what fuction fits for unbalanced parantheses - c

s = "()())()"
Here in the below code I should fill code to count unbalanced perantheses
Tried to start with counting first but gave me wrong output
#include <stdio.h>
int invalid_parentheses_count(char parentheses[])
// write your code here
int i,count=0;
for (i=0;i<=strlen(parentheses);i++)
if(parentheses[i]=='('|| parentheses[i]==')')
count = count+parentheses[i];
return 0;
For example, given the string "()())()", you should return 1. Given the string ")(", you should return 2, since we must remove all of them.


Finding indexes where substring is present

So right now my code checks if the sub string is present in the code and returns true or false, I would like to find where these substrings are located in the total string. how can you implement that.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
bool checksub(const char *strng,const char *subs){
if (*strng=='\0' && *subs!='\0'){
return false;
if (*subs=='\0'){
return true;}
if (*strng==*subs){
return checksub(strng+1,subs+1);
return false;
bool lsub(char *strng,char *subs){
if (*strng=='\0'){
return false;
if (*strng==*subs){
if (checksub(strng,subs)){
return 1;
return lsub(strng+1,subs);
int main(){
printf("%d\n",checksub("the bed bug bites","bit"));
return 0;
First you should get rid of recursion since it's often slow and dangerous, for nothing gained.
A (naive) version of strstr that returns an index rather than a pointer might look like this:
int strstr_index (const char* original, const char* sub)
int index = -1;
for(const char* str=original; *str!='\0' && index==-1; str++)
for(size_t i=0; str[i]==sub[i] && str[i]!='\0'; i++)
if(sub[i+1] == '\0')
index = (int)(str - original);
return index;
This returns -1 if not found, otherwise an index.
It iterates across the string one character at a time.
When a character match with the sub string is found, it starts executing the inner loop as well.
If the inner loop continues to find matches all the way to the end of the sub string, then we found a match.
The index can be obtained by pointer arithmetic: the start address of the found sub string minus the start of the string. The result of that subtraction is strictly speaking a special integer type called ptrdiff_t, but I used int to simplify the example.

Count occurences of a subarray in a bigger array using recursion

I have to write a recursive function that counts how many times a short array s2 is present in a bigger array s1 without overlapping. I'm allowed to use more than one function that can help me but they have to be all recursive function. For example:
#define n 10
#define p 2
OUTPUT: 2 (we see s2 two times in s1)
I thought about writing a recursive function that tells me if there is at least one occurence then use this function in another recursive function that counts the number of occurences. So this is what I wrote:
//Initially pos1=0 and pos2=0
int find(int *s1,int *s2,int pos1,int pos2){
return 0;
return pos1;
return pos1;
return find(s1,s2,pos1+1,0);
Then I wrote the second recursive function that is supposed to count the number of occurences:
// Initially occ(s1,s2,0);
int occ(int *s1,int *s2,int memo){
if(memo==n){ //end of s1
return 0;
return 1+occ(s1+memo,s2,memo+p);
The idea behind it is to verify if there is at least one occurence if there is an occurence then count it and redo the verification for the remaining part of s1 until the end.
The problem is that the code of the second function doesn't work at all and I can't find a way to fix it.
So how can I write a second recursive function that COUNTS the number of occurences using the function find() written above?
From the OP's comment
It works if s1[n]={0,0,0,3,4,0,0,0,3,4,0,0,0,3,4,0,0,0,3,4}; and s2[p]={3,4}. Indeed the output is 4. But if s2[p]={0,0} the output is 0 which is not correct.
This is because, when s2={0,0} the find() function returns pos1 = 0 as the subset is present at the very beginning and thus in occ() function if(find(s1+memo,s2,memo,0)) evaluates to be false and terminates the function without returning any value and this invokes undefined behavior
This can be avoided by returning any number other than 0 but it must not be the any valid position value in the array s1.
Since position cannot be negative number, I've chosen -1
See the following code to know how to avoid it :
#include <stdio.h>
#define n 10
#define p 2
int s1[n]={0,2,3,23,54,1,8,23,54,1};
int s2[p]={23,54};
//find function
int find(int* s1,int* s2,int pos) //only used `pos` instead of `pos1`, removed `pos2`
if(pos > n-2)
return -1; //returns `-1` upon reaching the end of the code
if(*(s1+pos) == *(s2+0)) //check at `s1+pos`
if(*(s1+(pos+1)) == *(s2+1)) //check next element `s1+pos+1`
return pos; //if both true return `pos`
return find(s1,s2,pos+1); //else recursively find in the rest of the array
return find(s1,s2,pos+1); // recursively find in the rest of the array
//occurence function
int occ(int *s1, int *s2,int memo)
if(memo == -1) //if end of the array, end adding occurrences by returning 0
return 0;
memo = find(s1, s2, memo); //scan position into memo
if(memo != -1) //if not end of the array i.e, `-1` add to occurrence
return 1+occ(s1,s2,memo+2);
return 0; //else return 0 and recursion would end in next call as memo is -1
//main function
int main(void)
printf("%d",occ(s1,s2,0)); //just to see the output
output :
2 //true as {23,54} occur two times
when input is : (compile time)
#define n 20
#define p 2
output :
4 //true as {0,0} occurs at 0,5,10,16

