Understanding React Lifecycle Hooks - reactjs

I'm new at React/React Native and I just began working on a company and, thus, working on existing projects.
The thing is, I can't understand this Creation Lifecycle Hooks on the begining of this code:
export default class ListResult extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state.answers = props.navigation.state.params.answers;
this.state.saving = props.navigation.state.params.saving;
this.state.loading = false;
state = {
answers: null,
saving: false,
loading: true,
location: null,
dialogLocation: false,
latitude: '',
longitude: '',
location = null;
latitude = '';
longitude = '';
Can someone please provide me some explanation why is he using the constructor to initialize the state, and after that, used state to define variables, and then, after that, he also set some values to those variables?

Its a common mistake and even emphasised in related docs:
Avoid copying props into state! (in the constructor) This is a common mistake.
Only use this pattern if you intentionally want to ignore prop updates.
This code roughly should fixed to:
class ListResult extends React.Component {
state = {
answers: null,
componentDidMount = () => {
const { answers, saving } = props.navigation.state.params;
this.setState({ answers, saving });
As for explanation, he uses both class instances and a constructor (why?), in "modern" React, with class components you shouldn't use the constructor (instead, use class properties).
When a class is defined, the class instances evaluated first and then the constructor called, thats why he overrides the initial values in their instances.

Without answering the question in details I try to highlight the difference of react lifecycle thinking versus the conventional JS DOM manipulation.
If you work with React you manipulate the so called "virtual dom" with your JS code and not the real DOM.
How virtual dom works in nutshell: if ANY prop or state is changing of any component in the dom tree the whole child dom tree gets re-rendered. Lifecycles means how do you handle these continuous re-renderings within the components.
But no worries. It does not mean the whole DOM gets re-rendered every time. On top of this virtual dom there is a guy called ReactDOM which continuously compares the virtual-dom states and do the necessary changes only in the real DOM.


Why do some developers use constructor and super in their class in React.js?

