Parse variables from string and add them to an array with Bash - arrays

In Bash, how can I get the strings between acolades (without the '_value' suffix) from for example
"\\*\\* ${host_name_value}.${host_domain_value} - ${host_ip_value}\\*\\*"
and put them into an array?
The result for the above example should be something like:
var_array=("host_name" "host_domain")
The string could also contain other stuff such as:
"${package_updates_count_value} ${package_updates_type_value} updates"
The result for the above example should be something like:
var_array=("package_updates_count" "package_updates_type")
All variables end with _value. There could 1 or more variables in the string.
Not sure what would be the most efficient way and how I'd best handle this. Regex? Sed?

input='\\*\\* ${host_name_value}.${host_domain_value} \\*\\*'
# would also work with cat input or the like.
myarray=($(echo "$input" | awk -F'$' \
'{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {match($i, /{([^}]*)_value}/, a); print a[1]}}'))
Split your line(s) on $. Check if a column contains { }. If it does, print what's after { and before _value}. (If not, it will print out the empty string, which bash array creation will ignore.)

If there are only two variables, this will work.
input='\\*\\* ${host_name_value}.${host_domain_value} \\*\\*'
first=$(echo $input | sed -r -e 's/[}].+//' -e 's/.+[{]//')
last=$(echo $input | sed -r -e 's/.+[{]//' -e 's/[}].+//')
output="var_array=(\"$first\" \"$last\")"
Maybe not very efficient and beautiful, but it works well.

Starting with a string variable:
$ str='\\*\\* ${host_name_value}.${host_domain_value} - ${host_ip_value}\\*\\*'
Use grep -o to print all matching words.
$ grep -o '\${\w*_value}' <<< "$str"
Then remove ${ and _value}.
$ grep -o '\${\w*_value}' <<< "$str" | sed 's/^\${//; s/_value}$//'
Finally, use readarray to safely read the results into an array.
$ readarray -t var_array < <(grep -o '\${\w*_value}' <<< "$str" | sed 's/^\${//; s/_value}$//')
$ declare -p var_array
declare -a var_array=([0]="host_name" [1]="host_domain" [2]="host_ip")


How to parse and convert string list to JSON string array in shell command?

How to parse and convert string list to JSON string array in shell command?
I tried like below:
IFS=',' read -a array <<< $array;
echo "${array[#]}"
Any other optimized way?
As bash and jq are tagged, this solution relies on both (without summoning eval). The input string is expected to be in $string, the output array is generated into ${array[#]}. It is robust wrt spaces, newlines, quotes, etc. as it uses NUL as delimiter.
mapfile -d '' array < <(jq -j '.[] + "\u0000"' <<< "$string")
string='["has spaces\tand tabs","has a\nnewline","has \"quotes\""]'
mapfile -d '' array < <(jq -j '.[] + "\u0000"' <<< "$string")
printf '==>%s<==\n' "${array[#]}"
==>has spaces and tabs<==
==>has a
==>has "quotes"<==
eval "array=($( jq -r 'map( #sh ) | join(" ")' <<<"$json" ))"

Bash - get empty array in return on macOS

With regards to this question (Put line seperated grep result into array), when I use
echo v1.33.4 | arr=($(egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}'))
with GNU bash, version 5.0.2(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin18.2.0) on macOS
I get have an empty array arr in return for
echo "($arr)"
then the expected output
What do I do wrong here?
It wouldn't work with the syntax you have. You are not populating the array with the result of grep. You are not handling the string passed over the pipe and populating an empty array at the received end of the pipe.
Perhaps you were intending to do
array=($(echo v1.33.4 | egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}'))
Notice how the echo of the string is passed over to the standard input of egrep which was missing in your attempt.
But as in the linked answer, using mapfile would be the best option here because with the above approach if the search results contains words containing spaces, they would be stored in separated indices in the array rather than in a single one.
mapfile -t array < <(echo "v1.33.4" | egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}')
printf '%s\n' "${array[#]}"
Notice the array expansion in bash takes the syntax of "${array[#]}" and not just a simple "${array}" expansion.
Messed with it a bit and this seems to work:
$ arr=$(echo "v1.33.4" | egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}')
$ echo $arr
1 33 4
$ echo "($arr)"

Getting the output of a cat command into an array

How can I get just the filenames into an array using the cat command?
How I've been trying:
while IFS= read -r -d $'\0'; do
done < <(cat /proc/swaps | grep "swap")
This either grabs all the information from the output into an array, or just doesn't work. How can I successfully get my expected output of [/swapfile, /dev/hda1, /some/other/swap] into an array form using the cat command?
readarray array < <(awk '/swap/{print $1}' /proc/swaps)
Bash introduced readarray in version 4 which can take the place of the while read loop. readarray is the solution you want.
here is the syntax
readarray variable < inputfile
echo "${variable[0]}" ' to print the first element in array

Can I pass an array to awk using -v?

