Logic App Deployment - integration account cannot be found: The workflow must be associated with an integration account to use the workflow run action - azure-logic-apps

I have a logic app that was deploying from visual studio without issue a few weeks ago.
Today its throwing the following error on deployment:
17:27:10 - "error": {
17:27:10 - "code": "IntegrationAccountAssociationRequired",
17:27:10 - "message": "The workflow must be associated with an integration account to use the workflow run action 'Liquid transform' of type 'Liquid'."
17:27:10 - }
Within my logic app, it has a parameter that references the integration account:
"IntegrationAccountRef": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"defaultValue": "/subscriptions/99x99x9x-9xx9-x99x-x99x-x99x99x99x99/resourcegroups/devResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/devIntegrationAccount"
I also reference this parameter in the parameters section of the logic app resource, so the logic app knows its the integration account:
"integrationAccount": {
"id": "[parameters('IntegrationAccountRef')]"
Yet it still throws the error mentioned at the top.
Has something changed in how Logic Apps now reference integration accounts in an arm template?
Appreciate any advice and expertise.

Just summarize the steps in your comments for other communities reference:
Even though we have set the reference to the integration account in the template code, it also needs to be done in the logic app properties within visual studio.
Click anyplace in the white space of the Visual Studio Logic App.
Look inside the Property Windows for the Integration Account selection windows.
Select the Integration Account you want to use and save your Logic App


Can you edit a Logic App custom connector? and how does one deploy then maintain (update)

I created a logic app custom connector successfully (via the portal, not ARM) and it's in use (demo) working fine. It's a wrapper for an azure function but to provide better usability up front to less tech savy users i.e. expose properties VS providing json.
Any how once created my query is a simple one. Can it be edited 1. in the portal? 2. via ARM (if it was created by arm)? i.e. I want to add a better icon.
When I view the logic apps custom connector though in the portal and click EDIT all it does is populate the Connector Name and no more. See below. All original configuration, paramaters etc is missing.
So my queries.
Is this the norm?
On export of the custom connector (azure portal menu item) the template really has nothing in it. No content either of the connector details?
Is there an ARM template to deploy this?
If yes to 3, how do you go about modifying in the scenario you have to?
I also understand in using it in a logic app it created an API Connection reference. Does this stand alone, almost derived off the customer connector? And further uses say of a modified connector would create different API connections?
I feel I'm just missing some of the basic knowledge on how these are implemented. which in turn would explain the deploying, and maintenance.
Anyone :) ?
Think I've come to learn the portal is very buggy. The swagger editor loaded no content either and broke the screen. I've since tried a simpler connector i.e. no sample markup with escaped regex patterns and it seems to like going back into it to edit :) (Maybe one to report as a bug after all this)
That said then - Yes, edit should be possible but the other queries regarding ARM, export, redeploy and current connections still stands :)
You can deploy the Logic apps custom connector really easily. You need to do following steps
Configure you custom connector with proper settings and update it.
Once updated, click on the download link available at the top of the connector.
Download the ARM template skeleton using the Export Template.
In the properties section, just add a new property called swagger and paste the swagger you downloaded in step 2.
Parameterise your ARM template
Deploy using your choice of deployment using Azure DevOps , PowerShell etc.
Please refer to following ARM template for your perusal.
"$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"customApis_tempconnector_name": {
"defaultValue": "tempconnector",
"type": "String"
"variables": {},
"resources": [
"type": "Microsoft.Web/customApis",
"apiVersion": "2016-06-01",
"name": "[parameters('customApis_tempconnector_name')]",
"location": "australiaeast",
"properties": {
"connectionParameters": {
"api_key": {
"type": "securestring",
"uiDefinition": {
"displayName": "API Key",
"description": "The API Key for this api",
"tooltip": "Provide your API Key",
"constraints": {
"tabIndex": 2,
"clearText": false,
"required": "true"
"backendService": {
"serviceUrl": "http://petstore.swagger.io/v2"
"description": "This is a sample server Petstore server. You can find out more about Swagger at [http://swagger.io](http://swagger.io) or on [irc.freenode.net, #swagger](http://swagger.io/irc/). For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.",
"displayName": "[parameters('customApis_tempconnector_name')]",
"iconUri": "/Content/retail/assets/default-connection-icon.e6bb72160664a5e37b9923c3d9f50ca5.2.svg",
"swagger": { "Enter Swagger Downloaded from Step 2 here" }

Registering your app in Teams is failing with error "You don't have permissions to add Hello World to this team."