I always use this expression in my components:
class Cart extends Component { }
Recently I have seen a lot of codes using this expression.
class Cart extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
Why is it? What is the purpose of using constructor and super?
Is React.Component and Component same?
Why do we pass props in constructor and super?
I am not asking what super and constructor are, I am asking difference between 2 codes above and benefits of using each one?
I checked online but did not see any explanation, just code examples.
Constructors and super are not react specific or even javascript specific. They are specific to the inheritance in OOP.
Constructors are what can be called as initializing functions in a class. Let's look at an example where a constructor can be used.
class parentClass {
this.foo = foo;
this.bar = bar;
function sharedMethod1(){
function sharedMethod(){
object1 = new ParentClass(foo1, bar1);
object1.sharedMethod1() // this will print foo1;
object1.sharedMethod2() // this will print bar1;
object2 = new ParentClass(foo2, bar2);
object2.sharedMethod1() // this will print foo2;
object2.sharedMethod2() // this will print bar2;
when there is a need to create multiple instances of a class with different values for member variables / functions, we make use of the constructor functions.
The super keyword is used in inheritance as well. In inheritance when extending a child class from a parent class, there is a need to initialise the constructor of the parent class. The super keyword is used for this purpose. let's look at the below example for super.
class ParentClass (){
this.foo = foo;
class childClass extends ParentClass(){
super(foo1); // super is used here initialize the constructor of the ParentClass
The same principle mentioned above is followed in React as well.
Please look into dan abramov's blog post on constructor and super here https://overreacted.io/why-do-we-write-super-props/
Dan Abramov mentions on his blog that:
You can’t use this in a constructor until after you’ve
called the parent constructor.
JavaScript won’t let you.
JavaScript enforces that if you want to use this in a constructor, you
have to call super first.
calling super(props) is needed in order to access this.props.
as mentioned on this thread, there are 2 main reasons to use a constructor on a react component:
Initializing local state by assigning an object to this.state.
event handler methods to an instance.
If you don’t initialize state and you don’t bind methods, you don’t need to implement a constructor for your React component.
If you don’t initialize state and you don’t bind methods, you don’t
need to implement a constructor for your React component.
Copied from reactJS website.
If you don’t initialize state and you don’t bind methods, you don’t
need to implement a constructor for your React component.
The constructor for a React component is called before it is mounted.
When implementing the constructor for a React.Component subclass, you
should call super(props) before any other statement. Otherwise,
this.props will be undefined in the constructor, which can lead to
Typically, in React constructors are only used for two purposes:
Initializing local state by assigning an object to this.state.
Binding event handler methods to an instance.
You should not call setState() in the constructor(). Instead, if your
component needs to use local state, assign the initial state to
this.state directly in the constructor:
Constructor is the only place where you should assign this.state
directly. In all other methods, you need to use this.setState()
Avoid introducing any side-effects or subscriptions in the
constructor. For those use cases, use componentDidMount() instead.
And here is the purpose of super() ,
I tried with babel, Here's what I get.
With Constructor I get this function,
class App extends React.Component{
this.state = {}
Related part in ES5,
var App =
function (_React$Component) {
_inherits(App, _React$Component);
function App(props) {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, App);
_this.state = {};
return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this);
return App;
Without Constructor
class App extends React.Component{
state = {}
ES5 code
var App =
function (_React$Component) {
_inherits(App, _React$Component);
function App() {
var _getPrototypeOf2;
var _temp, _this;
_classCallCheck(this, App);
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, (_temp = _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (_getPrototypeOf2 = _getPrototypeOf(App)).call.apply(_getPrototypeOf2, [this].concat(args))), _this.state = {}, _temp));
return App;
Why is it? What is the purpose of using constructor and super?
Constructors and the super-keyword are not react specific, but JavaScript specific. Search for inheritance and "OOP" in JavaScript to better understand it (e.g. this medium article). super and inheritance is also not only bound to JavaScript, many other languages also use it and explain it accordingly, here for example is a good explanation of how the super-keyword should be used in java.
Why do we pass props in constructor and super?
Check Why Do We Write super(props)?.
Is React.Component and Component same?
Yes. In the head-section of the files are a bunch of import ...-statements. For React.Component you will find something like import * as React from "react" or import React from "react". In case of Component you will find import { Component } from "react". Check the import-documentation from MDN for more information.
I am asking difference between 2 codes above and benefits of using each one?
There is no difference in the result. Both versions work the same and there is no (notable) difference in performance. One version is shorter and less noisy. If you have no further instructions in the constructor, I would recommend suppressing it.

