Rust - Can I make this diesel dsl::find() function more generic? - database

I have a function that uses diesel to get an object from a DB based off the given ID:
fn get_db_site(pool: web::Data<Pool>, site_id: u32) -> Result<Site, diesel::result::Error> {
let conn = pool.get().unwrap();
This function is going to be exactly the same for every table I want to run it on so I'm hoping to put it in it's own utils file so I don't have to type the same thing in every time. The only problem is in order to call that find I need to do
crate::schema::site::dsl::site.find and I'm not sure how I can make that call generic to take any type. I know there are type arguments but I don't think that would work here

I normally advise against making diesel things more generic as this leads to really complex trait bounds quite fast. You normally never want to do this in application code. (It's a different thing for libraries that need to be generic). I normally compare the situation with plain SQL. For example if someone complains that users::table.find(pk) feels like duplication, ask yourself the following question: Would you feel that SELECT … FROM users is duplicated in the corresponding query SELECT … FROM users WHERE id = $. (The diesel dsl statement is basically the same).
So to answer your actual question, the generic functions needs to look something like this:
(Not sure if I got all bounds right without testing)
fn get_db_thing<T, U, PK>(pool: web::Data<Pool>, primary_key: PK) -> Result<U, diesel::result::Error>
where T: Table + HasTable<Table = T>,
T: FindDsl<PK>,
U: Queryable<SqlTypeOf<Find<T, PK>>, Pg>
let conn = pool.get().unwrap();
As you can see the list of trait bounds is already much longer than just having the load inline in the corresponding functions. In addition all the details added while constructing the query would now be required as generic function argument. At least the type for T cannot be inferred by the compiler, so from a code size point of view this solution is not "simpler" than just not making it generic.


Boxing/Unboxing complex types in Julia

I have basically digged through all Julia documentation, but I cannot find any answers on this. My question can be split into two parts. Code snippets ignore stuff like basic s initialization.
Part 1: How to pass basic complex types without jl_eval_string()
Suppose I have a C/C++ program which calls some Julia scripts, for a function f which do some String manipulation. In the C source:
char* parameter_string; // Initialized as something.
jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t *) jl_load("Script.jl");
jl_function_t *f = jl_get_function(m, "f");
jl_value_t * ret = jl_call1(f, /*???*/) <--- Problem
Now, notice that the manual only describes how to box up primitives, like int, float, double. Nothing about complex types, like String. Yes, I can use jl_eval_string(parameter_string), but I don't like this. Moreover, ret will be a String, and I have no idea how to extract it to C. It is undocumented.
Part 2:
Suppose I have a C/C++ program which calls some Julia scripts, in which a state machine is stepped. To create a state machine, I create some types:
abstract State
type Idle <: State end
type State1 <: State end
type State2 <: State end
And then a transition function:
function transition(s :: State, input :: String) # input :: String is arbitrary
.. Do Something ..
return newState
Now, if I want to create a State, say Idle, in C... I cannot find anything like this, let alone finding a way to retrieve it from Julia.
I am approaching this problem more or less like functional programming language, such as Haskell, Scala, or F#. Algebraic Data Type might not be well supported here, but I think it is still better than hard coding it with integers.
The real problem is that I cannot find any C API documents on Julia, without directly digging into its source code.
You can convert a C string to a Julia String using jl_cstr_to_string(char*).
To get the data from a Julia String, use jl_string_ptr(jl_value_t*).
Constructors are called just like functions, so to call a constructor you can use jl_get_function(m, "Idle") and call it as normal. Or, to allocate an object directly (going around any constructors that might be defined, so technically a bit dangerous), you can call jl_new_struct(type, fields...).

