Updating nested useState seems to modify the original data - reactjs

So I have an implementation of a Text Field input alongside a table in which I'm trying to update the state of staged Data before I submit the data to an API.
In the Dialogs parent component, I have the data defined which I want to show in a table as the original state.
The current problem I'm having is the inputted data is somehow updating the original data's state even though I'm not directly touching this data.
Below is a reproduction of it on Codesandbox, So when you open the link typing into the edit value field should not update the current stock field and I don't see why it is.
Here is the callback that modifies the state:
const handleUpdateDip = (value, tank) => {
const newData = stagedData;
const foundIndex = newData.dips.findIndex((d) => d.tank === tank);
if (foundIndex !== -1) {
newData.dips[foundIndex].currentStockValue = Number(value);
dips: newData.dips
So yeah this one seems weird to me and I've been banging my head against the keyboard trying to understand whats going on with it since last night so any help would be appreciated!

You are mutating the current object. Try this
setStage((stage) => {
const foundIndex = stage.dips.findIndex((d) => d.tank === tank);
return {
dips: stage.dips.map((d, index) => {
if (foundIndex === index) {
return { ...d, currentStockValue: Number(value) };
return d;
Instead of this
const foundIndex = stagedData.dips.findIndex((d) => d.tank === tank);
if (foundIndex !== -1) {
stagedData.dips[foundIndex].currentStockValue = Number(value);
dips: stagedData.dips

I don't see why it's shouldn't update while the code tells it to do so! This line inside handleUpdateDip():
stagedData.dips[foundIndex].currentStockValue = Number(value);
You shouldn't directly mutate the state. You should make a copy of it first change whatever you want and then set the state to the new value e.g.:
const handleUpdateDip = (value, tank) => {
const foundIndex = stagedData.dips.findIndex((d) => d.tank === tank);
if (foundIndex !== -1) {
const newStagedData = { ...stagedData };
newStagedData.dips[foundIndex].currentStockValue = Number(value);
stagedData.dips[foundIndex].currentStockValue = Number(value); this line updates the value of currentStockValue which is used in the "Current Stock" column.

It seems like the table cell left of the input field simply uses the same state that is changed in handleUpdateDip
<TableCell align="right" padding="none">
<TableCell align="right" padding="none">
min: 0,
style: { textAlign: "right" }
onChange={(event) =>
handleUpdateDip(event.target.value, row.tank)
both are currentStockValue, which handleUpdateDips changes in this line
stagedData.dips[foundIndex].currentStockValue = Number(value);

I think I know what you're thinking. You think that on the one hand, you're updating your state in handleUpdateDip(event.target.value, row.tank) with setStage({...}), so you're only changing your state stagedData.
You value for the "Current Stock", however, is mapped to your data variable and not to stagedData.
So in the end your question is: Why ist data changing when you're only manipulating stagedData.
Of course it happens here: const [stagedData, setStage] = useState(() => data);
(btw you don't need to use a function here, const [stagedData, setStage] = useState(data); is fine). You pass in data by reference here, when your setState hits, the reference will be updated and so will your data.
(another BTW: don't call your state variable settings functions simply setState, this is something used by class components in React. Call them like the state you want to set, e.g. setStagedData).
Now, you can elimate this reference, since you only want the initial values anyways. You could do this by passing a copy, like this: const [stagedData, setStagedData] = useState({...data}); But this still won't work - I not really sure why because I don't know enough about the inner workings of useState, but the reason probably is because it's only a shallow copy instead of a deep copy (you can read more about this here).
But if we do a deep copy and pass this in, it works and your original data will stay untouched. You can deep copy by basically stringifying and then parsing it again (which will not copy any methods the object has, just as a warning).
const copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
const [stagedData, setStagedData] = useState(copy);
And just like that your current stock will stay the same:
I forked your CodeSandBox, so you can see it for yourself.


