SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Unable to Install SQL Server (setup.exe) - sql-server

I had an old version of SQL Server on my laptop which I uninstalled. Now I am trying to install SQL Server 2019 Developer edition but I get an error:
Error Code(Decimal): 2068052293 Error Description: Please install the Visual C++2017 Redistributable from https://aka.ms/vs/15/releaset..exe before running this installer.
I also installed Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable from the suggested path but still same error is happening.
Environment: HP/Pavilion/Windows 10 Pro/4g/500HDD/Corei5
PS: attaching screenshot for kind reference

Screenshot is missing.
Check for the following,
Is, VC++ 2017 is successfully installed? If yes, its worth doing a restart. Sometimes certain dll's should be registered in Windows environment, which will happen after a restart. Start SQL Server 2019 again after restarting.
Ensure both SQL Server 2019 and VC++ 2017 are installed with same user login. Hopefully you should be local admin for the login.
More suggestion can be provided based on screenshot error. Good luck!

This is my suggestion. It worked for me. Partition your local disk and install MSSQL in the new drive. That's all. Problem solved. This problem often happens with windows 11.


SQL Server 2017 Express Installation fails

I am trying to install SQL Server 2017 Express on Windows 10 and it is failing.
Here is the details it shows me after failure:
Action required:
Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
Feature failure reason:
An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail.
Error details:
§ Error installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable
VS Shell installation has failed with exit code 1638.
Error code: 1638
Log file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20171018_083459\VCRuntime140_x64_Cpu64_1.log
Visithttps://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=14.0.1000.169&EvtType=VCRuntime140_x64%40Install%400x1638 to get help on troubleshooting.
I am Windows 10 and have Visual Studio 2017 installed.
I'm thinking the problem could be I installed SQL Server Management Studio 2017 before I installed SQL Server.
I have the same setup at home but I installed SQL Server first and then SSMS and everything works fine.
The other difference is at home in the installation dialog it says something the affect that C++ Redistribuble is already installed but at work where it is failing it says it is to be installed in hte list of components.
The problem is likely that there's a newer version of the Visual C++ Redistributable than SQL Server is trying to install, e.g., from Visual Studio 2017. So another way to address this, if you don't need the latest C++ redistributable, is to go to Add or Remove Programs and uninstall all references to Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable. After this, the SQL Server installation should proceed without errors.
I had this error before all I did was(using Win10 x64):
Go to control panel-> Select Programs -> Programs and Features -> Search "c++"
-> In the list select Visual C++ 2017(or your version error) Redistributable -> right click select "change" -> select repair.
After that I was able to continue and successfully installed SQL Server Express 2017.
Some requires uninstall and reinstall again therefore if the above procedure doesn't work just try reinstalling it.
I figured it out for my environment.
If you have Visual Studio 2017, go back into the installer and install the "ATL C++" workload. Now when you go through the SQL Server 2017 install it will say C++ already installed and the installation will be successful.
I got the solution :
remove VC++ 2017.
download VC++ 2015 from here
install VC++ 2015
install SQL Server 2017
install SSMS 2017
I also had this problem. I just repair the program Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x86) - 14.16.27029 from Add Remove Program and setup run without any error.
I also found running the repair of the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable corrected the issue and was able to install SQL 2017 RTM Cumulative Update (CU) 23 KB5000685
Uninstalling the following from Programme and Features option fixed my issue.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable
MSSQL 2017 installation will automatically add it once the installation is completed.
First make sure you haven't installed SSMS before,
First install SQLSERVER then SSMS.
To resolve this error just uninstall MS visual C++ Redistributable v13/v15/v17 as they get installed already when you install SSMS before.
Run the setup again it will continue installation.

New Windows 10 Laptop - Unable to install SQL Server 2012

I'm getting the exact same error message as see in this blog post:
I ran the SQL Server 2012 setup exe (renamed it to setup.exe it was the expresss edition) as Admin from the command prompt specifying to install the updates prior which exists in my 'C:\Updates' and got the exact same error message as the blogger "An error occurred during the installation of an assembly"
Someone commented it resolved their issue for SQL 2012 in Windows 10 (I'm using express, they didnt specify which version).
Anyone else had issues with SQL 2012 or other installing on Windows 10 complaining about Microsoft.VC80.MCF or similar?
For Windows 10, you need at least SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2 - RTM version isn't supported. For some reason, it is only mentioned in documentation regarding SQL Server 2014: Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server.
Hopefully, with Express edition you can download the correct version with SP already integrated into it. However, it might be wiser to install SP3 instead and save yourself some hassle in the future.

