Redux: Why does my useEffect() keeps rerendering its value on every page rerender - reactjs

I am learning react-redux.
I got the following problem:
I make two async api calls (with redux-thunk):
the first one to fetch country names (in one object, ex: {countries: [{...}, ...]}.
Those country names I use afterwards to make a second api call, to get all the soccer leagues, that are in those countrys (sometimes, there are none, so I get a null). In this case, the call is made with each countryName separatly. I make out of the results an array.
This arrays length is 255m out of which I filter out the null values and map the leagues names.
After I click on a League's name, a page is rendered ({Link} from "react-router-dom";).
NOW my problem occurs
When I click, to get back to my home page (<Link to={"/"} >), both useEffect() are making an api call again. Why?
Here is the code for my useEffect():
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const selectAllCountries = useSelector(state => state.allCountries);
const selectAllLeagues = useSelector(state => state.allLeagues);
useEffect(() => {
}, [dispatch]);
useEffect(() => {
if(!_.isEmpty( { => dispatch(allLeagues(el.name_en)));
}, [dispatch,]);
I tried to make a custom hook and put the useEffect() in there:
const useCountries = getCountries => {useEffect(() => {
as suggested here:
React hooks: dispatch action from useEffect
But it didnt help.
Will be greatful for any help.
in "./actions/.../allLeagues.js
import _ from "lodash";
export const allLeagues = (country) => async (dispatch, getState) => {
if (!_.isEmpty(getState().allLeagues) && !_.isEmpty(getState() {
return Promise.resolve();
} else {
try {
Question, that was also helpfull:
Fetching data from store if exists or call API otherwise in React
(take look at answer about getStore())

As mentioned in a comment above, the homepage unmounts when you click to go to a new page. When you go back, the page re-mounts and the effect runs again, triggering another API call. You can prevent the API call by checking whether or not the values already exist in your store. I personally like to do this in the action creator, but you could do it in the effect as well.
Checking state in the action creator:
function allLeagues(countryName) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
// Call `getState` and check whether `allLeagues` has been populated yet.
const { allLeagues } = getState();
if (allLeagues && && {
// You already have the data, no need to make the API call.
return Promise.resolve();
// No data, make the API call...
Checking state in the effect:
useEffect(() => {
// Check whether the league data is set or not.
if(!_.isEmpty( && _.isEmpty( { => dispatch(allLeagues(el.name_en)));
}, [dispatch,,]);


