How to see Solr explain for a document not returned by Solr query - solr

I am using Solr's explain to debug my Solr query. I can see explain results for everything that Solr query returns, but not for the documents the query has not returned.
There are documents which I think should be returned by a query but are not.
I want to see how the Solr score is calculated for those documents to be able to compare with other documents.

I was able to find the answer to this question.
There's a query parameter called explainOther. You can specify a query in this parameter and on top of the explain you will get for the matched queries, now Solr will show you the explain for any record that matches this new explainOther query as well.
Here is the explanation of that parameter from Solr reference guide:
The explainOther Parameter
The explainOther parameter specifies a Lucene query in order to identify a set of documents. If this parameter is included and is set to a non-blank value, the query will return debugging information, along with the "explain info" of each document that matches the Lucene query, relative to the main query (which is specified by the q parameter). For example:
The query above allows you to examine the scoring explain info of the top matching documents, compare it to the explain info for documents matching id:juggernaut, and determine why the rankings are not as you expect.
The default value of this parameter is blank, which causes no extra "explain info" to be returned.


Why does Dismax's bq (Boost Query) parameter filter results instead of just boosting them?

I'm using Solr 8.11.2. In order to boost documents with certain field values, I'm using Dismax's bq (Boost Query) parameter.
From what I've read, this should only influence the score of the search results returned by the rest of the query. What I see happening is that it filters all search results that don't have the field I'm boosting.
I'm using the following query, which returns all documents containing both words procedure and maintenance:
q=((+procedure+maintenance))&rows=10&start=0&wt=xml&q.op=AND&fl=id,score,alias,author,hash,collection,label,url,lastModified,path,extension,objectId,objectDtType,title,DocumentPK_s,Taal_s,Site_s,SharePointId_s&hl=true&hl.qt=highlightRH&hl.fl=content,description,label&hl.snippets=5&defType=dismax&bf=recip(max(0,ms(NOW-3MONTH,creationDate)),3.16e-11,1,1)&pf=content&sort=score DESC
But as soon as I append &bq=language:english^10000, which is supposed to boost documents where the field language is set to english, all documents where the field language doesn't exist are no longer part of the results.
Am I misunderstanding how this parameter is supposed to work? Is it a side effect?

How to debug the score value calculated for a document and query string which is displayed on solr admin console?

I have indexed few documents and now while trying to query a string from solr admin console, I am able to retrieve score value for each result retrieved by selecting field as score. But I would need to check the doc score, termfreq and other parameters considered for calculating this score which can help me to debug and understand. Can anyone help me with the possible ways? Are there any certain keywords or fields or query parameters to be specified while querying from solr admin console? Solr Version that I am using is 7.6.0.
Add debug=all (the new version of debugQuery=true) to your query string. It'll include a detailed explanation of how each part of your query contributes to the score.

No matches when mixing keywords

I am trying to do a product search setup using Solr. It does return results for keywords that follow the same order in the product name. However, when the keywords are mixed up, no results are returned. I would like to get results with scores that closely match the given keywords in any order.
My question on scoring has the schema, data configuration and query. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
As long as you enter your query as a regular query, instead of using wildcards, any hits in a text_general field as you've defined should be returned.
You can use the mm parameter to adjust how many of the terms supplied that need to match from a query. I suggest using the edismax query parser, as that allows you do to more "natural" queries instead of having to add the fieldnames in the query itself:
defType=edismax&qf=catchall&q=nikon dslr
defType=edismax&qf=catchall&q=dslr nikon
should both give the same set of documents (but possibly different scores when using phrase boosts).

Lucene OR query not working

I am trying to query Solr with following requirement:
_ I would like to get all documents which not have a particular field
-exclusivity:[* TO *]
I would like to get all document which have this field and got the specific value
so when I am trying to query Solr 4 with:
fq=(-exclusivity:[* TO *]) OR exclusivity:(None)
I have only got results if the field exists in document and the value is None but results not contain results from first query !!
I cannot understand why it is not working
To explain your results, the query (-exclusivity:[* TO *]) will always get no results, because you haven't specified any result to retrieve. By default, Lucene doesn't retrieve any results, unless you tell it to get them. exclusivity:(None) isn't a limitation placed on the full result set, it is the key used to find the documents to retrieve. This differs from a database, which by default returns all records in a table, and allows you to limit the set.
(-exclusivity:[* TO *]) only specifies what NOT to get, but doesn't tell it to GET anything at all.
Solr has logic to handle Pure negative queries (I believe, in much the same way as below, by implicitly retrieving all documents first), but from what I gather, only as the top level query, and it does not handle queries like term1 OR -term2 documented here.
I believe with solr you should be able to use the query *:* to get all docs (though that would not be available in raw lucene), so you could use the query:
(*:* -exclusivity:[* TO *]) exclusivity:(None)
which would mean, get (all docs except those with a value in exclusivity) or docs where exclusivity = "None"
I have founded answer to this problem. I have made bad assumption how "-" works in solr.I though that
-exclusivity:[* TO *]
add everything without exclusivity field to the data set but it is not the case. The '-' could only exclude things from data set. BTW femtoRgon you are right but I am using it as fq (filter query) not as a master query I have forgotten to mention that.
So the solution is like
-exclusivity:([* TO *] AND -(None))
and full query looks like
/?q=*:*&fq=-exclusivity:([* TO *] AND -(None))
so that means I will get everything does not have field exclusivity or has this field and it is populated with value None.

Limiting the output from MoreLikeThis in Solr

I'm trying to use MoreLikeThis to get all similar documents but not documents with a specific contenttype.
So the first query needs to find the one document that I want to get "More Like This" of - and the second query needs to limit the similar documents to not be pdf's (-contenttype:pdf)
Does anyone know if this is possible?
When using the MoreLikeThisHandler, all the common parameters applied to the mlt results set. So you can use the fq parameter to exclude your pdf documents from the mlt results:
The q parameter allows to select the document to generate mlt results (actually, it's the first document matching the initial query that is used).
