Influx DB Schema for array of measurements - database

I've been told there isn't a schema to store similar measurements which contain reading array index metadata in a time-series database.
Specifically voltage readings from a battery pack which could be viewed as a two-dimensional array of battery packs 0-8 and cells within a pack 0-12. 96 voltage measurements in total.
Having a singular voltages bucket for which each measurement has tags which contain the indexes packIndex and cellIndex and a value of the voltage measurement i.e.
insert voltages,packIndex=2,cellIndex=0 value=3.4000
Allows grouping readings from the same pack index which would be beneficial however storing the indexes as tags means that I am unable to perform operations on those indexes such as SELECT voltages WHERE packIndex < 4 for operations such as find the minimum recorded voltage in pack 3 to 7 etc.
Should I include this index data in a field value however this would mean that I would not be able to group data by a specific field.
My question specifically is should I store array index values as a tag or a field or is there another alternative I am missing.
Is this an uncommon scenario or are there any resources which might be helpful for this problem?

Storing the index data as tag is best for your use case.
In InfluxDB all the tag values are stored as strings. In the InfluxQL queries if we need to filter based on tag values WHERE clause should use regex. ie.
SELECT voltages WHERE packIndex < 4 should change to
SELECT voltages WHERE packIndex =~ /[1-3]/


How to efficiently access Microsoft.Maui.Devices.Sensor.Locations in SQL Server

This is more a design question so please bear with me.
I have a system that stores locations consisting of the ID, Longitude and Latitude.
I need to compare the distance between my current location and the locations in the database a only choose ones that are within a certain distance.
I have the formula that calculates the distance between 2 locations based on the long/lat and that works great.
My issue is I may have 10 of thousands of locations in the database and don't want to loop through them all every time I need a list of locations close by.
Not sure what other datapoint I can store with the location to make it so I only have to compare a smaller subset.
As was mentioned in the comments, SQL Server has had support for geospatial since (iirc) SQL 2008. And I know that there is support within .NET for that as well so you should be able to define the data and query it from within your application.
Since the datatype is index-able, k nearest neighbor queries are pretty efficient. There's even a topic in the documentation for that use case. Doing a lift and shift from that page:
DECLARE #g geography = 'POINT(-121.626 47.8315)';
SELECT TOP(7) SpatialLocation.ToString(), City
FROM Person.Address
WHERE SpatialLocation.STDistance(#g) IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY SpatialLocation.STDistance(#g);
If you need all the points within that radius, omit the top clause and change the predicate on STDistance() to something like SpatialLocation.STDistance(#g) < 1000 (the SRID I typically use has meters as the unit of measure, so this would say 'within 1 km'). is a good place for in-depth advice on this topic.
A classic approach to quickly locating "nearby" values, is to "grid" the area of interest:
Associate each location with a "grid cell", where each cell is a convenient size. Pick a cell-edge-length such that most cells will hold a small number of values and/or that is similar to the distance range you typically query.
If cell edge is 1 km, and you need locations within 2 km, then get data from 5x5 cells centered at the "target" location.
This is guaranteed to include all data +- 2 km from any location within the central cell.
Apply distance formula to each returned location; some will be beyond 2 km.
I've only done this in memory, not from a DB. I think you add two columns, one for X cell number, other for Y cell number.
With indexes on both of those. So can efficiently get a range of Xs by a range of Ys.
Not sure if a combined "X,Y" index helps or not.

How to multiply values within a nested array...times values in an another array (in Google Sheets)?

This is hard to explain so my title sucks, and is just my best guess at how I might be able to approach this. I have a Google Sheet of sales data for cases of various bottle sizes of kombucha. Column E is the sale date, Column G contains the item code, and column J is the quantity sold of said cases. See my (vastly simplified) sample data:
See my current test code below (also present in the Formula tab of the linked spreadsheet). It successfully gives me the combined number of cases sold of half-liter bottles and Growlers. The values in E4 and E5 are cells containing my start and end dates, respectively, so I'm constraining the results only to those which fall within a certain date range.
This code works, but now I need to figure out a way to sum the total number of bottles sold instead of # of cases. The data set is already massive and pushing the limits of google sheets, so adding a column to the source data sheet with # of bottles per case is not an option. Half liter cases hold 13 bottles, and growlers hold 5. Is there any way to do this with my current approach, using another array perhaps? Or any other approach that keeps the formula as simple as possible?
FYI the current formula is a proof of concept and I will be adding many additional types of cases to the existing formula, each containing a different number of bottles per case, and using it as part of a larger dynamic formula that allows you to switch between showing # cases vs # bottles vs # of actual liters sold, so this is why I am hoping to find an array-based approach that will let me do this without needing to resort to an absurdly long and complex formula of nested IF statements.
=SUMPRODUCT(--((XeroInvoiceData!$E$3:$E>=B4)*(XeroInvoiceData!$E$3:$E<=B5)), (--(ISNUMBER(MATCH(XeroInvoiceData!$G$3:$G, {"HalfLiterCase","GrowlerCase"}, 0)))), XeroInvoiceData!$J$3:$J)
I would be eternally grateful for any assistance.
Here is my solution:
My idea was to filter your table on date and sum by the type of container.
I wanted also to allow new types of containers that contain smaller units (bottles or liters).
I divided this job into 3 stages.
First we have to filter this table according to selected dates and container types.
I prepared a list that may be extended (all you need is to extend the filter range).
Then I have to vlookup values of units in each container and I try to do it inside the same formula.
General idea is
={[query results],arrayformula(ifna(vlookup([first column of query],$C$21:$D$26,2,0)*[second column of query])}
I divide it into 2 stages.
First stage referrs to query results in adjacent table:
Second stage uses indexes of query so formula is quite long:
Tell me if it solves your problem.