CUDA code not processing if block properly

Stuck at if block right below //step 5, the issue is that the code will not progress into or after the given if block. I need to figure out how to get this particular issue settled before starting the task of generating parallel code. If you run the code you will see one print statement that indicates the value of "one" and another two for "i" and "j". After the if block begins, none of the other print statements are hit. As a result I am quite stuck, I am aware that this is a specific issue, however, I cannot seem to determine it's cause.
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
Input file sample.
Based on code by:
Lorenzo Seidenari (sixmoney#virgilio.it)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH 100000
int n;
int m;
int levenshtein_distance(char *s,char*t);
int minimum(int a,int b,int c);
void cleanString(char string[]) {
//Removes all spaces from string pointed to by "string", converts characters
//to uppercase, and deletes a terminating newline character.
int i, current;
int length = strlen(string);
current = 0;
for(i=0;i<length;i++) {
if(string[i]=='\n') {
string[current++] = '\0';
else if(string[i]!=' ') {
string[current++] = toupper(string[i]);
int importFASTA(char *filename, char *sequence) {
//Reads a file, located at path specified by "filename", containing a FASTA
//sequence. It finds the first full, complete sequence in the file, stores
//it in "sequence", and returns the length of the sequence, or -1 on failure.
FILE *fastaFile;
char input[256];
int readFlag; //set to 1 once a sequence has been read in
int length;
//open the file
if((fastaFile = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
return -1;
sequence[0] = '\0';
//read the full first sequence, discarding unnecessary headers
length = 0;
while(fgets(input,256,fastaFile)!=NULL) {
//is it a header or a comment?
if(input[0]=='>' || input[0]==';') {
if(readFlag) break;
else continue;
else readFlag = 1;
length += strlen(input);
strncat(sequence,input,MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH-length - 1);
//Add a terminatng null character, just in case
sequence[length] = '\0';
return length;
/*Implementation of Levenshtein distance*/
__global__ void levenshtein_distance(char *s,char*t, int one, int two)
/*Compute levenshtein distance between s and t*/
//Step 1
int k,i,j,cost,*d;
int distance = 0;
d=(int *)malloc((sizeof(int))*(two+1)*(one+1));
//Step 2
//Step 3 and 4
//Step 5
printf("%d %d %d\n", one, i, j);
printf("%d %d %d\n", one, i, j);
printf("%d %d %d\n", one, i, j);
printf("%d %d %d\n", one, i, j);
//Step 6
int min = d[(j-1)*one+i]+1;
if (d[j*one+i-1]+1 < min)
min = d[j*one+i-1]+1;
if (d[(j-1)*one+i-1]+cost < min)
min = d[(j-1)*one+i-1]+cost;
d[j*one+i] = min;
printf("%d\n", distance);
printf ("-1");
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if(argc < 3) {
printf("Usage: new_edit_distance <sequence1> <sequence2>\n");
printf("<sequence1>: file containing the first sequence, FASTA format\n");
printf("<sequence2>: file containing the second sequence, FASTA format\n");
n = importFASTA(argv[1],A);
m = importFASTA(argv[2],B);
levenshtein_distance<<<1, 1>>>(A,B, n, m);
printf ("%s\n", cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError()));
I get it now. You took straight serial C/C++ code, dropped it into a kernel, intended to run that kernel as a single thread, and then want to proceed from there.
The idea is plausible, but you're missing a key fact about CUDA and GPUs: they can't directly access host memory.
So when you set up A and B like this:
n = importFASTA(argv[1],A);
m = importFASTA(argv[2],B);
those are ordinary variables that live in host memory. GPU (ordinary CUDA) code can't directly access host memory. So when you pass those pointers to a kernel like this:
levenshtein_distance<<<1, 1>>>(A,B, n, m);
the GPU code will try and dereference those A and B pointers and will fault (unspecified launch failure).
Every CUDA program has the following basic sequence:
