Upgrading CakePHP from 2.8.0 to 2.10.20 - cakephp

Currently, I have a live project in CakePHP 2.8.0 where PHP Version is 5.6.40.
I need to upgrade my CakePHP to the latest version. Can you suggest any new version that I should upgrade to without having many changes? Should I upgrade to 2.10.20 which is the 2019 release? Also, I don't want to change the PHP version which is 5.6.40 now.

Upgrades to CakePHP need to be done iteratively, ie. you'd need to cover everthing in the 2.9 migration guide before going through the 2.10 migration guide.
I'd suggest taking a copy of your code and installing the most recent version of CakePHP 2.10 for it and going through the CakePHP 2.9 Migration guide and then the CakePHP 2.10 Migration guide
Both 2.9 and 2.10 are compatible with PHP 5.6
After doing this, you can consider upgrading to CakePHP 3 which is a much bigger upgrade


Why is framework version 7.3 not available for download on the Sencha Support Site?

Last week, I downloaded Sencha Architect version 4.2.9. It installed Sencha Cmd version 7.3 and version 7.3 of the ExtJS framework as a part of the installation process. However, 7.3 is not available as a separate download on the Support site as it would typically be. Why is that?
Current download is only - If you got 7.3 I'd say that was an accidental leak of 7.3 if you got it...
I'm only getting
both support portal and npm are only supplying 7.2 series
Would love a copy of 4.2.9 if you have one... I can't seem to get that either.
Ext JS 73 is now available on support portal.

Chocolatey - Install major version of package and update to latest minor version

For my project, I need .NET Core 2.2. The Chocolatey package repository states that .NET Core 2.2.8 is the most recent version of .NET Core 2.2 available. I can install this package with choco install dotnetcore --version 2.2.8 -m. But when 2.2.9 will be released, I will still be on 2.2.8, because I specified that specific version. What command do I need to have .NET Core 2.2 updated to a new minor version when I issue choco upgrade all?
EDIT: I do not want to upgrade to .NET Core 3.x when I issue choco upgrade all, because I have some projects that depend on it. Instead, I explicitly want Chocolatey to upgrade to .NET Core 2.2.9 if it will be released
While I think this belongs better on Super User, based on what is implied by using side by side installations of a package, if you want a new version of that package, use choco install -m to install the newer version of that package. Based on your experience of choco upgrade all upgrading one of your side by side packages however, you may want to inquire on the Chocolatey issue tracker as to what the recommended method of upgrading your other packages would be here.

Upgrading cakephp 2.x to 3.x

I'm trying to upgrade several of our cakephp 2 apps to cakephp 3 using the upgrade tool but I'm a little lost. On this blog, in one of the comments it says that my application will need a copy of cakephp 3 for the upgrade. Do I install it in the root directory of my app or where exactly?
Should the commands be run like this
bin/cake upgrade all /root_directory/
bin/cake upgrade all /root_directory/app/
Any help is appreciated.

upgrade cakephp from 2.3 to 2.5

I have a problem with some code and I found out that I have an older version of cakephp installed on the server I am using which is ver 2.3. I want to upgrade this version from 2.3 to cakephp ver 2.5 .I need to:
1) place new version in the lib/cake folder (overwrite?)
2) check migration guide for any function differences.
The advice given here was to simply refer to the migration guide but this guide says nothing about installing and mentions only upgrading from 2.4 which I don't even have?
I don't want a potential headache moving from 2.3 to 2.5.

Forum Plugin for Cakephp 1.3

I need the forum plugin for cakephp 1.3. I couldn't find this old version. Does anyone know where can I find it and how can I install it? I could just find the new version of cupcake from here.
The 2.x branch of the Forum plugin still supports CakePHP 1.3, as can be read in the Readme of that branch.
Just clone the repository and then checkout the 2.x branch:
cd app/plugins/
git clone https://github.com/milesj/Forum.git
git checkout 2.x
Then you should be ready to integrate it into your app.
Forum v2.0
A fully robust and powerful CakePHP forum plugin.
CakePHP 1.3.x (Tested with 1.3.9)
PHP 5.2.x, 5.3.x
Utils Plugin - https://github.com/CakeDC/utils
