I'm was finished with cs50 pset5 speller(or so I thought), when I ran my complete program for the first time. It started printing out some words, so I was like: "Bingo! I'm done!" and I was seriously happy because I've been working on it for weeks. But then, while it was going through the words, I noticed some words like the word 'and' printed out when they were in the dictionary. So I thought that I had a small bug in my code. But when it came to the end of the list, It didn't do the 'Words misspelled:' Part and the other parts. It didn't even make a new line starting with $~. I had to close up that entire terminal because I couldn't do anything else there since it was like this:
Those words were the last words, and then there's just an empty line. Then I opened a new terminal and checked my answers with the staff's answers, and SO much was wrong! I tried to find some bugs in my code, but I couldn't find any. If you can find some and tell me, I REALLY appreciate it. Here's my code:
// Implements a dictionary's functionality
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dictionary.h"
#include <strings.h>
// Represents a node in a hash table
typedef struct node
char word[LENGTH + 1];
struct node *next;
// Number of buckets in hash table
const unsigned int N = 19683;
// Hash table
node *table[N];
// Returns true if word is in dictionary else false
bool check(const char *word)
unsigned int lol = hash(word);
int i;
node *cursor =table[lol];;
while(cursor != NULL)
if(strcasecmp(word, cursor -> word) == 0)
return true;
cursor = cursor->next;
return false;
// Hashes word to a number
unsigned int hash(const char *word)
int count = 0;
for(int i = 96; i < 122; i++)
for(int j = 96; j < 122; j++)
for(int d = 96; d < 122; d++)
char firstletter = i;
char secondletter = j;
char thirdletter = d;
if(word[0] == firstletter&& word[1] == secondletter && word[2] == thirdletter)
return count;
return 1;
// Loads dictionary into memory, returning true if successful else false
bool load(const char *dictionary)
// Open dictionary and check for memory issue
// Open dictionary file and create word array
FILE *dict = fopen(dictionary, "r");
char word[LENGTH + 1];
// Check for memory issue with dict
if(dict == NULL)
printf("Dictionary is null\n");
return false;
// Read string 1 word at a time
while (fscanf(dict, "%s", word) != EOF)
node *n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (n == NULL)
return false;
strcpy(n -> word, word);
// Index word using hash function
int dict_index = hash(word);
// Insert into hash table if already empty
if (table[dict_index] == NULL)
n -> next = NULL;
// Insert work as new node if not empyty
n -> next = table[dict_index];
table[dict_index] = n;
// Close dictionary file
// Indicate success
return true;
// Returns number of words in dictionary if loaded else 0 if not yet loaded
unsigned int size(void)
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
while(table[i] != NULL)
node* cursor = table[i];
cursor = cursor -> next;
return count;
// Unloads dictionary from memory, returning true if successful else false
bool unload(void)
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
node *cursor = table[i];
node *temp = cursor;
cursor = cursor -> next;
if(temp != NULL)
return true;
return 1;
Thanks a lot,
Lost in code.
hash is not case sensitive. Any word in the text with a capital letter will go in index 1.
unload has an infinte loop here while(table[i] != NULL) because table[i] never changes
Fixing these two issues should produce progress, though maybe not total success.
NB ctrl-c should end a program that is stuck in a loop without needing to close the terminal.
I have been working on the Speller assignment in pset5, and when I run the check50 command, everything seems to be fine.