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Opening Error

I installed SQL Server Management Studio and it worked fine. After that I updated my Visual Studio from 2010 to 2013 Express edition, now it is not working with this error message :
Cannot find one or more components. Please re install the application
I re-installed it but still same issue. Any suggestion?
The SQL Server 2014 Management Studio answer
SSMS 2014 relies upon the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Isolated) Redistributable Package. If this is uninstalled, SSMS will produce the error message 'Cannot find one or more components. Please re install the application'. This can be corrected by:
Reinstalling the VS 2010 Shell from here: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/older-downloads/isolated-shell/
Try opening SSMS again. If it still gives the error, then:
Run Repair in SQL Server (2014) Setup
The SQL Server 2016 Management Studio answer
SSMS 2016 relies upon the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Shell (Isolated) Redistributable Package. If this is uninstalled, SSMS will produce the error message 'Cannot find one or more components. Please re install the application'. This can be corrected by reinstalling VS 2015 or by installing the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Shell (Isolated) Redistributable Package.
I just solved the issue :
SSMS depends on VS 2010 and by uninstalling it this error occurred.
There is a folder named 1033_enu in my server installation pakage
Inside that i found a folder VSS i.e Visual studio shell
and inside that VVS setup.
i just run this setup and it solved the problem for me. Thank you
For SSMS 2016 (at least v16.5.3) delete the following folder from the registry and restart the app:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\13.0_Config
The SQL Server 2017 Management Studio answer
SSMS 17.1 also depends on Visual Studio 2015 shell (isolated). I had to repair the Shell to get SSMS to work. In case someone is looking for VS 2015 Shell: LINK
If you cannot find the installer using the above link, the SSMS 17.x installer HERE includes the VS 2015 Shell.
Scott Hanselman has also conveniently included a link to every (>= 2008 R2) Express and SSMS version here: LINK
I had this same issue happen to me when I was stripping my machine of everything Microsoft to refresh my system with 2016-2017 versions of Microsoft products.. First time doing this so I deleted the Visual Studio shell and installed everything 2017 except the 2015 VS shell (not sure if 2017 is out), here was my mistake.
To solve.. first off, make sure you have the Visual Studio Isolated Shell installed. Certain versions of SSMS need a specific version of the shell. My situation called for VS Shell 2015 with my SSMS 2016..
Just installing and repairing the Shell didn't help me completely fix the error. What helped me was deleting a key from my Registry Editor. Run the command regedit from anywhere on your machine and then find:
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/SQL Server Management Studio/*shellversion*_Config'
Right-click and delete this folder/key. For SSMS 2016 I deleted 13.0_Config.. Right away I was able to open SSMS as usual.
In order to free up some space on my disk, I had uninstalled some programs after which I started getting this error.
I followed all the solutions here, but it didn't fix my problem.
For me, after installing the Visual Studio Shell, I had to delete a key from my registry by following the steps here. Then finally my SSMS started working again.
Quoting from the page:
Start regedit.exe
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio
Delete 13.0_Config
Restart ssms.exe
All the answers here didn't work for me (SQL Server 2014).
What worked was:
1) Uninstall the Visual Studio 2010 Shell using official installer (not via Programs and Features). The file VSIsoShell.exe can be downloaded here:
2) Once uninstalled, run SQL Server Installation and hit Repair
Try running SSMS as administrator! After repairing & re-installing multiple components, in the end it was just the security level of my account.
I resolved the problem with SQL Management Studio 2016 by running the VS setup, selecting "Modify" and then installing Extensibility Tools Update 3. After that I just ran SQL Management Studio 2016 and it reset VS Isolated Shell
For all versions of SQL Server, this can be fixed safely with no loss of data including any plugins that may be installed and their data.
This is a common bug, and the solution in all versions of SQL Server is to repair the 'Microsoft Visual Studio 20xx Shell (Isolated)' program installation, which takes about 30 minutes to run unattended.
To perform the repair, please complete the following steps:
Close all instances of Visual Studio.
Press the Windows key.
Type 'Programs'.
Click 'Add or Remove Programs' from the list that appears.
Type 'Shell' into the Search box that appears.
Click 'Microsoft Visual Studio 20xx Shell (Isolated)'*
Click Modify (If greyed out then click Uninstall).
In the window that appears, click 'Repair'.
Wait 30mins or so for repair to complete.
Restart machine.
'Microsoft Visual Studio 20xx Shell (Isolated)' will now be repaired and SQL Server Management Studio should open as normal.
* If there are multiple version(s) of 'Microsoft Visual Studio 20xx Shell (Isolated)' installed, then repair the latest one first, working backwards through versions until the correct program is repaired. Be sure to make a note of the version that fixed your version of SQL Server for future reference as it will not change until smss or vs is upgraded.
I have the same issue after using the custom VS2015 uninstallation tool and installing the VS2017. Repair or reinstall of the SSMS 17.3 does not solve the issue.
To resolve it open the Windows Control panel, select the Programs and Features. Select the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Shell (Isolated) from the list and click Change. Then click Repair in the VS setup window. On setup completed ignor the warnings about some newer components already installed. Click Close and thats it! SSMS starts perfect! Hope this save someone's time.
I downloaded VSIsoShell.exe but could not install it. When i deep dive in to error logs the reason is newer version of visual studio exists on the system. I uninstalled vs2017 community then installation of VSIsoShell is successful
Download and Install Visual Studio 2015 Isolated Shell.
You can further read the details of this Redistributable Package from Microsoft Visual Studio
2015 Redistributable Package
You can further Download this Package from this link
After Installing this package, Please run SSMS for SQL SERVER 2016. It actually works for me!
Just in case none of the registry edits or software reinstalls mentioned in the other answers work for you, I was having this issue due to anti-virus. In this case it was Crowdstrike, but others can cause it as well.
Try disabling your AV to test, and if that's the culprit, put an exception in for SSMS 2014/2016.
None of above solutions worked for me , Link in the accepted answer is not working.
So I tried repairing MSSQL 2014 from Setup , This will install Visual Studio Shell which it depends on.
SQL Server Installation Center -> Maintenance -> Repair -> Select the Instance
Next , You will be able to run ssms without an issue.
Hope that works,
I finally got this to work - open up
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\RSConfigTool.exe"
then used the repair tools in there, rather than from the control panel install programs (repair).
This seemed to run through reinstalling of files and afterwards everything worked great! I was tearing my hair out!
I uninstalled already existing microsoft visual studio 2010 Shell(isolated) -ENU
Then did repair
To do repair please follow below path : SQL Server Installation Center -> Maintenance -> Repair
Note: None of the above worked for me.This is only worked

