kubectl command cannot find namespace value - google-app-engine

I am trying to deploy an application vis Google Cloud with K8. I ran kubectl create -f app.yaml and everything seemed to work fine. I can go to my Project profile and view the "app" cluster in the "Kubernetes clusters" page. However, when I try to view my pods and their info via the terminal I run into this strange situation:
% kubectl get pods -n app
No resources found in app namespace.
% kubectl create -f app.yaml
Error from server (AlreadyExists): error when creating "app.yaml": services "app" already exists
% kubectl -n app rollout restart deployment project
Error from server (NotFound): namespaces "app" not found
kubectl cannot find the name "app" but I cannot recreate "app" because the name already exists!
My end goal is to view the pods info and get the External IP value.

My end goal is to view the pods info and get the External IP value:
To get info about pods, try kubecl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide
Right now there are just no pods in namespace app according to this error "No resources found in app namespace." Running the above will give you more info.
kubectl get svc -o wide
should provide you with the external IP you are looking for.


How to deploy SQL Server Express on Docker Desktop Kubernetes

I've been studying "Kubernetes Up and Running" by Hightower et al (first edition) Chapter 13 where they discussed creating a Reliable MySQL Singleton (Since I just discovered that there is a second edition, I guess I'll be buying it soon).
Using their MySQL reliable singleton example as a model, I've been looking for some sample YAML files to make a similar deployment with Microsoft SQL Server (Express) on Docker Desktop for Kubernetes.
Apparently I need YAML files to deploy
Persistent Volume
Volume claim (should this be NFS?)
SQL Server (Express edition) replica set (in spite of the fact that this is just a singleton).
I've tried this example but I'm confused because it does not contain a persistent volume & claim and it does not work. I get the error
Error: unable to recognize "sqlserver.yml": no matches for kind "Deployment" in version "apps/v1beta1"
Can someone please point me to some sample YAML files that are not Azure specific that will work on Docker Desktop Kubernetes for Windows 10? After debugging my application, I'll want to deploy this to Azure (AKS).
Wed Jul 15 2020 Update
I left out the "-n namespace" for the helm install command (possibly because I'm using Helm and you are using helm v2?).
That install command still did not work. Then I did a
helm repo add stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/
Now this command works:
helm install todo-app-database stable/mssql-linux
When I do a "k get pods" I see that my todo-app-mssql-linux database is in the pending state. So I did a
kubectl get events
and I see
Warning FailedScheduling pod/todo-app-database-mssql-linux-8668d9b88c-lsh5l 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient memory.
I've been google searching for "Kubernetes insufficient memory" and can find no match.
I suspect this is a problem specific to "Docker Desktop Kubernetes".
When I look at the output for
helm -n ns-todolistdemo template todo-app-database stable/mssql-linux
I see the deployment is asking for 2Gi. (Interesting: when I use the template command, the "-n ns-todolistdemo" does not cause an error like it does with the install command).
So I do
kubectl describe deployment todo-app-database-mssql-linux >todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml
I edit the yaml file to change 2Gi to 1Gi.
kubectl apply -f todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml
I get this error:
error: error parsing todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 9: mapping values are not allowed in this context
Hmm... that did not work. I try delete:
kubectl delete deployment todo-app-database-mssql-linux
kubectl create -f todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml
I get this error:
error: error validating "todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml": error validating data: invalid object to validate; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false
So I try apply:
kubectl apply -f todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml
Same error!
Shucks.... Is there a way to adjust the memory allocation for Docker Desktop?
Thank you
Short answer
Detailed Answer
Docker For Desktop comes already with a default StorageClass :
This storage class is responsible for auto-provisioning of PV whenever you create a PVC.
If you have a YAML definition of PVC (persistent volume claim), you just need to keep storageClass empty, so it will use the default.
k get storageclass
hostpath (default) docker.io/hostpath 11d
This is fair enough as Docker-For-Desktop Cluster is a one node cluster. So if your DB crashes and the cluster opens it again , it will not move to another node, because simply, you have a single node :)
Now should write the YAML of PVC from scratch ?
No , you don't need. Because Helm should be your best friend.
( I explained below Why you have to use Helm even without deep learning curve)
Fortunately, the community provides a chart called stable/mssql-linux..
Let's run it together :
helm -n <your-namespace> install todo-app-database stable/mssql-linux
# helm -n <namespace> install <release-name> <chart-name-from-community>
If you want to check the YAML (namely PVC) that Helm computed, you can run template instead of install
helm -n <your-namespace> template todo-app-database stable/mssql-linux
Why I give you the answer with Helm ?
Writing YAML from scratch lets reinventing the wheel while others do it.
The most efficient way is to reuse what community prepare for you.
However, you may ask: How can i reuse what others doing ?
That's why Helm comes.
Helm comes to be your installer of any application on top of kubernetes regardless how much YAML does your app require.
Install it now and hit the ground choco install kubernetes-helm