I am following Get started on the Microsoft Teams platform with Node.js and App Studio
to add app in MSTeams. All the steps worked as per the documentation, however the last step "Register your app in Teams" failed during installing of the application. Below is the image attached
I also tried to upload the custom application , but it also throws error that something went wrong.
Below are the images:
Here are the permissions, I have enabled them all to test, still the issue remains the same
Can someone please suggest to fix this issue?
You need to make sure that you have the correct permissions to side-load custom apps into Teams, and this can be controlled at the Org (i.e. Tenant) level, the Team level, and the individual level. Have a look here for more.

Pub Sub Topic not associated with Project error

I'm trying to subscribe to push notifications from Google Classroom using this link and getting the following error. I have created the project, the topic and subscription under the same project and added the service account permissions as noted in the docs.
Right now I'm working on this in the API Explorer on this page.
I can verify that the topic lives under the developer console project.
Are there any other issues that would cause the topic to not be visible in this project?
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "#TopicNotOwnedByProject The specified Cloud Pub/Sub topic does not belong to your Developer Console project.",
After a lot of frustration, I've realized that running the API Explorer will never result in a succesful API call because the API calls are not in my project scope but instead, whatever project the "API Explorer" runs in. This could be resolved if the API Explorer allowed you to select a project to run the sample requests in.
I went ahead and wrote out the code directly and it is working as expected.

Azure Logic Apps: Error "When a work item is created" Visual Studio

I'm trying to create a Logic App that triggers when a work item is created in Visual Studio Online.
I've used the When a work item is created Visual Studio trigger and configured it with my Visual Studio online account.
When the Logic App runs, it does find a work item that meets the criteria but then immediately fails with:
Status code: 404
"status": 404,
"message": "The work item 4660 does not exist at time 8/16/2017 6:35:45 PM.
clientRequestId: 46c0afee-ec24-4593-bc19-9d3979b2c0f5",
"source": "vsts-logic-cp-northcentralus.logic-ase-northcentralus.p.azurewebsites.net"
The work item ID in the error message matches the ID of the work item I created that meets the criteria specified in the activity. So it did find at first, since that's how the activity got triggered to begin with. But then it fails with this cryptic 404 and I've got not clue why.
This turned out to be a bug in the Azure Logic Apps Visual Studio connector as acknowledged by Microsoft's Logic Apps team.
It has since been addressed and I am no longer seeing this issue.

SharePoint 2010 listdata.svc REST API throwing unexpected 500 Error

We wrote an application that consumes the SharePoint 2010 REST API. The application works fine in our Dev and Test environments. When we try our production site we get a 500 status code and the following is in the response body.
"error": {
"code": "",
"message": {
"lang": "en-US",
"value": "An error occurred while processing this request."
We have checked for code, and list definition mismatches against all environments. We have checked the SharePoint and Windows application logs. We are checking to see if maybe some bad data is causing the problem.
Really scratching our head over here on this one.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
SharePoint 2010 Server
Using SharePoint 2010 REST service listdata.svc
Using AngularJS $http service to call the REST API
Only one of 6 Lists return the 500 errors
Can reproduce error using Postman.
We have confirmed that it is not a data issue.
I ran into a similar problem yesterday, I rolled back any changes I had been working on and it turned out to be related to my workflows. I backed up the workflows with this Export to Visio method Export to Visio and deleted all my workflows. And it the REST service started working again for this list, other lists were still working fine. One of my workflows had an impersonate step that I suspect has something to do with locking up the service.
I was about to backup/restore the list but got lucky with this fix.