I would like to be able to pass an array variable to awk. I don't mean a shell array but a native awk one. I know I can pass scalar variables like this:
awk -vfoo="1" 'NR==foo' file
Can I use the same mechanism to define an awk array? Something like:
$ awk -v"foo[0]=1" 'NR==foo' file
awk: fatal: `foo[0]' is not a legal variable name
I've tried a few variations of the above but none of them work on GNU awk 4.1.1 on my Debian. So, is there any version of awk (gawk,mawk or anything else) that can accept an array from the -v switch?
I know I can work around this and can easily think of ways to do so, I am just wondering if any awk implementation supports this kind of functionality natively.
You can use the split() function inside mawk or gawk to split the input of the "-v" value (here is the gawk man page):
split(s, a [, r [, seps] ])
Split the string s into the array a and the separators array seps on
the regular expression r, and return the number of fields.*
An example here in which i pass the value "ARRAYVAR", a comma separated list of values which is my array, with "-v" to the awk program, then split it into the internal variable array "arrayval" using the split() function and then print the 3rd value of the array:
echo 0 | gawk -v ARRAYVAR="a,b,c,d,e,f" '{ split(ARRAYVAR,arrayval,","); print(arrayval[3]) }'
Seems to work :)
It looks like it is impossible by definition.
From man awk we have that:
-v var=val
--assign var=val
Assign the value val to the variable var, before execution of the
program begins. Such variable values are available to the BEGIN rule
of an AWK program.
Then we read in Using Variables in a Program that:
The name of a variable must be a sequence of letters, digits, or
underscores, and it may not begin with a digit.
Variables in awk can be assigned either numeric or string values.
So the way the -v implementation is defined makes it impossible to provide an array as a variable, since any kind of usage of the characters = or [ is not allowed as part of the -v variable passing. And both are required, since arrays in awk are only associative.
If you don't insist on using -v you could use -i (include) instead to read an awk file that contains the variable settings.
Like this:
if F=$(mktemp inputXXXXXX); then
cat >$F << 'END'
cat $F
awk -i $F 'BEGIN { print foo[0] }' </dev/null
rm $F
Sample trace (using gawk-4.2.1):
bash -x /tmp/
++ mktemp inputXXXXXX
+ F=inputrpMsan
+ cat
+ cat inputrpMsan
+ awk -i inputrpMsan 'BEGIN { print foo[0] }'
+ rm inputrpMsan
Unfortunately, this is not possible. However, you can convert a bash array to an awk array using a few clever methods.
I wanted to do this recently by passing a bash array to awk to use it for filtering, so here is what I did:
$ arr=( hello world this is bash array )
$ echo -e 'this\nmight\nnot\nshow\nup' | awk 'BEGIN {
for (i = 1; i < ARGC; i++) {
ARGV[i]="" # unset ARGV[i] otherwise awk might try to read it as a file
} !my_filter[$0]' "${arr[#]}"
For associative arrays, you could pass it as a string of key-value pairs, and then reformat it in the BEGIN section.
$ echo | awk -v m="a,b;c,d" '
for (i in M) {
for (a in MA) {
printf("MA[%s]=%s\n",a, MA[a])

Store grep output in an array

I need to search a pattern in a directory and save the names of the files which contain it in an array.
Searching for pattern:
grep -HR "pattern" . | cut -d: -f1
This prints me all filenames that contain "pattern".
If I try:
targets=$(grep -HR "pattern" . | cut -d: -f1)
for ((i = 0; i != length; i++)); do
echo "target $i: '${targets[i]}'"
This prints only one element that contains a string with all filnames.
output: target 0: 'file0 file1 .. fileN'
But I need:
output: target 0: 'file0'
output: target 1: 'file1'
output: target N: 'fileN'
How can I achieve the result without doing a boring split operation on targets?
You can use:
targets=($(grep -HRl "pattern" .))
Note use of (...) for array creation in BASH.
Also you can use grep -l to get only file names in grep's output (as shown in my command).
Above answer (written 7 years ago) made an assumption that output filenames won't contain special characters like whitespaces or globs. Here is a safe way to read those special filenames into an array: (will work with older bash versions)
while IFS= read -rd ''; do
done < <(grep --null -HRl "pattern" .)
# check content of array
declare -p targets
On BASH 4+ you can use readarray instead of a loop:
readarray -d '' -t targets < <(grep --null -HRl "pattern" .)
