Is it possible to move a channel on Im making a nuke command that clones and deletes the channel, and it worked, but now i need to find out how to move the channel up to the origonal place, if there's a code / docs, please tell me a example. Thank's
I Got a working edit but it's always drags it on top, i need it so it will drag the channel to the same position before it got nuked.
My code that i currently have
async def nuke(ctx):
channel =
await channel.clone()
await channel.delete()
await channel.edit(position=0, sync_permissions=True)
You can use await channel.edit(position=0) to change the position. In this case, since 0 is specified, the channel will be moved to the first position.
If you want to move it to the deleted channel's position then you can check channel.position.
async def nuke(ctx):
channel =
channel_position = channel.position
new_channel = await channel.clone()
await channel.delete()
await new_channel.edit(position=channel_position, sync_permissions=True)
I searched it up and saw someone do it like this but it always returns an empty list
async def spinthewheel(ctx,msg:discord.Message=None):
if msg==None:
em=discord.Embed(title="SPIN THE WHEEL!!", description="React to this message with ⚡ to enter!",color=discord.Color.from_str('#ff00ff'))
msg=await ctx.send(embed=em)
await msg.add_reaction('⚡')
await msg.add_reaction('⚡')
await ctx.send("Reaction has been added",delete_after=10)
await asyncio.sleep(5)
users = list()
for reaction in msg.reactions:
if reaction.emoji == '⚡':
async for user in reaction.users():
if user != bot.user:
user_list="\n".join( for user in users)
await ctx.send(f"users: {user_list}")
I tried using this one too but same results
users = [user async for user in reaction.users()]
Can you pls tell me how to fix this? Thanks <3
The issue is that msg.reactions is empty - this is because it's the message representation at the time it was created and hasn't been updated since with the reaction information. This is easily fixable with a:
msg = await msg.fetch()
This will fetch the message anew from the channel. Just put it after your asyncio.sleep and before you loop over the reactions.
I'm looking for a way to get the number of users in a voice channel and to get their username to use it in one of my discord bot command, I found that I can use ctx.guild.member to get the members of users in the server, but not in a specific channel, is there a method to do that ?
I tried this
from discord.ext import commands
bot = commands.Bot(intents=discord.Intents.all(),command_prefix = "/")
async def teamup(ctx):
channel =
Or this
bot = commands.Bot(intents=discord.Intents.all(),command_prefix = "/")
async def teamup(ctx):
channel =
None of them works, the first tells me that member objects has no attribute VoiceChannel
and the second one tells me that is a NoneType object and has no attribute channel
You're very close.
async def teamup(ctx):
channel =
ctx has an author property; this returns the user/member object for the individual that invoked the command. The user/member has a voice property that returns the VoiceState object of the user. This has a channel property which will return the voice channel that the user is in. Importantly, this will be None if the user isn't in a voice channel. So, putting it together:
async def teamup(ctx):
voice =
if not
await ctx.send("You are not currently in a voice channel")
channel =
# do what you want with the channel here
await ctx.send(f"You're in {}!")
I am making a discord bot that changes a voice channels' name when a user joins or leaves to the amount of members on the server. My issue is that when a user leaves, it doesn't update. Any help is appreciated.
async def on_raw_member_remove(member):
channel = discord.utils.get(member.guild.channels, id=973603264639668248)
await channel.edit(name=f'Member Count: {member.guild.member_count}')
The right event for this would be on_member_remove.
You can also get the channel in a much easier way and edit it.
See a possible new code:
async def on_member_remove(member: discord.Member):
channel = bot.get_channel(Channel_ID_here)
await channel.edit(name=f"Member Count: {len(member.guild.members)}")
The reason it doesn't work is because you are using on_raw_member_remove
You should be using on_member_leave as the member is not getting removed.
I am a beginner to this programming stuff, and I have a quick question. I am trying to make a logs channel for multiple servers, and I want to be able to look for a channel that has the word “logs” in it, so can you help me?
async def on_command_completion(ctx):
channel = client.get_channel('829067962316750898')
embed = discord.Embed(,
title="Command Executed")
embed.add_field(name="Command:", value=f"`,{ctx.command}`")
embed.add_field(name="User:", value=f"{}", inline=False)
value=f"{} **( <#{}> )**")
await channel.send(embed=embed)
You need to get the channel. I suggest using discord.utils.get.
Also, try using {} to mention the channel instead.
async def on_command_completion(ctx):
channel = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.text_channels, name='logs')
if channel is None:
return # If there is no logs channel, do nothing (or what you want to do)
embed = discord.Embed(,
title="Command Executed")
embed.add_field(name="Command:", value=f"`,{ctx.command}`")
embed.add_field(name="User:", value=f"{}", inline=False)
value=f"{} **( {channel.mention} )**")
await channel.send(embed=embed)
See the discord.TextChannel docs and discord.utils.get()
#f spam
async def on_message(message):
elif message.content.lower() == 'f':
await bot.process_commands(message)
this is my current code for an f spam or sends an f each time a user does.
I was wanting to make this command toggleable and also server/guild limited if possible.
for example someone says !fspam and it gets toggled and switched off and when done the same again it gets turned on. OR it could be !fspam on/ !fspam off
You can use Command.enable, where you can use command.update to. This will raise the DisabledCommand error.
Also please dont just copy and paste the code, try understanding what I did.This will disable it for all the guilds to. If you want it per server then you will need to use a database.
For example:
async def enable(ctx,*,command):
command = client.get_command(command)
await ctx.send(f"{command} enabled!")
async def disable(ctx,*,command):
command = client.get_command(command)
await ctx.send(f"{command} disabled!")