ReactJS variables problems. It's updating variables that are not being touched

I'm working on a ReactJS app and i'm a new comer.
I have a Component like this
class Type extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
name : props.type.name,
description : props.type.description,
price : props.type.price,
imageList : props.type.images,
mode : 'view',
// i'm cloning the whole object
clone : props.type
handleDeleteImage(event) {
const imageId = event.target.getAttribute('data-imageId');
// get the current imageList of this Component
var imageList = this.state.imageList;
// checking the length of 2 image list before removing the
// targeted image
console.log(imageList.length) // displays 3
console.log(this.state.clone.images.length) // displays 3
// remove the targeted imageId
imageList.splice(imageId, 1);
// checking the length of 2 image list after removing the
// targeted image
console.log(imageList.length) // displays 2
console.log(this.state.clone.images.length) // displays 2
So what i'm doing here is i want to clone the object so when the user changes there mind and doesn't want to make changes anymore, they can hit the cancel button and everything is back to the state they were before (i have a function to handle this as well. I set the fields -name, description, price- to the values of the clone)
But as you can see, i didn't touched the image list in the clone at all still it got changed anyway.
Am i doing anything wrong here?
Thank you for any help.
Hey guys! So I realized that the concept I used in this service is not so efficient.
Like #Michael McQuade said, I should control the data in one flow only which is changing the data in the parent Component, not the child ones. I also reviewed the ReactJS Documentation and I can see why.
But with that being said. Let's say I'm working on a Component which has lots of Child-Component, does that mean I have to callback all the way up to the Parent Component to make changes in the Child one? And does that mean i must have multiple handlers in the Parent one that will be passed down to the Child that needs them?
I hope my question doesn't border you guys. Thanks!
You're using state and props together in a way I wouldn't recommend.
Instead of trying to make a copy of the props and storing it as state, make a stateless function and pass down a function which handles the deletion.
Here is an example:
class Child extends React.PureComponent {
render () {
return (<button onClick={this.props.handleBye}>{this.props.text}</button>)
class Parent extends React.PureComponent {
state = {
text: "Hello"
handler = () => {
this.setState({text: "bye"})
render() {
return (<Child text={this.state.text} handleBye={this.handler} />)
ReactDOM.render(<Parent />, document.body)
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.6.3/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.6.3/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
This line will not clone an object, rather it will create a reference
clone : props.type
To clone you can use various techniques (depending on your need) one simple one would be
clone: Object.assign({}, props.type)
beware that this will only create a shallow copy of the object.
To create a deep copy you can use
clone: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(props.type))
this is an easy technique but it is slow and will not copy dates correctly.
If you need fast and reliable deep clone you better search for something else that suits your needs (maybe a library like lodash).
this.state.clone is just a reference to the props.type object. So when you use splice() you change the contents of the array and therefore "mutate" props.type.
If you really want to clone the object do it like that:
this.state = {
clone: {...props.type} // create a new object and spread the props.type object properties
You can read more about the spread operator here

Can I make a certain function globally available inside a React application?

It is a common practice to pass in the form of a prop, from a root component A, to a subcomponent B, a function that will change the state of A. Like so:
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
name: 'foo'
this.handleNameChange = this.handleNameChange.bind(this);
render() {
return (<NameChanger name={this.state.name} onNameChange={this.handleNameChange} />)
handleNameChange: function(newName) {
name: newName
Now as you can see NameChanger is one level down only so not a big issue there. But what if it had been down 3 or even 4 levels? We would have had to pass it down the chain of components and that bothers me big time. Is there a way to make a function globally available within the app?
I looked at Context (https://reactjs.org/docs/context.html) but I am not sure it is the right design choice for globally available functions. Or is it?
In a typical React application, data is passed top-down (parent to
child) via props, but this can be cumbersome for certain types of
props (e.g. locale preference, UI theme) that are required by many
components within an application. Context provides a way to share
values like these between components without having to explicitly pass
a prop through every level of the tree.
Try using Redux or Mobx(very easy to start with) as state management library to solve this problem.

In componentDidUpdate refs is undefined

I want to use Chart.js on my website. As you can see title, I'm using React.js. To use Chart.js, I need the canvas and context like this:
let context = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
let chart = new Chart(context, ...);
so I design the component like this:
export function updateChart() {
let context = this.refs.chart.getContext('2d');
let chart = new Chart(context ,... );
export default class GraphChart extends React.Component {
constructor() {
updateChart = updateChart.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return <canvas ref="chart" className="chart"></canvas>;
as you can see, I exported two things, update chart function and GraphChart class. Both will using in parent component like this:
import { updateChart } from './GraphChart';
import GraphChart from './GraphChart';
class Graph extends React.Component {
someKindOfAction() {
// update chart from here!
render() {
return (
<SomeOtherComponents />
<GraphChart />
then Parent class using exported updateChart function to update chart directly. It was working, but only first time. After unmount and mount the GraphChart component, it's refs are just empty.
Why refs is empty? And If I did wrong way, how can I get canvas context for initialize Chart.js?
Object refs is undefined, because this is not what you think it is. Try logging it.
The function you’re exporting is not bound to this of your component. Or perhaps it is, but to the last created instance of your component. You can never be sure that’s the mounted instance. And even if you are, you can not use multiple instances at the same time. So, I would dismiss this approach entirely.
Other than that, providing the function to alter some component’s state is exactly the opposite of what’s React is trying to accomplish. The very basic idea is that the component should know to render itself given some properties.
The problem you are trying to solve lies in the nature of Canvas API, which is procedural. Your goal is to bridge the gap between declarative (React) and procedural (Canvas) code.
There are some libraries which do exactly that. Have you tried react-chartjs? https://github.com/reactjs/react-chartjs
Anyways, if you’re wondering how the hell should you implement it the “React way”, the key is to declare properties your component handles (not necessarily, but preferably), and then to use component lifecycle methods (e.g. componentWillReceiveProps and others) to detect when properties change and act accordingly (perform changes to the canvas).
Hope this helps! Good luck!