Managed VM Deployment hangs on "Copying certificates for secure access..."

I'm running the following command to deploy my Managed VMs app (on Windows 10):
gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml --project=<PROJECT> --promote
The deployment starts bug hangs on the following line:
Copying certificates for secure access. You may be prompted to create an SSH keypair.
And after some time I get the error:
ERROR: (gcloud.preview.app.deploy) Unable to copy certificates.
I've already:
Made sure that there are SSH keys in ~\.ssh\google_compute_engine
Tried to run with --quiet - same results
Renamed ssh-term.exe to ssh.exe - same results
Run the command as an administrator.
Run the command with --verbosity debug, which prints the following line multiple times: DEBUG: File [f] does not exist locally.
Any help will be much appreciated!
Found the cause! It was the project's firewall that blocked SSH by default. Fixed that and it worked.
Glad you fixed it, I had the same problem and will use your fix. I did happen accros a work around. By using the Container Build API to perform the build.
enter the command
gcloud config set app/use_cloud_build true
Before you
gcloud preview app deploy
Cite: https://github.com/isusanin/google-cloud-sdk/issues/533

Google cloud sdks doesn't start preview for Docker image Mac OS

My app.yaml
runtime: custom
vm: true
api_version: 1
enable_health_check: False
# Use the official go docker image built on debian.
FROM golang:1.5.1
# Grab the source code and add it to the workspace.
ADD . /go/
# Install revel and the revel CLI.
RUN go get github.com/revel/revel
RUN go get github.com/revel/cmd/revel
# Use the revel CLI to start up our application.
ENTRYPOINT revel run 4quorum-appengine dev 8080
# Open up the port where the app is running.
I was working through this article
I am trying to preview it:
gcloud preview app run app.yaml --custom-entrypoint "revel run 4quorum-appengine dev 8080"
WARNING: The `app run` command is deprecated and will soon be removed.
Please use dev_appserver.py (in the same directory as the `gcloud` command) instead.
Module [default] found in file [/Users/802619/Projects/src/4quorum_root/app.yaml]
INFO: Looking for the Dockerfile in /Users/802619/Projects/src/4quorum_root
INFO: Using Dockerfile found in /Users/802619/Projects/src/4quorum_root
INFO 2015-11-06 18:03:44,226 application_configuration.py:399] No version specified. Generated version id: 20151106t180344
INFO 2015-11-06 18:03:44,226 devappserver2.py:763] Skipping SDK update check.
INFO 2015-11-06 18:03:44,266 api_server.py:205] Starting API server at: http://localhost:62780
INFO 2015-11-06 18:03:44,272 dispatcher.py:197] Starting module "default" running at: http://localhost:8080
INFO 2015-11-06 18:03:44,277 admin_server.py:116] Starting admin server at: http://localhost:8000
ERROR 2015-11-06 18:03:44,282 instance.py:280] [Errno 2] No such file or directory
The same thing if trying dev_appserver.py
Deploy also doesn't work. Fails because of timeout.
gcloud preview app deploy ./app.yaml
WARNING: Soon, deployments will set the deployed version to receive all traffic by
To keep the current behavior (where new deployments do not receive any traffic),
use the `--no-promote` flag or run the following command:
$ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default false
To adopt the new behavior early, use the `--promote` flag or run the following
$ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default true
Either passing one of the new flags or setting one of these properties will
silence this message.
You are about to deploy the following modules:
- vaulted-gift-112113/default (from [/Users/802619/Projects/src/4quorum_root/app.yaml])
Deployed URL: [https://20151106t204027-dot-vaulted-gift- 112113.appspot.com]
(add --promote if you also want to make this module available from
Beginning deployment...
Verifying that Managed VMs are enabled and ready.
Provisioning remote build service.
Copying certificates for secure access. You may be prompted to create an SSH keypair.
Building and pushing image for module [default]
Saving [.dockerignore] to [/Users/802619/Projects/src/4quorum_root].
----------------------------- DOCKER BUILD OUTPUT ------------------------------
Step 0 : FROM golang:1.5.1
---> f6271e8f3723
Step 1 : ADD . /go/
---> 94fafc5e8a30
Removing intermediate container cfbe197f6e93
Step 2 : RUN go get github.com/revel/revel
---> Running in d7ad8c923144
---> b65877cf3049
Removing intermediate container d7ad8c923144
Step 3 : RUN go get github.com/revel/cmd/revel
---> Running in 2a9b3320ce47
---> 428defd008f3
Removing intermediate container 2a9b3320ce47
Step 4 : ENTRYPOINT revel run 4quorum-appengine dev 8080
---> Running in 8b9e38ec69ec
---> 3749ee8a6636
Removing intermediate container 8b9e38ec69ec
Step 5 : EXPOSE 8080
---> Running in a0e6c66b56c8
---> dafff62b9643
Removing intermediate container a0e6c66b56c8
Successfully built dafff62b9643
Copying files to Google Cloud Storage...
Synchronizing files to [gs://staging.vaulted-gift-112113.appspot.com/].
Updating module [default]...|Deleted [https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/vaulted-gift- 112113/zones/us-central1-f/instances/gae-builder-vm-20151106t204027].
Updating module [default]...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.preview.app.deploy) Error Response: [4] Timed out creating VMs.
About to drop this.
Moved to heroku. Google App Engine is not ready yet.

