I need to create a db table in postgresql or mysql, and one of this table is a jpeg/png file. What do you recommend type of the given field?
I have tables in SQL Server which needs to cloned as hive tables. Since the create table schema will be different in both the cases,
I simply cannot use the create table statement from SQL Server or from any other RDBMS in hive.
I am trying to create a configurable script where one can provide the table schema as an input and it would provide me hive create table statements or a hql file with the create table schema
has anyone tried something similar.
I know that the data in SQL Server is stored in Data pages, But I don't know where the table structure is stored. I came across a statement about TRUNCATE as
"TRUNCATE removes the data by deallocating the data pages.TRUNCATE removes all rows from a table, but the table structure and columns remains"
This made me realize that, table structure, column information is stored outside pages(or Data pages in particular). SO, How/Where is table structure(not data) is stored in SQL server ?
Thank You.
You can access SQL server metadata on INFORMATION_SCHEMA. Following find the most useful views and its content:
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES: Contains information about the schemas, tables and views in the server.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS: Full information about the table columns like data type, if it's nullable...
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS: Containing information about the views and the code for creating them again.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE: Information about foreign keys, unique keys, primary keys...
To use them, simply query them as they are data views: SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES
For a full reference go to MSDN: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186778.aspx
There are system tables that store all of the metadata about the database. These tables are not directly queryable (except when using the DAC) but there are numerous views and functions built atop these tables. These are referred to as the Catalog Views.
So, for instance, there is the sys.columns view which describes each column in the database. It's a view built atop the syscolpars table, which is one of the system tables mentioned above that you cannot directly query.
There are also the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views which hespi mentions. These are meant to be a "standard" way of accessing metadata supported by all SQL database systems. Unfortunately, support for them is not 100%, and because they're meant to be cross-platform, they do not tend to reveal advanced features that are product specific.
A SQL Server Database consists of 2 Files (usually):
Master Data File (*.mdf)
Transaction Log File (*.ldf)
)The Master Data File contains: Schema and Data Information
)The Transaction Log Files contains Log Information for Actions in your DB
If you run select * from sys.database_files in your DB it will show you the filenames, location, size, etc..
I have loaded a huge table from SQL Server onto Hive. The mistake I made is I created the table as a Internal table in HIVE. Can anyone suggest any hack so that I can alter the table structure , without dropping the data.
The data is huge and I cant afford to export the data out of source again.
The problem right now, is that since the column orders don't match the SQL server table, a lot of columns display NULL.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
I do not see any problem to use an Alter Table on a internal table. (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+DDL#LanguageManualDDL-AlterTable/Partition/Column)
Another - but not recommended - option would be to open your hive metastore(HCatalog) and apply the changes there. Hive reads out the schema information from a relational database (configured during the Hadoop setup, default is MySQL). In this MySQL you can try to change some settings. However, this is not recommended as with a mistake, you can screw your whole Hive databases.
The safest way is creating a new table and using the existing as a source
create table new_table
from existing_table
how to find a table based on some data? i have donzens of tbles in my db and i need a way to find a table by passing the data, how would i achieve that?
using sql server 2008
Take a look at Search all columns in all the tables in a database for a specific value
Is it possible to have same table name on different schema with different data on the tables within the one database? I think rather than create multiple database (that hold same table name) i should create multiple schema instead.
Something like:
Schema 1:
table A, table B
Schema 2:
table B, table X
PS: table B hold different data for each schema
And most basic question did every schema (user) hold different table set? In SQL Server and MySQL every user on same database have same table set, the difference was only on roles, how about Oracle?
Yes this is possible. A schema in Oracle is what a MySQL user would call a database.
However, you need to be careful when accessing either of the tables now if the user you connect with to the database instance has access to both. To unambiguously reference a table in a specific schema, use schema.table.
Here's the documentation on namespaces: https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/20/sqlrf/Database-Object-Names-and-Qualifiers.html#GUID-3C59E44A-5140-4BCA-B9E1-3039C8050C49
As jackrabbit says objects in different schemas have different namespaces.
Each schema in the database has its own namespaces for the objects it contains. This means, for example, that two tables in different schemas are in different namespaces and can have the same name.
Within a schema things are a little more complex.
Because tables and views are in the same namespace, a table and a view in the same schema cannot have the same name. However, tables and indexes are in different namespaces. Therefore, a table and an index in the same schema can have the same name.