Array within Element within Array in Variant - arrays

How can I get the data out of this array stored in a variant column in Snowflake. I don't care if it's a new table, a view or a query. There is a second column of type varchar(256) that contains a unique ID.
If you can just help me read the "confirmed" data and the "editorIds" data I can probably take it from there. Many thanks!
Output example would be
UniqueID ConfirmationID EditorID
u3kd9 xxxx-436a-a2d7 nupd
u3kd9 xxxx-436a-a2d7 9l34c
R3nDo xxxx-436a-a3e4 5rnj
yP48a xxxx-436a-a477 jTpz8
yP48a xxxx-436a-a477 nupd
"confirmed": {
"Confirmation": "Entry ID=xxxx-436a-a2d7-3525158332f0: Confirmed order submitted.",
"ConfirmationID": "xxxx-436a-a2d7-3525158332f0",
"ConfirmedOrders": 1,
"Received": "8/29/2019 4:31:11 PM Central Time"
"editorIds": [
] ,
"id": "xxxxx5AvGgeSHy8Ms6Ytyc-1",
"messages": [],
"orderJson": {
"EntryID": "xxxxx5AvGgeSHy8Ms6Ytyc-1",
"Orders": [
"DropShipFlag": 1,
"FromAddressValue": 1,
"OrderAttributes": [
"AttributeUID": 548
"AttributeUID": 553
"AttributeUID": 2418
"OrderItems": [
"EditorId": "aC3f5HsJYgWDENLoX",
"ItemAssets": [
"AssetPath": "https://xxxx573043eac521.png",
"DP2NodeID": "10000",
"ImageHash": "000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",
"ImageRotation": 0,
"OffsetX": 50,
"OffsetY": 50,
"PrintedFileName": "aC3f5HsJYgWDENLoX-10000",
"X": 50,
"Y": 52.03909266409266,
"ZoomX": 100,
"ZoomY": 93.75
"ItemAttributes": [
"AttributeUID": 2105
"AttributeUID": 125
"ItemBookAttribute": null,
"ProductUID": 52,
"Quantity": 1
"SendNotificationEmailToAccount": true,
"SequenceNumber": 1,
"ShipToAddress": {
"Addr1": "Addr1",
"Addr2": "0",
"City": "City",
"Country": "US",
"Name": "Name",
"State": "ST",
"Zip": "00000"
"orderNumber": null,
"status": "order_placed",
"submitted": {
"Account": "350000",
"ConfirmationID": "xxxxx-436a-a2d7-3525158332f0",
"EntryID": "xxxxx-5AvGgeSHy8Ms6Ytyc-1",
"Key": "D83590AFF0CC0000B54B",
"NumberOfOrders": 1,
"Orders": [
"LineItems": [],
"Note": "",
"Products": [
"Price": "00.30",
"ProductDescription": "xxxxxint 8x10",
"Quantity": 1
"Price": "00.40",
"ProductDescription": "xxxxxut Black 8x10",
"Quantity": 1
"Price": "00.50",
"ProductDescription": "xxxxx"
"Price": "00.50",
"ProductDescription": "xxxscount",
"Quantity": 1
"SequenceNumber": "1",
"SubTotal": "00.70",
"Tax": "1.01",
"Total": "00.71"
"Received": "8/29/2019 4:31:10 PM Central Time"
"tracking": null,
"updatedOn": 1.598736670503000e+12

So, this is how I'd query that exact JSON assuming the data is in column var in table x:
SELECT x.var[0]:confirmed:ConfirmationID::varchar as ConfirmationID,
f.value::varchar as EditorID
LATERAL FLATTEN(input => var[0]:editorIds) f
Since your sample output doesn't match the JSON that you provided, I will assume that this is what you need.
Also, as a note, your JSON includes outer [ ] which indicates that the entire JSON string is inside an array. This is the reason for var[0] in my query. If you have multiple records inside that array, then you should remove that. In general, you should exclude those and instead load each record into the table separately. I wasn't sure whether you could make that change, so I just wanted to make note.