Select every other Document in Firestore Collection

I'm wondering how I can retrieve every other document in a Firestore collection. I have a collection of documents that include a date field. I'd like to sort them by date and then retrieve 1 document from every X sized block in the sorted collection. I'm adding a new document about every 10 seconds and I'm trying to display historical data on the front end without having to download so many records.
Sure can, just need to plan for it ahead of time.
Random Sampling
Let's call this 'random sampling', so you'll need to determine your sample rate when you write the document. Let's assume you want to sample approximately 1 of every 10 documents (but not strictly 1 every 10).
When you write a document, add a field called sample-10 and set it to random(1,10). On query time add .where("sample-10", "=", random(1,10)) to your query.
Non-Random Sampling
This is harder when the source of your writes are distributed (e.g. many mobile devices), so I won't talk about it here.
If writes are coming from a single source, for example you might be graphing sensor data from a single source. This is easier in just incrementing the value put into sample-10 modulo 10.
Other Sample Rates
You'll need to do a separate sample-n for different sample rates of n.

graph database physical distribution and indexing

My question is not on the query language but on the physical distribution of data in a graph database.
Let's assume a simple user/friendship model. In RDBs you would create a table storing IDUserA/IDUserB for a representation of a friendship.
If we assume a bunch of IT-Girls for example with the Facebook limit of 5k friends, we quickly get to huge amounts of data. If GirlA(ID 1) simply likes GirlB(ID 2). It would be an entry wir [1][2] in the table.
With this model it is not possible to get over data redundancy in friendship, because then we have to do either two queries (is there an entry in IDUserA or an entry in IDUserB with ID = 1, what means physically searching both columns) or to store [1][2] and [2][1], what ends up in data redundancy. For a heavy user this means checks against 5000/10000 entries containing an indexed column, which is astronomically big.
So ok, use GraphDBs. We assume the Girls as Nodes. GirlA is the first one ever entered into the DB, so her ID is simply 0. The Entry contains a isUsed - flag for the data chunk of a byte, and is 1 if it is in use. The next 4 bytes are a flag for the filename where her node is stored in (what leads to nearly 4.3 Billion possible files and we assume the file size of 16.7MB so we could use 3 more bytes to declare the offset inside.
Lets assume we define the username datatype as a chunk of 256 (and be for the example so ridgid).
For GirlA it is [1]
= Her User ID 0 times 256 = 0
For GirlB it is [1]
= Her User ID 1 times 256 = 256,
so her Usernamedata starts on file 0_0_0_0.dat on offset 256 from start. We don't have to search for her data, we could simply calculate them. A User 100 would be stored in the same file on offset 25600 and so forth and so on. User 65537 would be stored in file 0_0_0_1.dat on offset 0. Loaded in RAM this is only a pointer and pretty fast.
So we could store with this method more nodes than humans ever lived.
BUT: How to find relationships? Ok, with edges. But how to store them? All in one "column" is stupid, because then we are back on relationship models. In a hashtable? Ok, we could store the 0_0_0_0.frds as a hashtable containing all friends of User0, kick off a new instance of a User-Class Object, add the Friends to a binary list or tree that could be found by the pointer cUser.pFriendlist and we would be done. But I think that I make a mistake.
Shouldn't GraphDatabases be something different than mathematical nodes connected with hash tables filled with edges?
The use of nodes and edges is clear, because it allows to connect everything with relationships of anything. But whats about the queries and their speed?
Keeping different edges in different type of files seems somekind of wrong, even if the accessibility is really fast on SSDs.
Sure, I could use a simple relational table to store a edgetype/dataending pair, but please help me: where do I get it wrong!

Getting random entry from Objectify entity

How can I get a random element out of a Google App Engine datastore using Objectify? Should I fetch all of an entity's keys and choose randomly from them or is there a better way?
Assign a random number between 0 and 1 to each entity when you store it. To fetch a random record, generate another random number between 0 and 1, and query for the smallest entity with a random value greater than that.
You don't need to fetch all.
For example:
countall = query(X.class).count()
rnd = Generate random number [0..countall]
ofy.query(X.class).order("- date").limit(rnd); //for example -date or some chronic indexed field
Last id is your...
(in average you fatch 50% or at lest first read is in average 50% less)
Improvements (to have smaller key table in cache)!
After first read remember every X elements.
Cache id-s and their position. So next time query condition from selected id further (max ".limit(rnd%X)" will be X-1).
Random is just random, if it doesn't need to be close to 100% fair, speculate chronic field value (for example if you have 1000 records in 10 days, for random 501 select second element greater than fifth day).
Other options, if you have chronic field date (or similar), fetch elements older than random date and younger then random date + 1 (you need to know first date and last date). Second select random between fetched records. If query is empty select greater than etc...
Quoted from this post about selecting some random elements from an Objectified datastore:
If your ids are sequential, one way would be to randomly select 5
numbers from the id range known to be in use. Then use a query with an
"in" filter().
If you don't mind the 5 entries being adjacent, you can use count(),
limit(), and offset() to randomly find a block of 5 entries.
Otherwise, you'll probably need to use limit() and offset() to
randomly select one entry out at a time.
-- Josh
I pretty much adapt the algorithm provided Matejc. However, 3 things:
Instead of using count() or the datastore service factory (DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService()), I have an entity that keep track of the total count of the entities that I am interested in. The reason for this approach is that:
a. count() could be expensive when you are dealing with a lot of objects
b. You can't test the datastore service factory locally...testing in prod is just a bad practice.
Generating the random number: ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(1, maxRange)
Instead of using limit(), I use offset, so I don't have to worry about "sorting."
