Would Azure Active Directory be appropriate for a internet application - azure-active-directory

I know Azure AD would probably be pretty good for crediting a enterprise-class application, i.e. something used inside a corp. However what about if I am creating a public facing internet application. I need typical identity components, sign-in, sign-out, etc. Let's just say 10,000 users. Would azure AD be good for this?

I think azure ad b2c will meet the demand.It provides business-to-customer identity as a service. Your customers use their preferred social, enterprise, or local account identities to get single sign-on access to your applications and APIs.You can customize the entire user experience with your brand.Azure AD B2C uses standards-based authentication protocols including OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, and SAML. It integrates with most modern applications and commercial off-the-shelf software etc.You can refer to this.


How does client credential flow work in Workload identity federation?

For my current ASP.NET Core MVC application I authenticate directly with a web app registered in Azure AD Portal. This provides me with an access token so on the backend of my web application I can use MS Graph with my users specific account (ie add files to their onedrive , email, etc). However, my organization also has Okta which a lot of applications authenticate against. So I was trying to determine to authenticate through Okta (which has a much cleaner sign in process IMO) as well as authenticate against Azure AD and get an access token. Through my research I found something in my web application registration in Azure AD called Workload Identity Federation. This led me to this useful video
and also microsofts info site:
This seems to answer what I want which is to use Okta but allow me to still use MS Graph for my users since it will authenticate against Azure AD (correct me if I am wrong and this is for something else). My issue is none of these resources really go into depth regarding how the access token is passed to my application so I can use MS Graph. My research this is called client credential flow since my application only has delegated permissions so it requires the users to log in and it basically allows my web app to act on their behalf when using MS Graph. So I am trying to understand and fill this void of information regarding how client credential flow fits into Workload Identity Federation and is this the solution to my problem.

Can Azure Active Directory be used for complete User Management from Backend(NodeJS)

I have been able to set up Azure AD Authentication with Auth0. According to my research, Azure AD is similar to AWS Cognito and Firebase. So can we use Azure AD to handle flows like User Creation, Password Reset, Expire Password etc. from a NodeJS Admin Backend?
Azure Ad is microsoft's identity platform. while yes in some ways is similar to aws cognito, it is a bit different as well. it's not designed specifically for developers, it's designed as an identity platform for your organization.
to answer your second question, it really depends on what you are expecting it to do. For example, there is an api, called graph api, which lets you interact and do almost everything you want to azure ad through that api. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-graph-api create users, groups etcetc. but if you are looking for user signup using their own emails and that sort of thing, the closest thing you should be looking at is Azure Ad B2C.
Azure B2c Takes care of some of the more common scenarios like signups and such

MSAL.Net connecting to Azure AD federated with ADFS

We are building applications in ASP.Net MVC and Web API that use a range of OAuth 2 features - AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode (using microsoft.identity.web), AcquireTokenSilently, AcquireTokenOnBehalfOf, AcquireTokenForClient for different parts of the application landscape.
The applications use MSAL.Net to interact with Azure AD and users provisioned in it to provide access to resources and that works ok.
We are now looking at building a connect back to the organization's on-prem maintained user accounts so the end users are not duplicated in AAD and on prem, so ADFS maintained in the org is an option. Considering the ADFS instance to be 2016, the one option to have MSAL.Net work with ADFS appears to be having Azure AD federated with ADFS as explained in this article:
The article only discusses AcquireTokenInteractive and I do not see explanation that other MSAL.Net operations are supported on having AAD federated with ADFS. I would assume that is true, and we have to run through our tests after we have it all configured, but meanwhile,
would anyone have any experience or documentation around having the range of operations with MSAL.Net (and even msal.js) and AAD work OK when AAD is federated with ADFS?
So I went ahead and tried this for myself, setting a VM up in Azure, installed Active Directory, AD FS and configured the federation between Azure AD and the VM AD FS as per the article https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/b2b/direct-federation-adfs.
Then validated the different OAuth features used by our application, specifically (I would expect other oauth features to work as expected too based on the below observations):
All these feature work as expected. The user is redirected to org login page and redirected back to the application.
A couple of observations along the way
The refresh token lifetime is 12 hours when working with On premise AD credentials integrated via ADFS instead of the few days when user is provisioned in AAD. This is apparently to mitigat the risk of user information changing e.g. password change. If the browser is idle for > 12 hours, re-login by the user is required.
Once authenticated, further OAuth operations do not involve On prem AD / ADFS. The operations are against Azure AD, any browser redirects are to Azure AD for re-auth.

IdentityServer 3 vs Active Directory Federation Services

Active Directory Federation Service and IdentityServer3 are both STSes that allows Single sign-on to software systems.
I read that IdentityServer3 can use smaller (than SAML 2.0 in AD FS) JWT tokens and can be highly customizable like using different user repository.
But if I have all users in Active Directory and I can accept this bigger tokens and provide resources using AD groups will I have any benefits using IdentityServer?
In my system architecture I want to have WebAPIs connected using ESB. I will have different types of apps like mobile, Angular, desktop. I would like to use solution that will be more reliable than flexible.
Web API normally implies OAuth. ADFS 3.0 has limited support for this. ADFS 4.0 has the full stack.
ADFS 4.0 wrt. web API is functionally the same as idsrv.
Also ADFS in some cases does support JWT.

AngularJs web service user accounts

I have build a web application based on Azure. I have a web api service as backend and angularjs as frontend hostet in Azure.
I want to create a login page with individual user accounts. After some reading I found different user authentification strategies. Some use SQL database for managing user accounts. Some use Azure Active Directory. When I have to use Azure AD and when SQL databese?
my opinion is to compare what the benefits you will get
Azure AD:
For IT Admins, Azure AD provides an affordable, easy to use solution
to give employees and business partners single sign-on (SSO) access to
thousands of cloud SaaS Applications like Office365, Salesforce.com,
DropBox, and Concur.
For application developers, Azure AD lets you focus on building your
application by making it fast and simple to integrate with a world
class identity management solution used by millions of organizations
around the world.
Azure AD also includes a full suite of identity management
capabilities including multi-factor authentication, device
registration, self-service password management, self-service group
management, privileged account management, role based access control,
application usage monitoring, rich auditing and security monitoring
and alerting. These capabilities can help secure cloud based
applications, streamline IT processes, cut costs and help assure
corporate compliance goals are met.
Do it yourself with your database,you will have to do all above yourself e.g SSO with Office365
So you have to ask yourself what your app does? and choose the approach fits your needs
The application managing its own user accounts in SQL is called forms based authentication. It's how most internet applications used to work, but it came with a lot of downsides.
Users had to remember a password for each site, but often reused passwords across multiple sites. If one site got hacked and lots the password database, user's accounts on other sites could become compromised.
To prevent this, sites had to make sure that they stored passwords correctly (salted and hashed with a slow algorithm) and apply other kinds of operational security to protected the database.
Then token based authentication came along which let applications delegate the authentication piece to an external 3rd party. This allows users to log in to multiple apps with the same username and password.
Most of these 3rd party login providers like Google, Microsoft, Facebook etc. have specialist working on these services and are therefore more likely to be secure than anything you create yourself.
So, unless you have really good reasons not to, I would recommend using a 3rd party login provider like Azure AD and possibly others.