copy data to the GPU
perform computations on the GPU
copy results back
You've tried to do step 2 without step 1. It won't work.
Since I'm not able to run your program since I don't have valid input files, I'll make the following suggestion. I assume you know little or nothing about CUDA. Try adding lines like this:
n = importFASTA(argv[1],A); // no change
m = importFASTA(argv[2],B); // no change
char *d_A, *d_B; // add this line
cudaMalloc(&d_A, MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH+1); // add this line
cudaMalloc(&d_B, MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH+1); // add this line
cudaMemcpy(d_A, A, MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH+1, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); // add
cudaMemcpy(d_B, B, MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH+1, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); // add
levenshtein_distance<<<1, 1>>>(d_A,d_B, n, m); //modify parameters
n and m don't need to be handled any differently since you are passing those by value.
And add proper cuda error checking to your code.
EDIT: after some further analysis, it's clear that this sequence is not correct:
printf("%d\n", distance);
You are freeing d on every iteration of the i loop. That cannot possibly be correct. I suggest you go back to square one and get your serial code working first, in ordinary serial C code, before dropping it into a cuda kernel this way. If you move that free statement outside the i loop, then your kernel runs for a very very long time. Be advised that in-kernel printf is limited in the amount of output that can be easily generated.
I'm not going to debug your code any further for you. Get your serial code working first, then figure out a way to create a kernel without massive quantities of printout.
A final comment: I said above your approach is "plausible". That it means it could be made to work, i.e produce the same behavior as the same code executing on the host. It does not mean it will run fast. This is not how you get acceleration out of a GPU (running a single block of a single thread). I assume you already know this based on your comment "how to get this particular issue settled before starting the task of generating parallel code." But I think the disclaimer is appropriate anyway.

counting number of lines not working correctly through loop

I'm trying to count the number of lines of a wchar_t string on my C program using 2 methods: 1st method using a loop through the buffer counting "\n", the 2nd one is using wcstok() however I got only the 2nd method returning the correct lines number, the 1st one returns always 0: here is my full program code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
const wchar_t* ret2line_template = L"\n";
int get_lines_count1(wchar_t* w){
int count=0;
int i;
for(i=0;i<wcslen(w);i++)if((w[i]==ret2line_template[0]) && (w[i+1]==ret2line_template[1]))count++;
return count;
int get_lines_count2(wchar_t* w){
int count=0;
wcstok(w, ret2line_template);
do{count++;}while(wcstok(0, ret2line_template));
return count;
int main(){
const wchar_t* s = L"00\n11\n22\n33";
const wchar_t* w;
w = calloc(sizeof(wchar_t*), wcslen(s)+1);
wcscpy(w, s);
printf("lines count from get_lines_count1 = %d\n", get_lines_count1(w)); //this returns 0: incorrect value
printf("lines count from get_lines_count2 = %d\n", get_lines_count2(w)); //this returns 4: the correct value
so what's wrong with my get_lines_count1 function and its loop? how to fix that problem? please help.
You're only incrementing count in the first function if you match on a newline followed by a null char.
in your conditional expression is looking at the second wchar_t in this:
const wchar_t* ret2line_template = L"\n";
which is the zero terminator. None of the pairs of wchar_t's in your string match this, so the result is zero. Just look for a L'\n'. If there are chars left after the last one, add one more "line" to your count (the last one that has no L'\n' trailing.