Angular *ngFor: Display only unique property "category" value and lowest price in each "category"

I have an array with objects having "category" & "price" properties among others, in the Angular application I need to display only unique values of "category" property (Example: Economy, Premium & Deluxe) along with the lowest price in that category. I tried filtering it but was unable to achieve it. So can you please help how this can be achieved in Angular? Thank you.
In this example, I need to show:
Economy - Starts from 250USD
Premium - Starts from 400USD
Deluxe - Starts from 600USD
"hotelRooms": [
"price": {
"total": 250,
"currency": "USD"
"category": "Economy",
"subcategory": "single",
"price": {
"total": 350,
"currency": "USD"
"category": "Economy",
"subcategory": "double",
"price": {
"total": 450,
"currency": "USD"
"category": "Economy",
"subcategory": "family",
"price": {
"total": 400,
"currency": "USD"
"category": "Premium",
"subcategory": "single",
"price": {
"total": 500,
"currency": "USD"
"category": "Premium",
"subcategory": "double",
"price": {
"total": 600,
"currency": "USD"
"category": "Deluxe",
"subcategory": "single",
"price": {
"total": 700,
"currency": "USD"
"category": "Deluxe",
"subcategory": "double",
And in Angular:
<div *ngFor="let room of hotelRooms">
<span class="bold">{{ room.category }}</span> - Starts from {{}}{{ room.price.currency}}
From what I understand on this question, you need to group by category and next get the lowest price.amount for each category.
Concept (TL;DR)
Group By Category
1.1 Create an array for each category if the category array does not exist. Else reuse the created category array.
1.2 From each category array, find the lowest record based on price.amount.
1.3 If the result (from 1.2) return no value (undefined), first reset category array to empty array and add the current record to the category array. This ensures that each category will only have 1 record with the lowest price. Else just ignore it.
Data Transformation
2.1 Get the item from each category via iterate with key. It will return arrays.
2.2 Concat multiple arrays (from 2.1) into one array.
let groupByCategories = [];
groupByCategories = this.hotelRooms.reduce(function (previous, current) {
previous[current.category] = previous[current.category] || [];
let lowest = previous[current.category].find(
(x) => <
if (!lowest) {
previous[current.category] = [];
return previous;
}, Object.create(null));
this.hotelRooms = [].concat(
...Object.keys(groupByCategories).map((key) => {
return groupByCategories[key];
Sample Demo on StackBlitz

Mule 4 - How to combine arrays inside a nested array with the same id field into one