Call function to get data and navigate to link on data arrival

I have a situation where I should get a song item by id to get the path for that song, and then navigate to that song on button click.
Is there any specific hook that can be used to navigate on data arrival, useEffect will be called any time that state changes but the problem is that first needs to be dispatched the action to get the song, check if it returns any item and then navigate. Typically if it is has been published on the list, it should exist on the db, but the problem might be at the API side, so that check results.length > 0 is why that check is necessary.
useEffect(() => {
const handleClick = (myId: string) => {
if (results.length > 0) {
if (Object.keys(results[0]).length > 0) {
// navigate(`/songs/${results[0].myPath}`);
}, [dispatch, results])
When user clicks on list item which has a song title, it should call the function handleClick(id) with id of the song as parameter, that is to get the metadata of the song, src path etc.
<Typography onClick={() => handleClick(songItem.songId)} sx={styles.songListItemText}>{songItem.Title}</Typography>
And this is how I have setup the searchSong action:
searchSong: (obj: SearchSongInputModel): AppThunk<SearchPayload> => async (dispatch) => {
payload: { isLoading: true },
type: SearchActionType.REQUEST,
try {
const response = await SearchApi.searchSongAsync(obj);
if (response.length === 0) {`No data found: ${obj.SongId}`)
type: SearchActionType.RECEIVED_SONG,
payload: { results: response },
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error: ", e);
You appear to be mixing up the purpose of the useEffect hook and asynchronous event handlers like button element's onClick handlers. The useEffect hook is to meant to issue intentional side-effects in response to some dependency value updating and is tied to the React component lifecycle, while onClick handlers/etc are meant to respond to asynchronous events, i.e. a user clicking a button. They don't mix.
Assuming SongActions.searchSong is an asynchronous action, you've correctly setup Redux middleware to handle them (i.e. Thunks), and the action returns the fetched response data, then the dispatched action returns a Promise that the callback can wait for.
const navigate = useNavigate();
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const handleClick = async (myId: string) => {
const results = await dispatch(SongActions.searchSong(myId));
if (results.length > 0 && Object.keys(results[0]).length > 0) {
onClick={() => handleClick(songItem.songId)}
The searchSong action creator should return a resolved value for consumers to await for.
searchSong: (obj: SearchSongInputModel): AppThunk<SearchPayload> => async (dispatch) => {
try {
const results = await SearchApi.searchSongAsync(obj);
if (!results.length) {`No data found: ${obj.SongId}`)
dispatch(receivedSong({ results }));
return results; // <-- return resolved value here
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error: ", e);
} finally {
You can create a state such as const [isDataPresent, setIsDataPresent] = useState(false) to keep track of if the data has arrived or not. And as David has mentioned in the comments you cannot call the function inside the useEffect on handleClick. Instead what you can do is create that function outside the useEffect hook and inside the same function you fetch the data and check if the data is at all present, if present then you can set the above boolean state to true and then redirect from that function itself.
Since you are already fetching the data from the same API and different endpoint, what you can do is -
Create a new component.
Since you are mapping over the data send the data to this component by rendering it inside the map function. It'd allow the data to be passed and components to be rendered one by one.
Create a state in the new component.
Use useEffect hook to fetch the data for a single song since when you are passing the data from the previous component to this one you would also get access to the ID and store it inside the state. This would be occurring inside the newly created component.

Update state in setInterval via dispatch outside component

I currently have a functional component Form that triggers a task to occur. Once the submission is complete, I create a setInterval poll to poll for the status of the task. The code roughly looks like
export function Form(props: FormProps) {
const dispatch = useDispatch()
const pollTaskStatus = () => {
const intervalId = setInterval(async() => {
const response = await fetchTaskStatus() // Function in different file
if (response.status === 'COMPLETE') {
const submitForm = async() => {
await onSubmitForm() // Function in different file
return (
<button onClick={submitForm}>Submit</button>
When the action is dispatched, the redux store is supposed to be updated and a component is supposed to update alongside it showing a message that the task is complete. However, I see the action logged with an updated store state but nothing occurs. If I just try to dispatch the same action with useEffect() wrapped around it outside the submitForm functions, the message appears. I've searched online and people say that you need to wrap useEffect around setInterval but I can't do that because the function that calls setInterval is not a custom hook or component. Is there a way to do this?
It's a bit difficult to answer your question without seeing all the code.
But my guts feeling is that this might no have anything to do with React.
const pollTaskStatus = () => {
const intervalId = setInterval(async() => {
console.log('fire to fetch')
const response = await fetchTaskStatus() // Function in different file
if (response.status === 'COMPLETE') {
console.log('success from fetch')
Let's add two console lines to your code. What we want to see is to answer the following questions.
is the setInterval called in every 500ms?
is any of the call finished as success?
how many dispatch has been fired after submission
If you can answer all these questions, most likely you can figure out what went wrong.

Ho to wait with fetch until redux state is available?

I want to fetch some data from a database, and depending on the user the returned data should differ. The way i tried it, was by passing the userid as a query. The id is stored as a redux state. The problem is, that it takes some time before the redux state is available. Ive tried fixing this with if statements, and rerunning the useEffect everytime the auth state is updated. This doesn't work.
I want to fetch, when the redux state is available. Which it is like .1 sec after the initial load.
Here is my code:
const auth = useSelector((state) => state.auth);
useEffect(async () => {
if (auth.token.length > 0) {
const res = await getData(`calendar/?userId=${}`);
}, [auth, date]);
I believe useEffect is already asynchronous, so you don't need to use the async keyword in the anonymous callback. You can create the async function for that logic elsewhere and call it within the useEffect.
Similarly, you could put in self calling async function within your useEffect as such:
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
if (auth.token.length) {
try {
const res = await getData(`calendar/?userId=${}`);
}catch (err) {console.log(err);}
}, [auth, date]);
I think this link may be helpful:
React Hook Warnings for async function in useEffect: useEffect function must return a cleanup function or nothing
So with the basic understanding, I assume that you need to call the API whenever userId is available. try the below useEffect
useEffect(async () => {
// check user id is available here
if (auth.user && {
const res = await getData(`calendar/?userId=${}`);
// some other statements
}, [auth, date]);

