How do I entirely limit access from a frontend framework(react) to specific(admin) pages using REST API(is it possible?) - reactjs

I'm very new to REST API and frontend JS frameworks world, and I don't really understand how I can limit access for a frontend to specific pages, I don't really think I can, am I? I'll explain:
Usually, if I develop without REST API, I can use backend to determine if a user may access content(on some pages) and block it if needed, so there's no possible way to download(and view) whatever it might/could be presented on that page.
On the other hand, if I make REST API for the same pages, I can only limit the presented data(I will basically block any request to certain protected endpoint), but yet, the user still will be able to download the schema of the page(frontend part), even I will check if user can/can't view the page, still he will be able to download it and see it, because, well... I check it in frontend and all the logic to present the data is also in frontend(that user may see, even though through a code).
Am I getting this right, if not please explain it to me.


Protecting Firestore without requiring authentication

So currently in the project we have a collection of documents that don't require authentication to be read. They are write/update protected, but everyone can read.
What we are trying to prevent is that someone looks at the firebase endpoints and somehow manages to scrape the entire collection in json format (if this is even possible). The data is public, but I want it only to be accessible from our website.
One of the solutions we could think of was SSR (we are already using Next.js), but implementing SSR just for this reason doesn't seem very enticing.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Let me rephrase a little bit.
From what you see in the network tab, is it possible to forge/create a request to Firestore and get the entire collection instead of just the 1 document that was intended?
The best solution in your case is SSR. I know, it could sound as not enticing, but well, let's reason on when we should use SSR, then. In your use case, there is an important requirement: security. I think this is already a strong enough reason to justify the usage of SSR.
Also, creating an ad hoc service account for the next.js app, and securing the data with custom rules that allow the read of your data only to that service account, would only improve the overall security level.
Last: reading the data server side should make your site work a little faster, even if it would be difficult to notice, because we are talking about milliseconds. Notice that your page, as it is now, will need to be loaded, before the request to Firebase could be sent. This is adding a small delay. If the data is loaded server side, the delay is not added.
is it possible to forge/create a request to Firestore and get the entire collection instead of just the 1 document that was intended?
If you want to limit what people can request from a collection, you're looking for security rules. The most common model there is some form of ownership-based access control or role-based access control, but both of those require some way of identifying the user. This could be anonymously (so without them entering credentials), but it'd still be a form of auth.
If you don't want to do that, you can still control how much data can be gotten through the API in one go. For example, if you in the security rules allow get but not list, the user can only request a document once they know its ID. Even if you allow list, you can control in rules what queries are allowed.
I think one approach could be writing a Cloud Function that retrieves this public data using the admin SDK. Then, you could set a rule that nobody can read those documents. This means that only your Cloud Function with the admin SDK will have access to those documents.
Finally, you could set up AppCheck for that specific Cloud Function, this way, you ensure that the request is coming from your client app only.

Authentication for single-page apps

I am looking at the OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant flow where a user is redirected to an authentication service and a JWT token is sent back a Single Page Application(SPA). The token is stored in a cookie or in local storage and, in the examples i have seen, the application will hide/show certain pages based on whether it can find the token in storage.
The problem is that in all the examples (official from service providers), i was able to manually add any random but properly formed token to the browser's local storage and got access to the 'secured' pages.
It was explained to me that you cannot validate the token in the SPA because that would require exposing the client secret and that you should validate the token on the API server. This means that you can 'hide' the pages but it is really easy to see them if someone wants to. Having said that you are unlikely to cause any real damage because any data retrieval or actions would need to go through the API server and the token should be validated there.
This is not really a vulnerability but the documentation and examples I have seen do not explicitly cover this nuance and i think that it could lead naive programmers (like myself) to think that some pages are completely secure when it is not strictly the case.
It would be really appreciated if, someone who is better informed than i am, confirm that this is indeed how SPA authentication supposed to work?
I am far from an expert, but I have played a bit in this space. My impression is that you are correct, any showing/hiding of functionality based solely on the presence of a token is easily spoofed. Your SPA could, of course, get into verifying an access token.
But that may just make it a little more challenging to spoof. If someone wants to fake the client into thinking it has a valid token, they can likely manipulate the client-side JS to do that. Unfortunately that's the nature of client-side JS. Much of the code can be manipulated in the browser.
Thus far this is speaking to protecting the user from seeing a UI/UX. Most applications are only beneficial when they have data to populate their UI. That's where the API access token strategy is still sound. The server will verify the token and not give the client any data without it.
So while it's unfortunate that JS can be easily spoofed and manipulated to show things the developer would rather not make visible, this isn't typically a deal-breaker. If you have some awesome UI feature that doesn't need data, and you need to secure access to that UI itself, this model may not be the greatest.

