why github pages not rendering my site, React - reactjs

I have created a site with react, redux, and firebase as a backend and pushed it to git but when I'm tired to create a GitHub page to the site it builds Succesful and uploaded the files to the gh-pages, but when I'm entring the link it doesn't render the site
my repo : https://github.com/alon4551/Crown-Market
my site : https://alon4551.github.io/Crown-Market/
I've also installed the gh-pages in my project and add this lines in my package json
and runed the command npm run deploy
"homepage": "https://github.io/alon4551/Crown-Market",
"scripts": {
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build"}
can someone help me

The home page should be set up this way:
"homepage": "https://myusername.github.io/my-app"
for a more detailed explanation, Create-React-App Deployment Guide


Why my deployed react-app is showing a blank page

Why is that the react app I deployed via github pages is showing a blank page. I tried doing this already before (using the default react-homepage only for testing purposes) and it worked just fine.
"homepage": "https://aaroncferrer.github.io/banking-app",
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build",
"gh-pages": "^5.0.0"
I was able to add/install the dependencies above as well.
This was my reference for deployment instructions: https://github.com/gitname/react-gh-pages#2-create-a-react-app
Repo link: https://github.com/aaroncferrer/banking-app
Additionally, I tried deploying the react app via vercel but it also gives me an error upon deployment/building phase:
Vercel Depoloyment Error
You should have the index.html file in the main root of your application and not in any other folder like public. Hope this resolves the issue

My react app does not seen in github pages like a code

I watched lots of videos, and I read lots of documentations, but I couldn't do this subject. Can you help me?
First of all, I have an react app on github, HERE:https://github.com/alper-efe-sahin/portfolio-v2
(It completed app)
I have 2 branch, first MASTER branch, and second GH-PAGES branch.
I created GH-PAGES using codes which are npm run build and npm run deploy.
Also you can see my some package json codes here:
"gh-pages": "^3.2.3",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build"
"homepage": "https://github.com/alper-efe-sahin/portfolio-v2",
When I try to create github page, it shows my github page, note It's codes. (for instance, it shows react documents, not react codes, not html css etc.)
How can I show my codes like a good website ?
You have the wrong value set at the property homepage in package.json
it should be https://alper-efe-sahin.github.io/portfolio-v2
Also add the script "predeploy": "npm run build" alongside with deploy in scripts so when you run npm run deploy it also builds your app with npm first.
source: The guide I followed for my cra

Getting a blank page after after deploying reactjs app to github pages

Hi I'm trying to deploy my reactjs app to GitHub pages but I keep getting a blank page
here are the steps I followed
Pushing project to empty repo: https://github.com/DroidBarber/dolla
installing gh-pages: npm install gh-pages --save-dev
modifying package.json :
"homepage": "https://DroidBarber.github.io/dolla/",
scripts": {
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build",
deploying npm run deploy
but I'm getting a blank page app runs fine in local host...
You are deploying your application to an additional path: /dolla/.
So when your deployed react application run on: https://DroidBarber.github.io/dolla/ it tries to get resources from /dolla/ which is not defined in your routing.
It will be similar when you run on your local at http://localhost:3000/dolla
Try to change your homepage in webpack to: "homepage": "https://DroidBarber.github.io/".
GitHub Pages doesn't support the pushState history API (which react-router-dom's BrowserRouter uses under the hood). You'll need to switch to HashRouter instead. You can read more about it here

How do I deploy a simple React app as a "user page" to Github Pages?

I've looked at numerous StackOverflow answers, that answer a variety of different scenarios regarding publishing React pages to Github, but none of them clearly explain how to publish a basic user page. I have a very simple, standard React app, that I'd like to publish as a user page on Github.
What are the basic steps for publishing a simple React app as a user page to Github?
The answer, in total, is found in two document sources.
Presuming that you've already created your React app, all is well locally, and your app is ready to deploy, here are the steps to deploy a simple React app as a user page on Github:
Follow the guidance given by Github regarding Github Pages... in particular, note that user pages are served only from the master branch, and thus, the user page will be served at https://{your-github-user-name}.github.io.
User pages must be built from the master branch.
Next, follow the guidance provided in Create React Apps documentation regarding Github Pages deployment, particularly the parts related to user pages.
Open your package.json and add a homepage field that matches where your user page will be served from:
"homepage": "https://myusername.github.io",
Install the gh-pages module:
npm install --save gh-pages ... or ... yarn add gh-pages
Add deploy (and predeploy) to scripts in package.json:
"scripts": {
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build",
Modify your deploy script to force push the built application to the master branch:
"deploy": "gh-pages -b master -d build",
Deploy your site by running:
npm run deploy
The last obstacle to overcome, is caching at Github. You might need to run npm run deploy more than once, to get around Github's caching of previous deploys.

getting a 404 when deploy React application to GitHub Pages

I'm new to React (and still a beginner at programming and it's syntax) and have been following tutorials (like https://github.com/gitname/react-gh-pages and Youtube) to get my app to be deployed on GitHub.
But I still get a "404 There isn't a GitHub Pages site here."
The GitHub pages is built from the gh-pages branch.
Question has been answered but am unable to delete question now. So please ignore this question.
also this one way you can write in the package.json
"scripts": {
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build",
then run this code:
npm run deploy
and check your github rep. settings:
Your GitHub Pages site is currently being built from the gh-pages
branch. Learn more.