Optional array vs. empty array in Swift

I have a simple Person class in Swift that looks about like this:
class Person {
var name = "John Doe"
var age = 18
var children = [Person]?
\\ init function goes here, but does not initialize children array
Instead of declaring children to be an optional array, I could simply declare it and initialize it as an empty array like this:
var children = [Person]()
I am trying to decide which approach is better. Declaring the array as an optional array means that it will not take up any memory at all, whereas an empty array has at least some memory allocated for it, correct? So using the optional array means that there will be at least some memory saving. I guess my first question is: Is there really any actual memory saving involved here, or are my assumptions about this incorrect?
On the other hand, if it is optional then each time I try to use it I will have to check to see if it is nil or not before adding or removing objects from it. So there will be be some loss of efficiency there (but not much, I imagine).
I kind of like the optional approach. Not every Person will have children, so why not let children be nil until the Person decides to settle down and raise a family?
At any rate, I would like to know if there are any other specific advantages or disadvantages to one approach or the other. It is a design question that will come up over and over again.
I'm going to make the opposite case from Yordi - an empty array just as clearly says "this Person has no children", and will save you a ton of hassle. children.isEmpty is an easy check for the existence of kids, and you won't ever have to unwrap or worry about an unexpected nil.
Also, as a note, declaring something as optional doesn't mean it takes zero space - it's the .None case of an Optional<Array<Person>>.
The ability to choose between an empty array or an optional gives us the ability to apply the one that better describe the data from a semantic point of view.
I would choose:
An empty array if the list can be empty, but it's a transient status and in the end it should have at least one element. Being non optional makes clear that the array should not be empty
An optional if it's possible for the list to be empty for the entire life cycle of the container entity. Being an optional makes clear that the array can be empty
Let me make some examples:
Purchase order with master and details (one detail per product): a purchase order can have 0 details, but that's a transient status, because it wouldn't make sense having a purchase order with 0 products
Person with children: a person can have no children for his entire life. It is not a transient status (although not permanent as well), but using an optional it's clear that it's legit for a person to have no children.
Note that my opinion is only about making the code more clear and self-explainatory - I don't think there is any significant difference in terms of performance, memory usage, etc. for choosing one option or the other.
Interestingly enough, we have recently had few discussions regarding this very same question at work.
Some suggest that there are subtle semantic differences. E.g. nil means a person has no children whatsoever, but then what does 0 mean? Does it mean "has children, the whole 0 of them"? Like I said, pure semantics "has 0 children" and "has no children" makes no difference when working with this model in code. In that case why not choosing more straightforwards and less guard-let-?-y approach?
Some suggest that keeping a nil there may be an indication that, for example, when fetching model from backend something went wrong and we got error instead of children. But I think model should not try to have this type of semantics and nil should not be used as indication of some error in the past.
I personally think that the model should be as dumb as possible and the dumbest option in this case is empty array.
Having an optional will make you drag that ? until the end of days and use guard let, if let or ?? over and over again.
You will have to have extra unwrapping logic for NSCoding implementation, you will have to do person.children?.count ?? 0 instead of straightforward person.children.count when you display that model in any view controller.
The final goal of all that manipulation is to display something on UI.
Would you really say
"This person has no children" and "This person has 0 children" for nil and empty array correspondingly? I hope you would not :)
Last Straw
Finally, and this is really the strongest argument I have
What is the type of subviews property of UIView: it's var subviews: [UIView] { get }
What is the type of children property of SKNode: it's var children: [SKNode] { get }
There's tons of examples like this in Cocoa framework: UIViewController::childViewControllers and more.
Even from pure Swift world: Dictionary::keys though this may be a bit far fetched.
Why is it OK for person to have nil children, but not for SKNode? For me the analogy is perfect. Hey, even the SKNode's method name is children :)
My view: there must be an obvious reason for keeping those arrays as optionals, like a really good one, otherwise empty array offers same semantics with less unwrapping.
The Last Last Straw
Finally, some references to very good articles, each of those
In Natasha's post, you will find a link to NSHipster's blog post and in Swiftification paragraph you can read this:
For example, instead of marking NSArray return values as nullable, many APIs have been modified to return an empty array—semantically these have the same value (i.e., nothing), but a non-optional array is far simpler to work with
Sometimes there's a difference between something not existing and being empty.
Let's say we have an app where a user can modify a list of phone numbers and we save said modifications as modifiedPhoneNumberList. If no modification has ever occurred the array should be nil. If the user has modified the parsed numbers by deleting them all the array should be empty.
Empty means we're going to delete all the existing phone numbers, nil means we keep all the existing phone numbers. The difference matters here.
When we can't differentiate between a property being empty or not existing or it doesn't matter empty is the way to go. If a Person were to lose their only child we should simply have to remove that child and have an empty array rather than have to check if the count is 1 then set the entire array to nil.
I always use empty arrays.
In my humble opinion, the most important purpose of optionals in Swift is to safely wrap some value that may be nil. An array already act as this type of wrapper - you can ask the array if it has anything inside & access its value(s) safely with for loops, mapping, etc. Do we need to put a wrapper within a wrapper? I don't think so.
Swift is designed to take advantage of optional value's and optional unwrapping.
You could also declare the array as nil, as it will save you a very small (almost not noticable) amount of memory.
I would go with an optional array instead of an array that represents a nil value to keep Swift's Design Patterns happy :)
I also think
if let children = children {
looks nicer than :
if(children != nil){