Suppose I have the following payload with nested array, how do I combine the array inside the nested array for the same externalId as well as some logic on certain field like
shipQty - this field will be sum or add up for records with the same externalId under fillingOrder
serialNumbers - all the records under serialNumbers will be display together if the externalId is same
Kindly refer below for the input and expected output
Json Payload Input
"Identifier": "9i098p-898j-67586k",
"transactionDate": "2019-09-08T10:01:00-04:00",
"order": [
"orderNumber": "123456789",
"CourierOrderId": "1300-88-2525",
"fillingOrder": [
"numberOfBoxes": 0,
"tracking": [
"carrier": "Orange",
"trackNum": "3333444",
"trackUrl": "",
"shipDate": "2019-09-08T10:01:00-04:00",
"SerialNumber": "00000123"
"row": [
"externalId": "1",
"unitNo": "OP04-123456-789",
"shipQty": 2,
"serialNumbers": [
"serialNumber": "USD333555",
"quantity": 1
"serialNumber": "USD235678",
"quantity": 1
"tracking": [
"carrier": "Apple",
"trackNum": "555666",
"trackUrl": "",
"shipDate": "2019-09-08T10:01:00-04:00",
"SerialNumber": "00000645"
"row": [
"externalId": "1",
"unitNo": "OP04-123456-789",
"shipQty": 3,
"serialNumbers": [
"serialNumber": "USD123456",
"quantity": 1
"serialNumber": "USD98765",
"quantity": 1
"serialNumber": "USD45689",
"quantity": 1
"tracking": [
"carrier": "banana",
"trackNum": "587390",
"trackUrl": "",
"shipDate": "2019-09-08T10:01:00-04:00",
"SerialNumber": "00000365"
"row": [
"externalId": "2",
"unitNo": "OP05-123456-111",
"shipQty": 2,
"serialNumbers": [
"serialNumber": "USD00045",
"quantity": 1
"serialNumber": "USD00046",
"quantity": 1
Expected Json Output
"row": [
"externalId": "1",
"unitNo": "OP04-123456-789",
"shipQty": 5, //the shipQty should be add up when the externalId is same
"serialNumbers": [ //the serialNumbers should display all the data inside the serialNumbers when the externalId is same
"serialNumber": "USD333555",
"quantity": 1
"serialNumber": "USD235678",
"quantity": 1
"serialNumber": "USD123456",
"quantity": 1
"serialNumber": "USD98765",
"quantity": 1
"serialNumber": "USD45689",
"quantity": 1
"externalId": "2",
"unitNo": "OP05-123456-111",
"shipQty": 2,
"serialNumbers": [
"serialNumber": "USD00045",
"quantity": 1
"serialNumber": "USD00046",
"quantity": 1
It looks like you only need the data of "row" inside the fillingOrder field of your payload. So first thing to simplicy the problem is to get all the rows as a single array. Once you have that them you just need to group that by external id and the problem will start to look smaller.
%dw 2.0
output application/json
//First get all rows since it looks like you only need them.
//If you find this confusing try to use flatten with some simpler payloads.
var allRows = flatten(flatten(payload.order.fillingOrder).row)
//Group them according to external id.
var groupedExtId = allRows groupBy $.externalId
row: groupedExtId pluck ((value, extId, index) -> do {
var sumShipQuant = sum(value.shipQty default [])
externalId: (extId), //the key after grouping is external id
unitNo: value.unitNo[0], //assuming it is same across diff external id
shipQty: sumShipQuant,
serialNumbers: flatten(value.serialNumbers) //Flatten because value is an array and it has multiple serielNumbers array
This should help. I took some inspiration from Harshank Bansal post
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var groupFlat = flatten(flatten (payload.order.fillingOrder).row) groupBy ($.externalId)
row: [groupFlat mapObject ((value, key, index) -> {
externalId: value.externalId[0],
unitNO: value.unitNo[0],
shipQty: sum(value.shipQty),
serialNumbers: flatten(value.serialNumbers)
Try this:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
row:[ if (payload..order..row..externalId[0] == payload..order..row..externalId[1]) {
externalId : payload..order..row..externalId[0],
unitNo: payload..order..row..unitNo[0],
shipQty: payload..order..row..shipQty[0] + payload..order..row..shipQty[1],
serialNumbers: flatten (payload..order..row..serialNumbers)
else null]

Does HERE have Parcel boundary data?

Does HERE have data on property parcel boundaries?
I am looking for the coordinates of individual properties to overlay their maps.
Unfortunately we do not have this kind of data available. Maybe this might be interesting for you:
Within the Reverse Geocode you can Request the shape of a postal district for a given latitude and longitude
This example retrieves the shape and details of the first address around a specified location in Chicago (41.8839,-87.6389) using a 150 meter radius to retrieve the address. The expected address is: 425 W Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60606, United States.

