Why is React useState dependency empty in callback? - reactjs

The dependency used in the useCallback is coming as null even though it is populated when calling it outside of the useCallback. I even tried removing the useCallback and used the data variable inside a regular function. It is still null. Any idea why this is happening?
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => { //on page load
const data = fetchData();
}, []);
const func = useCallback(async (payload) => {
console.debug(data); //null
if (data) //call api with payload
}, [data]);
console.debug(data); //correct population of data
return <MyComponent onSubmit={func} /> //passed to and called from second child down from here

Do it like this
Pass the data as a parameter in useState to the function.Never mind i don't have data.So i used 'abc'.
useEffect(() => { //on page load
const data = 'abc';
}, []);
Next step take the data as a parameter in function.
const func = (data) => {
console.log(data); //now it will have abc

The only way I could get this to work in all cases was to move func() down to the child...where it's used. And because data is used in both parent and children, I passed it down to the children and pushed any modifications to it back up to the parent after running func() so the modified data could be set() in the parent.


usestate can change the state value after axios in useEffect

I expected to get the url with category=business,but the web automatically reset my state to the url that dosent have the category.I dont know the reason behind
let {id}=useParams()
const [newsurl,setNewsurl]=useState(()=>{
const initialstate="https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?country=us&apiKey=c75d8c8ba2f1470bb24817af1ed669ee"
return initialstate;})
const [articles, setActicles] = useState([]);
useEffect( ()=>{
if(id === 2)
useEffect(() => {
const getArticles = async () => {
const res = await Axios.get(newsurl);
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
// Whatever else we want to do after the state ha
s been updated.
}, [newsurl])
//return "https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?country=us&apiKey=c75d8c8ba2f1470bb24817af1ed669ee";}
return (<><Newsnavbar />{articles?.map(({title,description,url,urlToImage,publishedAt,source})=>(
source={source.name} />
)) } </>
one more things is that when i save the code the page will change to have category but when i refresh it ,it change back to the inital state.Same case when typing the url with no id.May i know how to fix this and the reason behind?
Setting the state in React acts like an async function.
Meaning that the when you set the state and put a console.log right after it, it will likely run before the state has actually finished updating.
You can instead, for example, use a useEffect hook that is dependant on the relevant state in-order to see that the state value actually gets updates as anticipated.
useEffect(() => {
// Whatever else we want to do after the state has been updated.
}, [newsurl])
This console.log will run only after the state has finished changing and a render has occurred.
Note: "newsurl" in the example is interchangeable with whatever other state piece you're dealing with.
Check the documentation for more info about this.
setState is an async operation so in the first render both your useEffetcs run when your url is equal to the default value you pass to the useState hook. in the next render your url is changed but the second useEffect is not running anymore because you passed an empty array as it's dependency so it runs just once.
you can rewrite your code like the snippet below to solve the problem.
const [articles, setActicles] = useState([]);
const Id = props.id;
useEffect(() => {
const getArticles = async () => {
const newsurl =
Id === 2
? "https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?country=de&category=business&apiKey=c75d8c8ba2f1470bb24817af1ed669ee"
: "https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?country=us&apiKey=c75d8c8ba2f1470bb24817af1ed669ee";
const res = await Axios.get(newsurl);
}, []);

Updating state inside useCallback - React JS

How can I restructure this code to allow a state update inside the useCallback function?
Here's what is executed first:
useEffect(() => {
}, [getData]); // errors if getData is left (missing dependency error)
In the getData function, I pass a state variable (lastDoc) to getSomething() as a parameter. It stores the last document/database row for pagination.
const [lastDoc, setLastDoc] = useState(null);
const getData = useCallback(async() => {
const data = await getSomething(lastDoc);
setLastDoc(data.lastDoc); // useSate function
}, [getSomething, lastDoc]);
This, at the moment, just causes an infinite loop where the getData function is re-rendered once setLastDoc updates the lastDoc variable, as getData has lastDoc as a dependency. If I remove the lastDoc dependency, I get the missing dependency error, which I understand to be an important error to listen to.
I think a null-check might be sufficient.
useEffect(() => {
if(lastDoc === null){
}, [getData, lastDoc]);

Why is useState value null inside function block?

I know there is a scoping issue here. I just can't find it. Why is 'items' null in the searchItems() block?
export const useStore = () => {
const [items, setItems] = useState(null)
const setItemsFromApi = () => {
//call api to get data, then
const searchItems = (query) => {
//use the local data and filter based on query
items.filter(() => {})
console.log(items) // 'items' HAS UPDATED VALUE AFTER setItemsFromApi() IN THIS SCOPE
return {setItemsFromApi, searchItems}
Use store like this. (NOTE: I left out the rendering of the items in the list because that part works fine. Just focusing on why the onClick doesn't use the already loaded items to filter with.)
export default function DataList(props) => {
const store = useStore();
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
const runSearch = (query) => {
return <button onClick={runSearch('searchTerm')}
I even tried passing it as a callback dependency, but it's still null
const searchItems = useCallback((query) => {
items.filter(() => {})
}, [items])
From the code you posted,
const store = useStore()
the issue may be because you are doing an async operation (calling the API), but the search is not waiting for the result of the fetch call. So, when you do the
, the store is null and only changes its value later.
In a nutshell, the state wasn't refreshing after triggering a search because I had a "debounce" useRef function running within the component when the onChange event was fired, even though this was a local data search. I guess this interrupted the re-render event. So I removed it.

How correctly fetch and save data inside an array using useEffect

I am using React and asynchronously fetching data from the blockchain with useEffect.
What I do not understand is that while the console.log inside the map function works and it prints the right data, supposedly it should save that data inside data array, but when I log data outside the map (meaning it should have finished to save the data) I get an array of undefined values.
useEffect(() => {
const data = mainnet.Vaults.map((pool) => {
const loadLendingData = async () => {
const dataPool = await getPoolInfo(pool);
console.log('dataPool', dataPool) //all good it prints everything
return dataPool
console.log('data', data) //[undefined, undefined, undefined and so on]
}, []);
Why is this happening? What am I doing wrong?
I fixed the problem by storing data with useState for each loop in map.
useEffect(() => {
mainnet.Vaults.map((pool) => {
const loadLendingData = async () => {
const dataPool = await getPoolInfo(pool);
setLendingData((prevPool) => [...prevPool, dataPool])
}, []);
But still I'd like to understand why the first example didn't work.
I see that you are not returning anything from the map function, that's why the array has undefined elements outside the map function.
return loadLendingData()
This should solve the problem for you.

useEffect lazy created cleanup function

I'm trying to create hook that is is using an effect in which side effect function returns the cleanup callback. However I want to call it only when component is unmounted, not on the rerender.
Normal approach when you call useEffect with empty deps array won't work here as the cleanup function is created only once, on the first call of the hook. But my clean up is created later, so there is no way to change it.
function useListener(data) {
const [response, updateResponse] = useState(null);
() => {
if (data) {
const removeListener = callRequest(data, resp => {
return removeListener;
return response;
This comes down to a following problem: In normal class component, the willComponentUnmount could make a decision based on a current component state but in case of useEffect, state is passed via closure to the cleanup and there is no way to pass the information later if the state has changed
You can use useRef to save and update your callback function
The useRef() Hook isn’t just for DOM refs. The “ref” object is a generic container whose current property is mutable and can hold any value, similar to an instance property on a class. more
function useListener(data) {
const [response, updateResponse] = useState(null);
const cleanUpCallbackRef = useRef(() => {});
() => {
if (data) {
cleanUpCallbackRef.current = callRequest(data, resp => {
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, []);
return response;
I create a simple example here