Array of arrays in Go or Rust?

I'm porting some old PHP script to Go in order to achieve better performance. However, the old PHP is full of multidimensional arrays. Some excerpt from the codebase:
while (($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) !== false) {
$someData[$row['column_a']][$row['column_b']] = $row;
// ... more queries and stuff
if (isset($moreData['id']) && isset($anotherData['id']) && $someData[$anotherData['id']][$moreData['id']]) {
echo $someData[$anotherData['id']][$moreData['id']];
Awful, i know, but i can't change the logic. I made the whole script perform much better by compiling with phc, but moving to a procedural, statically-typed language seems like a better move. How can i replicate those data structures efficiently with Go or Rust? It needs to be fault-tolerant when it comes to checking indexes, there's a lot of issets all around the script to check if the identifiers exist in the data structures.
In Go, this would be represented as a map. The syntax is map[key]value. So for example to store a multidimensional map of [string, string] -> int it would be map[string]map[string]int. If you know your indices are integers and densely packed, then you'd want to use slices. Those are simpler and look like [][]type.
As for the checking for a key existing, use this syntax, where m is a map:
if val, ok := m[key1][key2]; ok {
///Do something with val
Remember that to add a key to a multidimensional map you'd have to make sure the inner map is allocated before adding to it.
if _, ok := m[key]; !ok {
m[key] = make(map[string]int)
m[key1][key2] = value
Obviously you'd want to wrap this up in a type with methods or a few simple functions.
PHP arrays are actually associative arrays, also known as maps or dictionaries. Rust uses the name Map in its standard library. The Map trait provides an interface for a variety of implementations. In particular, this trait defines a contains_key method, which you can use to check if the map contains a particular key (instead of writing isset($array[$key]), you write map.contains_key(key)).
Map has two type parameters: K is the type of the map's keys (i.e. the values you use as an index) and V is the type of the map's values.
If you need your map to contain keys and/or values of various types, you'll need to use the Any trait. For example, if the keys are strings and the values are of various types, you could use HashMap<String, Box<Any>> (Box is necessary because trait objects are unsized; see this answer for more information). Check out the documentation for AnyRefExt and AnyMutRefExt to see how to work with an Any value.
However, if the possible types are relatively limited, it might be easier for you to define your own trait and use that trait instead of Any so that you can implement operations on those types without having to cast explicitly everywhere you need to use the values (plus, you can add types by adding an impl without having to change all the places that use values).