:) dictionary.c exists
:) speller compiles
:) handles most basic words properly
:) handles min length (1-char) words
:) handles max length (45-char) words
:) handles words with apostrophes properly
:) spell-checking is case-insensitive
:) handles substrings properly
:) program is free of memory errors
But when I start testing the program myself by running "./speller texts/lalaland.txt " This happens
ps5/speller/ $ ./speller texts/lalaland.txt
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Here is my code, code anyone help spot what is wrong with this.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include "dictionary.h"
// Represents a node in a hash table
typedef struct node
char word[LENGTH + 1];
struct node *next;
// TODO: Choose number of buckets in hash table
const unsigned int N = 676;
// Hash table
node *table[N];
// Returns true if word is in dictionary, else false
bool check(const char *word)
int number = hash(word);
node *current = table[number];
while (current != NULL)
if (strcasecmp(word, current -> word) == 0)
return true;
current = current -> next;
return false;
// Hashes word to a number
unsigned int hash(const char *word)
// TODO: Improve this hash function
int a = toupper(word[0]) - 'A';
int b = toupper(word[1]) - 'A';
return (a * b);
int counter;
// Loads dictionary into memory, returning true if successful, else false
bool load(const char *dictionary)
//Open the file and check if it actually exists
FILE *file = fopen(dictionary, "r");
if (file == NULL)
printf("Unable to open file\n");
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
table [i] = malloc(sizeof(node));
table [i]-> next = NULL;
for (int u = 0; u < 48 ; u++)
table [i]-> word[u] = '0';
char buffer[LENGTH + 1];
//Read all the individual strings from the file
while (fscanf(file, "%s", buffer) != EOF)
//Create nodes and copy the words into them
node *current_node = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (current_node == NULL)
return false;
strcpy(current_node -> word, buffer);
int hashnumber = hash(buffer);
node *pointer = table[hashnumber];
if (pointer == NULL)
table[hashnumber] = current_node;
current_node -> next = table[hashnumber];
table[hashnumber] = current_node;
return true;
// Returns number of words in dictionary if loaded, else 0 if not yet loaded
unsigned int size(void)
return counter;
// Unloads dictionary from memory, returning true if successful, else false
bool unload(void)
for (int i = 0; i < 676; i++)
node *current = table[i];
while (current != NULL)
node *temp = current;
current = current -> next;
return true;
Try this:
node *current_node = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (current_node == NULL)
return false;
current_node->next = NULL; // Missing, and presumed NULL..
strcpy(current_node->word, buffer);
It seemed like once I initialized the variable as NULL and made changes to the hash function. I checked through the other files and it worked now. Thanks!
I am working on Pset5 Speller. I made hashing function using the concept of binary numbers of base 26. So single alphabet words are stored in index 1-26, words containing apostrophes are stored in index 0 and the remaining are hashed using the first two alphabets. I tried to debug the code and run Valgrind on it still was unable to find the reason for failing of Substring tests any suggestions
// Implements a dictionary's functionality
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include "dictionary.h"
// Represents a node in a hash table
typedef struct node
char word[LENGTH + 1];
struct node *next;
// Number of buckets in hash table
const unsigned int N = (26 * 26) + 26 + 1 ;
// Hash table
node *table[N];
int numberofwords = 0;
// Returns true if word is in dictionary, else false
bool check(const char *word)
int index = hash(word);
node *checker;
checker = table[index];
while (checker != NULL)
int comp = strcasecmp(word, checker->word);
if (comp == 0)
return true;
checker = checker->next;
return false;
// Hashes word to a number
unsigned int hash(const char *word)
int value = 0;
int length = strlen(word);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
char c = word[i];
if (c == '\'')
value = 0;
return value;
if (length == 1)
value = tolower(word[0]) - 'a' + 1;
return value;
value = (26 * (tolower(word[1]) - 'a' + 1)) + (tolower(word[0]) - 'a' + 1);
return value;
// Loads dictionary into memory, returning true if successful, else false
bool load(const char *dictionary)
//open dictionary and loop till EOF
char buffer[LENGTH + 1];
FILE *temp = fopen(dictionary, "r");
if (temp == NULL)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
table[i] = NULL;
while (fscanf(temp, "%s", buffer) != EOF)
node *temp_node = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (temp_node == NULL)
return false;
strcpy(temp_node->word, buffer);
temp_node->next = NULL;
//hash the word
int locate = hash(buffer);
if (table[locate] == NULL)
table[locate] = temp_node;
temp_node->next = table[locate];
table[locate] = temp_node -> next;
return true;
// Returns number of words in dictionary if loaded, else 0 if not yet loaded
unsigned int size(void)
return numberofwords;
// Unloads dictionary from memory, returning true if successful, else false
bool unload(void)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
node *start = table[i];
node *freeer = start;
node *remember = start;
while (remember != NULL)
remember = remember->next;
freeer = remember;
return true;
here is the link to errors
This looks like a problem in load:
temp_node->next = table[locate];
table[locate] = temp_node -> next;
It looks circular, they are pointing to each other.