Triggering a lexical.js mentions menu programatically when clicking on a mention

What I need
Let's start with The mentions plugin taken from the docs.
I would like to enhance if with the following functionality:
Whenever I click on an existing MentionNode, the menu gets rendered (like it does when menuRenderFunction gets called), with the full list of options, regardless of queryString matching
Selecting an option from menu replaces said mention with the newly selected one
Is there a way to implement this while leaving LexicalTypeaheadMenuPlugin in control of the menu?
Thank you for your time 🙏🏻
What I've tried
I figured that maybe I could achieve my desired behaviour simply by returning the right QueryMatch from triggerFn. Something like this:
const x: FC = () => {
const nodeAtSelection = useNodeAtSelection() // Returns LexicalNode at selection
return (
triggerFn={(text, editor) => {
if ($isMentionsNode(nodeAtSelection)) {
// No idea how to implement `getQueryMatchForMentionsNode`,
// or whether it's even possible
return getQueryMatchForMentionsNode(nodeAtSelection, text, editor)
return checkForVariableBeforeCaret(text, editor)
I played around with it for about half an hour, unfortunately I couldn't really find any documentation for triggerFn or QueryMatch, and haven't really made any progress just by messing around.
I also thought of a potential solution the I think would work, but feels very hacky and I would prefer not to use it. I'll post it as an answer.
So here is my "dirty" solution that should work, but feels very hacky:
I could basically take the function which I provide to menuRenderFn prop and call it manually.
Let's say I render the plugin like this:
const menuRenderer = (
{ selectedIndex, selectOptionAndCleanUp, setHighlightedIndex }
) => { /* ... */}
return (
<LexicalTypeaheadMenuPlugin menuRenderFn={menuRenderer} /* ... other props */ />
I could then create a parallel environment for rendering menuRenderer, something like this:
const useParallelMenu = (
menuRenderer: MenuRenderFn<any>,
allOptions: TypeaheadOption[],
queryString: string
) => {
// I could get anchor element:
// 1. either by using document.querySelector("." + anchorClassName)
// 2. or by extracting it from inside `menuRenderFn`:
// menuRenderFn={(...params) => {
// extractedRef.current = params[0].current;
// return menuRenderer(...params)
// }}
const anchorEl = x
const [selectedIndex, setHighlightedIndex] = useState(0)
const nodeAtSelection = useNodeAtSelection() // Returns LexicalNode at selection
const selectOptionAndCleanUp = (option: TypeaheadOption) => {
// Replace nodeAtSelection with new MentionsNode from `option`
return () =>
$isMentionsNode(nodeAtSelection) &&
options: allOptions
On paper, this seems like a viable approach to me... but I would really prefer not to have to do this and instead let LexicalTypeaheadMenuPlugin manage the state of my menu, as it is intended to do.

How would I re-render the list everytime the state changes for this text filter using react hooks

I have updated this question with clearer and more concise code on 15/03/22.
I have a text filter and it filters an array (displaying a list) correctly if it matches something in the displayed list, but as the user deletes character by character the filter does not change. I need it to keep matching as the user delete's chars.
Here is the filter which is set as the onChange for the text field:
const [searchInputTitle, setSearchInputTitle] = useState<string>('');
const [filteredItemsArrayState, setFilteredItemsArrayState] = useState<IListItems[]>(props.requests);
const searchTitles = () => {
let filteredArrayByTitle: IListItems[] = [];
filteredArrayByTitle = theRequestsState.filter((item) => {
return item.Title && item.Title.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchInputTitle.toLowerCase()) >= 0;
console.log(searchInputTitle, 'searchInputTitle');
if (searchInputTitle && searchInputTitle.length > 0) {
} else if (searchInputTitle && searchInputTitle.length === 0) {
const AllItems = props.requests;
let sortedByID: IListItems[] = AllItems.sort((a, b) => a.Id > b.Id ? 1 : -1);
useEffect(() => {
_onTitleFilterChange(null, searchInputTitle);
if (isFiltered == true) {
setFunctionalArea(null, null);
setRequestingFunction(null, null);
}, [isFiltered, searchInputTitle]);
<DetailsList className={styles.DetailsList}
items={filteredItemsArrayState.slice((ListPage - 1) * 50, ((ListPage * 50)))}
Can anyone see why the render is not updating on deletion of char and what I could use to do so?
Update: As I type a character into the search I can see it's finding the searched for char/word and also if I delete chars now it searches and finds actively, but as soon as I stop typing it reverts back to the original array of items.
Can you try to filter the array you give to the DetailsList so you never lost the data ..?
filteredItemsArrayState.filter(s => {
if (searchInputTitle.length === 0)
return true
return s.Title.toLowerCase().match(searchInputTitle.toLowerCase())
Found the reason. Thanks for all your help.
The issue was the setIsFiltered(true); in the title filter function. Other filters were running based on this line and these other filters were recalling the unfiltered list everytime a key was pressed. I removed this line and the issue was fixed.
I have come to realise that useEffect is almost completely mandatory on most of my projects and is React hooks are quite a departure from the original React syntax.

Modal popping up at the wrong time due to state

So I have two modals that I am using one of them was already implemented and behaves as expected however when I've added the other modal depending on the condition of if there is any true value when mapping over the array the way it works right now both modals show when there is a true value. I think this is because there are multiple false values returned from my .includes() function before the true appears. I think a good solution for this would be to make an array of all the values returned when I run .includes() on the entries then I can check that array for any true values but I cant seem to get the values into an array. When I try and push them into an array they just all push into their own separate arrays. This may be the wrong approach if it is can you explain what a better approach would be:
const checkPending = () => {
entries.map(descriptions => {
const desc = descriptions.description
//check if there are any pending tests
const check = desc.includes("pending")
//if the check returns true show the pending modal if it doesnt set the other modal to true
if(check === true){
onClick={() => checkPending()}
className={`${styles.headerButton} mr-2`}
Add File
<Plus />
setShowModal & setShowPendingM are both passed from a parent component as props. They are both initialized as false. The most straightforward question I can pose is is there any way to say if there are any true values returned from .includes then do something even if there are false values present
I think this is how your checkingPending method should look like.
const checkPending = () => {
let pending = false;
entries.forEach((descriptions) => {
const desc = descriptions.description
pending = true;
if(pending) {
} else {
Let me know if you have any additional questions.

React Native - Is using Immer.js and SetState together a problem?

