Why isn't my React app deploying on GitHub - reactjs

I'm trying to publish a react app I build on VS code, but it's not working. I followed this tutorial (https://github.com/gitname/react-gh-pages) but I can't access it at the address, I get 404. Here's my repo I'm trying use https://github.com/LazaroFilm/markdown-previewer

If you mean getting 404 on Github Pages, then be a little patient since it takes some time for github pages to show your demo

SOLVED. I needed to set the default branch in my GitHub repo settings.


GitHub pages deployed with react-gh-pages updated the gh-pages branch but the app is showing 404

I have a website hosted with GitHub Pages at https://[username].github.io.
I have a separate deployment for the repo [username].github.io and the web page hosted at https://[username].github.io is working fine.
I recently created a react app using create-react-app and wanted to host that to Github pages. The repo name is react-gsap. Now I followed the https://github.com/gitname/react-gh-pages tutorial to deploy the app to Github pages. Once I ran npm run deploy I see that the gh-pages branch is created and it has the index.html and other files that are required to run the web app.
The problem is when I access https://[username].github.io/react-gsap I am getting 404.
Here's the repo that I created: https://github.com/atiqorin/react-gsap
What am I missing?
It was just a delay. The github pages is working now. I guess it takes some time to have the page ready. Anyone having similar issue might want to wait an hour to see the changes.

Netlify Not Rendering React Component

Here is the link to my React project https://github.com/Count-T/blogfrontend, I ran npm run build and put that folder into netlify but when I check the app it only shows a blank page. I don't know is the problem is react-router but I already put a file to redirect netlify to index.html. This is my second time uploading a project onto netlify but my previous project did not use react-router-dom. Any help would be much appreciated thanks!
Link to netlify website: https://tonyliblog.netlify.app/
Here is an image of the website
I do see an error "Cannot convert undefined or null to object" in the console on the netlify site. I don't know if that could help you to pin down the issue. Did it run without any problem in your local env? Are you using any environment variables/ Keys to access your API?

i made first react app and when i upload it on github i only see blank page on github page

hi so im trying to upload page made in react to github at start i ran into problem of it showing me only README file but i managed to solve that by following deployment guide on react website and that help well kind of, now i ran into other problem which is that github is just showing me blank page i don't understand why is it like this cuz i changed file and it shouldn't be empty and here is git repository for non- npm build version of page and also here is git repo for the build version of page that is just blank, am i running in this problem cuz i used npm build wrong way? how do i fix it? thanks in advance
I had the same problem and I found easier to use Netlify to upload websites.
I think if you are using only an html file you can just set the github pages with root and it shouldn't reuqire to use build run, I think the build command it is for projects done with frameworks/more complext. Try to do like that maybe it will work.

When using Github pages and React how do you deploy to the homepage, i.e. https://username.github.io/?

All the examples I see online have you deploy to a subdomain (for example https://username.github.io/my-app). But how do you deploy to the homepage when using React? In my package.json file I have "homepage": "http://username.github.io/" and I'm using npm run deploy however my site doesn't show up, instead a React information file displays.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I figured out what I need to do after reading the 'Github Pages' section of this website: https://create-react-app.dev/docs/deployment/.

How do I deploy a react website to github pages?

I've tried following the github documentation and this video tutorial to a T https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq6EkzoZp4w and yet when ever I try and visit my site I simply get a 404 error, this a link to the gh-page repo https://github.com/Jseto97/jseto.me/tree/gh-pages. Not sure what i'm doing wrong.
check this, it is very good tutorial to deploy react app on github pages https://medium.freecodecamp.org/surge-vs-github-pages-deploying-a-create-react-app-project-c0ecbf317089