Immutability is an implementation detail in React?

I recently watched a talk by David Nolen where he says that 'immutability is an implementation detail in React'?
What does this mean and if this wasn't the case, how would React be different?
What does "implementation detail" mean:
I would summarize as:
Immutability is a detail of react that you have to implement yourself.
BTW: "Detail" is this case can still mean a lot of work.
React depends on props and state to be immutable.
React does not make props or state immutable for you. You have to ensure that in your code yourself.
So the following code is a recipe for disaster:
var customerObject = { name: "Bill" };
this.setState( customer: customerObject }; // valid react code, triggering re-render
customerObject.name = "Karl";
// state still has the same customerObject,
// but the contents of the object have changed. This is where things break down.
React has to ensure that its internal virtual DOM, and all props and states, are always in sync with the actual DOM.
So every time something changes anywhere in a prop or state, react needs to run its render cycle.
How would react be different without immutability:
Without immutability your react implementation may not work properly.
If react were not designed for immutability, then it would not be react (i.e. a state machine) but a different beast altogether.
Immutable Data Structure with ReactJS
The first of all, react team strongly recommend applying immutable data structure like Immutability Helpers or immutable.js. Why? Because we can use "shallow comparison" to increase component re-render performance. like
MyComponent extends React.Component {
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
return !shallowEqual(this.props, nextProps) ||
!shallowEqual(this.state, nextState);
render() {
According to immutability, the data alway return a new reference if it has been changed. We can easy use shallowEqual(only check reference whether is same or not) to determine component will re-render. If we dont use immutable data, we have to check props or state object deeply not reference to make sure re-rendering.
As for my understanding, each component in React has its own standalone scope and they don't share the variables.
That means when you pass an mutable variable(such as Object or Array) through props to a specific react component. It will clone each variable so that this component will have a totally new environment.
For example, assuming you have component A, and it works like this,
var ComponentA = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var user = { name: 'Tyler', role: 'Developer' };
return (
<SubComponent user={user} />
What ComponentA wants is simply render the user. So it require another module, let's say SubComponent to do that.
var SubComponent = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<span>Name: {this.props.user.name}</span>
<span>Role: {this.props.user.role}</span>
For now, we should notice the variable user in ComponentA is different with the variable this.props.user in SubComponent. The this.props.user is not a reference. It's cloned from the ComponentA.
So that means, when you try to change the value of this.props.user in SubComponent, it won't destroy the user in ComponentA. Which is what David Nolen said in his tech talk. ("Change something in data without destroy the old one.")
Of course this would sacrifice some extra spaces, but you can get lots of benefits. Such as each of your component would be totally separated. Then all the nightmares cause by Shared Mutable Variables are gone. Shared Mutable Data is the root of evil, it's unpredictable and unreliable.
Imagine the SubComponent and the ComponentA are share the same user and you want to render another module by passing props user. Then you will update your code into this way,
var ComponentA = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var user = { name: 'Tyler', role: 'Developer' };
return (
<AnotherComponent user={user} />
<SubComponent user={user} />
Once we change the name of user in SubComponent(maybe by accident), we will have a cascading effect, and we don't know which one change the variable. That's painful coz then we have to check each line of the code in SubComponent and AnotherComponent. You really don't want to do that, right?
So I think that's what he mean. Hope this can solve your problem. : )