Yesterday I had a behaviour that I don't understand by using Immer.js and setState together. I was using a setState (in a bad way, by the way) when fetching my data and this fetch was called at each endReached of my SectionList.
This setState looked like this:
this.setState((prev) => {
let sections = prev.sections
/* Extract alive topics from "topics"(array retrieved from fetch)*/
let topicsSection1 = topics.filter((card) => !card.states.is_killed)
/* Extract killed topics from "topics"(array retrieved from fetch)*/
let topicsSection2 = topics.filter((card) => card.states.is_killed)
if (sections[0] && sections[0].data)
sections[0].data = positionExtracted > 1 ? sections[0].data.concat(...topicsSection1) : topicsSection1
if (sections[1] && sections[0].data)
sections[1].data = positionExtracted > 1 ? sections[1].data.concat(...topicsSection2) : topicsSection2
return {
sections: sections,
position: response.position,
lastPage: response.laftPage
and everything worked just fine.
However, I have a function that is called when you press on the topic, and it changes the "opened" value of the topic in the data array to indicate to the list that "this topic" is open.
This function calls the "produce" function of Immer.js
And this function looks like this:
_onPressTopic = (id_card) => {
this.setState(produce((draft) => {
if (draft.sections[0] && draft.sections[0].data)
draft.sections[0].data = draft.sections[0].data.map((item) => {
if (item.id === id_card)
item.opened = !item.opened
return item
if (draft.sections[1] && draft.sections[1].data)
draft.sections[1].data = draft.sections[1].data.map((item) => {
if (item.id === id_card)
item.opened = !item.opened
return item
If I open a topic and then my list data goes through this function, then when an endReached is called again, either I get an error "This object is not expensive", or my list data is not modified at all. And if instead of my first setState, I use a produce from Immer, everything works again.
What I don't understand is: Why does everything work perfectly if I only use Immer.js or just SetState, but as soon as I try to use both together, they don't seem to get along?
Thank you for your answers,
I hope I made it clear !

Conditional dropdowns with react-select in react-final-form initialized from the state

I'm using react-select and react-final-form for conditional dropdowns, where options for the second select are provided by a <PickOptions/> component based on the value of the first select (thanks to this SO answer).
Here is the component:
/** Changes options and clears field B when field A changes */
const PickOptions = ({ a, b, optionsMap, children }) => {
const aField = useField(a, { subscription: { value: 1 } });
const bField = useField(b, { subscription: {} });
const aValue = aField.input.value.value;
const changeB = bField.input.onChange;
const [options, setOptions] = React.useState(optionsMap[aValue]);
React.useEffect(() => {
changeB(undefined); // clear B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
return children(options || []);
It clears the second select when the value of the first one changes by changeB(undefined). I've also set the second select to the first option in an array by passing initialValue. As I need to initialize the values from the state, I ended up with the following code:
this.state.data.options[index] &&
? this.state.data.options[index]
: options.filter(
option => option.type === "option"
But it doesn't work. Initial values from the state are not being passed to the fields rendered by <PickOptions/>. If I delete changeB(undefined) from the component, the values are passed but then the input value of the second select is not updated, when the value of the first select changes (even though the options have been updated). Here is the link to my codesandbox.
How can I fix it?
I was able to get this to work by taking everything that is mapped by the fields.map() section and wrapping it in it's own component to ensure that each of them have separate states. Then I just put the changeB(undefined) function in the return call of the useEffect hook to clear the secondary selects after the user selects a different option for the first select like so:
React.useEffect(() => {
return function cleanup() {
changeB(undefined) // clear B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
You can see how it works in this sandbox: React Final Form - Clear Secondary Selects.
To change the secondary select fields, you will need to pass an extra prop to PickOptions for the type of option the array corresponds to. I also subscribe and keep track of the previous bValue to check if it exists in the current bValueSet array. If it exists, we leave it alone, otherwise we update it with the first value in its corresponding optionType array.
// subscibe to keep track of previous bValue
const bFieldSubscription = useField(b, { subscription: { value: 1 } })
const bValue = bFieldSubscription.input.value.value
React.useEffect(() => {
if (optionsMap[aValue]) {
// set of bValues defined in array
const bValueSet = optionsMap[aValue].filter(x => x.type === optionType);
// if the previous bValue does not exist in the current bValueSet then changeB
if (!bValueSet.some(x => x.value === bValue)) {
changeB(bValueSet[0]); // change B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
Here is the sandbox for that method: React Final Form - Update Secondary Selects.
I also changed your class component into a functional because it was easier for me to see and test what was going on but it this method should also work with your class component.
Based on the previous answer I ended up with the following code in my component:
// subscibe to keep track of aField has been changed
const aFieldSubscription = useField(a, { subscription: { dirty: 1 } });
React.useEffect(() => {
if (optionsMap[aValue]) {
// set of bValues defined in array
const bValueSet = optionsMap[aValue].filter(x => x.type === optionType);
if (aFieldSubscription.meta.dirty) {
changeB(bValueSet[0]); // change B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
This way it checks whether the aField has been changed by the user, and if it's true it sets the value of the bField to the first option in an array.