SQL Server 2014 Upgrade Advisor failing

I've installed SQL Server 2014 Enterprise on a VM and am trying to install the Upgrade Advisor.
Directions indicate that I should run SqlUA.msi but I get the following error:
Setup is missing prerequisites:
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Transact-SQL-ScriptDom, which is not installed by Upgrade Advisor Setup. To continue, install SQL Server 2014 Transact-SQL ScriptDom from below hyperlink and then run the Upgrade Advisor Setup operation again :
That just takes me to the download page. There is no ScriptDom file, but a further search showed me that they mean SQLDOM. So I installed SQLDOM.msi from that page above and got the following error:
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Transact-SQL-ScriptDom
Installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Transact-SQL-ScriptDom failed because a higher version already exists on the machine. To proceed, uninstall the higher version and then run Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Transact-SQL ScriptDom Setup again.
Well, that was pretty confusing. First I'm told I don't have it, then I'm told I'm trying to install an older version. I've rebooted the VM and my local laptop a bunch but without assist. Microsoft Support told me they don't support upgrade advisor.
Go to the Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 Feature Pack page, here:
Click the Download button, then look for the download named "SqlDom.msi"; the x64 version is about 1/3 of the way down, the x86 version is about 80-85% of the way down.
These should be the latest versions of the ScriptDom.
I had the same issue, installed x64 sqldom.msi - it didn't work. So I then installed x86 version and the upgrade advisor worked. This was on server 2012R2 with SQL2012 x64.
The file Eng_Microsoft_SQLServer_TransactSql_ScriptDom_dll_32 cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file redist.cab. This could
indicate a network error, an error reading from installation media, or a problem with this package.