Declaring tables in Slick

I've been getting errors when trying to do many-to-many relations in Slick. This test shows how to do many-to-many relations in Slick. I followed it but then go this error:
Select(TableNode, "id") found. This is typically caused by an attempt to use a "raw" table object directly in a query without introducing it through a generator
I then found out that this is caused by declaring your tables at a static location (an object) and then trying to import it (it works fine if the object is in the same block).
Ok, so val T = new Table inside of an object is the answer. But now I'm getting this error:
recursive method bs needs result type
It doesn't need a result type if it is an object and not a val. I've heard of using a class but I can't find any examples on how to do this.
How do you declare many-to-many models and import them from somewhere else?
Here's a gist showing what I mean:
If you run the first test, it will pass, no issue.
If you run the second test, the following error is thrown:
scala.slick.SlickException: Select(TableNode, "id") found. This is typically caused by an attempt to use a "raw" table object directly in a query without introducing it through a generator.
If you run the third test (using vals inside of objects instead of objects directly), you get this error:
recursive method bs needs result type
[error] val A = new Table[(Int, String)]("a") {
recursive value AToB needs type
[error] def as = AToB.filter(_.bId === id).flatMap(_.aFK)
I know why the errors are happening, but I want to know how people got around them. One way is to put the objects inside of a class and instantiating a class every time you want to use Slick (but this seems...weird). Another is to never use Slick-related stuff outside of the package (or at least many-to-many stuff) but that also seems bad.
My question, still is, how do you guys get around this? Is there a proper way?
The error message you showed makes me think that you defined your tables but tried to access them directly instead of using a for comprehension.
The test file you were referring has an example right at the bottom, after defining the many-to-many tables that goes like
val q1 = for {
a <- A if >= 2
b <-
} yield (a.s, b.s)
q1.foreach(x => println(" "+x))
assertEquals(Set(("b","y"), ("b","z")), q1.list.toSet)
What you see is that object table A is used as a comprehension generator (i.e. a <- A)
Does your code access the tables in some other way?