Time out error when trying to create Google managed vm

I'm trying to create a managed vm for my node 4 application using google custom runtime.
I created the following Dockerfile:
FROM node:4.2.1
ADD package.json package.json
RUN npm install
ADD . .
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]
Along with this app.yaml:
# [START runtime]
runtime: custom
vm: true
api_version: 1
# [END runtime]
enable_health_check: false
- ^(.*/)?#.*#$
- ^(.*/)?.*~$
- ^(.*/)?.*\.py[co]$
- ^(.*/)?.*/RCS/.*$
- ^(.*/)?\..*$
- ^(.*/)?.*/node_modules/.*$
- ^(.*/)?.*\.log$
I deploy the app using gcloud preview command:
gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml --promote
It seems like the docker is being built correctly but the at the end of the process I get this message:
Copying files to Google Cloud Storage...
Synchronizing files to [gs://staging.my-project-id.appspot.com/].
Updating module [default]...\Deleted [https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/my-project-id/zones/us-central1-f/instances/gae-builder-vm-20151030t142257].
Updating module [default]...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.preview.app.deploy) Error Response: [4] Timed out creating VMs.
I have my deployment working now. I have had to troubleshoot the same problem before, for another project, but I didn't have the code on hand, so I had to work through the problems again.
The deployment ran smoothly up until the last steps, where updating the module would timeout. This made me think it was something to do with the application starting up on VM and not responding appropriately, so the final hook would time out.
You'll find a lot of information here - https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/managed-vms/config . I checked the following things:
logging - ensure that you are writing to the correct log file. See https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/managed-vms/custom-runtimes#logging
ensure you have a .dockerignore file and are skipping files in app.yaml so you are not asking the process to copy across unneeded node_modules or log files
turn off health checking if you are not using it, or ensure you have the correct express.js routes configured for it
check that your environment variables are set and match what GAE can use. This was my final step - GAE will let you bind to a VM port on 8080. I had to pass through a NODE_ENV flag in my app.yaml which told the app to use 8080 and not 3000.
Lift the resources of the GAE instance in app.yaml. I specified two logical CPUs and made the ram 2 gig.
Good luck.