The addition of the additionaldata=IncludeShapeLevel,postalCode parameter ensures that the shape of the postal district is also included in the response. Reverse geocoding requests can be made using the reversegeocode endpoint and adding the prox parameter to the request URL. The number of results returned can be restricted using the maxresults parameter.
"Response": {
"MetaInfo": {
"Timestamp": "2020-07-27T09:56:24.943+0000",
"NextPageInformation": "2"
"View": [
"_type": "SearchResultsViewType",
"ViewId": 0,
"Result": [
"Relevance": 1,
"Distance": 16.3,
"MatchLevel": "houseNumber",
"MatchQuality": {
"Country": 1,
"State": 1,
"County": 1,
"City": 1,
"District": 1,
"Street": [
"HouseNumber": 1,
"PostalCode": 1
"MatchType": "pointAddress",
"Location": {
"LocationId": "NT_puy2gbuVuGd-an6zGdSyNA_xADM",
"LocationType": "address",
"DisplayPosition": {
"Latitude": 41.88403,
"Longitude": -87.63881
"NavigationPosition": [
"Latitude": 41.88401,
"Longitude": -87.63845
"MapView": {
"TopLeft": {
"Latitude": 41.8851542,
"Longitude": -87.6403199
"BottomRight": {
"Latitude": 41.8829058,
"Longitude": -87.6373001
"Address": {
"Label": "100 N Riverside Plz, Chicago, IL 60606, United States",
"Country": "USA",
"State": "IL",
"County": "Cook",
"City": "Chicago",
"District": "West Loop",
"Street": "N Riverside Plz",
"HouseNumber": "100",
"PostalCode": "60606",
"AdditionalData": [
"value": "United States",
"key": "CountryName"
"value": "Illinois",
"key": "StateName"
"value": "Cook",
"key": "CountyName"
"value": "N",
"key": "PostalCodeType"
"MapReference": {
"ReferenceId": "1190062166",
"MapId": "NAAM20117",
"MapVersion": "Q1/2020",
"MapReleaseDate": "2020-06-29",
"Spot": 0.59,
"SideOfStreet": "left",
"CountryId": "21000001",
"StateId": "21002247",
"CountyId": "21002623",
"CityId": "21002647",
"BuildingId": "9000000000002726912",
"AddressId": "79186499",
"RoadLinkId": "499349060"
"Shape": {
"_type": "WKTShapeType",
"Value": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-87.6339 41.88446, -87.6338 41.8813, -87.63239 41.88132, -87.63238 41.88067, -87.63378 41.88068, -87.63376 41.8794, -87.63377 41.87812, -87.6352 41.87811, -87.6352 41.87682, -87.63665 41.87678, -87.63663 41.87666, -87.63664 41.87658, -87.6367 41.87664, -87.63674 41.87678, -87.63706 41.87677, -87.6374 41.87807, -87.63756 41.87861, -87.63774 41.87936, -87.63794 41.88062, -87.63791 41.8819, -87.63779 41.88322, -87.63764 41.88449, -87.63727 41.88574, -87.63739 41.88602, -87.63603 41.88695, -87.63559 41.88717, -87.63248 41.8871, -87.63248 41.88703, -87.63374 41.88703, -87.63386 41.887, -87.63395 41.88702, -87.6339 41.88446)), ((-87.64102 41.87676, -87.64104 41.87804, -87.63955 41.87805, -87.63959 41.87933, -87.63966 41.88058, -87.63969 41.88187, -87.63976 41.88318, -87.6398 41.88446, -87.64022 41.88445, -87.64022 41.8846, -87.64025 41.88479, -87.64035 41.8851, -87.64047 41.88571, -87.63981 41.88572, -87.64062 41.88625, -87.64063 41.88639, -87.64064 41.88678, -87.63989 41.88679, -87.63993 41.88758, -87.6401 41.88769, -87.64035 41.88782, -87.64054 41.8879, -87.6407 41.88793, -87.64076 41.88828, -87.64085 41.88859, -87.63996 41.88847, -87.63999 41.88906, -87.63971 41.88905, -87.63961 41.88882, -87.63954 41.8887, -87.63918 41.88675, -87.63873 41.8864, -87.63841 41.88588, -87.6383 41.88573, -87.63812 41.88522, -87.63825 41.88449, -87.63845 41.88321, -87.63855 41.88231, -87.63858 41.88104, -87.63855 41.88061, -87.63836 41.87935, -87.63787 41.87794, -87.63778 41.87751, -87.63752 41.87751, -87.63752 41.87731, -87.63775 41.87728, -87.6377 41.87687, -87.63784 41.87684, -87.63778 41.87676, -87.64102 41.87676)))"
See also