Try debugging with the small dictionary and a text file that contains the 5 words in ACTUAL OUTPUT pane plus the word cat.
check50 did not check for memory errors because of the failed test ("can't check until a frown turns upside down")
currently doing the speller problem of cs50 pset5.
I'm having a trouble with forming the hash table and i think it causes a segmentation fault later on when i try to run a function that searches the table.
this is the function that creates the hash table:
bool load(const char *dictionary)
FILE *dict = fopen(dictionary, "r"); //opens dictionary file
if (dict == NULL) // if cant be opened loading failed
return false;
char w[LENGTH + 1]; //buffer (length is the maximum character number
int i = 0; //index within word
while(fscanf(dict, "%s", w) != EOF) // scanning the dictionary for words
int x = hash(w); //getting the number of the linked list within the table
node *n = malloc(sizeof(node)); //allocating memory for a new node
if (n == NULL)
return false;
for (int j = 0; j < strlen(w) + 1; j++) // documenting the word within the new node
n->word[i] = w[j];
n->next = table[x];
table[x] = n; //new node is the beginning of the linked list
return true;
my main question is whether my code for forming the table is correct and if not then why
thank you in advance
and this is the entire code:
// Implements a dictionary's functionality
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "dictionary.h"
// Represents a node in a hash table
typedef struct node
char word[LENGTH + 1];
struct node *next;
// Number of buckets in hash table
const unsigned int N = 26;
int dicsize = 0;
// Hash table
node *table[N];
// Returns true if word is in dictionary, else false
bool check(const char *word)
int x = hash(word);
node *cur = table[x];
while(table[x] != NULL)
if(strcasecmp(word, cur->word) == 0)
return true;
if(cur == NULL)
return false;
cur = cur->next;
return false;
// Hashes word to a number
unsigned int hash(const char *word)
char temp = tolower(word[0]);
int place = (temp - 97);
return place;
// Loads dictionary into memory, returning true if successful, else false
bool load(const char *dictionary)
FILE *dict = fopen(dictionary, "r"); //opens dictionary file
if (dict == NULL) // if cant be opened loading failed
return false;
char w[LENGTH + 1]; //buffer
int i = 0; //index within word
while(fscanf(dict, "%s", w) != EOF) // scanning the dictionary for words
int x = hash(w); //getting the number of the linked list within the table
node *n = malloc(sizeof(node)); //allocating memory for a new node
if (n == NULL)
return false;
for (int j = 0; j < strlen(w) + 1; j++) // documenting the word within the new node
n->word[i] = w[j];
n->next = table[x];
table[x] = n; //new node is the beginning of the linked list
return true;
// Returns number of words in dictionary if loaded, else 0 if not yet loaded
unsigned int size(void)
printf("%i", dicsize);
return dicsize;
// Unloads dictionary from memory, returning true if successful, else false
bool unload(void)
return false;
The likely culprit is
for (int j = 0; j < strlen(w) + 1; j++) // documenting the word within the new node
n->word[i] = w[j];
As i is not changing inside the loop, instead of copying the string it will dump all the chars into one. The other index should also be j. (as in n->word[j] = w[j];)
It would be better to do this as strcpy anyway.
I am working through the CS50 Speller problem and facing a problem that when running the program it returns an error of "Could not unload dictionaries/large."