How to clean up redux state with redux thunk when unmounting component before finishing fetch in useEffect?

After some time working with react-redux and redux thunk I have realise about a behaviour, which isnt the best user experience.
I know that when you are working with react and you are fetching data in useEffect when the component is rendering and for any reason you go back or navigate somewhere else you need to clear the state with a function in the return (which will recreate the componentWillUnmount lifecycle)
This problem I am facing however occurs when working with redux thunk because the data fetch is with the actions creators. So to make my long story short I will show some code. The fetching action looks something like this:
export const fetchData = () => async (dispatch, getState) => {
try {
const response = await fetch('')
} catch (error) {
Let's say that I call this action in my component useEffect like this:
useEffect(() => {
const loadData = async () => {
await dispatch(fetchData())
return () => dispatch(resetData())
},[ ])
As you can see I am dispatching a resetData action to clear the state when the component unmounts BUUUUT this is where the problem arrives. If before fetching the data the user navigates to another page, the resetData will be dispatched BUT as the fetch could not be finished the data will be stored after having been reseted. So when the user navigates back to that component it will blink (show only very quickly, maybe for a second) the old data before loading the new one. So is there any way to avoid this problem with redux thunk?
PD: I could block the navigation or the whole screen with a backdrop so the user wont navigate until the fetch is finished but i feel like that is kind of a workaround of the problem. However, let me know if you think that this would still be the best way.
Thank you.
You can create an AbortController instance. That instance has a signal property, and we pass the signal as a fetch option. Then to cancel data fetching we call the AbortController's abort property to cancel all fetches that use that signal.
export const fetchData = () => async (dispatch) => {
try {
const controller = new AbortController();
const { signal } = controller;
dispatch(fetchDataStart(controller)); // save it to state to call it later
const response = await fetch('', { signal });
} catch (error) {
useEffect(() => {
return () => dispatch(resetData()) // resetData will call controller.abort() that was saved in state
},[ ])

React prevent re-fetch when url params are unchanged

I have an ExperienceList component that fetches all items on mount. The functionality I am trying to achieve will occur when the user clicks into one particular experience, then navigates back to the ExperienceList. Currently, a fetch is made each time.
I want to do a simple check to see if the cityname from url params matches the cityname found in redux store. If it's the same, bypass the fetch. If not, do it.
Here are 2 approaches that I have tried, without luck:
First Approach
useEffect(() => {
if (props.match.params.cityname !== list[0].city) {
}, [])
With the above approach, I get the console error :
Cannot read property 'city' of undefined.
I am not 100% sure on why list is unavailable, since I am able to log it to the console.
Here is the Second approach:
useEffect(() => {
}, [props.match.params.cityname])
This approach does not work either, but I am more baffled as to why this is. As is my understanding, the variables appearing in the dependencies array of useEffect will cause the function to execute if and only if they are different between function calls. In this case, I can guarantee that props.match.params.cityname is the same between 2 different renders, yet a fetch is made each time.
Any insight on how I can optimize this process?
The function readlist is actually the dep of useEffect, you have to tell the useEffect. or you can change it to the cityname param.
const [cityName, setcityName] = useState('cityname');
useEffect(() => {
function getFetchUrl() {
return 'https://...' + cityName;
async function fetchData() {
const result = await readList(getFetchUrl());
}, [cityName]);
const fetchData = useCallback(() => {
readList("https://" + cityName);
}, [cityName]);
useEffect(() => {