jsonb query in postgres

I've a table in postgres named: op_user_event_data, which has a column named data, where I store a jsonb, and what I have at the moment is a json like this:
"aisles": [],
"taskGroups": [
"index": 0,
"tasks": [
"index": 1,
"mandatory": false,
"name": "Dados de Linear",
"structuresType": null,
"lines": [
"sku": {
"skuId": 1,
"skuName": "Limiano Bola",
"marketId": [
"productId": 15,
"brandId": [
"taskLineFields": [
"tcv": {
"value": "2126474"
"columnType": "skuLocalCode",
"columnId": 99
"tcv": {
"value": null
"columnType": "face",
"columnId": 29
"sku": {
"skuId": 3,
"skuName": "Limiano Bolinha",
"marketId": [
"productId": 15,
"brandId": [
"taskLineFields": [
"tcv": {
"value": "2545842"
"columnType": "skuLocalCode",
"columnId": 99
"tcv": {
"value": null
"columnType": "face",
"columnId": 29
"sku": {
"skuId": 5,
"skuName": "Limiano Bola 1/2",
"marketId": [
"productId": 15,
"brandId": [
"taskLineFields": [
"tcv": {
"value": "5127450"
"columnType": "skuLocalCode",
"columnId": 99
"tcv": {
"value": "5.89"
"columnType": "rsp",
"columnId": 33
Basically I've an object which has
Aisles [],
id and name.
Inside the taskGroups as shown in the json, one of the atributes is tasks which is an array, that also have an array called lines which have an array of sku and tasklines.
taskGroups -> tasks -> lines -> sku or taskLineFields.
I've tried different queries to get the sku but when I try to get anything further than 'lines' it just came as blank or in some other tries 'cannot call elements from scalar'
Can anyone help me with this issue? Note this is just a sample json.
Anyone knows how make this to work:
I Want all lines where lines->taskLineFields->columnType = 'offer'
All I can do is this, but throwing error on scalar:
SELECT lines->'sku' Produto, lines->'taskLineFields'->'tcv'->>'value' ValorOferta
FROM sd_bel.op_user_event_data,
jsonb_array_elements(data->'taskGroups') taskgroups,
jsonb_array_elements(taskgroups->'tasks') tasks,
jsonb_array_elements(tasks->'columns') columns,
jsonb_array_elements(tasks->'lines') lines
WHERE created_by = 'belteste'
AND lines->'taskLineFields'->>'columnType' = 'offer'
say your data is in some json_column in your table
with t as (
select json_column as xyz from table
tg as ( select json_array_elements(xyz->'taskGroups') taskgroups from t),
tsk as (select json_array_elements(taskgroups->'tasks') tasks from tg)
select json_array_elements(tasks->'lines') -> 'sku' as sku from tsk;

Twitter search api entities with media not working with for Windows phone Mango silverlight

