React router two URL parameters &more - reactjs

I'm using react-router-dom and this is currently how it looks:
<Route path={"/layouts/:layoutID"} component={Layouts} />
When the user navigates to "/dashboard/:dashboardID" inside this component he can choose a sub-page onClick, and I want the URL structure will be "/dashboard/:dashboardID/:pageID" pageID will navigate to 'PageIdComponent' this component will get a 'match' props and will show pageID
Please see the attached file that shows the necessary structure.
What is the best way to implement it?

If you have the child route inside your Dashboard component, then you can use the match.path value to build up a sub route:
<Route path={`${props.match.path}/:dashboardId`}>} component={SubDashboard} />
in order to make the path match what the parent's had and then add a new variable on top of that.
Then you can navigate to it using the match.url to make a link to the current URL and add the subPage to it:
<Link to={`${props.match.url}/pageFour`}>Page four</Link>
Instead of prop driling, React Router offers ways to get the relevant props to whatever components you desire via withRouter HOC or various hooks. The hooks were introduced in version 5.1
To get the match via a hook you can use const match = useRouteMatch()
To get the relevant props via the HOC:
const Example = useRouteMatch(function Example({ match, location, history }) {
return <div>{match.url}</div>;
For react router v6 (that's upcoming):


Passing Route path to the children element

<Route path="/pointandclick">
<MyComponent />
For this piece of code, is there any way for my component to get the path of the Route that has been hit?
edit: to be more precise, let's say I want to know the string that has been hit (in this case /pointandclick) because in MyComponent I want to route between other paths, so I have to know if which path do I come from.
<Route path="/pointandclick">
<MyComponent />
<Route path="/draggablegame">
<MyComponent />
and in my component I want to route on other components depending on the path. (example: if the Route that has been hit is pointandclick I want to render between game1, game2, game3 and if the Route is draggablegame I want to render between drag1, drag2, drag3 - so using the location hook might not be the best thing I think.
You're looking for a simple javaścript's window.location.pathname.
The useLocation hook returns the location object that represents the current URL. You can think about it like a useState that returns a new location whenever the URL changes.
import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'
function MyComponent() {
let location = useLocation();
With useLocation(), you can get the active route. It's a hook that returns the location object that contains information about the current URL. Whenever the URL changes, a new location object will be returned.
Read on:

How to pass multiple functional components in react route?

I have something like this,
<Route path="/playground/:id">
I want to pass all the functional components through the component props like this,
<Route path="/playground/:id" component={Playground}></Route>
But here I am only able to pass one component through the component props. How could I pass them all?
I want to do that because while passing the functional component through the component props, I can get the value but when I pass the functional components by the first way, I cannot get the value of and simply gives the error. `params undefined
So, the first question, How to pass multiple components?
And second question, Why I cannot access value of from and how can I access although if I use the first way to pass the components?
1.You can stuff all all the elements into one component and transfer it to the router
2.To take some kind of value from the params one of the ways is to use the react-router-dom can be taken like this through the useParams hook in as stated in below
const { id } = useParams()
const query = useParams()

Conditionally enable Route in React

I have created an <Authorise /> component which renders either a 'yes' or 'no' prop based on a boolean 'allowed' prop.
export const Authorise = ({
allow = false,
yes = () => null,
no = () => null
}) => (allow ? yes() : no());
<Authorise /> component works as expected however when I try to render a <Route />, only the first route is rendered and the rest of the <Route /> components are ignored.
Why is this happening? If I render the routes outside of the <Authorise /> component it works fine. Only when rendering the components via the <Authorise /> component does it not work and I can't work out why.
Check out my example to see the issue:
It's because of
All children of a <Switch> should be <Route> or <Redirect> elements. Only the first child to match the current location will be rendered.
If you're using a library but not playing by its rule, then something like this is what was expected to happen.
The issue is not with your Authorize function, but because of the Route Component which will only display when the path is matched. The second issue it with Switch which will make it that only the first matched route to be displayed
With Switch added the "/" path will always be hit since it's the first one. If you try to remove your Switch (or move the route with "/" at the end) and go to "/next" on your local dev then the /next route will be displayed

Can useParams be able to use inside App.js?

Good day, hoping that I am not bothering you guys.
I have a path like this
and Switch of Route like this
<Route path='/:project/:todo' component={Todo} />
Expected Output
When browser is in the example path, what I expected is App.js can also get params object by using useParams but shows empty. Did I misuse the hook? Thank you for the answers.
Additional Details
I did use useLocation that returns something like path but that is not my aim, it should be something like
params: {
project: 'Project-1',
todo: 'todo-1 '
that is returned using useParams for ease of extraction of project and todo values
I believe Route injects props to components it renders, so you should be able to pull it straight from the match prop within Todo: this.props.match.params.
You’ll have access to match objects in various places:
Route component as this.props.match
Route render as ({ match }) => ()
Route children as ({ match }) => ()
withRouter as this.props.match
matchPath as the return value
This only works for components rendered within a router on a route, i.e. the component a Route is rendering, or a child component further down the DOM tree. If App.js is rendering the router it won't have it.
If you need to do something with route params in the root App.js you can wrap it in a route, with unspecified path so it matches all routes, in your router using the render prop. Just ensure this is rendered outside any Switch components though as switches only return the first match, not all matches.
render={({ match }) => {
console.log('match', match);
// do what you need with the `match` prop, i.e. `match.params`
return null; // return null to indicate nothing should actually be rendered

React router with browserHistory goes to server on every URL change

I am doing something like:
<Router history={browserHistory}>{routes}</Router>
When I do above whenever URL in address bar changes call is going to server but this is not what I want, I want first time page to load from server but after that whenever route change component should load in client side only. Am I missing something here?
In client side I am doing something like :
<Provider store={}>
<Router history={browserHistory}>{routes}</Router>
and my routes look like:
const routes = (
<Route path="/" component={DJSAppContainer}>
<Route path="page" component={DJSPage}>
<Route path="/page/:pageName" component={PageContainer} />
Now whenever I do location.href = "/page/xyz" it goes to server and load the content.
You shouldn't change location.href directly. You should send the new path to React using:
If you have anchor tags, you should use the <Link> component mentioned in #ahutch's answer.
React router exposes as props the history used in the current views. See their docs for all the props that are injected here.
If you want to redirect from DJSAppContainer or any of the two children views DJSPage or PageContainer you could do it by accessing the history property:
const {history} = this.props;
If on the other hand you do some fancy stuff and want to redirect from outside the components, try this (taken from react router docs)
// somewhere like a redux/flux action file:
import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'
This two approaches assume you are trying to redirect based on some complex logic, not as a consequence of a click event. If you just want to handle click events, try using the <Link/> component of react-router.
It seems that the history property is now deprecated, and seems to be replaced by the router context property as seen in the implementation of the link component. Basically, if you really want your code to be future proof, you should ask for the contextType:
contextTypes: {
router: object
And then use it from the context of the component:
Assuming you're using node on the back-end, make sure that you have it set up according to the react-router docs.
// send all requests to index.html so browserHistory in React Router works
app.get('*', function (req, res) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'index.html'))
Also, when you're linking between components and you want to ensure that you are using react-router for the routing instead of the server, make sure to use Link. Hope that answers your question.
I was having a similar issue, while hashHistory worked without issue browserHistory would always load from the server. I got things working by remembering to call preventDefault(). Here is my function:
handleSubmit: function (e) {
var username = this.usernameRef.value;
this.usernameRef.value = '';
handleSubmit is called on a form onSubmit.