I have looked at other people's solutions and can't for the life of me identify what is going wrong in my program. I am thinking it is in the has function, but have seen this has function in other people's working programs?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
// Implements a dictionary's functionality
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include "dictionary.h"
// Represents a node in a hash table
typedef struct node
char word[LENGTH + 1];
struct node *next;
// Number of words in dictionary
int word_count = 0;
// Number of buckets in hash table
const unsigned int N = 26;
// Hash table
node *table[N];
// Returns true if word is in dictionary else false
bool check(const char *word)
unsigned int n = hash(word);
node *cursor = table[n];
while (cursor != NULL)
if (strcasecmp(word, cursor -> word) == 0)
return true;
cursor = cursor -> next;
return false;
// Hashes word to a number
// Function credit to delipity(staff) on CS50 reddit page
unsigned int hash(const char *word)
unsigned int hash_value = 0;
for (int i = 0, n = strlen(word); i < n; i++)
hash_value = (hash_value << 2) ^ word[i];
return hash_value % N; //N is size of hashtable
// Loads dictionary into memory, returning true if successful else false
bool load(const char *dictionary)
// Open dictionary and check for memory issue
// Open dictionary file and create word array
FILE *dict = fopen(dictionary, "r");
char word[LENGTH + 1];
// Check for memory issue with dict
if(dict == NULL)
printf("Dictionary is null\n");
return false;
// Read string 1 word at a time
while (fscanf(dict, "%s", word) != EOF)
node *n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (n == NULL)
return false;
strcpy(n -> word, word);
// Index word using hash function
int dict_index = hash(word);
// Insert into hash table if already empty
if (table[dict_index] == NULL)
n -> next = NULL;
// Insert work as new node if not empyty
n -> next = table[dict_index];
table[dict_index] = n;
// Close dictionary file
// Indicate success
return true;
// Returns number of words in dictionary if loaded else 0 if not yet loaded
unsigned int size(void)
return word_count;
return 0;
// Unloads dictionary from memory, returning true if successful else false
bool unload(void)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
node *cursor = table[i];
node *tmp = cursor;
while (cursor != NULL)
cursor = cursor -> next;
tmp = cursor;
return false;
bool unload(void)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
node *cursor = table[i];
while (cursor)
node *temp = cursor;
cursor = cursor->next;
return true;
Try this instead for the unload function
I've been having some trouble coming up with the solution for an error. Basically my code builds a hash table using linked lists and arrays (in order to build a dictionary) and then spell checks .txt files in order to ensure that a word is in the dictionary. When I try to check it with CS50 check50 I get the following output :
:) speller compiles
:( handles most basic words properly
expected "MISSPELLED WOR...", not "MISSPELLED WOR..."
:) handles min length (1-char) words
:) handles max length (45-char) words
:) handles words with apostrophes properly
:) spell-checking is case-insensitive
:) handles substrings properly
:) program is free of memory errors
So as you can see I have a problem with the most basic words. I couldn't find a solution or a fix for my code.
Listing my code below :
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include "dictionary.h"
// Represents a node in a hash table
typedef struct node
char word[LENGTH + 1];
struct node *next;
// Number of buckets in hash table
const unsigned int N = 27;
//Number of words on dictionary
int COUNTER = -1;
//Check if dictionary is loaded
bool LOAD = false;
// Hash table
node *table[N] = {NULL};
// Returns true if word is in dictionary else false
bool check(const char *word)
unsigned int k = hash(word);
node *trav = table[k];
while (trav->next != NULL)
if ((strcasecmp(word, trav->word)) == 0)
return true;
trav = trav->next;
return false;
// Hashes word to a number
unsigned int hash(const char *word)
// assign a number to the first char of buffer from 0-25
if ((isalpha(word[0]) > 0))
return tolower(word[0]) - 'a';
return 26;
// Loads dictionary into memory, returning true if successful else false
char c;
bool load(const char *dictionary)
FILE *file = fopen(dictionary, "r");
if (file == NULL)
LOAD = false;
return false;
char wordy[LENGTH + 1];
c = fscanf(file, "%s", wordy);
node *n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (n == NULL)
LOAD = false;
return false;
strcpy(n->word, wordy);
n->next = NULL;
unsigned int i = hash(wordy);
if (table[i] == NULL)
table[i] = n;
node *p = table[i];
while (true)
if (p->next == NULL)
p->next = n;
p = p->next;
while (c != EOF);
LOAD = true;
return true;
// Returns number of words in dictionary if loaded else 0 if not yet loaded
unsigned int size(void)
if (LOAD)
return COUNTER;
return 0;
// Unloads dictionary from memory, returning true if successful else false
bool unload(void)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
node *cursor = table[i];
while (cursor != NULL)
node *temp = cursor;
cursor = cursor->next;
LOAD = false;
return true;
Run ./speller dictionaries/small texts/cat.txt and you will get a seg fault. That is because check is trying to access trav->next when table[k] is NULL here while (trav->next != NULL). I'll let you work out (the very simple) correction.