance from a SQLite vet.
There are very few reasons why SQLite can perform as poorly as you describe, but I've experienced pretty much the same thing.
First, if you are performing a table-wide update on an indexed column, you're gonna thrash the whole index, all while making the index less useless. Delete the index before you update, then recreate the index.
Additionally, you can get some serious perf boost by changing the synchronous PRAGMA, but it comes with a non-zero amount of extra risk of corrupt data on a crash (extremely unlikely in my experience)
PRAGMA schema.synchronous = 0

Querying Data from Apache Flink

I am looking to migrate from a homegrown streaming server to Apache Flink. One thing that we have is a Apache Storm like DRPC interface to run queries against the state held in the processing topology.
So for example: I have a bunch of sensors that I am running an moving average on. I want to run a query on the topology and return all the sensors where that average is above a fixed value.
Is there an equivalent in Flink, or if not, what is the best way to achieve equivalent functionality?
Out-of-box Flink does not come with a solution for querying the internal state of operations right now. You're lucky however, because there are two solutions: We did an example of a stateful word count example that allows querying the state. This is available here:
For one of the upcoming versions of Flink we are also working on a generic solution to the queryable state use case. This will allow querying the state of any internal operation.
Also, could it also suffice, in your case, to just periodically output the values to something like Elasticsearch using a Window Operation. The results could then simply be queried from Elasticsearch.
They are coming with Out-of-box solution called Queryable State in next release.
Here is an example
But I suggest you should read about it more first then see the example.

Versioning a dataset in an RDBMS using initials and deltas

I'm working on a system that mirrors remote datasets using initials and deltas. When an initial comes in, it mass deletes anything preexisting and mass inserts the fresh data. When a delta comes in, the system does a bunch of work to translate it into updates, inserts, and deletes. Initials and deltas are processed inside long transactions to maintain data integrity.
Unfortunately the current solution isn't scaling very well. The transactions are so large and long running that our RDBMS bogs down with various contention problems. Also, there isn't a good audit trail for how the deltas are applied, making it difficult to troubleshoot issues causing the local and remote versions of the dataset to get out of sync.
One idea is to not run the initials and deltas in transactions at all, and instead to attach a version number to each record indicating which delta or initial it came from. Once an initial or delta is successfully loaded, the application can be alerted that a new version of the dataset is available.
This just leaves the issue of how exactly to compose a view of a dataset up to a given version from the initial and deltas. (Apple's TimeMachine does something similar, using hard links on the file system to create "view" of a certain point in time.)
Does anyone have experience solving this kind of problem or implementing this particular solution?
have one writer and several reader databases. You send the write to the one database, and have it propagate the exact same changes to all the other databases. The reader databases will be eventually consistent and the time to update is very fast. I have seen this done in environments that get upwards of 1M page views per day. It is very scalable. You can even put a hardware router in front of all the read databases to load balance them.
Thanks to those who tried.
For anyone else who ends up here, I'm benchmarking a solution that adds a "dataset_version_id" and "dataset_version_verb" column to each table in question. A correlated subquery inside a stored procedure is then used to retrieve the current dataset_version_id when retrieving specific records. If the latest version of the record has dataset_version_verb of "delete", it's filtered out of the results by a WHERE clause.
This approach has an average ~ 80% performance hit so far, which may be acceptable for our purposes.

Retrieving information from aggregated weblogs data, how to do it?

I would like to know how to retrieve data from aggregated logs? This is what I have:
- about 30GB daily of uncompressed log data loaded into HDFS (and this will grow soon to about 100GB)
This is my idea:
- each night this data is processed with Pig
- logs are read, split, and custom UDF retrieves data like: timestamp, url, user_id (lets say, this is all what I need)
- from log entry and loads this into HBase (log data will be stored infinitely)
Then if I want to know which users saw particular page within given time range I can quickly query HBase without scanning whole log data with each query (and I want fast answers - minutes are acceptable). And there will be multiple querying taking place simultaneously.
What do you think about this workflow? Do you think, that loading this information into HBase would make sense? What are other options and how do they compare to my solution?
I appreciate all comments/questions and answers. Thank you in advance.
With Hadoop you are always doing one of two things (either processing or querying).
For what you are looking to-do I would suggest using HIVE You can take your data and then create a M/R job to process and push that data how you like it into HIVE tables. From there (you can even partition on data as it might be appropriate for speed to not look at data not required as you say). From here you can query out your data results as you like. Here is very good online tutorial
There are a lots of ways to solve this but it sounds like HBase is a bit overkill unless you want to setup all the server required for it to run as an exercise to learn it. HBase would be good if you have thousands of people simultaneously looking to get at the information.
You might also want to look into FLUME which is new import server from Cloudera . It will get your files from some place straight to HDFS