Visual Studio and SQL Server - correct installation sequence?

I am rebuilding my development machine. This issue is not new to me, but I don't remember the solution.
I started with SQL 2008 Developer, then VS 2008 Pro, then the SQL SP1, then VS SP1. The result is that I cannot open SSIS projects (see the error below). What is the correct order so that I can avoid the installation of SQL Server Express and still have all the features working?
Microsoft Visual Studio
Package Load Failure
Package 'DataWarehouse VSIntegration layer' has failed to load properly ( GUID =
{4A0C6509-BF90-43DA-ABEE-0ABA3A8527F1} ). Please contact package vendor for
assistance. Application restart is recommended, due to possible environment
corruption. Would you like to disable loading this package in the future? You
may use 'devenv /resetskippkgs' to re-enable package loading.
Yes No
You should install SQL 2008 Developer first, this will rule out the need for VS installing SQL which comes with it. Or you could do like others suggested and choose custom VS installation.
My favorite way is this:
SQL 2008 Developer
Visual Studio Professional 2008
Run Windows Updates
Install Resharper :-)
Install RedGate SQL ToolBelt
But it seems that to get some features to work the proper order is:
Visual Studio Professional 2008 (with SQL Unchecked)
SQL 2008 Developer
Run Windows Updates
Install Resharper/Redgate Tools
Resharper and Redgate in my opinion are far the best tools for developing in C#/SQL.
It turns out I was missing 2 important pieces of information in my question that make this installation such a pain:
I was installing the 64 bit version of SQL Server
I was installing to a non-standard location (i.e. the D: drive, because C: is an SSD with not all
that much space)
This was not successful. Here is what I ended up doing in my first (second, and third) attempt:
Install VS 2008 Professional on D:
Install VS 2008 SP 1
Install SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition (instance and shared components on D:)
Install SQL Server SP 1
Apparently VS 2008 Pro does not require a database. I am not sure why I remembered that it does. While the Visual Studio installation was eventless, I encountered the following errors during the SQL Server installation:
The INSTANCESHAREDWOWDIR command line value was not specified.
I was able to resolve that be starting setup from the command line (thanks to this MSDN forum post):
setup.exe /INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR="D:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft SQL
Server" /INSTALLSHAREDDIR="D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server"
Then towards the end of the installation, I got this error:
Upgrade Failed due to the following Error.The error code is :-2147467259.Message:Unspecified error
There is no solution, but a workaround, described in this post on connect.microsoft.com. It consists of copying a VS config file around before and after the installation, and re-running the installer just for BIDS (which is the one component that failed).
The SQL Server SP1 installation ran without issue. VS Studio, when trying to load a solution with an SSIS project, still threw the error that I posted in my original question.
I had ignored this error that popped up towards the end of the BIDS installation:
Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2.0
Cannot find one or more components. Please reinstall the application.
However, there was no error in the install log and it completed "successfully", so I thought it would be ok to ignore the error.
It seems that my configuration is not possible (but I know with certainty that I had the 2005 versions of VS and SQL Server on a D: drive).
I uninstalled everything once again, manually deleted whatever folders were left, and reinstalled on the C: drive, including the SQL Server shared components. I put the instance folder on the D:.
Install VS 2008 Professional on C:
Install VS 2008 SP 1
Install SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition (instance on D:, shared components on C:)
Install SQL Server SP 1
This time everything installed and I can open my SSIS project.
If you are trying to install SQL-2008 and you also have visual studio 2008 installed with service pack one (SP1) and get the error
A previous release of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 is installed on
this computer. Upgrade Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to the SP1 before
installing SQL Server 2008”
Then welcome to the Microsoft beta testing program even if you purchased the faulty software.
With XP the most common solution seem to be renaming the registry key
and replacing 9.0 with 9.0Old. However this does not solve the problem if you are using windows 7 and the only solution I managed to find that worked was to uninstall VS2008 and all the components and to then install SQL-2008 and finally reinstall VS2008.
Install Visual Studio Professional 2008.
Install SQL 2008 Developer
Apply SQL SP1
Apply VS SP1
Then all should be good.