Does authentication differ at all when creating an app with angular?

In a regular web app, when someone logs into the system they simply save an encrypted cookie that gets send on each request and the backend decrypts the cookie and uses the e.g. user_id/guid to lookup the user.
How do things differ when authenticating with a angular app?
Is there anything else to consider or it is basically the same process?
We use more or less the same mechanism.
Access to the application as a whole requires authentication - that is unless you're logged in, you don't get any of the javascript experience at all. This could make the login / login failure much less wizzy for the user, but in our authentication provider it's fine.
Part of our auth mechanism means the list of roles that the user has is a data object available within the browser. The javascript code uses this to decide which buttons / menus etc. are displayed. I checked with our security guy and he said something like "Well, it's a kind of direct object reference issue, but as long as each action is authorised properly, you're probably ok." So it's possible that a user could hack data values and change what they can see, but because of the next bit, they can't break our data (or see stuff that they shouldn't).
Each service call our javascript makes is authenticated and authorised. That is, the javascript call will fail if the auth token is missing or bad, but also, we internally match the auth token with a user and a set of permissions, and only execute that if the user is authorised to do so. (Note that this is good practice whether you're using Angular or not). Also note that this applies to GETs as well as POSTs - we don't want to give them data they should not see.
It gets much trickier if your API is hosted separately from your Angular site.

Store sensitive, non editable data client side

I have an angularjs app that is on a separate domain than my backend, and the users from my backend all have roles and permissions that allow them access to various areas and elements of my frontend.
Before, I was just storing to a cookie and checking as I needed through the use of angular services and whatnot, cool.
Now the permissions datum have reached the point where they are too big to store in a cookie in the browser. And I'm avoiding Localstorage for fear of user tampering.
The Question:
How do I store the users sensitive data (or anything sensitive, really) that are too big for cookies on the client side in a manner that is safe and doesn't require API calls all the time to get?
I don't want to have to phone home every page change to get this data direct from the server when I need it, because I feel this would be really detrimental to the speed and flow of the site, not to mention the frequency at which this would need to happen would be ridiculous for my app.
Keep in mind that I do proper permission checking on the backend before carrying out any actions, but I'm more concerned about users tampering with their permissions to show certain elements that were removed on the frontside before.
What would be your solution or your advice on this?
If it ends up on the user's computer, regardless of whether it's in a cookie, in local storage, in the URL, in the browser's cache, or anywhere else on the user's computer, assume that the user can see it and mess with it. (You could encrypt it, but if your client-side logic knows how to decrypt it, you're back to step one.)
The best that you can do is exactly what you've described - be sure that the server only carries out authorized actions, and never trusts what the user tells it.

How do I use libcurl to login to a secure website and get at the html behind the login

I was wondering if you could help me work through accessing the html behind a login page using C and libcurl.
Specific Example:
The website I'm trying to access is
Is it possible to do something like this?
The problem is that we have a lot of clients each of which has a separate login. We need to get data from each of their accounts every day. It would be really slick if we could write something in C to do this and save all the pertinent data into a file. (like the values of the accounts and positions which I can parse from the html)
What do you guys think? Is this possible and could you help point me in the right direction with some examples, etc...?
After a cursory glance at the login page, it is possible to do this with libcurl, by posting the username/password combo to their authenticating page, and assuming they use cookies to represent a login session. The first step is to make sure that you've got the following options set:
CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION - The server may redirect after authenticating, this is quite common.
CURLOPT_POST - This tells libcurl to switch into post mode.
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS - This tells libcurl the values to set for the post fields. Set this option to "userId=<insert username>&password=<insert password>". That value is derived from the source code for that page.
CURLOPT_USERAGENT - Set a simple user-agent, so that the web server won't throw it out (some strict ones will do this).
Then, once the post is complete, the libcurl instance should contain some sort of authorisation cookie used by the site to identify a logged-in user. Curl should keep track of cookies within a given instance. There are plenty of options for Curl if you want to tweak how cookies behave.
Make sure that once you are 'logged-in' that the same libcurl instance is used for each request under that account, otherwise it will see you as logged out.
As for parsing the resulting pages go, there are tonnes of HTML parsers for c - just google. The only thing I will say is do not try to write an HTML parser yourself. It is notoriously tricky, because a lot of sites don't produce good (or even working) HTML.