Below is my returned json from twitter
"created_at": "Sat, 11 Feb 2012 06:38:28 +0000",
"entities": {
"hashtags": [
"text": "Shubhdin",
"indices": [
"urls": [],
"user_mentions": [
"screen_name": "SAMdLaw",
"name": "Sabyasachi Mohapatra",
"id": 104420398,
"id_str": "104420398",
"indices": [
"from_user": "nilayshah80",
"from_user_id": 213599118,
"from_user_id_str": "213599118",
"from_user_name": "Nilay Shah",
"geo": {
"coordinates": [
"type": "Point"
"id": 168222351106899968,
"id_str": "168222351106899968",
"iso_language_code": "in",
"metadata": {
"result_type": "recent"
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_image_url_https": "",
"source": "<a href="" rel="nofollow">twabbit</a>",
"text": "#SAMdLaw #Shubhdin mitra",
"to_user": "SAMdLaw",
"to_user_id": 104420398,
"to_user_id_str": "104420398",
"to_user_name": "Sabyasachi Mohapatra",
"in_reply_to_status_id": 168219865197461505,
"in_reply_to_status_id_str": "168219865197461505"
"created_at": "Sun, 12 Feb 2012 01:54:07 +0000",
"entities": {
"hashtags": [
"text": "IWIllAlwaysLoveYou",
"indices": [
"urls": [],
"user_mentions": [],
"media": [
"id": 168513175187238912,
"id_str": "168513175187238912",
"indices": [
"media_url": "",
"media_url_https": "",
"url": "",
"display_url": "",
"expanded_url": "",
"type": "photo",
"sizes": {
"orig": {
"w": 395,
"h": 594,
"resize": "fit"
"large": {
"w": 395,
"h": 594,
"resize": "fit"
"thumb": {
"w": 150,
"h": 150,
"resize": "crop"
"small": {
"w": 340,
"h": 511,
"resize": "fit"
"medium": {
"w": 395,
"h": 594,
"resize": "fit"
"from_user": "RIPWhitneyH",
"from_user_id": 19319043,
"from_user_id_str": "19319043",
"from_user_name": "RIP Whitney Houston",
"geo": null,
"id": 168513175183044608,
"id_str": "168513175183044608",
"iso_language_code": "en",
"metadata": {
"recent_retweets": 8,
"result_type": "popular"
"profile_image_url": "",
"profile_image_url_https": "",
"source": "<a href="">web</a>",
"text": "R-T if you think that the Grammy's should organize an \"R.I.P. Whitney Houston\" tribute. #IWIllAlwaysLoveYou",
"to_user": null,
"to_user_id": null,
"to_user_id_str": null,
"to_user_name": null
If you noticed Media under entities not available in above 2 and when i tried to call below snippet gives me null reference error
MediaUrl = (from user in tweet["entities"]["media"]
select new mediaUrl
shortUrl = (string)user["url"],
longUrl = (string)user["expanded_url"],
url = (string)user["media_url"],
start = user["indices"][0].ToString(),
end = user["indices"][1].ToString(),
mediaType = (string)user["type"],
Same code work for Entities/URL, Hashtags and mentions but not for Media.
Also tried this -> Get JSON object node but still getting null reference exception.
In first tweet, entities object doesn't have media property, so when evaluating first tweet, your code would be equivalent to :
MediaUrl = (from user in (IEnumerable<JToken>)null
select new mediaUrl
shortUrl = (string)user["url"],
longUrl = (string)user["expanded_url"],
url = (string)user["media_url"],
start = user["indices"][0].ToString(),
end = user["indices"][1].ToString(),
mediaType = (string)user["type"],
which will throw ArgumentNullException because that code does query on null reference collection.
Finally got working. Not appropriate solution but works for me.
I created separate method for parsing Media. Passed Entity as string and in that method i checked is EntityString.Contains Media or not. If yes, then parse media json else returned null. See below Snippet.
if (Entities != string.Empty)
if (Entities.Contains("\"media\":"))
JObject searchResult = JObject.Parse(Entities);
returnMedia = (from user in searchResult["media"]
select new mediaUrl
shortUrl = (string)user["url"],
longUrl = (string)user["expanded_url"],
url = (string)user["media_url"],
start = user["indices"][0].ToString(),
end = user["indices"][1].ToString(),
mediaType = (string)user["type"],
This works for me. If you have any better solution then Please let me know.
