Improve SSO experience for companies internal staff while accessing consumer application protected by Azure AD B2C - azure-active-directory

I have a consumer facing application (call it whose user identities is managed via. Azure AD B2C. This app has admin screens which is accessed by the internal staff whose identity is managed by Azure AD. To enable SSO experience for the internal staff the organizations Azure AD is registered as Custom Identity provider in B2C tenant. This allows the internal staff to use the corporate Azure AD credentials to login to the application by clicking on the appropriate 'External identities' button. In this flow if the internal user has already authenticated to Office365 then clicking on the 'External identities' button will automatically authenticate user. I was wondering if the experience can be improved by cutting short the need for internal user to click on the button, perhaps the user session that exist in the browser can be used to bring in this experience. How to achieve this?
I am also looking for a solution where user will click on a link (Consumer app button) within one of Office365 apps which would then redirect to application, of course the expectation here is to directly authenticate without needing to go through B2c login page. If this can be achieved, what information should the url link contain?

Use the domain hint parameter:


AAD - External users not automatically added to the Users list

I'm creating a MVC core app that uses Azure Active Directory (AAD) as user storage.
I can create users manually in the AAD Users dashboard screen and invite external users without problems. They can also login into the app without issues.
Uninvited external users can also login to the app when agreeing with the consent screen which is what i want.My question however is how can i keep track of those users in AAD? They are not listed in the Users dashboard as external users nor are they logged in the 'Sign-ins' log screen.
Is there some option that i need to enable?
Since you want to use external users in your application, I would suggest that you use the Azure AD B2C solution:
This will create a new B2C tenant from which you can track users that have integrated and logged in your application.
Check the consumer accounts section to see if this matched your needs:
Consumer accounts
With a consumer account, users can sign in to the applications that you've secured with Azure AD B2C. Users with consumer accounts can't, however, access Azure resources, for example the Azure portal.

SAML: Idp initiated sign out on Azure AD user deletion?

Not sure how to go about the following scenario:
User logs in with SAML using in an Azure enterprise configured application.
User authenticated succesfully.
If user now logs out from Azure -> I can catch this event using the logout url.
However if the user is deleted / removed from the organisation the user is still logged in in my application.
I've implemented similar logic with Oauth and refresh tokens, didn't find an equivalent using SAML.
As of now there is no support in SAML for the user provisioning events performed by the Idp.
In Azure enterprise configured application there is feature for Automate user provisioning and deprovisioning to applications which ensure that the identities in your app and systems are kept up to date based on changes in the directory or your human resources system.
For more information you can refer this link

Combining custom registration and Azure AD?

I'm in a pickle, lacking the experiences that would provide me with guidance in my project and am seeking pointers from those for whom have Azure AD, SSO and Federation experience.
I am building an employee self service system and using Azure AD for identity management. I would like the user to be able to sign in using their employee ID # and password, not their email address; there should also be an option for the user to register for online access using their employee ID # and other personal information - their Azure Identity already having been established by humane resources.
The sign in flow would take the user to the Microsoft login page which would in turn detect that the user needs to sign in via a custom login page and redirect them there. Once they are signed in, my server would transmit their identity to Azure AD and grant them access based on the Azure Application permissions.
I'm simply really confused about how to start setting this up, if it's even possible. I'm aware of XSS but isn't Federation and SSO with SAML2 secure?
Do I need to use a federation application as a middle-man such as Ping Identity?
Thanks for any help!
Using e.g. Ping as an IDP generally won't help because Azure AD is already an IDP.
Microsoft Azure AD login pages can't be accessed by API and can't be customised to the extent you want.
And you can only sign-in with an email address because it's designed for domain-joined corporate customers.
You can do a lot of what you require with Azure AD B2C and custom policies. That will allow you to sign-in with a user name (= employee id) and you can create workflows.
You could then federate Azure AD and Azure AD B2C.
Your other option is to use an IDP that does allow authentication via an API e.g. Auth0.
Then you could have a custom login page that authenticates as appropriate.
Using Ping ID and other similar products is the fastest way to utilize SSO.

Azure AD for Staff Login and Azure B2C for Customer Login in one ASP.Net Application

I am working on an ASP.Net MVC application which will handle two types of users
External Users (Need to authenticate using Azure B2C with username as login instead of email as login)
Internal Users (which already exist in Corporate Azure AD)
What is the right way of implementing it?
One option is to run two separate instances of the application configured against each IDP. Keep each type of user stick to one app instance.
I tried to register AD and AD B2C in one app by registering two OpenIdConnect services but having problems when the user tries to access a resource without first logging into the application. Without knowing the type of the user I cannot specify AuthenticationSchema in the Authorize tag.
I am sure people have done this before so if you someone who knows how to do it, then please guide me..

Azure Active Directory B2C user signup without redirect (non interactive)

I am building a native iOS application and want to use AADB2C as identity provider where users login, signup, reset their passwords etc.
I cannot figure out a way to let users signup with AADB2C (or regular AAD for that matter) without redirecting them to a (customizable, but still) microsoft website. To be perfectly clear: I want to let customers create user accounts on AAD from a native iOS form without redirecting them to a website, preferably via REST request. (Like here under "Create consumer user accounts":
Can you create users from an iOS app?
Yes, using the Graph API as per the article you showed. You can only create local accounts at this time though.
However you need to be very careful about how you do it given that currently, the ability to create users requires Directory.ReadWrite.All permission, which also allows all other sorts of operations. You should NOT put the client ID and client secret for an app with these permissions in your iOS app. Rather, you would need to create a backend service that exposes an API for your iOS app to call for user creation.
However, more importantly, what you WON'T be able to do is SIGN IN the users without a redirect (which is what the B2C sign up policy does). In order to do this from your own UI without redirects, you would need Azure AD B2C to support Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow so that you can, after creating the user, use this flow to sign them in and get a token.
Note: You would also need to disable Email Verification so that you can leverage the user account right after user creation. You can set this in the Sign-up policy or Sign-up/Sign-in policy via Page UI customization > Local account sign-up page > Email Address > Require Verification > No
Lastly, as an FYI, there's a feature in the works in Azure AD B2C: Customer Owned Domains, which, paired up with UI customization, would allow you to have sign-up/sign-in pages that you can look like your own and have a URL of your own, with no trace of Microsoft for your end users to see.