How can I debug a Dart AppEngine app

I'm now able to run a Dart app using
gcloud --verbosity debug preview app run app.yaml
and also to deploy and run on AppEngine
gcloud --verbosity debug preview app deploy app.yaml
but I haven't found a way to connect a debugger to the Dart app running on the development server.
I found http://dartbug.com/21067 but still couldn't find a way to make it work.
See also https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/forum/#!topic/cloud/OK1nJtg7AjQ
Update 2015-02-27
The app can be run without Docker and then be debugged like any Dart command line application:
Source. https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/d/msg/cloud/zrxgOHFz_lA/q5CdLLQPBAgJ
The API server is part of the App Engine SDK, and we are using it for
running tests in the appengine package. If you look at
you will see that it expects the environment variable
The API server is in /platform/google_appengine/api_server.py
and takes a number of arguments. I just tested running it like this:
$ $CLOUD_SDK/platform/google_appengine/api_server.py \ -A
dev~test-application \ --api_port 4444 \ --high_replication \
--datastore_path /tmp/datastore
To run an app engine application outside the normal development server
requires that a number of environment variables are set. This worked
for my application:
$ GAE_LONG_APP_ID=test-application \ GAE_MODULE_NAME=default \
API_HOST= \ dart bin/server.dart
In the Dart Editor you cannot set environment variables for each
launch configuration, so they have to be set globally before starting
the Dart Editor. In WebStorm it is possible to have run configuration
specific environment variables.
This simple setup will of cause not support everything the normal
development server support. Some of the issues are:
Only one application at the time as it is always listening on port
8080 (can easily be made configurable) * The users API (mocking this
shouldn't be that difficult) * The modules API * No health-checks
(should not be a problem) * All HTTP headers are direct from the
client (no x-appengine- headers) * The admin web interface is not
available * Probably other stuff as well
This is all experimental, but it is one solution for a simpler
developer setup, which of cause does not match the deployment
environment as closely as the development server.
Running the API Server using Docker is also possible as the image
google/cloud-sdk with the Cloud SDK is on hub.docker.com.
Use the following Dockerfile
FROM google/cloud-sdk EXPOSE 4444 ENTRYPOINT
["/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/api_server.py", \
"-A", "dev~test-application", \ "--api_port", "4444", \
"--high_replication", \ "--datastore_path", "/tmp/datastore"]
Build and run
$ docker build -t api_server . $ docker run -d -p 4444:4444 api_server
Change API_HOST above to (of wherever your Docker
containers are) and run.
Regards, Søren Gjesse
Update 2014-11-27
Debugging from DartEditors debugger started working with the bleeding Dart build 1.8.0.edge_042017.
I assume that the next dev build (probably 1.9.0-dev1.0) will include the related fixes as well?
Detailed steps how this works can be found here: https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/d/msg/cloud/OK1nJtg7AjQ/u-GzUDI-0VIJ
Build a custom Docker image with the latest Dart dev build 1.8.0-dev.4.6.
The Dart team is actually preparing an easy way to do this yourself (see https://github.com/dart-lang/dart_docker)
Installe the latest bleeding_edge on the host system (using this script https://gist.github.com/zoechi/d240f56a32ed5649797f or manual download from http://gsdview.appspot.com/dart-archive/channels/be/raw/latest/editor/darteditor-linux-x64.zip)
Add this to the app.yaml file
DBG_ENABLE: 'true'
# disable health-checking because this is so annoying during debugging
enable_health_check: False
See How to disable health checking for `gcloud preview app run` for more details about customizing health checking.
Launch the server code of your app with glcoud --verbosity debug app run app.yaml or glcoud --verbosity debug app run app.yaml index.yaml
Wait until the Docker container is ready (check with docker ps if the Command column shows a value starting with /dart_runtime/dart_
Open DartEditor
Open Menu Run > Remote Connection...
Connect to: Command-line VM
Host: localhost if you dont use boot2dockeror the IP address returned by the commandboot2docker ip`
Port: 5005
Select Folder... select the directory which contains the source code of your project.
Click OK
Set breakpoints and continue as usual.
A first step is using the Observatory which includes a browser based debugger UI.
To make this work add the following lines to the app.yaml file
forwarded_ports: ["8181"]
This might be useful as well to make the server.dart wait until we had the chance to set breakpoints using the observatory.
DART_VM_OPTIONS: '--pause-isolates-on-start'
boot2docker gives us the Docker ip ( and after starting with gcloud preview app run app.yaml we can connect to which should open the Observatory GUI.