Function that searches for difference between members of an array

I need to write a function that will return true if it has found a difference between members of an array.
My code is:
int func1(int *str)
int i;
for(i=0;i<*(str+i);i++) {
if(*(str+i) == *(str+i+1))
return 1;
return 0;
I have to implement it with pointers.
The code above does not work(logically).
Can anybody help?
I have changed my code to the following:
int func1(int *str)
int i,temp=0;
for(i=0;i<10-1;i++) {
if(*(str+i) == *(str+i+1))
if( temp == 10 )
return 1;
return 0;
What is the problem with the new code?
This looks like homework to me, so I don't want to spoil the fun but one thing about C I'd like to mention: having a pointer to some array doesn't tell you anything about the size of the array. So your function will need to take a pointer and a second size_t argument (or maybe a pointer to the last element of the array).
Your function only takes in a single array pointer, that seems like one too few for a comparison.
You must add an argument that specifies the lengths of the arrays, or implement some kind of "policy" that e.g. terminates the arrays using a specific value.
You should also look into using the standard memcmp() function.
I don't understand the question (It's unclear what you're trying to achieve)...
As others have already said, there's no boundary checking on your array, which is wrong...
Here's some other feedback on your code:
// func1 - consider giving functions a meaningful name, it helps people to
// understand what the function is supposed to be doing....
// In this instance, it might have been helpful to identify what the expected
// return values / inputs of the function are...
int func1(int *str)
int i;
// Start a counter at 0, loop (adding 1) while
// the current value of the counter is less than, the value held in the
// array so, {1,2,3,4,0,7} Would terminate on the 0
// This: {1,20,7,14,0,7} Would also terminate on the 0
// This seems wrong, but again, it's unclear what you're trying to do here.
for(i=0;i<*(str+i);i++) {
// If the current element of the array
// is the same as the next element of the array
if(*(str+i) == *(str+i+1))
// return 1 - two numbers next to each other in the
// array are the same?
return 1;
// Either: The array contained a digit less than the counter,
// Or: It didn't contain two numbers that were the same next to each other.
// This seems a bit wrong?!?
return 0;
Your question could be improved (to get a more useful answer), if you showed what inputs you were expecting to return what return values.
Based on this 'I will need to write a function that will return true if its found diffrence between members of array.'
In pseudo code, it seems like you would want:
// Loop, checking we don't overflow. No point checking the last element as
// there's nothing after it to check...
for (count = 0 to arraysize -1) {
// If the current element != the next element, we've found a difference?!?
if(arrayElement[count] != arrayElement[count+1) {
return true
return false
In your new code...
// You're still assuming the size of 'str'
int func1(int *str)
int i,temp=0;
// Loop while i < 9, i.e. 9 times.
for(i=0;i<10-1;i++) {
if(*(str+i) == *(str+i+1))
// Temp can never == 10, you're only going round the loop 9 times...
// Maybe it should be (temp == 10-1), but I don't know where the
// 10 comes from...
if( temp == 10 )
return 1;
return 0;
if(*(str+i) == *(str+i+1))
// Temp can never == 10, you're only going round the loop 9 times...
if( temp == 10 )
return 1;
Could be:
// return 0 (FALSE) on first difference
if(*(str+i) != *(str+i+1))
return 0;
If you changed the return 0 at the end of your function to return 1