Sorting and managing numerous variables

My project has classes which, unavoidably, contain hundreds upon hundreds of variables that I'm always having to keep straight. For example, I'm always having to keep track of specific kinds of variables for a recurring set of "items" that occur inside of a class, where placing those variables between multiple classes would cause a lot of confusion.
How do I better sort my variables to keep from going crazy, especially when it comes time to save my data?
Am I missing something? Actionscript is an Object Oriented language, so you might have hundreds of variables, but unless you've somehow treated it like a grab bag and dumped it all in one place, everything should be to hand. Without knowing what all you're keeping track of, it's hard to give concrete advice, but here's an example from a current project I'm working on, which is a platform for building pre-employment assessments.
The basic unit is a Question. A Question has a stem, text that can go in the status bar, a collection of answers, and a collection of measures of things we're tracking about what the user does in that particular type of questions.
The measures are, again, their own type of object, and come in two "flavors": one that is used to track a time limit and one that isn't. The measure has a name (so we know where to write back to the database) and a value (which tells us what). Timed ones also have a property for the time limit.
When we need to time the question, we hand that measure to yet another object that counts the time down and a separate object that displays the time (if appropriate for the situation). The answers, known as distractors, have a label and a value that they can impart to the appropriate measure based on the user selection. For example, if a user selects "d", its value, "4" is transferred to the measure that stores the user's selection.
Once the user submits his answer, we loop through all the measures for the question and send those to the database. If those were not treated as a collection (in this case, a Vector), we'd have to know exactly what specific measures are being stored for each question and each question would have a very different structure that we'd have to dig through. So if looping through collections is your issue, I think you should revisit that idea. It saves a lot of code and is FAR more efficient than "var1", "var2", "var3."
If the part you think is unweildy is the type checking you have to do because literally anything could be in there, then Vector could be a good solution for you as long as you're using at least Flash Player 10.
So, in summary:
When you have a lot of related properties, write a Class that keeps all of those related bits and pieces together (like my Question).
When objects have 0-n "things" that are all of the same or very similar, use a collection of some sort, such as an Array or Vector, to allow you to iterate through them as a group and perform the same operation on each (for example, each Question is part of a larger grouping that allows each question to be presented in turn, and each question has a collection of distractors and another of measures.
These two concepts, used together, should help keep your information tidy and organized.
While I'm certain there are numerous ways of keeping arrays straight, I have found a method that works well for me. Best of all, it collapses large amounts of information into a handful of arrays that I can parse to an XML file or other storage method. I call this method my "indexed array system".
There are actually multiple ways to do this: creating a handful of 1-dimensional arrays, or creating 2-dimensional (or higher) array(s). Both work equally well, so choose the one that works best for your code. I'm only going to show the 1-dimensional method here. Those of you who are familiar with arrays can probably figure out how to rewrite this to use higher dimensional arrays.
I use Actionscript 3, but this approach should work with almost any programming or scripting language.
In this example, I'm trying to keep various "properties" of different "activities" straight. In this case, we'll say these properties are Level, High Score, and Play Count. We'll call the activities Pinball, Word Search, Maze, and Memory.
This method involves creating multiple arrays, one for each property, and creating constants that hold the integer "key" used for each activity.
We'll start by creating the constants, as integers. Constants work for this, because we never change them after compile. The value we put into each constant is the index the corresponding data will always be stored at in the arrays.
const pinball:int = 0;
const wordsearch:int = 1;
const maze:int = 2;
const memory:int = 3;
Now, we create the arrays. Remember, arrays start counting from zero. Since we want to be able to modify the values, this should be a regular variable.
Note, I am constructing the array to be the specific length we need, with the default value for the desired data type in each slot. I've used all integers here, but you can use just about any data type you need.
var highscore:Array = [0, 0, 0, 0];
var level:Array = [0, 0, 0, 0];
var playcount:Array = [0, 0, 0, 0];
So, we have a consistent "address" for each property, and we only had to create four constants, and three arrays, instead of 12 variables.
Now we need to create the functions to read and write to the arrays using this system. This is where the real beauty of the system comes in. Be sure this function is written in public scope if you want to read/write the arrays from outside this class.
To create the function that gets data from the arrays, we need two arguments: the name of the activity and the name of the property. We also want to set up this function to return a value of any type.
GOTCHA WARNING: In Actionscript 3, this won't work in static classes or functions, as it relies on the "this" keyword.
public function fetchData(act:String, prop:String):*
var r:*;
r = this[prop][this[act]];
return r;
That queer bit of code, r = this[prop][this[act]], simply uses the provided strings "act" and "prop" as the names of the constant and array, and sets the resulting value to r. Thus, if you feed the function the parameters ("maze", "highscore"), that code will essentially act like r = highscore[2] (remember, this[act] returns the integer value assigned to it.)
The writing method works essentially the same way, except we need one additional argument, the data to be written. This argument needs to be able to accept any
GOTCHA WARNING: One significant drawback to this system with strict typing languages is that you must remember the data type for the array you're writing to. The compiler cannot catch these type errors, so your program will simply throw a fatal error if it tries to write the wrong value type.
One clever way around this is to create different functions for different data types, so passing the wrong data type in an argument will trigger a compile-time error.
public function writeData(act:String, prop:String, val:*):void
this[prop][this[act]] = val;
Now, we just have one additional problem. What happens if we pass an activity or property name that doesn't exist? To protect against this, we just need one more function.
This function will validate a provided constant or variable key by attempting to access it, and catching the resulting fatal error, returning false instead. If the key is valid, it will return true.
function validateName(ID:String):Boolean
var checkthis:*
var r:Boolean = true;
checkthis = this[ID];
catch (error:ReferenceError)
r = false;
return r;
Now, we just need to adjust our other two functions to take advantage of this. We'll wrap the function's code inside an if statement.
If one of the keys is invalid, the function will do nothing - it will fail silently. To get around this, just put a trace (a.k.a. print) statement or a non-fatal error in the else construct.
public function fetchData(act:String, prop:String):*
var r:*;
if(validateName(act) && validateName(prop))
r = this[prop][this[act]];
return r;
public function writeData(act:String, prop:String, val:*):void
if(validateName(act) && validateName(prop))
this[prop][this[act]] = val;
Now, to use these functions, you simply need to use one line of code each. For the example, we'll say we have a text object in the GUI that shows the high score, called txtHighScore. I've omitted the necessary typecasting for the sake of the example.
//Get the high score.
txtHighScore.text = fetchData("maze", "highscore");
//Write the new high score.
writeData("maze", "highscore", txtHighScore.text);
I hope ya'll will find this tutorial useful in sorting and managing your variables.
(Afternote: You can probably do something similar with dictionaries or databases, but I prefer the flexibility with this method.)
