How To Add Server Side Rendering To React Single Page App? - reactjs

I built a React app a year ago, and totally stopped working with React, so I am really really rusty.
Site is here:
I'm using eBay API.
I'm sort of afraid to touch it, so wondering if there are any tips someone can provide in adding the ability for this site to get better rankings in google (right now there is really not much traffic).
Any help is appreciated.

If your site is static you can use Gatsby, otherwise, your best option is NextJs. you can check their doc. you can also find very good tutorials online.

There are some websites like that they give you scores about every aspects of your website (e.g performance, security , SEO and etc) and then they tell you what you are missing and how to fix them. for google search i would recommend you to have look to this link:
Get your website on Google
hope it gives you some help to start from.


How to do Google signIn integration in react native without firebase (in Android)?

Here I'm just start learning react native(latest version). I almost cover all the basic in react-native, Now I want to use Google Authentication in my app without firebase. I read almost every documents which is present on google but still not able to find how to do this or may be I'm not able to get these documents correctly.
Here Is anyone who guide me how to Google Authentication in React Native in simple way?
i am not an expert react native developer but i have some experience doing React.js. I faced the same problem and the solution below helped me :
Give it a try it may help :)

Can I use React for my UI on a Wordpress project?

I have been playing with wordpress lately and I managed to deploy a simple page via a web hosting company (whc) with a domain name and everything. I love working with React and I am looking to understand how it would work in order to use WordPress with React. I played a bit with the ReactPress plugin and went through some ressources online but I am still unsuccesfull. From my understanding they are two main ways to do such a thing and I think I am mixing them up. I was wondering if there is a clear way to do so. Any info will be very welcome
There's a React framework for WordPress. You may check that. have a look

Should I use SSR?

I'm planning on building a web app similar to using React.
I'm wondering if SSR done using Next.js is the right choice as the app is pretty content light and the most of content is just the user camera. I need good SEO bu I never used Next.js and it might be just additional overhead. I'll be using Twilio API for room creation, chat etc.
So what option should I go for and why?
SSR Using Next.js
CSR using React.js
Make a welcome page using Next and redirect to which uses CSR React.js?
Or do you know something better I should do?
Thanks a lot for help.
It depends really on the scale and type of your application But generally speaking you should go with SSR because of how incredibly fast it is. This means your site gets better indexed by google and other search engines and hence giving you an edge in terms of visibility etc. Refer to this article for more in depth discussion.

AngularJS for e-commerce project - is world ready or not yet?

I am preparing e-commerce project in AngularJS, but i have doubts.
SEO? Is it problem or not? If i know it is possible to have good SEO
with AngularJS with google,but what with others searcher engine?
I experienced many tools like tools for tracking users (how users
fill forms, what they do on sites etc.) doesn't work with dynamic
Is world ready for dynamic webpages like AngularJS or not yet? I am really not sure... do whole project in AngularJS or static pages...
Maybe some example of working e-commerce project, for example shop or something like that which SEO and users tracking are important? Good ready project is always good prove.
I just want be sure i wouldn't lose traffic from SEO and i would track and analyze users behavior on my sites. I am not really sure would i?
Ok , so what I can tell you from my experience with angular :
SEO is definitely a problem, but there is solutions out there (like ). Is it enough for e-commerce ? I don't know.
We use google analytics in our (quite big) Angularjs project, it works (it's not as easy to install though, but some have contribute project that can help )
For Angularjs e-commerce exemple app you can look at the builtwith page :
And use e-commerce tag.
One of the e-commerce site was :

Making web apps non crawlable

This question might seem a little dump but we are building an app that has important data atleast for us and we cant afford , these data crawled by any site (google or any other). How can I do that ??? I was relying on angular and how do I acheive the same in Angular .
Thanks ::!!
Many SPA-developers are trying to solve opposed problem, so you can just do nothing at this moment, if you build SPA. But I hope soon Google will learn how to index SPA, and I believe your only 100% solution is authentication.
